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A Brief history of Menzoberranzan events during the 2008-2011 era before the "dark plague'....


Chapter 7

Menzoberranzan Season VII

The Road So Far...

Light at the end of a thousand years of darkness...

passages that are in italics are key points to current campaign. 2 Headers in particular are Marked important due to that history being a huge focual point of the current campaign.

In the end it was not the fall of Orcus or the world ending, or any number of calamities that befell the lands beneath the barrier during its last era; instead it was a massive explosion of magical energy conjured up by the Sun Elf Archmage Alaster Elryian. In an experiment gone wrong, and during the time that the Demonlord of Undeath, Orcus, was sealed away forever, the barrier was finally breached and destroyed, along with Alaster Elryian and many of his closest companions.

The result was the lands beneath the barrier were finally reunited with the rest of Abier-Toril for the first time in one thousand years. The Black Avenger, having used up most of his power in maintaining the barrier over the land, was subdued by the masses of adventurers that swarmed the land and trapped inside an Orb of Power to become a prisoner for all time.

The Drow city of Menzoberranzan was sacked and mostly destroyed by the massive influx of adventurers and armies that poured over the land and under it, and when the dust had finally settled, the few Drow remaining were left to try and rebuild their once great monument to evil.

*The City of the Dead seemingly lost all of its power with the breaking of the barrier and most Undead creatures that inhabited the foul place were destroyed, the Dead King weathered the ending to the reign of his city however and remained holed up in his impregnable fortress.

The portals to the nether planes of the Abyss and the Nine Hells finally collapsed and for once it seemed that the world itself breathed a sigh of relief as the forces of evil had seemingly gone quiet.

The remaining heroes of the lands beneath the barrier could finally rest it seemed and each went his or her separate way...

The world moves on...

A Menzo Reunion Three Years Later...

In the year 1479 Dale Reckoning, heroes, old and new began appearing in the sleepy village of Santa Lucia once again, as trouble it seemed is brewing.

Daja Fireheart Wong, a Sorceress of great power and the enigmatic Rogue, Jet Quinn return to the Luciarest Inn, while there they hear that the Arch Druidess, Kathea Borian, still wanders the Moon Wood.

The Arch Druidess Lina Inverse is spotted soaring over Santa Lucia in Dragon form; she rests in the grove of Moon Wood.

The White Mage, Mather Klenson is seen speaking to the Tanari Sorceror Alerin Rosar about the shards of the Sword of Stars.

New heroes, Ty Morieth, Aviwehn and the Paladin of Lathander, Hope investigate a Demon summoning with Arch Mage Mather Klenson. In the end the Demon Master is slain by Klenson and its slave set free.

An Elf by the name of Mekreth hires adventurers to aid him in mapping out the more dangerous areas of the Underdark. They later go on to map out areas of the Abyss and Nine Hells.

The Dwarves of the Citadel of the Mithril Fist rally around the Paladin, Cassidy and his Dwarven companion, Delgon. Both earn themselves a name fighting against the Underdark forces in the wake of the end of the age of heroes appearing to die off. Rumours begin of the Citadel building up their military strength to drive back invaders and repel them.

Delgon and his adventuring party drive off an invasion of Umberhulks who burrowed up from beneath the Citadel of the Mithril Fist.

Hathol Firecam, Payge Haliwell and Aviwehn, alongside the Santa Lucian guards, drive off an invasion of minor demons and Hellhounds.

The Dragon Kin Paladin and secret Harper Agent, Hathol Firecam becomes the new sheriff of Santa Lucia.

The legendary Minotaur, Galdar, is seen roaming the northlands once more and leads a band of adventurers who finally storm the castle of the dead king (Lich King) and put him to the sword. It is rumoured that the dead king finally meets his demise at the blade of Galdar.

A group of adventurers spread the word that the lord of the Slaadi, Anorsep, is missing from his fortress high in the Fire Giant Mountains of the Spine of the World.

