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Save mhemantha/8d0772531935400456c8a36c45d304be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(function() {
var buttonPrefix = "+";
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var fullMinHeight = fullMinHeightDefault;
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var bailoutCrossDomain = bailoutCrossDomainDefault;
var bulletinDelayDefault = 2000;
var bulletinDelay = bulletinDelayDefault;
var renderDelayDefault = 1000;
var renderDelay = renderDelayDefault;
var notifyBailoutDefault = true;
var notifyBailout = notifyBailoutDefault;
var notifyBailoutActionRenderDefault = 3;
var notifyBailoutActionRender = notifyBailoutActionRenderDefault;
var notifyBailoutActionNonRenderDefault = 1;
var notifyBailoutActionNonRender = notifyBailoutActionNonRenderDefault;
var reasonPassUpDefault = false;
var reasonPassUp = reasonPassUpDefault;
var bulletinIncluded = false;
var version;
var noSize;
var fullBulletin;
var originalUrl;
var searchTags = new Array();
var directDelivery;
var linked;
var bdiv;
var oiframe;
var display;
var displayUrl;
var bulletinRendered = false;
var bulletinHeight = 0;
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var isApple = ua.indexOf("iPhone;") >= 0 || ua.indexOf("iPad;") >= 0 || ua.indexOf("iPod;") >= 0;
var namePrefix = "";
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var bulletinJS = false;
var bulletinIncluded = true;
function parseDbcli(h) {
var a = new Object(); = false;
a.dup = false;
a.err = "";
a.text = "";
if (!h) {
h = ""
var c = h.split("\n");
for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
var b = c[e];
var g = b.charAt(0);
if (g == ":" || g == "!") {
for (var d = 1; d < b.length && b.charAt(d) > " ";) {
var f = b.substring(1, d);
if (f == "NF") { = true
} else {
if (f == "DUP") {
a.dup = true
} else {
if (f == "ERR" || f == "INT") {
while (d < b.length && b.charAt(d) <= " ") {
if (a.err) {
a.err += "\n"
a.err += b.substr(d)
} else {
if (b.length > 0) {
if (a.text) {
a.text += "\n"
a.text += b
return a
function parseUrl(f) {
var d = new Array();
var a = f.split("&");
var c = 0;
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
var b = a[e].indexOf("=");
var g = new Array();
if (b >= 0) {
g[0] = a[e].substr(0, b);
g[1] = decodeURIComponent(a[e].substr(b + 1).replace(/\+/g, " "))
} else {
g[0] = a[e];
g[1] = ""
if (g[0].length > 0) {
d[c++] = g
return d
function getTag() {
var c, b, a, d;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
b = arguments[0];
a = arguments[1]
} else {
b = searchTags;
a = arguments[0]
for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
d = b[c];
if (d[0] == a) {
return c < b.length ? b[c][1] : null
function getXhrObject() {
var a = false;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
a = new XMLHttpRequest()
} else {
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
try {
a = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
} catch (b) {
try {
a = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
} catch (b) {
a = false
return a
function loadXML(f, b, c, d, e) {
var a = getXhrObject();
if (!a) {
b(a, f);
if (d) {
a.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (a.readyState == 4) {
b(a, f)
if (c) {"GET", f, d)
} else {"POST", f, d);
a.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
if (!d) {
b(a, f)
function buildCGI(c) {
var a = webServer + cgiFilesDir + cgiCmdPrefix + c;
var d = cgiCmdSuffix;
for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) {
if (arguments[b] && arguments[b].length > 0) {
a += d + arguments[b];
d = "&"
return a
function originalTags(c, g) {
var a = "";
var e = "";
var d = false;
for (var b = 0; b < searchTags.length; b++) {
var f = searchTags[b];
if (f[0] != originalTag) {
a += e + f[0] + (f[1] ? "=" + encodeURIComponent(f[1]) : "");
e = "&";
if (!d && f[0] == linkedTag) {
d = true
if (g && !d) {
a += e + linkedTag;
e = "&"
if (c != null) {
a += e + originalTag + (c.length ? "=" + encodeURIComponent(c) : "")
return a
function noBulletin(b) {
if (display) {
alert("Bulletin cannot render: " + (b ? b : "reason unknown"));
if (!bulletinJS) {
} else {
if (notifyBailout) {
