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Last active February 26, 2022 10:41
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Visualise barchart of offshore wealth, using gghighlight and ggtext to call out countries and directly label values
country_name_en country_name_nl offshore_total_gpd_pct offshore_swiss_gpd_pct offshore_nonswiss_gpd_pct offshore_nonswiss_caribbean_gpd_pct offshore_nonswiss_asia_gpd_pct offshore_nonswiss_eu_gpd_pct
Albania Albanië 0.009099364830022943 0.003902763756464408 0.005196601073558535 0 0 0.005196601060415357
Austria Oostenrijk 0.0788387199205287 0.053434090107880305 0.025404629812648388 5.020665119495822e-4 0.007873792222186092 0.017028771190398466
Belgium België 0.1737783533244881 0.10349841462526806 0.07027993869922006 8.952427068932938e-4 0.002173648870789221 0.06721104507451295
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnië en Herzegovina 0.050279356187570394 0.038434908810615606 0.011844447376954786 0 0 0.011844446974824816
Bulgaria Bulgarije 0.041259899174114475 0.03265272313968249 0.008607176034431991 7.028093556917629e-5 6.035926334904682e-5 0.008476535463362765
Croatia Kroatië 0.052318515832664274 0.03587663695040035 0.016441878882263925 0 3.112889888139514e-5 0.016410750703628525
Czech Republic Tsjechië 0.03435435295921774 0.026191680362151484 0.008162672597066253 1.1137548315547124e-4 2.493278062811773e-4 0.0078019690694974215
Denmark Denemarken 0.026361139279030256 0.013919593855795685 0.012441545423234574 5.218967541457303e-4 4.245805505706477e-4 0.011495068526242262
Estonia Estland 0.05376745336568434 0.04815757511181799 0.005609878253866348 0 -4.206117212672634e-5 0.005651939447634754
Finland Finland 0.026965068275298064 0.011894628015050783 0.015070440260247285 7.432146171422945e-4 5.933064515828992e-4 0.0137339196933924
France Frankrijk 0.1536952661409962 0.08149595588912459 0.07219931025187164 0.00808298525807954 0.021061359861385787 0.04305496903078258
Germany Duitsland 0.16040134679655849 0.04867301124094495 0.11172833555561354 8.985934232796183e-4 0.005172771138946808 0.10565697578283019
Greece Griekenland 0.3615910825853395 0.2947691458089319 0.06682193677640759 8.673295123887352e-4 0.001333239064880308 0.06462136718081903
Hungary Hongarije 0.027387785710283812 0.016912083084059042 0.01047570262622477 6.340495884072204e-4 5.28586333666019e-4 0.0093130672819012085
Iceland IJsland 0.16445669561411433 0.007400459443535558 0.15705623617057876 4.840509427130757e-4 0.0011712500735728995 0.15540093828079382
Ireland Ierland 0.10000561783804358 0.006822340760740161 0.09318327707730342 0.01393625160848962 0.005511718250205535 0.0737353104250802
Italy Italië 0.11899424903668598 0.10620931459087252 0.01278493444581348 2.0438722245982318e-4 0.001013412312610607 0.011567135307848976
Latvia Letland 0.03649997970980231 0.030612879260791828 0.0058871004490104835 7.23411287207538e-5 0 0.005814759405634823
Lithuania Litouwen 0.020230629020817244 0.0170038122334525 0.003226816787364742 9.375710485240537e-6 6.276528568653519e-5 0.0031546757669322833
Macedonia Noord-Macedonië 0.05502011987084641 0.036675215768469764 0.01834490410237664 0 7.479712003861966e-5 0.01827010648483201
Moldova Moldavië 0.04010546035825843 0.025960999031409394 0.014144461326849034 0 0 0.014144461096255292
Netherlands Nederland 0.06028583941093653 0.01580378983804355 0.04448204957289298 0.001915358789197904 0.002909379345539314 0.039657310685168194
Norway Noorwegen 0.035152324223367455 0.010524018998910022 0.02462830522445744 0.00184223880197029 0.0027562123571129213 0.020029853704322968
Poland Polen 0.01497032261232359 0.011056714362747489 0.003913608249576102 1.4842200719273924e-4 1.1185317501748926e-4 0.0036533330926707326
Portugal Portugal 0.21225323407439023 0.11551497829777681 0.09673825577661342 0.008168606787150487 0.044393630384691525 0.044176020205745195
Romania Roemenië 0.013504400484876793 0.010232508328499942 0.0032718921563768496 8.591373911721291e-5 -2.4233671643094794e-6 0.003188401784674569
Serbia Servië 0.040417631188243236 0.03545897947058286 0.004958651717660374 0 -2.0635440315706983e-4 0.005165005931564471
Slovakia Slowakije 0.024311677542387108 0.01685464254304961 0.007457034999337501 0 0 0.007457034866428707
Slovenia Slovenië 0.02793001092979509 0.011283992341841933 0.016646018587953157 0 0 0.016646019191897198
Spain Spanje 0.11071964381879779 0.09451076275173796 0.016208881067059824 6.36343495173106e-4 0.001947757930710036 0.013624779811186177