Two Red Dragons, commanding an army of Fire Giants and Fire Elementals lead an assault on the Citadel of the Mithril Fist. The Dwarves fight off the invasion with the Paladin Cassidy and his Cleric advisor, Edgar leading them. The two Red Dragons are driven off but not slain.

Cassidy, Delgon and Edgar are officially named heroes of the Citadel of the Mithril Fist.

Ty’Morieth is said to have hanged himself over the Santa Lucia well after his attempts to court the Sorceress, Aviwehn were rebuked and ignored by her. Villagers now say the well is haunted by his ghost, lost in his own melancholy.

The Teller of Odds...

The Doomsayer, Norikaylo begins publishing his works on the lives of legendary warriors and mages who have made their mark on the lands beneath the barrier, how he came to know the details of these mighty heroes is uncertain however one extremely long story stands out from the rest, a tale of the legendary Paladin, Shield, which is said to have not actually happened at all or if it did, happened in another dimension.

The Half Orc Paladin, Shield is sighted in Santa Lucia, some say he spent the last three years further north, others say he never left at all. Aviwehn is said to be following him with copies in hand of a rather large tale of his life.

Rumours abound that the enigmatic Rogue Drow, Rer’Niz Jaezred is said to have turned traitor against the surface people once more and commands the majority of Drow mercenaries in the Underdark.

Drow Assassins make an attempt on Hathol Firecam’s life and kill many guards; they also capture five of which it is said were sold into slavery.

Aviwehn and the Paladin, Shield manage to infiltrate the ruined Drow city of Menzoberranzan only to find that it has somehow been rebuilt even larger and more grander than before. They manage to track the Santa Lucian guards that were sold into slavery and free them, but not before they are discovered. Many Drow are slain as they escape through the Goblin tunnels.

The infamous Archmage, Aust Nailo is said to have freed himself from the arcane prison he was a prisoner of by the mage enclave.

A coalition of the infamous Archmage, Aust Nailo, Shield, Hathol, Aviwehn and Payge Haliwell hunt the assassins down and reveal them to be infact Drow, they are quick to slay them.

A large incursion of Drow warriors decimate the forces of the Citadel of the Mithril Fist in the Evermoors until it is said that the Half Orc Paladin, Shield turned the tide of the battle and won it for the Dwarves. Shield is hailed the ‘Savoir of the Evermoors’, although it is clear that evil is once again stirring in the land. Some say the Drow have gone mad and follow the prophecy of the Doomsayer Norikaylo.

Amongst those to investigate Noriklaylo is the infamous Archmage, Aust Nailo.

Drow spies and worshippers of Lloth manage to steal several sacred coins of the Fairy King from their realm. Aviwehn, Shield and the Halfling, Nijaas are summoned to retrieve them, they manage to retrieve all but one which is now said to reside in the great web of the Spider Queen Lloth, herself.


The Temple of the Eilistraeens...

Aust Nailo proves true to his nature once more and betrays his ‘friends’ to side with the notorious Xel’Orian and Seriel Darkheart in a series of battles against Hathol Firecam, Aviwehn and Payge Haliwell. Hathol is gravely wounded and nearly dies before Alerin ‘The Grey’ Rosar aids him against his foes in a blood feud with Aust Nailo. On which plane of existence Alerin has been the last three years, no one knows.

A battle takes place on top of the tower of the Mage Guild between Alerin Rosar and Aust Nailo. Some rumours say they both destroyed each other while others say they both survived. Some say Aust Nailo has in his possession one of the shards of the legendary Sword of Stars.

Many wild tales fly around about a pair of Drow auctioning off a fragment of the legendary sword of stars.

Carinda, the priestess of Santa Lucia was slain and brought back to life by the artefact, or so the wild tales say.

There are also stories going around about the spirit of the grove having a personal battle against the shard nearly losing his life as the very forces of nature begin to grow weaker. The spirit hasn't been seen since, though those that are sensitive to nature feel the pain coming from the forest.

