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Last active October 19, 2019 08:10
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Magento PWA Studio setup with 2.3.0-alpha
# NODE: 8.11.2
# NPM: 5.6.0 (I prob should upgrade this one)
# MySQL: 5.7
# PHP: 7.1
# assuming you are in /<YOUR_PROJECT_FOLDER>/
# download Magento 2.3.0 alpha via composer into a new folder "230develop"
git clone -b 2.3-develop 230develop
# (optional) install sample data
git clone -b 2.3-develop 230develop-data
# connect sample data to your mage
php -f 230develop-data/dev/tools/build-sample-data.php -- --ce-source="<full_path_to_magento_source>/230develop"
### for VALETPLUS users only
### if you don't use valet:
### setup your local host pointing to your new magento copy
### and a new fresh db with user/pwd
### and skip this step
# show which domain valet is currently using (by default is "test", in my case "local")
valet domain
> local
# enter to the newely cloned m2:
cd 230develop
# park the directory
valet park
> This directory has been added to Valet's paths.
# secure with a TLS certificate
valet secure
> (...)
> The [230develop.local] site has been secured with a fresh TLS certificate.
# link to register the domain
valet link
> Current working directory linked to 230develop.local
# create fresh database for current project
# (by default valet will create a db with the same project name)
valet db create
> Database "230develop" created successfully
# start the magento setup wizard and complete the installation
# in my case, my domain is "https://www.230.local/"
# keep in mind you have to have a secure domain (for the service-worker)
# open setup wizard using chrome
cd 230develop
# install magento dependencies
composer install
# install magento
php bin/magento setup:install --base-url=https://YOUR_LOCAL_DOMAIN/ \
--db-host=localhost --db-name=DB_NAME --db-user=DB_USER --db-password=DB_PASSWORD \
--admin-firstname=YOUR_NAME --admin-lastname=YOUR_LASTNAME --admin-email=YOUR_EMAIL \
--admin-user=YOUR_ADMIN_USER --admin-password=YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWRD --language=en_US \
--currency=USD --timezone=America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires --use-rewrites=1
# head one folder back (to be at same level of 230develop)
cd ..
# now clone PWA Studio github repo
git clone
# enter to the `pwa-studio` folder and install all dependencies
cd pwa-studio
npm install
### INSTALL `pwa-module`
# symlink module "pwa-studio/packages/pwa-module" into "230alpha/app/code/Magento/" as "Pwa"
# go to your magento
cd ../230develop/app/code/Magento
# create a symlink to "pwa-module"
ln -s <FULL_PATH_TO_PWA_STUDIO>/packages/pwa-module Pwa
# if you run "php bin/magento module:status" in your root
# you should, see the new "Magento_Pwa" module disabled.
# now go to the root folder and install it
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
### INSTALL `venia-concept` theme
# symlink venia theme into your magento into "app/design/frontend/Magento" as "venia"
cd app/design/frontend/Magento
ln -s <FULL_PATH_TO_PWA_STUDIO>/packages/venia-concept venia
# go again to the folder root and clean the cache
php bin/magento cache:clean
# go Magento backend, to activate venia in your store:
# Content > Design > Configuration > Default Store > Applied Theme: Magento Venia
# last step: create an `.env` file for the venia-concept
# or you can copy the existing `.env.dist` file or just create one
cd ../pwa-studio/packages/venia-concept
touch .env
# and entering this lines. replace the "backend domain", in my case "https://www.230alpha.local":
# that's it.
# now go to "/pwa-studio/packages/venia-concept/" folder
# start the PWA server:
npm start
# you'll get your local dev environment url so you can access via
# like so:
Project is running at https://magento-venia.local.pwadev:8000/
webpack output is served from https://magento-venia.local.pwadev:8000/pub/static/frontend/Magento/venia/en_US/
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