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Last active December 7, 2017 01:07
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module NamedArguments where
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Reflection -- from `reflection`
import Data.Tagged -- from `tagged`
type Arg (s :: Symbol) a = Given (Tagged s a)
arg :: forall (s :: Symbol) a. Arg s a => a
arg = unTagged (given :: Tagged s a)
with :: forall (s :: Symbol) a r. a -> (Arg s a => r) -> r
with x = give (Tagged x :: Tagged s a)
-- define functions with named parameters
hello :: Arg "name" String => String
hello = "hello, " ++ arg @"name" ++ "!"
add :: Arg "x" Int => Arg "y" Int => Int
add = arg @"x" + arg @"y"
-- and call them!
helloWorld :: String
helloWorld = with @"name" "world" hello
-- annotations required for using `add`
onePlusTwo :: Int
onePlusTwo = with @"x" (1 :: Int) $ with @"y" (2 :: Int) $ add
-- convenient: just pass on arguments implicitly
helloTwice :: Arg "name" String => String
helloTwice = hello ++ " " ++ hello
-- > with @"name" "john" helloTwice
-- "hello john! hello john!"
-- or share arguments:
calculation :: Int
calculation = -- (10+1) * (10+2) * (10+3)
with @"x" (10 :: Int)
$ with @"y" (1 :: Int) add
* with @"y" (2 :: Int) add
* with @"y" (3 :: Int) add
-- but you can still choose to pass on a different value:
-- > with @"name" "john" helloWorldAnd
-- "hello john! hello world!"
helloWorldAnd :: Arg "name" String => String
helloWorldAnd = hello ++ " " ++ helloWorld
-- this really needs to be in a `where`.
-- otherwise, it just greats the given name instead of "world"
-- note that having multiple instances in scope causes implementation defined behavior!
-- (but it seems to work)
helloWorld = with @"name" "world" hello
-- recursion!
sum' :: Arg "list" [Int] => Int
sum' = go @"list"
go :: forall s. Arg s [Int] => Int
go = case arg @s of
[] -> 0
(x:xs) -> x + with @"xs" xs (go @"xs")
-- polymorphism works, but requires some extra annotations
add' :: forall n. Num n => Arg "x" n => Arg "y" n => n
add' = arg @"x" + arg @"y"
onePlusTwo' :: forall n. Num n => n
onePlusTwo' = with @"x" (1 :: n) $ with @"y" (2 :: n) $ add'
-- sadly, higher order functions don't seem to work.
-- e.g. `($) :: Arg "f" (Arg "y" a => b) => Arg "x" a => b` is an illegal type
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