Sweden Zweden 0.058319220377755325 0.02632761772430725 0.03199160265344808 0.0059197196802119115 0.0010992833385367665 0.02497259919862181
Ukraine Oekraïne 0.033499001800821326 0.026819578830878574 0.0066794229699427545 6.71972269050857e-5 0 0.006612225932388829
UK Verenigd Koninkrijk 0.1626398322601674 0.05007731503263585 0.11256251722753154 0.02306405752975668 0.014017362404981474 0.0754810950360598
# ############################################################ #
# Barchart offshore wealth BE in Swiss/non-Swiss jurisdictions #
# ############################################################ #
d_offshore_gdp_eu <-read_csv(
file = 'alstadsaeter_2018_offshore_eu_gdp_swiss.csv',
col_types = cols(
country_name_en = col_character(),
country_name_nl = col_character(),
offshore_total_gpd_pct = col_double(),
offshore_swiss_gpd_pct = col_double(),
offshore_nonswiss_gpd_pct = col_double(),
offshore_nonswiss_caribbean_gpd_pct = col_double(),
offshore_nonswiss_asia_gpd_pct = col_double(),
offshore_nonswiss_eu_gpd_pct = col_double() )) %>%
verify(dim(.) == c(33, 8))
# Get country order by %gdp offshore wealth, and order via factor()
country_order <- d_offshore_gdp_eu %>%
arrange(desc(offshore_total_gpd_pct)) %>%
d_offshore_gdp_eu <- d_offshore_gdp_eu %>%
arrange(offshore_total_gpd_pct) %>%
mutate(country_name_nl_f = factor(
levels = rev(country_order)))
# Construct barchart
# ------------------
p_offshore_gdp_eu_be <- d_offshore_gdp_eu %>%
select(country_name_nl_f, offshore_swiss_gpd_pct,
offshore_nonswiss_gpd_pct) %>%
mutate(country_name_nl_f = fct_recode( # Recode factor level for Belgium with markdown '**' to
country_name_nl_f, # bold the label using element_markdown().
`**België**` = 'België')) %>%
cols = offshore_swiss_gpd_pct:offshore_nonswiss_gpd_pct,
names_to = 'offshore_location',
values_to = 'gdp_pct') %>%
x = gdp_pct,
y = country_name_nl_f,
group = offshore_location, fill = offshore_location))
p_offshore_gdp_eu_be <- p_offshore_gdp_eu_be +
geom_bar(stat = 'identity') +
country_name_nl_f == '**België**', # highlight Belgium, with bolded label
unhighlighted_params = list( # Do not "unhighlight" the rest by greying out,
color = NULL, # but keep color (set to NULL) and
fill = NULL, # adjust alpha for non-highlighted countries
alpha = 0.3)) + # instead to make them less prominent.
labels = scales::percent_format(accuracy = 1),
breaks = c(0, .10, .174, .30)) + # explicitly indicate 17,3% for Belgium
scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Set1', direction = -1)
p_offshore_gdp_eu_be <- p_offshore_gdp_eu_be +
theme_ipsum_rc() +
legend.position = 'none',
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(), # Remove grid lines
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_markdown( # Move y-axis tick labels (country names)
margin=margin(r=-15)), # closer to start of the bars, and adjust
plot.title = element_markdown( # the (sub)title accordingly (+15pt).
padding = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 15), "pt")),
plot.subtitle = element_markdown(
family = 'Roboto Condensed', # Switch to Roboto Condensed, as you can't bold
padding = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 15), "pt"))) # the default Roboto Light
p_offshore_gdp_eu_be <- p_offshore_gdp_eu_be +
title = 'Belgische rijken zijn mee EU-koploper in het<br>gebruik van (Zwitserse) belastingsparadijzen',
subtitle = 'Vermogen per Europees land dat zich <strong style="color:#E41A1C">in Zwitserland</strong> en <strong style="color:#377EB8">in niet-Zwitserse</strong><br>belastingsparadijzen bevindt, als percentage van het BBP.',
caption = 'Bron: Alstadsæter, Johannesen & Zucman (2018) • Visualisatie: @hermansm • Denktank Minerva.',
y = NULL, x = NULL )
# annotate graph with text box with styled text using ggtext, and an arrow from
# the text box to the observation row for Belgium.
p_offshore_gdp_eu_be <- p_offshore_gdp_eu_be +
annotate("curve", x = 0.23, y = 17, xend = 0.175, yend = 31,
colour = "grey80", size=.4, alpha=1,
arrow=arrow(length = unit(8, 'pt'), type = 'closed')) +
geom='richtext', fill = 'white', label.color = 'grey80', x=0.22, y=17,
family = 'Roboto Condensed',
label='Een vermogen ter waarde van **17,4%** van het<br>Belgisch BBP bevindt zich in belastingsparadijzen,<br>
waarvan <strong style="color:#E41A1C">10,4% in Zwitserland</strong> en<br>
<strong style="color:#377EB8">7% in overige belastingsparadijzen</strong>.')
p_offshore_gdp_eu_be, width = 8, height = 8,
bg = 'white') # set background to be white, otherwise theme defaults will make it transparent here.
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