var a = buildCGI(redirectCGI, renderDelay >= 0 && notifyBailoutActionRender > 1 ? statusTag + "=" + (notifyBailoutActionRender - 1) : "", renderDelay < 0 && notifyBailoutActionNonRender > 1 ? resetTag + "=true" : "", b ? reasonTag + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b) : "", reasonPassUp ? passTag + "=true" : "", originalTags(bulletinJS ? noOriginalValue : originalUrl));
if (bulletinJS) {
new Image().src = a
} else {
} else {
if (!bulletinJS) {
if (directDelivery) {
} else {
function isUri(b) {
var a = /^[a-z][a-z0-9+.\-]*:/i;
return a.test(b)
function isHttp(a) {
return a.substr(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "http://" || a.substr(0, 8).toLowerCase() == "https://"
function webPath(a, b) {
if (!isHttp(a)) {
if (a.charAt(0) != "/" && builtinServer && webFilesDir) {
a = webFilesDir + a
if (webServer) {
if (b) {
a = (builtinServer ? "/" + dynCGI : cgiFilesDir + cgiCmdName + "?" + commandTag + "=" + dynCGI + "&" + nameTag + "=") + a
a = webServer + a
return a
var isMobileResult = -1;
function isMobile() {
if (isMobileResult == -1) {
isMobileResult = ua.indexOf("Mobi") >= 0 && !isIpad
return isMobileResult
function setCSS(a, c) {
a = webPath(a, c);
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document.createStyleSheet(a, 0)
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var b = document.createElement("link");
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b.type = "text/css";
b.href = a;
function setBulletinHeight() {
if ( != "") {
bulletinHeight = 0
} else {
bulletinHeight = bdiv.offsetHeight + bdiv.offsetTop
function doRenderBulletin() {
new Image().src = buildCGI(notifyCGI, statusTag + "=0", originalTags(null));
renderDelay = -1
function getWinHeight() {
var a = 480;
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a = window.innerHeight
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a = document.documentElement.clientHeight
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if (document.body && (document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight)) {
a = document.body.clientHeight
return a
function getWinWidth() {
var a = 640;
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a = window.innerWidth
} else {
if (document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight)) {
a = document.documentElement.clientWidth
} else {
if (document.body && (document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight)) {
a = document.body.clientWidth
return a
function resizeIFrame() {
if (!oiframe) {
if (bulletinHeight == -1) {
oiframe.height = getWinHeight()
} else {
var a = getWinHeight() - bulletinHeight;
if (isMobile()) {
oiframe.height = getWinHeight()
} else {
oiframe.height = a < 0 ? 200 : a
function orientationChange() {
var b =; = "none";
var a = bdiv.offsetHeight; = b;
setTimeout(resizeIFrame, 200)
function renderBulletin() {
if (!bulletinRendered) {
bulletinRendered = true; = "visible";
if (renderDelay == 0) {
} else {
if (renderDelay > 0) {
setTimeout(doRenderBulletin, renderDelay)
var a = "* { max-height: 1000000px; }";
var b = document.createElement("style");
b.type = "text/css";
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b.styleSheet.cssText = a
} else {
if (!noSize && !fullBulletin) {
if (typeof(afterRender) == "function") {
function getUrlOf(a) {
var c = null;
if (a) {
try {
c = a.contentWindow.location.href
} catch (b) {
if (a.src) {
c = a.src
return c
var lastTitle = null;
var iframeLoading = 0;
function iframeLoad() {
if (!iframeLoading) {
var a = oiframe ? getUrlOf(oiframe) : null;
if (bailoutCrossDomain && renderDelay >= 0) {
if (!a && !display) {
return noBulletin("cross-domain")
if (bailoutCrossDomain > 0) {
if (iframeLoading == 1) {
iframeLoading = 2;
if (bulletinDelay != 0) {
if (oiframe) {
var c = null;
try {
if (oiframe.contentDocument) {
c = oiframe.contentDocument.title
} else {
c = oiframe.Document.title
} catch (b) {
c = null
if (c && c != lastTitle) {
document.title = lastTitle = c
if (a) {
originalUrl = a
if (typeof(afterIframeLoad) == "function") {
function load() {
if (bailoutOpener && self.opener) {
return noBulletin("In pop-up")
if (opera && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 6) {
return noBulletin("Opera version")
document.body.rightMargin = 0;
document.body.leftMargin = 0;
document.body.bottomMargin = 0;
bdiv = document.getElementById("bdiv");
oiframe = document.getElementById("oiframe");
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self.onresize = resizeIFrame;
