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Created February 12, 2018 08:11
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cheerio = require 'cheerio'
fs = require 'fs'
acts_and_links = require './acts-and-links'
template = fs.readFileSync 'templates/template.html'
intro = fs.readFileSync 'templates/intro.html'
path = '../www/problems-at-school/'
error_handler = (err) -> console.log err if err
switch_class_for_tag = (class_name, tag) ->
$ class_name
.each (i, e) ->
id = $(e).text()
.replace /(\?)/g, ''
$(e).replaceWith "<#{tag} id='#{id}'>#{$(e).html()}</#{tag}>"
write_file_with_template = (filename, title, content, prev, next) ->
populated_template = template.toString()
.replace /{{title}}/, title
.replace /{{book}}/, content
if prev
populated_template = populated_template
.replace /{{prev}}/g, prev
.replace /{{#if}}(.*){{\/if}}/g, '$1'
populated_template = populated_template.replace /{{#if}}.*{{prev}}.*{{\/if}}/, ''
if next
populated_template = populated_template
.replace /{{next}}/g, next
.replace /{{#if}}(.*){{\/if}}/g, '$1'
populated_template = populated_template.replace /{{#if}}.*{{next}}.*{{\/if}}/, ''
fs.writeFile path + filename, populated_template, 'utf8', error_handler
console.log "Writing #{path}#{filename}"
remove_wrapping_elements = (array_of_selectors) ->
array_of_selectors.forEach (selector) ->
$ selector
.each (i, e) ->
$(e).replaceWith $(e).html()
remove_chapter_number = (text) -> text.replace /(\d\. ?\t)/g, ''
section_to_filename = (section) ->
.replace /( )/g, '-'
.replace /(\t)/g, '-'
.replace /([:,’“”])/g, ''
tidy_citation = (citation) ->
.replace /(ss? \w+(( – |-|, )\w+)?)/g, '<nobr>$1</nobr>'
.replace /(\.)$/, '' # trailing full stop
pas_text = fs.readFileSync "problems at school.html"
pas_text = pas_text.toString()
.replace //g, '✔' # fix bad checks & crosses
.replace //g, '✘'
.replace /<p class="body">&#160;<\/p>/gi, '' # get rid of some empty paras
.replace /<p class="Heading-4-first">&#160;<\/p>/gi, ''
.replace /([A-Z]{2}[A-Z]+)/g, '<span class="smallcaps">$1</span>'
$ = cheerio.load pas_text
remove_wrapping_elements ['div', 'div', 'div', '.xref-box', '.xref', '.xref', '.url', '.chap-num', '.chapter-for-running-head', 'span:not([class!=""])']
$('.char-style-override-3').remove() # bullets
$('.char-style-override-5').remove() # numbers
$('.frame-2').remove() # images
switch_class_for_tag 'p.Heading-1', 'h1'
switch_class_for_tag 'p.Heading-2', 'h2'
switch_class_for_tag 'p.Heading-3', 'h3'
switch_class_for_tag 'p.Heading-3-first', 'h3'
switch_class_for_tag 'p.Heading-4', 'h4'
switch_class_for_tag 'p.Heading-4-first', 'h4'
switch_class_for_tag 'p.Heading-5', 'h5'
# I don't know why I need to do this
fs.writeFileSync "export/problems at school.html", $.html(), 'utf8', error_handler
$ = cheerio.load fs.readFileSync "export/problems at school.html"
# clean up links & anchors
$('a').each (i, e) ->
id = $(e).attr 'id'
if id
if $(e).parent().is('h1') or $(e).parent().is('h2')
section = remove_chapter_number $(e).parent().text()
section = $(e).parent().prevAll('h2').eq(0).text()
$("a[href='##{id}']").attr 'href', section_to_filename section + '.html#' + id
no_page_refs = $(e).text().replace /, page \d+/g, ''
# link up legislation
$('p.legislation').each (i, e) ->
citations = $(e).text().split(/; ?/)
links = ''
citations.forEach (citation) ->
link = acts_and_links citation
citation = tidy_citation citation
if link
links += "<a target=\"legislation\" href=\"#{link}\">#{citation}</a><br/>\n"
links += "#{citation}<br/>"
if links then $(e).html links
# make phone numbers clickable
$('p').each (i, e) ->
$(e).html $(e).html().replace /((0800|\(0\d\))[\d ]{3,8})/g, "<span itemprop=\"telephone\" content=\"$1\"><a href=\"tel:$1\">$1</strong></a></span>"
# build main & chapter contents pages
pages = []
main_contents = "<ul class=\"contents\">\n"
$('h1').each (i, e) ->
h1_heading = remove_chapter_number $(e).text()
h1_file = section_to_filename h1_heading + '.html'
h1_breadcrumb = "<p class=\"breadcrumb\"><a href=\"../index.html\">Student Rights</a>\n > <a href=\"index.html\">Problems at School</a>\n > #{h1_heading}</p>"
content = h1_breadcrumb + "<h1>#{h1_heading}</h1>\n" + $(e).nextUntil('h2,h1')
full_content = $(e).nextUntil('h1')
main_contents += "<li><a href=\"#{h1_file}\">#{h1_heading}</a>\n"
sections = []
index_before_section = pages.length
full_content.filter('h2').each (i,e) ->
h2_heading = $(e).text().replace(/(\t)/g, ' ')
h2_file = section_to_filename h2_heading + '.html'
h2_breadcrumb = "<p class=\"breadcrumb\"><a href=\"../index.html\">Student Rights</a>\n > <a href=\"index.html\">Problems at School</a> > <a href=\"#{h1_file}\">#{h1_heading}</a> > #{h2_heading}</p>\n"
h2_content = h2_breadcrumb + "<h2>#{h2_heading}</h2>\n" + $(e).nextUntil('h2,h1')
file: h2_file
title: h2_heading
content: h2_content
section: h2_heading
file: h2_file
section_contents = "<ul class=\"contents\">\n"
sections.forEach (e) ->
section_contents += "<li><a href=\"#{e.file}\">#{e.section}</a></li>\n"
section_contents += "</ul>\n"
main_contents += section_contents + "</li>\n"
pages.splice index_before_section, 0,
file: h1_file
title: h1_heading
content: content + section_contents
main_contents += "</ul>"
file: 'index.html'
title: 'Problems at School'
content: intro + main_contents
pages.forEach (page, index) ->
if index > 0 then prev = pages[index - 1].file else prev = null
if index < pages.length - 1 then next = pages[index + 1].file else next = null
write_file_with_template page.file, page.title, page.content, prev, next
headings = []
['h5', 'h4', 'h3', 'h2', 'h1'].forEach (selector) ->
$(selector).each (i, e) ->
id = ''
label = remove_chapter_number $(e).text()
if selector is 'h1' or selector is 'h2'
section = remove_chapter_number $(e).text()
section = $(e).prevAll('h2,h1').eq(0).text()
id = $(e).attr('id')
label: label
link: "#{section_to_filename section}.html##{id}"
fs.writeFileSync "#{path}/headings.json", JSON.stringify(headings, null, 4), 'utf8', error_handler
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