The knowledge of a full frontal assault spreads like wildfire throughout the Drow houses of Menzoberranzan. Two hated enemies, Elvannus the Half Drow and the Paladin, Shield, along with a Cleric of Lathander (Emily Marie Hawthorn) made a daring assault and rescue operation on the house Barrison Del' Armgo.

The house was found to be littered with the bodies of dead Drow, many elite nobles or mere guards and one house arch mage. The Paladin, Shield is said to have hewed through two of the most elite nobles at once, with Elvannus falling prey to their martial prowess but surviving. The daring trio extracted the hostages taken by the Armgo Drow some time before, as well as new prisoners taken only a day earlier. The daring trio had cut a sway through the city to enter and escape, leaving all in shambles.

A Confirmed rumour spreads about Santa Lucia about the Drow performing a recent raid to the surface, seemingly their reason was to question the locals about the hidden Eilistraeen temple, which they did with a slaughter leaving only few alive to do this to only three Drow individuals noted as part of Del'Armgo house hold came, while one was captured the Drow made off with the surfacer known as Aviwehn as their hostage.

Uncomfirmed rumours however told of the Drow agreeing upon trading their captured surfacer, to the Drow male the surfacers caught in return, alas betrayal met the Santa Lucias’ female guard who was to deliver the prisoner, instead she returned to outpost near dead with the Drow captive now secured by the Drow once more as well as the surface prisoner, the demands are yet unknown from their part however.

A Hound Archon is said to have fallen from the sky with a massive chest wound. Some say it is a sign or an ill omen as the Eilistraeen Drow evacuate their temple in Moon Wood and take refuge in the Grove of Moon Wood.

*The Drow Assassin, Xel’Orian slays the Eilistraeen, Fadrinde and traps her soul inside his soul stealing sword.

It is discovered that the Minotaur, Galdar claimed a shard of the legendary Sword of Stars from the corpse of the Lich King. Adventurers and miscreants of all kinds try and swarm the legendary warrior in an attempt to kill him and take it for themselves, they are all met with their demise.

The mass murderer, Aust Nailo appears to the Eilistraeens with another mass murderer, Xel’Orian in tow, as they propose that if the Eilistraeens kill the Minotaur, Galdar and give his shard to Aust then Xel’Orian will set the soul of Fadrinde free. The Eilistraeens, along with many who side with them confront Galdar, only to be defeated and come to realise that Aust Nailo will never live up to his word.

Galdar and Aviwehn make a daring assault on Aust Nailo’s fortress in the City of the Dead only to be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of Undead and Fiendish armies at his command, they are forced to withdraw, however Aviwehn is captured in the process.

Aust Nailo performs sick and twisted experiments on Aviwehn’s mind, warping it and inducing mind control. Unknown to Aust is that Aviwehn manages to steal a shard of the Sword of Stars and secret it away. Aviwehn later escapes or is let go from Aust Nailo’s fortress.

Galdar realises the mind warping effects of the shards of the Sword of Stars and freely gives it away to Aviwehn, unknown to him is that Aviwehn has been brainwashed and her greed for magical trinkets is now legendary.

Rumors widely circulate that esteemed Paladin and gifted Sorceress, Aviwehn, challenged traitor and mass-murder, Aust Nailo, to a duel in the City of the Dead. Powerful magic flew back and forth, and the damage to the nearby buildings and street is evidence enough that two mighty Arcanists traded ferocious spells.

Witnesses say this that despite Aviwehn's clearly demonstrated skill and power as a practitioner of the arcane; Nailo managed to gain the upper-hand and managed to defeat her, gaining the last shard. Woe is to all if he is not stopped.

Drow Raiders from the house, Barrison Del’Armgo find the location of the hidden temple of Eilistraee and during the dark hours of night destroy it, killing many worshippers of Eilistraee. They also leave a vile curse of darkness over its ruins.

The Sword of Stars Finale...

