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Last active December 14, 2022 10:12
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Day 14 advent of code broken code
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments, Strict, LambdaCase, NoMonomorphismRestriction, MultiWayIf #-}
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Data.Ord hiding (Down)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Function
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Debug.Trace
alterF = modify . first
alterS = modify . second
focusMap x y f g = modifyAt y (modifyAt x f) g where
modifyAt n f = map (snd . mapAt n f) . zipWith (,) [0..]
where mapAt n f (i,v) | n == i = (i,f v)
| otherwise = (i,v)
getInput = readFile "/tmp/inputtest.txt" >>= pure . map (unfoldr breakApart) . lines where
breakApart [] = Nothing
breakApart line =
let (captured, remainder) = break (=='-') line
in case captured of
[] -> undefined
_ -> let (x,y) = bimap (filter (`notElem` ", >")) (filter (`notElem` ", >")) $ break (==',') captured
in Just ((read @Int x, read @Int y), if null remainder then [] else tail remainder)
makeGrid :: [[(Int,Int)]] -> (Int,[[Int]])
makeGrid input = (smallestX,) . fst . snd $ fillInRocks
(smallestX,_) = minimumBy (comparing fst) $ concat input
(maxX,maxY) = bimap maximum maximum . unzip $ concat input
grid = replicate (maxY + 1) (map (const 0) [1..(maxX - smallestX + 1)])
forEach xs state' f = foldM (\st x -> runState (f x) st) state' xs
fillInRocks = forEach input (grid,Nothing) compute
makeRange a b | a > b = [b..a]
| otherwise = [a..b]
compute :: [(Int,Int)] -> State ([[Int]],Maybe (Int,Int)) ()
compute [] = alterS (const Nothing) >> pure ()
compute ((x,y):xys) = gets snd >>= \case
Nothing -> do let x' = x - smallestX
alterF (focusMap x' y (const 1))
alterS (const (Just (x',y)))
compute xys
Just (x',y') -> do let xrange = makeRange x' (x - smallestX )
let yrange = makeRange y' y
forM_ xrange \xpos ->
forM_ yrange \ypos ->
alterF (focusMap xpos ypos (const 1))
alterS (const (Just (x - smallestX,y)))
compute xys
gridZipper grid beginAt f fstate = runState (move beginAt) (((0,0),[[]],grid),fstate) where
tailOrEmpty [] = []
tailOrEmpty t = tail t
move (nx,ny) = gets fst >>= \((x,y),backwards,forwards) -> if
| ny > y -> alterF (const ((x,y + 1),([] : (head backwards ++ head forwards) : tailOrEmpty backwards),(tail forwards))) >> move (nx,ny)
| ny < y -> alterF (const ((x,y - 1),(tailOrEmpty backwards),([] : (head backwards ++ head forwards) : tailOrEmpty forwards))) >> move (nx,ny)
| otherwise -> if
| nx > x -> alterF (const ((nx,y),((head backwards ++ take (nx - x) (head forwards)) : tailOrEmpty backwards),(drop (nx - x) (head forwards) : tailOrEmpty forwards))) >> move (nx,ny)
| nx < x -> alterF (const ((nx,y),(drop (nx - x) (head backwards) : tailOrEmpty backwards),(take (nx - x) (head backwards) : tailOrEmpty forwards))) >> move (nx,ny)
| otherwise -> if
| null (head forwards) -> gets snd >>= \fstate -> f fstate Nothing (x,y) (alterS . const) move
| otherwise -> gets snd >>= \fstate -> f fstate (Just (head (head forwards))) (x,y) (alterS . const) move
data Attempted = Down | LeftDown | RightDown deriving (Eq,Show)
type Position = (Int,Int)
type SolutionState = (Int,[Position],Attempted)
type PartialGrid = [[Int]]
solve beginAt grid = _a $ gridZipper grid beginAt sandify (0,[],Down) where
---sandify :: SolutionState
--- -> Maybe Int
--- -> Position
--- -> SolutionState
--- -> StateT ((Position, PartialGrid, PartialGrid), SolutionState) Data.Functor.Identity.Identity Int
--- -> w
--- -> Int
sandify :: (Integer, [(Int,Int)], Attempted)
-> Maybe Int
-> (Int, Int)
-> ((Integer, [(Int,Int)], Attempted) -> StateT (((Int, Int), [[(Int, Int)]], [[(Int, Int)]]), (Integer, [(Int, Int)], Attempted)) Identity ())
-> ((Int, Int)
-> StateT
(((Int, Int), [[(Int,Int)]], [[(Int,Int)]]), (Integer, [(Int,Int)], Attempted))
-> StateT
(((Int, Int), [[(Int,Int)]], [[(Int,Int)]]), (Integer, [(Int,Int)], Attempted))
sandify (count,_,_) Nothing _ _ _ = pure count
sandify (count,hist,at) current (x,y) swap move
| current == Just 1 || current == Just 2 = if
| at == Down -> do swap (count, tail hist, LeftDown)
move (bimap (-1) (+1) $ head $ tail hist)
| at == LeftDown -> do swap (count, tail hist, RightDown)
move (bimap (+1) (+1) $ head $ tail hist)
| at == RightDown -> do swap (count + 1, tail (tail hist), Down)
alterF (\(pos,b,f) -> (pos,focusMap 1 1 (const 2) b, f))
move (head (tail hist))
| otherwise = swap (count, ((x,y) : hist), at) >> move (x,y + 1)
prettyGrid = putStrLn . unlines . (map unwords) . map (map (\c -> if c == 1 then "#" else "."))
main = do
(smallestX,grid) <- makeGrid <$> getInput :: IO (Int, [[Int]])
print $ (solve (500 - smallestX,0) grid :: Integer)
pure ()
Main.hs:80:55: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘(Int, Int)’ with ‘Int’
Expected: (Integer, [(Int, Int)], Attempted)
-> Maybe Int
-> (Int, Int)
-> ((Integer, [(Int, Int)], Attempted)
-> StateT
(((Int, Int), [[(Int, Int)]], [[(Int, Int)]]),
(Integer, [(Int, Int)], Attempted))
-> ((Int, Int)
-> StateT
(((Int, Int), [[Int]], [[Int]]),
(Integer, [(Int, Int)], Attempted))
-> StateT
(((Int, Int), [[Int]], [[Int]]),
(Integer, [(Int, Int)], Attempted))
Actual: (Integer, [(Int, Int)], Attempted)
-> Maybe Int
-> (Int, Int)
-> ((Integer, [(Int, Int)], Attempted)
-> StateT
(((Int, Int), [[(Int, Int)]], [[(Int, Int)]]),
(Integer, [(Int, Int)], Attempted))
-> ((Int, Int)
-> StateT
(((Int, Int), [[(Int, Int)]], [[(Int, Int)]]),
(Integer, [(Int, Int)], Attempted))
-> StateT
(((Int, Int), [[(Int, Int)]], [[(Int, Int)]]),
(Integer, [(Int, Int)], Attempted))
• In the third argument of ‘gridZipper’, namely ‘sandify’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘gridZipper grid beginAt sandify (0, [], Down)’
In the expression:
_a $ gridZipper grid beginAt sandify (0, [], Down)
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