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Last active December 8, 2021 18:42
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Wrap any value into a registered object
export declare class Wrapper<Kind, Value = any> {
private kind: Kind;
private value: Value;
export interface WrapperRegistry<Kind> extends Function {
constructor: WrapperRegistryConstructor;
wrap<T>(value: T): Wrapper<Kind, T>;
unwrap<T>(wrapped: Wrapper<Kind, T>): T;
export interface WrapperRegistryConstructor {
new <T extends string | number>(description?: T): WrapperRegistry<T>;
isWrapper(wrapper: any): wrapper is Wrapper<any>;
export const WrapperRegistry: WrapperRegistryConstructor;
const testSet = new WeakSet();
const hasObject = (value) => {
const type = typeof value;
switch (type) {
case "object":
if (!value) return false;
// fallthrough
case "box":
case "function":
return true;
case "boolean":
case "number":
case "string":
case "symbol":
case "bigint":
case "undefined":
return false;
case "record":
case "tuple":
// Use Box.containsBox or other predicate
// fallthrough for now
try {
return true;
} catch (err) {}
return false;
export const WrapperRegistry = (() => {
const wrapperBrand = Symbol("Wrapper");
const WrapperBase = (() =>
class {
#brand = wrapperBrand;
static [Symbol.hasInstance](wrapper) {
try {
return wrapper.#brand === wrapperBrand;
} catch (err) {
return false;
delete WrapperBase.prototype.constructor;
function WrapperRegistry(description) {
if (! {
throw new TypeError();
const wrapperKind = Symbol(description);
const minuszero = Symbol("-0");
let internalNew = false;
const primitiveWrappers = new Map();
const objectWrappers = new WeakMap();
const fr = new FinalizationRegistry((held) => {
let wrappers;
let value;
if (held === null || typeof held !== "object") {
wrappers = primitiveWrappers;
value = held;
} else {
wrappers = objectWrappers;
value = held.deref();
const wr = wrappers.get(value);
if (wr && !wr.deref()) {
class Wrapper extends WrapperBase {
#kind = wrapperKind;
constructor(value) {
if (!internalNew) {
throw new TypeError();
this.#value = value;
static wrap(value) {
if (, value)) value = minuszero;
const valueHasObject = hasObject(value);
const wrappers = valueHasObject ? objectWrappers : primitiveWrappers;
let wr = wrappers.get(value);
let wrapper = wr && wr.deref();
if (!wrapper) {
if (wr) {
try {
internalNew = true;
wrapper = Object.freeze(new Wrapper(value));
} finally {
internalNew = false;
wr = new WeakRef(wrapper);
const held = valueHasObject ? new WeakRef(value) : value;
fr.register(wrapper, held, wr);
wrappers.set(value, wr);
return wrapper;
static unwrap(wrapper) {
const value = wrapper.#value;
return value === minuszero ? -0 : value;
static [Symbol.hasInstance](wrapper) {
try {
return wrapper.#kind === wrapperKind;
} catch {
return false;
delete Wrapper.prototype.constructor;
return Wrapper;
Object.defineProperty(WrapperRegistry, "isWrapper", {
value: WrapperBase[Symbol.hasInstance],
writable: true,
configurable: true,
Object.setPrototypeOf(WrapperRegistry.prototype, Function.prototype);
Object.setPrototypeOf(WrapperBase, WrapperRegistry.prototype);
return WrapperRegistry;
// @ts-check
import assert from "assert";
import { WrapperRegistry } from "./wrapper-registry.js";
const allCollections = [];
const fr = new FinalizationRegistry((resolve) => {
const addCollection = (obj) =>
allCollections.push(new Promise((resolve) => fr.register(obj, resolve)));
const wm = new WeakMap();
const FooWrapper = new WrapperRegistry("Foo");
const BarWrapper = new FooWrapper.constructor("Bar");
assert(FooWrapper instanceof WrapperRegistry);
const fooWrapped = FooWrapper.wrap(42);
assert(typeof fooWrapped === "object");
assert(FooWrapper.wrap(42) === fooWrapped);
assert(FooWrapper.unwrap(fooWrapped) === 42);
assert(fooWrapped instanceof FooWrapper);
assert(BarWrapper instanceof WrapperRegistry);
const barWrapped = BarWrapper.wrap(42);
// @ts-expect-error
assert(barWrapped !== fooWrapped);
assert(barWrapped instanceof BarWrapper);
assert(!(fooWrapped instanceof BarWrapper));
// @ts-expect-error
assert.throws(() => BarWrapper.unwrap(fooWrapped));
// @ts-expect-error
assert.throws(() => FooWrapper.unwrap(barWrapped));
const fooBarWrapped = FooWrapper.wrap(barWrapped);
wm.set(barWrapped, fooBarWrapped);
assert(FooWrapper.wrap(barWrapped) === fooBarWrapped);
// @ts-expect-error
assert.throws(() => BarWrapper.unwrap(fooBarWrapped));
const barFooWrapped = BarWrapper.wrap(fooWrapped);
wm.set(fooWrapped, barFooWrapped);
assert(BarWrapper.unwrap(barFooWrapped) === fooWrapped);
// @ts-expect-error
assert.throws(() => FooWrapper.unwrap(barFooWrapped));
const queueGCJob = () => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 0));
const readyGC = () => {
new Promise((resolve) => fr.register({}, resolve)).then(() =>
console.log("sentinel collected")
return queueGCJob();
const allCollected = Promise.all(allCollections).then(() => {
console.log("all wrappers collected");
return true;
const cleanup = async (tries = 0) => {
const result = await Promise.race([
readyGC().then(() => false),
if (result) {
console.log("GC attempt", ++tries);
if (typeof gc === "function") {
} else {
const arr = Array.from({ length: 2 ** 24 }, () => Math.random());
if (tries > 10) throw new Error();
return cleanup(tries);
export const result = cleanup().then(async () => {
// Make sure all Wrapper's internal pending finalization callbacks are called
await queueGCJob();
// Keep registries in scope till the end
const fooWrapped = FooWrapper.wrap(42);
const barWrapped = BarWrapper.wrap(42);
// Without a read from the WeakMap, JSC aggressively optimizes collection
const hasAny = wm.has(fooWrapped) || wm.has(barWrapped);
const fooBarWrapped = FooWrapper.wrap(barWrapped);
const barFooWrapped = BarWrapper.wrap(fooWrapped);
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mhofman commented Dec 8, 2021

This would be useful in the context of Tagged Records

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