addListener(window, "orientationchange", orientationChange)
if (!bdiv) {
if (fullMinHeight > 0 && getWinHeight() < fullMinHeight) {
return noBulletin("Full window too small (" + getWinHeight() + "<" + fullMinHeight + ")")
if (isApple && !isIpad) {
var b = document.createElement("meta"); = "viewport";
b.content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=0.4";
if (!fullBulletin) {
document.body.scroll = "no";
if (!noSize) {
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oiframe.hspace = 0;
oiframe.vspace = 0;
if (!noSize) {
var a = getWinHeight() - bulletinHeight;
if (!isMobile() && iframeMinHeight > 0 && a < iframeMinHeight) {
return noBulletin("Window too small")
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oiframe.height = getWinHeight()
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oiframe.height = a < 0 ? 200 : a
iframeLoading = 1;
if (opera) {
oiframe.src = buildCGI(redirectCGI, originalTag + "=" + encodeURIComponent(originalUrl))
} else {
if (!isMobile() && !fullBulletin) { = "hidden"
if (bulletinDelay == 0 || fullBulletin) {
} else {
if (bulletinDelay > 0) {
setTimeout(renderBulletin, bulletinDelay)
if (typeof(afterLoad) == "function") {
return true
function getDisplayUrl() {
return webPath(displayUrl)
function bulletinSetup(b) {
searchTags = parseUrl(b);
if (!display) {
if (getTag(displayTag) != null) {
display = true
if (!linked) {
if (getTag(linkedTag) != null) {
linked = true;
var d = self.location.pathname;
var a = d.lastIndexOf("/");
if (a >= 0 && d.substr(a) == "/index.html") {
d = d.substr(0, a);
a = d.lastIndexOf("/");
if (a >= 0) {
namePrefix = d.substr(a + 1) + ": "
if (!display && !linked && !directDelivery && getTag(policyTag) == null) {
display = true
originalUrl = getTag(originalTag);
if (originalUrl == null) {
if (directDelivery) {
originalUrl = display ? getDisplayUrl() : window.location.href
} else {
if (linked) {
fullBulletin = true
} else {
originalUrl = getDisplayUrl()
if (!bulletinJS && !version) {
version = getTag(versionTag);
if (!version || parseInt(version) == NaN) {
version = 2
var c = getTag(renderTag);
if (c == "false" || linked || display) {
renderDelay = -1
function bulletinInit(a) {
directDelivery = false;
renderDelay = -1;
if (!a) {
a =
function nesting(a) {
directDelivery = (a != "<$bt>");
if (!directDelivery) {
a =
if (isApple && ua.indexOf("Safari") < 0) {
return noBulletin("iOS app")
var c = false;
try {
if (parent != self) {
c = true
} catch (b) {
c = true
if (c) {
} else {
window.onload = load
return c
function dragOBJ(k, j) {
var g;
var c;
var l;
var b;
var m;
function a(d) {
return (Math.max(ua.toLowerCase().indexOf(d), 0))
function h(n) {
if (!m) {
var d, o;
if (a("msie")) {
d = event.clientX;
o = event.clientY
} else {
d = n.clientX;
o = n.clientY
} = (l + g - d + "px"); = (b + c - o + "px")
function f() {
m = 1;
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
document.onselectstart = null; = "visible"
if (a("msie")) {
g = event.clientX;
c = event.clientY
} else {
g = j.clientX;
c = j.clientY
l = parseInt(;
b = parseInt(; = "hidden";
document.onmousemove = h;
document.onmouseup = f;
document.onselectstart = function() {
return false
return false
function anchor(b, d) {
var c = b.indexOf("#");
var a = d.indexOf("#");
if (c != -1 && c == a && b.substr(0, c) == d.substr(0, a)) {
return true
} else {
return false
function loadInParent() {
var a = getUrlOf(oiframe);
if (a && iframeLoading > 1 && !opera && !anchor(originalUrl, a)) {
parent.location = a
} else {
if (display) {
parent.location = originalUrl
} else {
function maximizeIFrame() { = "none";
bulletinRendered = true;
oiframe.height = getWinHeight();
bulletinHeight = -1
function closeBulletin() {
if (bulletinJS) {
} else {
if (bdiv && !fullBulletin && directDelivery) {
switch (closeMode) {
case 1:
case 2:
} else {
if (directDelivery && !display) {
} else {
if (originalUrl) {
top.location = originalUrl
} else {, "_self").close();
function findFormTag(c, a) {
for (var b = 0; b < c.elements.length; b++) {
var d = c.elements[b];
if ( == a) {
return d
return null
function displayFormTags(c) {
var b = "";
for (var a = 0; a < c.elements.length; a++) {
var d = c.elements[a];
b += ", " + + " = " + d.value
return b
function addFormTag(b, a, c) {
var d = findFormTag(b, a);
if (!d) {
d = document.createElement("input");