*It is discovered that Aust Nailo plans to use all the shards of the Sword of Stars to ascend the celestial stairway and ascend to godhood, and then purge the world of all non Elven races.

A mysterious auction event takes place in the flute hall of Santa Lucia, where Velkyn Moonray, Stan Lyonson, the Paladins, Shield and Hope and the Gnome, Keldon Bladesinger attend. During the proceedings many unique items are sold, including the Rattlebones of Lea Moth, the daughter of the Ninth Duke of Hell. The Paladin, Shield buys them to keep them in safekeeping.

Aust Nailo finally begins to make his move against the world. Villagers of Santa Lucia and Elven kin of the Moon Wood are evacuated to the Citadel of the Mithril Fist as the Undead and Fiendish armies of the Arch Mage sweep across the land. The remaining heroes of the once land beneath the barrier prepare for a siege against the Citadel by Aust Nailo and his forces, they are woefully ill prepared.

*The defenders field - Shield, Hathol Firecam, Ania the Elf, Elvannus, Payge Hailwell, Velkyn Moonray, Gina Fryer, Anthony Dragon Colbert, Kor'Isen, Nijaas, Blades Von Frostheim, Wyn Rydralie and Arctaos. Cassidy, Delgon and Edgar command the main Dwarven forces while the heroes serve as a buffer for the army.

*Aust Nailo’s army comprises of – Xel’Orian, Seriel Darkheart, Tumolt Del’Stormfire, Riasar Darkholm, Razakel the Undying, Drow of the Barrison Del’Armgo house and legions of Devils, Demons and Undead.

The fighting is fierce and bloody and Aust Nailo’s forces severly outnumber the defenders, they breach the walls through planar portals and swarm the Citadel. Aust Nailo uses his greatly enhanced power (from the shards) to literally blow the Citadel apart, killing ally and foe alike. When it is all over the survivors awaken to a ruin of smoke and death. It is said that the former general of the Citadel’s army, Zenrer Blazord took his own life on top of a tower, rather than be taken prisoner.

During the battle, Elvannus, Aviwehn and Payge Haliwell betray the forces of good and side with Aust Nailo, it is now discovered that Aviwehn had been a sleeper agent for some time. Elvannus and Payge’s motives remain a mystery for now.

The survivors of the blitzkrieg style bloodbath take refuge in the Grove of Moon Wood and try to make sense of what has happened. The victorious army of evil returns to the Abyss to regain its strength, meanwhile Aust Nailo returns to the conquered Mage Guild tower to prepare to ascend to godhood.

In the Grove of Moon Wood it is discovered that the Spirit of the Forest is gone and that the grove is no longer safe. It is here that Hathol Firecam pleads with Shield to distract Aust Nailo’s army of evil by leading a suicide mission into the depths of the Abyss with the remaining survivors. Shield accepts the mission.

Meanwhile Hathol, Anthony Colbert, Cassidy, Delgon and Edgar are summoned away to the Mage Guild’s tower by the mysterious Spirit of the Forest, to try and put an end to Aust Nailo for good.

Shield and the remaining defenders of the Citadel descend into the abyss and catch Aust’s army of evil by surprise, buying Hathol and his force time to descend upon the evil Arch Mage without him knowing.

In the ensuring battle, Cassidy, Delgon and Edgar are all slain by Aust Nailo before Hathol and Anthony Colbert manage to defeat him, Hathol cleaving Aust’s head from his shoulders with his axe. With Aust dead, the Spirit of the Forest summons Shield and his forces out of the Abyss before they are overwhelmed by the legions of evil.

*The evil of Aust Nailo finally comes to an end and Hathol destroys the Sword of Stars permanently by willing it to destroy itself.


Months pass...

*Elvannus and Payge survive the ‘War of the Shards’ as it is now known and are placed under house arrest in Santa Lucia by Hathol *Firecam, many think they deserve to be executed. It is revealed that * their reason for ‘siding’ with Aust Nailo was to get close to Xel’Orian to retrieve Fadrinde’s soul.

