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Last active November 29, 2021 20:09
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interface TwoWayWeakMap<K extends object, V> extends WeakMap<K, V> {
keysFor(value: V): K[];
interface TwoWayWeakMapConstructor {
new <K extends object = object, V = any>(
entries?: readonly [K, V][] | null
): TwoWayWeakMap<K, V>;
readonly prototype: TwoWayWeakMap<object, any>;
declare const TwoWayWeakMap: TwoWayWeakMapConstructor;
export default TwoWayWeakMap;
const testSet = new WeakSet();
const hasObject = (value) => {
const type = typeof value;
switch (type) {
case "object":
if (!value) return false;
// fallthrough
case "box":
case "function":
return true;
case "boolean":
case "number":
case "string":
case "symbol":
case "bigint":
case "undefined":
return false;
case "record":
case "tuple":
// Use Box.containsBox or other predicate
// fallthrough for now
try {
return true;
} catch (err) {}
return false;
const minusZero = Symbol("-0");
const cleanup = ({ keyRefs, value, wr }) => {
const wrSet = keyRefs.get(value);
if (wrSet) {
console.log(`removed wr for ${String(value)}, left ${wrSet.size}`);
if (!wrSet.size) {
} else {
console.log("Cleaning up missing set for value", String(value));
const fr = new FinalizationRegistry(cleanup);
export default class TwoWayWeakMap extends WeakMap {
constructor(entries = []) {
this.#keyRefsForPrimitiveValues = new Map();
this.#keyRefsForObjectValues = new WeakMap();
for (const [key, value] of entries) {
this.set(key, value);
/** @override */
get(key) {
const { value } = super.get(key) || {};
return value;
/** @override */
set(key, value) {
const current = super.get(key);
if (current) {
if (, value)) {
return this;
const wr = new WeakRef(key);
super.set(key, { value, wr });
if (, value)) value = minusZero;
let keyRefs;
if (hasObject(value)) {
keyRefs = this.#keyRefsForObjectValues;
} else {
keyRefs = this.#keyRefsForPrimitiveValues;
fr.register(key, { keyRefs, value, wr }, wr);
let wrSet = keyRefs.get(value);
if (!wrSet) {
wrSet = new Set();
keyRefs.set(value, wrSet);
return this;
/** @override */
delete(key) {
const current = super.get(key);
if (current) {
const { wr, value } = current;
if (, value)) value = minusZero;
let keyRefs;
if (hasObject(value)) {
keyRefs = this.#keyRefsForObjectValues;
} else {
keyRefs = this.#keyRefsForPrimitiveValues;
cleanup({ keyRefs, value, wr });
return super.delete(key);
keysFor(value) {
if (, value)) value = minusZero;
const valueHasObject = hasObject(value);
const keyRefs = valueHasObject
? this.#keyRefsForObjectValues
: this.#keyRefsForPrimitiveValues;
const wrSet = keyRefs.get(value);
const res = [];
if (wrSet) {
for (const wr of wrSet) {
const key = wr.deref();
if (key) {
} else {
if (!valueHasObject) {
cleanup({ keyRefs, value, wr });
return res;
// @ts-check
import "./zzz-harness.js";
import assert from "./zzz-assert.js";
import TwoWayWeakMap from "./two-way-weak-map.js";
const allCollections = [];
const fr = new FinalizationRegistry((resolve) => {
const addMessage = (promise, msg) => promise.then(() => msg);
const addCollection = (obj, msg) =>
addMessage(new Promise((resolve) => fr.register(obj, resolve)), msg)
/** @type {TwoWayWeakMap} */
let wm;
const oi = { v: "init" };
wm = new TwoWayWeakMap([[{}, "init"]]);
addCollection(oi, "oi");
const om0 = { v: "m0" };
wm.set(om0, -0);
addCollection(om0, "om0");
const op0 = { v: "p0" };
wm.set(op0, 0);
addCollection(op0, "op0");
const o1 = { v: 1 };
wm.set(o1, 1);
wm.set(o1, 1);
addCollection(o1, "o1");
const o420 = { v: 420 };
const o421 = { v: 421 };
wm.set(o420, 42);
wm.set(o1, 42);
wm.set(o421, 42);
addCollection(o420, "o420");
addCollection(o421, "o421");
const oo0 = { om0, op0 };
om0.o = oo0;
op0.o = oo0;
wm.set(oo0, { om0, op0 });
addCollection(oo0, "oo0");
