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Last active September 24, 2023 14:50
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Running a Mastodon server on (plus some stuff)
app = "mastiff"
primary_region = "iad"
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = 5
processes = []
image = "tootsuite/mastodon:v3.5.5"
RAILS_ENV = "production"
SMTP_LOGIN = "apikey"
S3_ENABLED = "true"
S3_BUCKET = "files-mastiff-party"
S3_REGION = "auto"
S3_PROTOCOL = "https"
S3_HOSTNAME = "<acct num>"
S3_ENDPOINT = "https://<acct num>"
S3_PERMISSION = "private"
web = "bundle exec rails s -p 3000"
streaming = "node ./streaming"
sidekiq = "bundle exec sidekiq"
allowed_public_ports = []
auto_rollback = false
processes = ["web"]
internal_port = 3000
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = false
auto_start_machines = false
min_machines_running = 1
type = "requests"
soft_limit = 20
hard_limit = 25
grace_period = "5s"
interval = "30s"
method = "GET"
timeout = "5s"
path = "/health"
http_checks = []
internal_port = 4000
processes = ["streaming"]
protocol = "tcp"
script_checks = []
hard_limit = 25
soft_limit = 20
type = "connections"
handlers = ["tls", "http"]
port = 4000
grace_period = "1s"
interval = "15s"
restart_limit = 0
timeout = "2s"

Running a Mastodon server on (plus some stuff)

With the recent chaos at Twitter and the future of the platform looking unclear, many are looking for alternatives. One popular alternative that has seen tremendous growth over the last several weeks has been Mastodon. Mastodon builds on a federated set of individual communities, each backed by their own running server instance. It's too early to tell if Mastodon will be the "replacement" for Twitter, but it does appear to be facilitating a different kind of discussion format.

If you are looking to join Mastodon, it is best to jump into one of the existing communities and join the conversations ongoing there. However, you can also start your own community and host your own Mastodon instance. You can always follow people in different communities as part of the fediverse.

This document briefly describes how to get Mastodon running on That's actually not 100% accurate because it actually uses a combination of services. For a small server with few users, you can operate a Mastodon instance with minor spend by leveraging the free tiers of many services. This is somewhat of a cobbled mess, so if you want a quick solution the Digital Ocean pre-built instances are likely easier to get started with.

Caveat, this is for a small setup at the moment. It is unclear how this will scale or which components will be bottlenecks in the future.

UPDATE: Nov 24, 2022: This was updated to use Cloudflare R2 in place of AWS S3. This required setting an additional environment variable. See the revisions of this doc for instructions on how to use AWS S3.

UPDATE: Feb, 2023: Upstash redis on now supports HyperLogLog, so this article was updated to use the free Redis instead.


For this setup I'm using the following active services. I don't have any skin in the game on any of these, so it should be relatively unbiased.

  • Google Domains: domain registrar
  • VMs, Redis, and Postgres
  • AWS: S3
  • Cloudflare: R2, DNS, and cached hosting of Mastodon Assets and user-uploaded content
  • Sendgrid: email delivery

As to costs, the current usage of comes in under their minimum monthly charge of $5, so the costs are waived.

This document walks through the approximate order I would use to set up these services. However, I built this with a lot of trial and error, so this was not the order of operations I followed initially.

Buy a domain

You will need a custom domain for your community. Chose your favorite domain registrar, it shouldn't matter too much which you chose. I used Google Domains because I had bought domains from there before.

For the remainder of this doc I'll assume a domain of, a Mastodon dedicated to the love of Mastiffs. (I have no idea if this is an active community or not)


You will need a service that can reliably deliver emails for sign up email verification, notifications and other transactional updates. You should be able to use any service that offers SMTP delivery. I chose Sendgrid, they have a free plan that allows up to 100 emails/day. I have few users on my instance, so that felt like plenty.

Sign up for an account and enter your domain name. You will need to authenticate your domain and verify a sender address. Follow the instructions for domain authentication, it will require adding some records to your DNS settings from the registrar. Then you'll want to setup a single sender that emails will be sent from. Following the example here, I used as my sender address.

