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Last active April 13, 2019 11:34
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  • Save mheland/ef0aab5de2ec87d8a9791a50827775f7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Translate HTML in clipboard to DokuWiki markup
# Pipe clipboard to pandoc and pipe the DokuWiki markup back to clipboard
xclip -o -selection clipboard | pandoc -f html -t dokuwiki | xclip -selection clipboard
# Display first five non-blank lines from clipboard cut to one hundred characters in the confirmation dialog
result=$(xclip -o -selection clipboard | tr -s '\n' '\n' | head -n 5 | cut -c -100 )
# Info box with preview of clipboard contents
zenity --info --title="HTML to Dokuwiki markup" --text="Clipboard preview: \n\n $result" --width=300 --height=100
# Optional if you don't use Zenity...
# notify-send "Translated to DokuWiki markup in clipboard"
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