wm.set(o1, 1);
const keysFor1 = wm.keysFor(1);
assert(keysFor1.length === 1 && keysFor1[0] === o1);
const keysForM0 = wm.keysFor(-0);
assert(keysForM0.length === 1 && keysForM0[0] === om0);
const keysForP0 = wm.keysFor(0);
assert(keysForP0.length === 1 && keysForP0[0] === op0);
const keysFor42 = wm.keysFor(42);
keysFor42.length === 2 && keysFor42[0] === o420 && keysFor42[1] === o421
const readyGC = () => {
new Promise((resolve) => fr.register({}, resolve)).then(() =>
console.log("sentinel collected")
return queueGCJob();
const allCollected = Promise.all(allCollections).then(() => {
console.log("all keys collected");
return true;
const cleanup = async (tries = 0) => {
const result = await Promise.race([
readyGC().then(() => false),
if (result) {
console.log("GC attempt", ++tries);
console.log("Keys for 42:", wm.keysFor(42).length);
if (tries > 10) throw new Error();
return cleanup(tries);
export const result = cleanup().then(async () => {
// Make sure the map's internal pending finalization callbacks are called
await queueGCJob();
// Copyright (C) 2017 Ecma International. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
description: |
Collection of assertion functions used throughout test262
export default function assert(mustBeTrue, message) {
if (mustBeTrue === true) {
if (message === undefined) {
message = "Expected true but got " + String(mustBeTrue);
assert._isSameValue = function (a, b) {
if (a === b) {
// Handle +/-0 vs. -/+0
return a !== 0 || 1 / a === 1 / b;
// Handle NaN vs. NaN
return a !== a && b !== b;
assert.sameValue = function (actual, expected, message) {
if (assert._isSameValue(actual, expected)) {
if (message === undefined) {
message = "";
} else {
message += " ";
message +=
"Expected SameValue(«" +
String(actual) +
"», «" +
String(expected) +
"») to be true";
assert.notSameValue = function (actual, unexpected, message) {
if (!assert._isSameValue(actual, unexpected)) {
if (message === undefined) {
message = "";
} else {
message += " ";
message +=
"Expected SameValue(«" +
String(actual) +
"», «" +
String(unexpected) +
"») to be false";
assert.throws = function (expectedErrorConstructor, func, message) {
if (typeof func !== "function") {
"assert.throws requires two arguments: the error constructor " +
"and a function to run"
if (message === undefined) {
message = "";
} else {
message += " ";
try {
} catch (thrown) {
if (typeof thrown !== "object" || thrown === null) {
message += "Thrown value was not an object!";
} else if (thrown.constructor !== expectedErrorConstructor) {
message +=
"Expected a " + +
" but got a " +;
message +=
"Expected a " + +
" to be thrown but no exception was thrown at all";
assert.throws.early = function (err, code) {
var wrappedCode = "function wrapperFn() { " + code + " }";
var ieval = eval;
function () {
"Function: " + code
if (typeof console === "undefined") {
globalThis.console = {
log() {
globalThis.$ERROR =
globalThis.$ERROR ||
((message) => {
throw new Error(message);
let defaultEnqueueGCJob;
if (typeof setTimeout === "function") {
defaultEnqueueGCJob = function () {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
setTimeout(resolve, 0);
} else if (typeof drainJobQueue === "function") {
defaultEnqueueGCJob = function () {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
} else {
defaultEnqueueGCJob = function () {
return Promise.resolve();
globalThis.queueGCJob = defaultEnqueueGCJob;
let gc = globalThis.gc || (typeof $262 !== "undefined" ? $262.gc : null);
if (!gc) {
try {
const [{ ["default"]: v8 }, { ["default"]: vm }] = await Promise.all([
gc = vm.runInNewContext("gc");
} catch (err) {
gc = () => void Array.from({ length: 2 ** 24 }, () => Math.random());
globalThis.gc = gc;
export {};
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