d.type = "hidden"; = a;
d.value = c ? c : ""
function buttonOk() {
if (display) {
alert("Button does not function in preview");
return false
} else {
return true
function getButtonName(a) {
if (namePrefix.substr(0, nameTag.length + 1) == nameTag + "=") {
namePrefix = decodeURIComponent(namePrefix.substr(nameTag.length + 1))
return namePrefix + a
function doCgi(e, b) {
if (!buttonOk()) {
var d = document.getElementById(bulletinForm);
if (e.substr(0, webServer.length) == webServer) {
e = e.substr(webServer.length)
if (e.substr(0, cgiFilesDir.length) == cgiFilesDir) {
e = e.substr(cgiFilesDir.length)
var c = e.indexOf("?");
if (c >= 0) {
var f = e.substr(c + 1);
e = e.substr(0, c);
var a = parseUrl(f);
for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var g = a[c];
if (g[0] != commandTag && g[0] != buttonTag && g[0] != "web") {
addFormTag(d, g[0], g[1])
addFormTag(d, commandTag, e);
if (b) {
addFormTag(d, buttonTag, getButtonName(b))
addFormTag(d, "web", webFilesDir);
d.action = buildCGI((b ? buttonPrefix : "") + e);
if ( {
setTimeout(closeBulletin, 100)
return false
function sendButton(a) {
if (!display && a) {
new Image().src = buildCGI(buttonCGI, nameTag + "=" + encodeURIComponent(getButtonName(a)), originalTags(noOriginalValue))
function doClose(a) {
setTimeout(closeBulletin, 100);
return false
function doNav(b, a) {
setTimeout(function() {
window.location = b
}, 100);
return false
function doPrint(a) {
setTimeout(window.print, 100);
return false
function doButton(a, b, c) {
return false
function buttonEvent(c, a, b) {
if (c != null) {
setTimeout("window.status = '" + c + "';", 0)
if (a && b && document.images && document.images[a] && document.images[a].src != b) {
document.images[a].src = b
return true
var buttonImgClass = "";
function setButtonClass(a) {
if (a) {
buttonImgClass = ' class="' + a + '"'
} else {
buttonImgClass = ""
var formDone = false;
var buttonNum = 0;
var html;
var buttons = new Array();
function makeButton(s, d, f, l, b, q) {
var h = "";
var k = "button" + buttonNum++;
var n = bulletinPrefix + k;
var r, a = false,
c = false;
if (f.charAt(0) == "!") {
a = true;
f = f.substring(1)
} else {
if (f.charAt(0) == "~") {
c = true;
f = f.substring(1)
if (d == "Cgi" && !formDone) {
h += '<div style="display:none;">';
h += '<form id="' + bulletinForm + '" action="" method="post"' + (a ? "" : ' target="_blank"') + ">";
for (r = 0; r < searchTags.length; r++) {
var e = searchTags[r];
if (e[0] != originalTag && e[0] != buttonTag) {
h += '<input type="hidden" name="' + e[0] + '" value="' + e[1].replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '" size="0">'
if (a && originalUrl) {
h += '<input type="hidden" name="' + originalTag + '" value="' + originalUrl.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '" size="0">'
h += "</form></div>";
formDone = true
if (l || q) {
var g;
var j;
var m;
if (l.charAt(0) == "!") {
g = l.substr(1)
} else {
j = l.split(",", 2);
l = webPath(j[0]);
if (j.length > 1) {
m = webPath(j[1]);
new Image().src = m
} else {
m = l
if (q) {
h += "<area"
} else {
h += "<a"
h += ' id="' + n + '"';
if (d == "Nav") {
var o;
if (f.substr(0, 11).toLowerCase() == "javascript:") {
o = a = true;
f = f.substr(11).replace(/"/g, '\\"')
var p = o ? "#" : isUri(f) ? f : webPath(f) + "?" + originalTags(a ? originalUrl : null, true);
h += ' href="' + (display || o ? p : buildCGI(buttonCGI, nameTag + "=" + encodeURIComponent(getButtonName(s)), originalTags(p))) + '"' + (a ? "" : ' target="_blank"');
if (bulletinJS) {
if (o && typeof(doJavaScript) == "function") {
buttons.push(new button(n, "click", doJavaScript, f, s))
} else {
if (c) {
buttons.push(new button(n, "click", doClose))
} else {
if (o) {
h += ' onclick="' + f + '"'
} else {
if (c) {
h += ' onclick="doClose(); return true;"'
} else {
if (d == "Cgi") {
h += ' href="#"';
if (bulletinJS) {
buttons.push(new button(n, "click", doCgi, f, s))
} else {
h += " onclick=\"return doCgi('" + f + "', '" + s + "');\""
} else {
if (d == "Close") {
h += ' href="#"';
if (bulletinJS) {
buttons.push(new button(n, "click", doClose, s))
} else {
h += " onclick=\"return doClose('" + s + "');\""
} else {
if (d == "Print") {
h += ' href="#"';
if (bulletinJS) {
buttons.push(new button(n, "click", doPrint, s))
} else {
h += " onclick=\"return doPrint('" + s + "');\""
} else {