Ensure that link branding is turned off, even if the domain verification says that it should work. SSL problems mean that the links won't work. Use the direct Sendgrid links for now (see Hiccup below).

Lastly, setup an API key in your settings and remember the key value. You'll use this when setting up the configuration for your site.


My setup uses Cloudflare for a few aspects:

  • R2 object storage, similar to AWS S3
  • Exposing the R2 bucket as public under the domain name
  • Caching of the Mastodon static assets, as
  • General DNS

Create a new account with Cloudflare or start a new site. During the setup you will be instructed on how to move your DNS to Cloudflare. This is not an optional step.

Once setup, first create a R2 bucket in Cloudflare, for this guide I'll name it files-mastiff-party. Once created go to the "Manage R2 API Tokens" to grab the key and secret key. These will be set as the AWS_* variables below.

Under the new R2 bucket, grab the endpoint URL under the bucket name at the top of the page. Second, go to Bucket Settings and create a domain under the section "domain access". Enter the name, it will then create a DNS entry for files under your site that points to the bucket. This will expose the files in the bucket as public even though they are by default private.

In the environment variables, shown later in the fly.toml, you will need to set S3_PERMISSION=private. This prevents Mastodon from trying to use a public-read object ACL that is not supported on Cloudflare. Instead, the custom domain exposes the objects as public.

In your DNS settings you will want to setup the following records:

  • A record: root) -> IPv4 address (configured next)
    • Do not configure Proxying
  • AAAA record: -> IPv6 address configured next)
    • Do not configure Proxying
  • CNAME record: assets ->
    • Configure Proxying (caching)

Under the SSL/TLS settings for your domain, enable Full (strict) encryption mode. Otherwise Cloudflare will attempt an HTTP connection to your origin server on Fly and get an HTTPS redirect. This will end up causing a redirect loop.

Second, under Rules -> Transform Rules, select the Header Modification box on the right. You will need to create a HTTP Response Header Modification rule. These are the settings I used:

  • rule name: access-control-allow-origin
  • Under matches:
    • Field: Request method
    • Operator: is in
  • Then,
    • Enable Set static
    • Header name: Access-Control-Allow-Origin
    • Value *

This CORS header rule will permit Javascript resources loaded from to access

The remainder of the components will be setup on Mastodon provides pre-built Docker images on Dockerhub so it is easy to simply use those directly. I've broken the steps out by the component pieces.

An example fly.toml is attached to this gist with the relevant values that should match the rest of the config in this doc. I'm going to use the Fly app name of mastiff for this example.


The app is split between three VMs: web, sidekiq and streaming. This is my current scaling sizes for the VMs. You will definitely need more than the default 256MB for web and sidekiq or you'll see OOM's even at small scale. Streaming doesn't appear to need as much so can be kept at 256MB.

  • web
    • Size: shared-cpu-1x
    • Memory: 1GB
  • sidekiq
    • Size: shared-cpu-1x
    • Memory: 1GB
  • streaming
    • Size: shared-cpu-1x
    • Memory: 256MB


To get started, the shared-cpu-1x Postgres VM with 256MB of memory should be fine. Provision the DB with flyctl and once it is running attach it to your Mastodon application. This will set the DATABASE_URL in the app allowing Rails to connect.


Mastodon relies on Redis as part of its architecture. The Redis provided on is based on the Upstash distribution. For a small site, the free Redis tier of 100MB was fine to get started with.

Just start with the following:

$ flyctl redis create

Follow the steps to provision a 100MB instance in the same region as your VMs.

Record the password exported by fly redis status <instance> in the "Private URL" and set that as the secret REDIS_PASSWORD. You'll notice the REDIS_HOST is part of the fly.toml and should match the Private URL.

Custom domain

You'll want to follow the steps here to setup your Fly application with your custom domain. This will be where you'll plug the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses into your Cloudflare DNS.