The Paladin, Shield and the Mage, Wyn Rydralie and the Half Dragon, Arctaos, form a coalition to hunt down the still living war criminals of the ‘War of Shards’, Shield slays Tumolt Del Stormfire when he is spotted in Santa Lucia. Many still remain at large.

Hathol resigns as sheriff of Santa Lucia and is said to have travelled south to seek the council of his Harper bretherin.

Aviwehn is never fully trusted again even if it is understood that she was being brainwashed by the now deceased Aust Nailo.

*Xel’Orian and his band of Drow terrorise the village of Santa Lucia and attempt to steal Payge and Elvannus’s unborn child shortly after it is born. Xel’Orian is finally slain by Elvannus and the Drow sent to kidnap the child are thwarted by Shield and Galdar who team up again for the first time in years.

The King Jasonic Celestial Armour...

Said to be forged centuries ago, the Celestial Armour worn by King Jasonic himself was said to imbue its wearer with near invincibility. When word of its creation by Torm himself reached the ears of the denizens of the lower planes, Torm’s Celestial servants were commanded to shatter the armour into sixteen pieces and scatter them across the lands.

Only recently has word gotten out that at least some of the pieces could be found in the once Land Beneath the Barrier and the Celestial Forces of good grow worried once more as denizens of evil set out to claim the artefact.

Solar Warriors, Hound Archons and Guardinals are sent to the Once Lands beneath the Barrier to find a soul of goodness and purity who is worthy enough to wield the Celestial Armour.


The Orb of the Black Avenger...

It was a very dangerous day for all, but more so for a Monk named Tsurin then anyone else. The Undead and even the Demons of the Abyss came for Tsurin and the Orb which had trapped the Black Avenger inside of it.

They demanded that the Monk hand over the Orb so that they could release the Black Avenger from his prison, and use the Orb of Power to gain control of the land and all that surround it.

Luckily for Tsurin, allies were at hand as Shield, Aviwehn, Ada, Anthony Colbert and Angie were there to help and protect Tsurin and the Orb from being taken from him.

After a furious battle amongst the ruins of the Citadel of the Mithril Fist, against Demons summoned from the Abyss, the heroes proved triumphant and Tsurin left to the seclusion of his monastery to meditate and keep the Orb safe.

The Sons of Fugue...

Chapter One - A Sea Of Crimson

Word spreads throughout Santa Lucia and Port Valhart over night as a series of brutal murders take place. One lone survivor described the culprit as a tall figure wielding a giant grea tsword and wearing a cowl. The Paladin, Shield was implicated in the murders. During that same night however Shield was having violent nightmares about the murders.

Of those who sought out Shield to find the truth were Galdar the Minotaur, Drake the Warrior Priest of Torm, Amandel the Elf, Arctaos the dragonkin, Aviwehn the Guardinal and Thraldor the Elf. Due to the violent nightmares of the murders committed, Shield then begins to question his sanity.

It was Drake who found the Paladin, however he was not convinced of the Half Orc's guilt and the two traveled to the scene of the crime at Port Valhart, and met up with their remaining comrades. They found innocents strewn all about the place; their bodies cut in a brutal manner. After much deliberation the comrades decided that the culprit would strike the only remaining village left, Santa Lucia.

Upon returning to Santa Lucia, they were met with a messenger, the Elf Thraldor, who told them the culprit had taken hostages and teleported away. A mysterious figure in black robes then revealed to them the whereabouts of the real killer - the Werewolf den.

And so the comrades travelled to the den only to be met with the first of the Sons of Fugue; Shaiya the Crimson. The battle was brutal and the comrades overwhelmed the vampire and her minions. Before being slain, Shaiya revealed that she was after the Oath medallion and that she was the first of the Sons of Fugue.

