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Last active March 26, 2024 18:09
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Convert a parquet file to bytes representing an arrow table
"name": "parquet-to-arrow",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"scripts": {
"dependencies": {
"apache-arrow": "^15.0.2",
"arrow-js-ffi": "^0.4.1",
"parquet-wasm": "^0.6.0-beta.2"
* Converts a parquet file on disk to an arrow file in memory
* Adapted from the README example in
* @param {string} filepath
* @returns {buffer}
const arrow = require("apache-arrow");
const { parseRecordBatch } = require("arrow-js-ffi");
const { readFileSync } = require("fs");
const { readParquet, wasmMemory } = require("parquet-wasm");
module.exports = async function parquetToArrow(filepath) {
// A reference to the WebAssembly memory object.
const WASM_MEMORY = wasmMemory();
const buf = readFileSync(filepath);
const parquetUint8Array = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(buf));
const wasmArrowTable = readParquet(parquetUint8Array).intoFFI();
const recordBatches = [];
for (let i = 0; i < wasmArrowTable.numBatches(); i++) {
// Note: Unless you know what you're doing, setting `true` below is recommended to _copy_
// table data from WebAssembly into JavaScript memory. This may become the default in the
// future.
const recordBatch = parseRecordBatch(
const table = new arrow.Table(recordBatches);
// Skip this step converting it to bytes if you just want the table
const ipcStream = arrow.tableToIPC(table, 'stream');
const bytes = Buffer.from(ipcStream, 'utf-8');
// VERY IMPORTANT! You must call `drop` on the Wasm table object when you're done using it
// to release the Wasm memory.
// Note that any access to the pointers in this table is undefined behavior after this call.
// Calling any `wasmArrowTable` method will error.
return bytes;
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