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Last active January 28, 2016 16:08
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# A heavily annotated version of this script follows below.
module EachWindow
def each_window(n, &block)
if self.length < n
raise "Length must be greater than window size"
if block_given?
(0..self.size-n).each do |ix|
yield self.slice(ix, n)
to_enum(__method__, n) do
(self.size - n + 1)
def sliceify(words, n)
reject { |word| word.length < n }.
map { |word| word.
map { |slice, word|
[slice.join(""), word]
sort_by { |(slice, word)| slice.downcase }
in_filename = ARGV[1] || ""
out_filename = ARGV[2] || "hello_world.out"
infile =, "r")
outfile =, "w+")
words =
sliceify(words, 4).each do |(slice, word)|
outfile.puts "#{slice} #{word}"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# First, let's implement the idea of 'sliding' a window across a sequence
# of elements. The Ruby way is to ask 'what methods does this object respond
# to' rather than 'what is the Class of this object'- therefore, we implement
# this as a Module which can be included into any Object which responds to
# the #each, #size, and #slice method calls.
# You have to trust that this isn't too much like the relevant XKCD (974)- it's
# more robust to implement this as a standalone idea. The reason? Because
# we're not relying on assumptions about *what the object is*- we're relying on
# assumptions about *how the object behaves*.
module EachWindow
# This method is an 'iterator-style' method, which can be chained
# with other iterators like #each, #inject, and #map.
# Its first argument is the size of the window we would like to
# iterate over. It yields each 'window' to the block it's given.
def each_window(n, &block)
# If we tried to chop a string of length 4 out of, say, "Foo",
# we would get non-sensical results. So we implement a guard
# to prevent Weird Shit like that from happening.
if self.length < n
raise "Length must be greater than window size"
if block_given?
# Here's the meat of the method. Suppose we're sliding a window
# of length 2 over this Array:
# index: 0 1 2
# array: ['a', 'b', 'c'] (size is 3)
# slice 1: ['a', 'b']
# slice 2: [ 'b', 'c']
# The size of the array itself is 3, and the size of our window
# is 2. Simple reasoning shows that we can only *start* our slices
# at the indices 0 and 1.
(0..self.size-n).each do |ix|
# At each point, we extract the "slice" of the Array and yield it
# to the block provided by the calling code.
yield self.slice(ix..ix + n)
# On the other hand, if we weren't given a block to yield our slices
# to, we use the Kernel#to_enum method to create an Enumerator object
# which we can chain other enumerator-style methods onto. We'll see
# this in action later.
to_enum(__method__, n) do
(self.size - n)
# Because Array includes #each, #size, and #slice, we can "mix in" the module
# defined above, which means that any instance of Array will get a copy of the
# #each_window method. Score!
# Now, we implement the actual algorithm described in the problem. It takes
# an array and a window size. Again, we don't want to abstract *too* much, but
# we have an invariant that we want to remove words which are shorter than
# our window size.
def sliceify(words, n)
# First, we take the words we were given. For the sake of example, let's
# use the array ['pooba', 'baz', 'quux'], with a window size of 4.
# Now, we filter out words less than 4 characters long. The return
# value of #reject is ['pooba', 'quux'].
reject { |word| word.length < n }.
# Now, we are building a new array, whose elements represent each
# element of ['pooba', 'quux'] with a transformation applied.
map { |word| word.
# The #chars method turns a String like
# "pooba" into an Array like ['p', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a'].
# Our #each_window method has its chance to shine! It will yield
# the Arrays ['p', 'o', 'o', 'b'] and ['o', 'o', 'b', 'a']. But
# we still need to get those into a dictionary-like format.
# Next, we *compose* our Enumerator with the #each_with_object
# method. Basically we want to iterate over each of the Arrays
# above and do something with the word corresponding to it.
# Finally, we want to build an Array out of the result of each
# execution of this block. Within this block, the 'slice' parameter
# is being provided by #each_window, and the 'word' parameter is
# being provided by #each_with_object.
map { |slice, word|
# And now we wave the black-magic wand. In the first execution
# of this block, 'slice' is the Array ['p', 'o', 'o', 'b'], and
# 'word' is the String "pooba". We #join the former back into a
# String, and stuff it into its own little pair, along with the
# word it was sliced out of.
[slice.join(""), word]
# Whew! At this point, we have an Array of Arrays which looks like this:
# [
# [
# ['poob', 'pooba'],
# ['ooba', 'pooba']
# ],
# [
# ['quux', 'quux']
# ]
# ]
# We need to get all those two-element arrays of String back into one
# 'unified' Array. Because this structure is self-similar in a way, we
# can #flatten one layer of it and get what we want:
# [
# ['poob', 'pooba'],
# ['ooba', 'pooba']
# ['quux', 'quux']
# ]
# Finally, we take each of these Arrays and sort them, using their
# first element as the key.
sort_by do |(slice, word)|
# One final bugfix: apparently, upper-case characters are
# sorted before lower-case characters: "Zot" will be sorted
# before "alpha". So we make sure to sort these strings based
# on their lower-case versions.
# One learns something new every day.
# So now, we have the following array:
# [
# ['ooba', 'pooba']
# ['poob', 'pooba'],
# ['quux', 'quux']
# ]
# Which is what we wanted all along.
# So now, on to the actual usage of all this! Let's pull the filename
# out of our script's arguments, with a fallback.
in_filename = ARGV[1] || ""
out_filename = ARGV[2] || "hello_world.out"
# We use the begin..ensure block to make sure we're being good stewards
# and closing our files, even if an Exception gets thrown somewhere.
# Good practice: only open your files with the flags you actually need.
# We open our input file with a "read-only" flag and our output file with
# the "write-only" flag.
infile =, "r")
outfile =, "w+")
# We get each line of the input file, and map the #chomp method over it
# to remove newline characters.
words =
# And finally, we simply use our implementation of the algorithm above...
slices = sliceify(words, 4)
# ...and dump each line into our output file. (We could have been really
# clever and made #sliceify into an enumerator-style ethod like #each_window,
# but I figure that's pushing things a little bit.)
slices.each do |(slice, word)|
outfile.puts "#{slice} #{word}"
# And close our files.
# fin.
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