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Created February 22, 2019 14:36
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const pkg = require("./package");
module.exports = {
mode: "universal",
env: {
** Headers of the page
head: {
title: "Site Title",
meta: [
{ charset: "utf-8" },
{ name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" },
{ hid: "description", name: "description", content: pkg.description },
{ name: "msapplication-TileColor", content: "#da532c" },
{ name: "msapplication-TileImage", content: "/favicon/mstile-144x144.png" },
{ name: "msapplication-config", content: "/favicon/browserconfig.xml" },
{ name: "theme-color", content: "#ffffff" }
link: [
{ rel: "apple-touch-icon", sizes: "57x57", href: "/favicon/apple-touch-icon-57x57.png" },
{ rel: "apple-touch-icon", sizes: "60x60", href: "/favicon/apple-touch-icon-60x60.png" },
{ rel: "apple-touch-icon", sizes: "72x72", href: "/favicon/apple-touch-icon-72x72.png" },
{ rel: "apple-touch-icon", sizes: "76x76", href: "/favicon/apple-touch-icon-76x76.png" },
{ rel: "apple-touch-icon", sizes: "114x114", href: "/favicon/apple-touch-icon-114x114.png" },
{ rel: "apple-touch-icon", sizes: "120x120", href: "/favicon/apple-touch-icon-120x120.png" },
{ rel: "apple-touch-icon", sizes: "144x144", href: "/favicon/apple-touch-icon-144x144.png" },
{ rel: "apple-touch-icon", sizes: "152x152", href: "/favicon/apple-touch-icon-152x152.png" },
{ rel: "apple-touch-icon", sizes: "180x180", href: "/favicon/apple-touch-icon-180x180.png" },
{ rel: "icon", type: "image/png", href: "/favicon/favicon-32x32.png", sizes: "32x32" },
{ rel: "icon", type: "image/png", href: "/favicon/android-chrome-192x192.png", sizes: "192x192" },
{ rel: "icon", type: "image/png", href: "/favicon/favicon-96x96.png", sizes: "96x96" },
{ rel: "icon", type: "image/png", href: "/favicon/favicon-16x16.png", sizes: "16x16" },
{ rel: "manifest", href: "/favicon/manifest.json" },
{ rel: "mask-icon", href: "/favicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg", color: "#5bbad5" },
{ rel: "shortcut icon", href: "/favicon/favicon.ico" }
** Customize the progress-bar color
loading: { color: "#fff" },
** Global CSS
css: ["@/assets/scss/_global.scss", "@/node_modules/vue-multiselect/dist/vue-multiselect.min.css"],
** Plugins to load before mounting the App
plugins: [],
** Nuxt.js modules
modules: [
[{ from: "^/wp-admin", to: WP_URL }, { from: "^/login", to: "/admin" }]
styleResources: {
scss: ["~assets/scss/_mixins.scss", "~assets/scss/_variables.scss"]
** Build configuration
build: {
** You can extend webpack config here
extend(config, ctx) {
if (ctx.isClient) {
config.devtool = "#source-map";
// Run ESLint on save
if (ctx.isDev && ctx.isClient) {
enforce: "pre",
test: /\.(js|vue)$/,
loader: "eslint-loader",
exclude: /(node_modules)/
vendor: ["vue-select"]
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