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Last active December 10, 2019 00:49
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@prefix dbo: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix voc: <> .
voc:Measurement rdf:type owl:Class .
voc:Country rdf:type owl:Class .
voc:Year rdf:type owl:Class ;
owl:sameAs dbo:Year .
rdf:type owl:Class ;
owl:sameAs xsd:decimal .
rdf:type owl:Class ;
owl:oneOf "Revenu élevé"^^xsd:stirng ;
owl:oneOf "Revenu intermédiaire, tranche supérieure" ;
owl:oneOf "Faible revenu" ;
owl:oneOf "Agrégats" .
voc:CountryName rdf:type owl:Class ;
owl:sameAs dbo:Country .
rdf:type owl:Class ;
owl:sameAs dbo:isoCodeRegion .
voc:ofYear rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:range voc:Year ;
rdfs:domain voc:Measurement .
voc:withSurface rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:range voc:SurfaceForestiere ;
rdfs:domain voc:Measurement .
voc:hasName rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:range voc:CountryName ;
rdfs:domain voc:Country .
voc:hasCountryCode rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:range voc:CountryCodeRegion ;
rdfs:domain voc:Country .
voc:ofIncomeGroup rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:range voc:CountryIncomeGroup ;
rdfs:domain voc:Country .
_:b0 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty voc:ofIncomeGroup ;
owl:QualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
voc:hasMeasurement rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:range voc:Measurement ;
rdfs:domain voc:Country .
_:b1 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty voc:ofYear ;
owl:QualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
_:b2 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty voc:withSurface ;
owl:QualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
_:b3 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty voc:hasName ;
owl:minQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
_:b4 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty voc:hasCountryCode ;
owl:QualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
_:b5 rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty voc:hasMeasurement ;
owl:minQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
owl:maxQualifiedCardinality "16"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger .
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