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Last active September 13, 2018 12:21
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Rails Many-to-many relationship generating incorrect SQL
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :order_items_bought,
-> { joins(:order).where.not(orders: { state: :expired }).order(created_at: :desc) },
foreign_key: :buyer_id,
class_name: :OrderItem
has_many :videos_bought,
-> { joins(:orders).select('DISTINCT ON ( videos.*').reorder(' DESC') },
through: :order_items_bought,
source: :item,
source_type: :Video do
def confirmed
where(orders: { state: :confirmed })
# user.videos_bought.confirmed generates this SQL:
# ```
# Video Load (47.0ms) SELECT DISTINCT ON ( videos.* FROM
# "videos" INNER JOIN "order_items" "order_items_videos_join" ON
# "order_items_videos_join"."item_id" = "videos"."id" AND "order_items_videos_join"."item_type" = $1 INNER JOIN
# "orders" ON "orders"."id" = "order_items_videos_join"."order_id" INNER JOIN
# "order_items" ON "videos"."id" = "order_items"."item_id" WHERE
# "order_items"."buyer_id" = $2 AND ("orders"."state" != $3) AND "order_items"."item_type" = $4 AND
# "orders"."state" = $5 ORDER BY DESC, "order_items"."created_at" DESC LIMIT $6
# ```
# Which returns some Video records which are joined with Orders that do NOT have state confirmed.
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