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Last active March 16, 2020 20:38
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tap "codeclimate/formulae"
tap "eugenmayer/dockersync"
tap "heroku/brew"
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/cask"
tap "homebrew/cask-fonts"
tap "homebrew/cask-versions"
tap "homebrew/core"
tap "homebrew/services"
tap "joshuaclayton/formulae"
tap "mas-cli/tap"
tap "michael-simons/seabolt"
tap "phrase/brewed"
cask "adoptopenjdk8"
brew "automake"
brew "gdbm"
brew "openssl@1.1"
brew "readline", link: true
brew "awscli"
brew "bison"
brew "fontconfig"
brew "libffi"
brew "glib"
brew "chruby"
brew "fish"
brew "chruby-fish", args: ["HEAD"]
brew "circleci"
brew "coreutils"
brew "curl"
brew "diff-so-fancy"
brew "eot-utils"
brew "fontforge"
brew "fzf"
brew "gdb"
brew "gist"
brew "git"
brew "gnu-sed"
brew "grc"
brew "hcloud"
brew "httpie"
brew "hub"
brew "imagemagick"
brew "jq"
brew "libdvdcss"
brew "libyaml"
brew "llvm"
brew "lua"
brew "luarocks"
brew "make"
brew "mas"
brew "memcached", restart_service: true
brew "mercurial"
brew "node"
brew "postgresql"
brew "redis"
brew "rsync"
brew "ruby-install"
brew "swagger-codegen"
brew "switchaudio-osx", args: ["HEAD"]
brew "terminal-notifier"
brew "tmux"
brew "wget"
brew "woff2"
brew "zlib"
brew "codeclimate/formulae/codeclimate"
brew "heroku/brew/heroku"
brew "michael-simons/seabolt/seabolt"
brew "phrase/brewed/phraseapp"
cask "chromedriver"
cask "dash"
cask "datagrip"
cask "dropbox"
cask "font-fira-code"
cask "forklift"
cask "graphiql"
cask "iterm2"
cask "kaleidoscope"
cask "skype"
cask "sublime-text"
cask "visual-studio-code"
mas "Agenda", id: 1287445660
mas "Airmail", id: 918858936
mas "Amphetamine", id: 937984704
mas "Contacts+", id: 1094748271
mas "Day One", id: 1055511498
mas "Ecosia - The search engine that plants trees", id: 1463400445
mas "Fantastical", id: 975937182
mas "Gemini 2", id: 1090488118
mas "Grammarly for Safari", id: 1462114288
mas "iMovie", id: 408981434
mas "Keka", id: 470158793
mas "Keynote", id: 409183694
mas "Kindle", id: 405399194
mas "Logic Pro X", id: 634148309
mas "Magnet", id: 441258766
mas "Mate Translate", id: 1005088137
mas "Microsoft Excel", id: 462058435
mas "MindNode", id: 1289197285
mas "Monosnap", id: 540348655
mas "Notebook", id: 1173152781
mas "Numbers", id: 409203825
mas "Pages", id: 409201541
mas "Parcel", id: 639968404
mas "Patterns", id: 429449079
mas "PDF Expert", id: 1055273043
mas "Pixelmator Pro", id: 1289583905
mas "Pocket", id: 568494494
mas "Redis Desktop Manager", id: 1475905948
mas "Slack", id: 803453959
mas "SongBook", id: 534978338
mas "Telegram", id: 747648890
mas "The Unarchiver", id: 425424353
mas "Things", id: 904280696
mas "Trello", id: 1278508951
mas "Twitter", id: 1482454543
mas "Ulysses", id: 1225570693
mas "WhatsApp", id: 1147396723
mas "WiFi Signal", id: 525912054
mas "Xcode", id: 497799835
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