Chapter Two: The Lost Hope

Shield was again struck with violent nightmares to do with Fugue and an impending disaster as he stayed overnight at the Luciarest inn. In the morning he shared his premonitions of dread with a young woman from the Endless Waste named Ada. Not long afterwards the two were met by a Solar who had come to Santa Lucia looking for Shield. The Solar's reasons were cryptic and he urged Shield only to follow his heart.

It was not long after the meeting with the Solar that a ghost from Shield's past would make her presence known to him and Ada. By now they had also met with another comrade, a guardian of the grove and a Minotaur named Auroz. The spirit led the three of them to the ruined pit of the once Eilistraeen temple in Moonwood.

It was here that the spirit banished the unnatural mist around the ruins and allowed the three of them to remove the unholy symbol of Barrison Del Armgo from the pit of darkness, dispelling it.

The spirit, whose name was Adeline, next led the trio to Port Valhart, before disappearing. Shield had already resolved to find the lost hold of the Celestial Dawn and had been told by an Archon that the village was built around it. After asking around the village, Shield and company came across an old man who bade Shield sit and listen to an old story.

At this point the trio had picked up another companion, the Moon Elf/Tann'ari sorcerer Lilliana, daughter of Alerin Rosar.

It was then revealed that the old man was 'Mighty' Quinn and had indeed aged greatly, or at least so they thought. Quinn's wife Caroline would appear eventually however and reveal that the two of them were in fact spirits.

They would then fade and disappear but not before revealing the location of the Dawn Hold. Shield would question why Quinn never moved on but was too late to receive an answer.

The Dawn Hold was located inside Castle Valhart and the comrades entered and steeled themselves for what they might face inside. Inside the Dawn Hold at last, the companions were met with an intense aura of evil as Anel the Fallen revealed himself. Anel, who wanted to have it out with Shield just as much as the Paladin would like to wipe him from existence.

And so the two had it out and Shield proved the victor, finally slaying Anel and burning his Undead corpse to ash, finishing him for good.

After the second of the Sons of Fugue was put to the sword Shield would use the hold smithy and with the power of the Solar, who now had reappeared, reforged Galliant Beast to bring out its full power. The day ended with Shield promising the Solar to restore a Paladin Order to the lands around him.

A Week Later...

*Those few groups of people who survived the recent war which destroyed the Citadel Of The Mithril Fist are now faced with a new feeling of dread as one of the 'Tears Of Selune' has been spotted leaving its orbit in the sky and drawing closer to the planet.

Chapter Three - The 'Broken' Past

The companions spend the night in the hold and during the night, Ao the Overgod will make a miraculous appearance to them. He will charge Shield and the others with going back in time to two very distinct events in Shield's past to protect or change the outcomes depending on what they want to do.

In the first instance they are taken to the 'Half Way' house, 133 years in the past where Shield accidentally kills Adeline. The companions will get to witness Shield's original sin and where most of his grief emanates from.

Shield will not take this well but Adeline will be cryptic in that she will say her life was a sacrifice that needed to happen for Shield to protect the people of the future.

For the second instance they will be taken to the point where Shield is given up by his mother on a rainy street in Zassespur, Tethyr. Only Fugue had already planned for this and had 'Broken' Greid sent back 139 years in the past to kill the infant Shield and his mother. And the companions must intervene.

Upon defeating Greid, Shield is unsure of whether to tell his mother who he is. However after thinking it through decides to tell her everything BUT tells her to abandon him as an infant anyway, for without the proper course of events happening, Adeline would never be around to guide them through this calamity and that the tragedy of his life was a necessary sacrifice that leads him to become the Paladin that he is today.

Once he has made this hard decision, Shield asks Adeline for forgiveness, however she replies that they are both victims and there is nothing to forgive. Shield will now finally gain some self respect other than self loathing. They will then all return to the present day to find the comet is getting closer.

Chapter Four - Oathkeeper

Upon returning to the present, the companions spend another night in the Paladin Hold and shadowy images of the 'Sons of Fugue' revealed themselves to the companions and Fugue will greeted a son he has not seen in over a hundred years. He then divulged his master plan.