h += ' href="#"';
if (bulletinJS) {
buttons.push(new button(n, "click", doClose, s))
} else {
h += ' onclick="return do' + d + "('" + f + "', '" + s + "');\""
if (bulletinJS) {
if (g) {
buttons.push(new button(n, "mouseover", buttonEvent, s, ""));
buttons.push(new button(n, "mouseout", buttonEvent, ""))
} else {
buttons.push(new button(n, "mouseover", buttonEvent, s, k, m));
buttons.push(new button(n, "mouseout", buttonEvent, k, l))
} else {
h += " onmouseover=\"return buttonEvent('" + s + "'" + (g ? "" : ", '" + k + "', '" + m + "'") + ');"';
h += " onmouseout=\"return buttonEvent(''" + (g ? "" : ", '" + k + "', '" + l + "'") + ');"'
if (q) {
h += ' coords="' + q + '"'
if (b) {
h += ' shape="' + b + '"'
if (l && !q) {
if (g) {
h += ">" + g + "</a"
} else {
h += '><img id="' + n + 'i" name="' + k + '"' + buttonImgClass + ' src="' + l + '" border=0></a'
h += ">"
} else {
h += '<form action="#" method="get"';
if (d == "Nav" && originalUrl) {
h += ' target="_blank"'
h += '><input type="button" value="' + s + '"';
h += ' onclick="return do' + d + "('" + f + "', '" + s + "');\" border=0></form>"
if (html) {
html += h
} else {
function bulletinOpen(a) {
if (bulletinJS) {
html = ""
} else {
function bulletinWrite(a) {
if (bulletinJS) {
html += a
} else {
function bulletinClose() {
if (bulletinJS) {
} else {
function button(d, b, c) { = d;
this.type = b;
this.func = c;
this.params = new Array();
for (var a = 3; a < arguments.length; a++) {
this.params[a - 3] = arguments[a]
function addButtonEvents() {
for (i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
var a = document.getElementById(buttons[i].id);
if (a) {
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// system
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s: 'Windows 10',
r: /(Windows 10.0|Windows NT 10.0)/
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s: 'Windows 8.1',
r: /(Windows 8.1|Windows NT 6.3)/
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s: 'Windows 8',
r: /(Windows 8|Windows NT 6.2)/
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s: 'Windows 7',
r: /(Windows 7|Windows NT 6.1)/
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s: 'Windows Vista',
r: /Windows NT 6.0/
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s: 'Windows Server 2003',
r: /Windows NT 5.2/
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s: 'Windows XP',
r: /(Windows NT 5.1|Windows XP)/
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s: 'Windows 2000',
r: /(Windows NT 5.0|Windows 2000)/
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s: 'Windows ME',
r: /(Win 9x 4.90|Windows ME)/
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s: 'Windows 98',
r: /(Windows 98|Win98)/
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s: 'Windows 95',
r: /(Windows 95|Win95|Windows_95)/
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s: 'Windows NT 4.0',
r: /(Windows NT 4.0|WinNT4.0|WinNT|Windows NT)/
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s: 'Windows CE',
r: /Windows CE/
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s: 'Windows 3.11',
r: /Win16/
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s: 'Android',
r: /Android/
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s: 'Open BSD',
r: /OpenBSD/
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s: 'Sun OS',
r: /SunOS/
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s: 'Linux',
r: /(Linux|X11)/
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s: 'iOS',
r: /(iPhone|iPad|iPod)/
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s: 'Mac OS X',
r: /Mac OS X/
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s: 'Mac OS',
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s: 'QNX',
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s: 'UNIX',
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s: 'BeOS',
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s: 'OS/2',
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s: 'Search Bot',
r: /(nuhk|Googlebot|Yammybot|Openbot|Slurp|MSNBot|Ask Jeeves\/Teoma|ia_archiver)/
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case 'Android':
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case 'iOS':
osVersion = /OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/.exec(nVer);
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