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Last active November 16, 2016 16:13
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var global;
var SaxonJS = function () {
// "use strict";
// Copyright (c) Saxonica Limited 2016
var platform = {};
// The following #include directives are used by the tool to concatenate all modules
* This module is included in Saxon-JS when it is to be used in the browser.
var BrowserPlatform = function () {
"use strict";
var platform = {
inBrowser: true,
asyncGet: function (uri, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", uri, true);
xhr.onload = function (e) {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
} else {
throw XError(xhr.statusText);
xhr.onerror = function (e) {
throw XError(xhr.statusText);
asyncGetXml: function (uri, callback) {
platform.asyncGet(uri, function (content) {
var doc = platform.parseXmlFromString(content);
doc._saxonDocumentUri = uri;
callback(uri, doc);
asyncGetMultipleXml: function (arrayOfUris, callback) {
var counter = arrayOfUris.length;
var arrayOfDocs = {};
var i;
for (i = 0; i < arrayOfUris.length; i++) {
if (arrayOfUris[i]) {
platform.asyncGetXml(arrayOfUris[i], function (uri, doc) {
arrayOfDocs[uri] = doc;
if (--counter <= 0) {
} else {
parseXmlFromString: function (str) {
// Normalize line endings
str = str.replace(/\r\n|\r(?!\n)/, "\n");
// Check for misplaced XML/text declarations (because no-one else does it...)
if (/^.+<\?xml/i.test(str)) {
throw SaxonJS.XError("Misplaced or malformed XML or text declaration", "FODC0006");
return (new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, "application/xml"));
readResource: function (href) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
var absHref = platform.resolveUri(href, platform.baseUri());
//alert("Sending request:" + absHref);"GET", absHref, false);
//alert("Returned with status = " + request.status);
if (request.status == 200) {
var resource = request.responseText;
//alert("Resource read");
} else {
alert("Failed to read resource at " + href);
if (resource.charAt(0) == "\ufeff") {
throw SaxonJS.XError(resource.substring(1), "FODC0002");
return resource;
readFile: function (uri, enc) {
// TODO encoding???
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
try {"GET", uri, false);
//alert("Sending request");
catch (e) {
throw SaxonJS.XError("Get failure " + uri, "FODC0006");
//alert("Returned with status = " + request.status);
if (request.status == 200) {
var resource = request.responseText;
//alert("File read");
} else {
throw SaxonJS.XError("Failed to read file at " + uri, "FODC0006");
alert("Failed to read file at " + uri);
return null;
if (resource.charAt(0) == "\ufeff") {
throw SaxonJS.XError(resource.substring(1), "FODC0002");
if (resource.indexOf("\u0000") >= 0) {
throw SaxonJS.XError("External file contains non-XML characters", "FOUT1190");
return resource;
resolveUri: function (href, base) {
var doc = document, old_base = doc.getElementsByTagName('base')[0], old_href = old_base && old_base.href, doc_head = doc.head || doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], our_base = old_base || doc_head.appendChild(doc.createElement('base')), resolver = doc.createElement('a'), resolved_url;
our_base.href = base || '';
resolver.href = href;
resolved_url = resolver.href;
// browser magic at work here
if (old_base) old_base.href = old_href; else doc_head.removeChild(our_base);
return resolved_url;
baseUri: function () {
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var index = scripts.length - 1;
var myScript = scripts[index];
return myScript.src;
initialize: function (options) {
if (typeof options.deliverMessage !== "function") {
options.deliverMessage = function (msg) {
console.log("xsl:message: " + msg);
function init() {
// Some polyfills of JS6 functions
Math.trunc = Math.trunc || function (x) {
return x < 0 ? Math.ceil(x) : Math.floor(x);
if (!Array.prototype.findIndex) {
Array.prototype.findIndex = function (predicate) {
// Simplified version
var i;
for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (predicate(this[i])) {
return i;
return -1;
if (!String.prototype.includes) {
String.prototype.includes = function (search, start) {
'use strict';
if (typeof start !== 'number') {
start = 0;
if (start + search.length > this.length) {
return false;
} else {
return this.indexOf(search, start) !== -1;
window.print = function (str) {
return {
platform: platform
function showValue(val) {
if (val == null) {
return "#null";
if (typeof val == "undefined") {
return "#undefined";
var result;
if (val instanceof Expr.XdmArray) {
result = "[";
var k;
for (k = 0; k < val.value.length && k < 3; k++) {
if (k != 0) {
result += ",";
result += showValue(val.value[k]);
if (val.value.length >= 4) {
result += ",...(" + val.value.length + ")";
result += "]";
return result;
if (val instanceof HashTrie) {
result = "{";
val.forAllPairs(function(pair) {
result += showValue(pair.k);
result += ": ";
result += showValue(pair.v);
result += ", ";
result += "}";
return result;
if (typeof val == "object" && "length" in val) {
//if (val.length == 1) {
// return showValue(val[0]);
//} else {
result = "(";
var i;
for (i = 0; i < val.length && i < 3; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
result += ",";
result += showValue(val[i]);
if (val.length >= 4) {
result += ",...(" + val.length + ")";
result += ")";
return result;
} else if (val instanceof Node) {
result = {
"1": "element <" + val.tagName + ">",
"2": "attribute @" +,
"3": "text",
"7": "pi",
"8": "comment",
"9": "document " + (val._saxonDocumentNumber ? "#" + val._saxonDocumentNumber : "(No nr / #0)"),
"11": "docFrag"
if (val.nodeType == "9") {
var nn;
for (nn = 0; nn < val.childNodes.length; nn++) {
result += "~>" + showValue(val.childNodes[nn]);
return result;
} else if (val instanceof NamespaceNode) {
return "ns:" + val.prefix + "=" + val.uri;
} else if (val.type) {
if (val.type === "string") {
return '"' + val.toString() + '"';
} else if (val.type === "integer" || val.type === "boolean") {
return val.toString();
} else {
return "xs:" + val.type + "(" + val.toString() + ")";
} else {
return "??? " + val;
var Atomic = (function () {
// We populate hierarchy with names of the form "A<B" implying that A is a subtype of B, for example
// the presence of the name "integer<decimal" indicates that integer is a subtype of decimal. Because
// the size of the type hierarchy is modest, we hold the full transitive closure.