Fugue knows how important the destruction of the City Of The Dead is to Shield, and he has come to finish the job. Using his dark powers, he was summoning a comet down to smash into Faerun, only it would demolish everything from Santa Lucia, to the Citadel of the Mithril Fist, and all the way to Yartar.

Only the 'Oath' medallion was said to have the power to stop his insidious plan and it would only respond to Shield. The shadowy images then flickered out leaving the companions with a seemingly hopeless situation.

From Fugue the companions learn that Horrigan the Destroyer is wreaking havoc in the City of The Dead, where Fugue has set up his base of operations in the highest tower of the city.

Dissatisfied with the corrupt rulership of the City Of The Dead, Fugue had set Horrigan the task of amusing himself by tearing the city down piece by piece. The companions however had to go through Horrigan to get to Fugue for the final showdown.

And so a great battle with Horrigan commenced. Horrigan was an extremely powerful entity and it took a lot to defeat him. After Horrigan was finally dead, the companions climbed the tallest tower in the city for the final showdown with Fugue.

Instead they found only the apparition (Shield the Silent Hero) there, and it faded to dust once more. Fugue's voice then echoed across the room as he told them he is riding the comet down to smash into Faerun, and that destruction is inevitable.

The 'Oath' medallion shone brightly then, as Shield, his companions and Adeline were transported to the surface of the comet, to face Fugue and end it.

Upon facing Fugue, he explained to Shield that he lacked the courage to do all that is necessary to destroy the City of the Dead, and that he will never complete his mission. He then also revealed that this was his elaborate plan all along, to kill them both and end the cycle of ‘Shields’ and their self loathing.

He then told Shield that he has loathed himself for almost all of his life for what he did to Shield’s mother, just as Shield has loathed himself for what he did to Adeline. He also told Shield that there is no redemption for either of them and that they are both damned, so nothing that they do matters, and that he seeks only to end their existence.

Fugue then questioned why Shield demanded to fight him anyway and stop the ‘Tear of Selune’ from reaching the planet.

Shield told Fugue that he does not fight for a reward at the end of the rainbow, he fights for justice because salvation or no salvation, in his heart he knows it is the right thing to do.

Shield and Fugue then engaged in a duel as the comet soared through the atmosphere of the planet, towards the Once Lands beneath the Barrier.

Fugue found Shield to be tougher than he anticipated and so instead, he drew upon his dark powers to bring back his retainers to life (The Sons of Fugue) and bid them to attack Shield and his companions.

The Sons of Fugue then engaged in a fierce battle with Shield and his companions and overwhelm them.

As they are about to win, Adeline told Fugue that she had an opportunity to change the past and live a happy life, but instead chose to let the horrible events of the past unfold because the world needed Shield. That was her sacrifice.

Fugue then finally understood that it is not the reward of salvation that he should have fought for, but instead fought for justice because it was simply his responsibility and the right thing to do.

Fugue then came to the aid of his son and his companions and used his powers to destroy the Sons of Fugue once and for all.

In doing so, he drained all of his power and lay on the ground, mortally wounded and near death. He then used the last of his powers before dying to teleport Shield’s companions away to safety and then finally succumbed to death, with Shield and Adeline at his side.

His final words were, “Forget about me... and be more than just a 'Shield.'”

As the comet broke into pieces around them, Adeline asked Shield if he will be alright. Shield the told her that he will be, because he finally has friends and that he is not alone.

Adeline was then peacefully enveloped in a beam of white light as she finally is able to go to her rest in the afterlife.

Shield then rode a broken piece of the comet into the sea and no one knows whether or not he survived the ordeal.

For his companions, who were transported back to Santa Lucia, they are witness to what appeared to be amazing fireworks in the nightsky, as pieces of the Tear of Selune break up in orbit, as the ordeal was finally over.

End of season VII.

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mhekel commented Apr 6, 2024

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