SSL Certs

When you add your custom domain Fly will auto-provision an SSL cert for your domain using Let's Encrypt. However, Cloudflare will need to proxy requests for to your site and hence will need a wildcard cert as well. Use the flyctl command to create a wildcard cert. (Unfortunately you can not change the name of the origin Cloudflare uses to proxy to in their free plans).


Along with the configuration in the provided fly.toml, you will need to set the following secrets with flyctl secrets set. I've tried to limit this to only values that are actually secret. All other values are specified in the fly.toml.

AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY	The secret user key for the R2 bucket
DATABASE_URL         	Set automatically when the Postgres DB is attached
OTP_SECRET           	Generated below
REDIS_PASSWORD       	Redis password, see Redis section above.
SECRET_KEY_BASE      	Generated below
SMTP_PASSWORD        	From Sendgrid's API auth creds
VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY    	Generated below
VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY     	Generated below

Rails setup

For these commands you should deploy the Mastodon container and then use the following to access the VM: flyctl ssh console. Once you have a terminal in the app, cd to /mastodon. This is where the app code exists in the VM.

  1. Setup the DB:
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load
  1. Generate the secrets, this will provide SECRET_KEY_BASE and OTP_SECRET
bundle exec rake secret
  1. Generate the web push secrets, will provide VAPID_*_KEY values
bundle exec rake mastodon:webpush:generate_vapid_key


See the provided fly.toml example for the remaining settings. A few mentions:

  • ALTERNATE_DOMAINS: any potential name that may be used in a request should be listed here or else Rails will 403 the request
  • CDN_HOST: Domain that will be used to cache and offload the static assets, make sure to include the scheme (https://) here or else you'll have problems
  • S3_ALIAS_HOST: This is the Cloudflare proxy rule that will expose the R2 assets under your custom domain name in case you want to move them in the future
  • STREAMING_API_BASE_URL: This allows websocket streaming to work by requesting the streaming on a different port. In theory you would have nginx in front of your app to redirect those requests to the node.js app, but since we're running that in a separate VM this was a work around. Would love to know if there's a better way to handle this on Fly.

This should be all you need to get the site loading. Deploy and check out The monitoring logs on Fly are also critical to debugging any potential issues.

Post setup

Once you have the server running and have created a user, you can give yourself admin privileges by logging into the rails console (see above) and running the following (replace myusername):

RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/tootctl accounts modify myusername --role admin

Wrap up

I believe that is the full setup, but again I arrived here somewhat through trial and error. Let me know if anything needs clarification.


Deleting DB doesn't remove DATABASE_URL

During my earlier trial and error I messed up the DB enough that I figured I'd just delete it and start over. Unfortunately, deleting the DB doesn't appear to automatically detach it from the running apps. This isn't terrible until you attempt to reattach a new DB because it will complain that DATABASE_URL is already defined.

I had to set the experimental auto_rollback = false option in fly.toml because I couldn't delete the secret DATABASE_URL. Removing it clearly failed the app so it would continually rollback to the previous version. Once I deleted this I could attach a new DB back again.

Refresh account images

During my early trail and error I found that account images were not working. This was when I was trying to find an S3 solution before settling on the original. I found this command that appeared to fix things and redownload the right media:

Log into the VM with flyctl ssh console

cd /mastodon
./bin/tootctl accounts refresh --all --verbose

Link branding SSL problems

Sendgrid allows link branding by having you setup a custom subdomain like <foo> that will point back to Sendgrid. Email links will appear under your domain instead of Sendgrid's. These links don't use SSL, which normally would be fine. However, Fly sets the response header strict-transport-security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains when accessing your Mastodon site at Browsers will respect that and try to access the email links using https, but Sendgrid won't have an accurate SSL cert and you'll see the big danger page.

I haven't explored this much since I was OK with the Sendgrid branded email links. I'm guessing I could use Cloudflare to host these links behind https if needed.

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@jsierles That's great to hear, I will have to give that a try! Do you know if that version is available on yet?

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Yes, it's available on Fly.

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Thanks, I've switched back over and it works great. I've updated the instructions here as well.

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