// Initially we include only the primitive and pseudo-primitive types; later we will add the restricted
// integer and string types programmatically.
var hierarchy = {
"integer<decimal": 1,
"decimal<numeric": 1,
"double<numeric": 1,
"float<numeric": 1,
"integer<numeric": 1,
"dayTimeDuration<duration": 1,
"yearMonthDuration<duration": 1,
"dateTimeStamp<dateTime": 1
function isSubtype(a, b) {
//print("isSubType " + a + ", " + b + " = " + (a == b || hierarchy[a + "<" + b] == 1));
return a == b || hierarchy[a + "<" + b] == 1;
//function matches(type, instance) { // TODO where is this used?
// return isSubtype(instance.type,;
function disallowedCast(item, type) {
throw new XError("Casting from xs:" + item.type + " to xs:" + type + " is not allowed", "XPTY0004");
function notComparable(a, b) {
throw new XError("Cannot compare xs:" + a + " with xs:" + b, "XPTY0004");
* Convert the supplied string to a Javascript number, according to the XPath rules for
* string-to-double conversion.
* @param str the supplied string
* @param failIfInvalid if true, the function throws FORG0001 if the string is not convertible
* to a number. If false, the function instead returns NaN in this situation.
* @returns {Number}
function stringToNumber(str, failIfInvalid) {
//print("string to number: " + str);
str = Regex.trim(str);
// XPath allows trailing ".", Javascript does not
if (/\.$/.test(str)) {
str = str + "0";
if (/^(\-|\+)?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)([Ee](\-|\+)?[0-9]+)?$/.test(str)) {
// regex from XPath spec (\+|-)?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)([Ee](\+|-)?[0-9]+)? |(\+|-)?INF|NaN
//print("stringToNumber regex match: " + str)
return parseFloat(str);
} else if (/^(\-|\+)?NaN$/.test(str)) {
return NaN;
} else if (/^\-INF$/.test(str)) {
return -Infinity;
} else if (/^(\+)?INF$/.test(str)) {
//print("matched +INF");
return Infinity;
if (failIfInvalid) {
throw new XError("Cannot convert string '" + str + "' to a number", "FORG0001");
} else {
return NaN;
function hashOfNumber(num) {
return num.toString(36);
var b64 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';
function base64_encode(data) {
// from: as at 2016-03-28
// Adapted to do no URL encoding. The input data is represented as a string
// containing octets/codepoints in the range 0-255.
var o1, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i = 0,
ac = 0,
tmp_arr = [];
//print("b64_encode in=" + data);
if (!data) {
return data;
do {
// pack three octets into four hexets
o1 = data.charCodeAt(i++);
o2 = data.charCodeAt(i++);
o3 = data.charCodeAt(i++);
bits = o1 << 16 | o2 << 8 | o3;
h1 = bits >> 18 & 0x3f;
h2 = bits >> 12 & 0x3f;
h3 = bits >> 6 & 0x3f;
h4 = bits & 0x3f;
// use hexets to index into b64, and append result to encoded string
tmp_arr[ac++] = b64.charAt(h1) + b64.charAt(h2) + b64.charAt(h3) + b64.charAt(h4);
} while (i < data.length);
var enc = tmp_arr.join('');
var r = data.length % 3;
return (r ? enc.slice(0, r - 3) : enc) + '==='.slice(r || 3);
function base64_decode(data) {
// from: as at 2016-03-28
// Adapted to do no URL decoding, and to do validation. The output data is represented as a string
// containing octets/codepoints in the range 0-255.
data = data.replace(/\s/g, '');
if (!/^((([A-Za-z0-9+/]){4})*(([A-Za-z0-9+/]){3}[A-Za-z0-9+/]|([A-Za-z0-9+/]){2}[AEIMQUYcgkosw048]=|[A-Za-z0-9+/][AQgw]==))?$/.test(data)) {
throw XError("Invalid base64 input '" + data + "'", "FORG0001");
var o1, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i = 0,
ac = 0,
tmp_arr = [];
if (data.length == 0) {
return data;
data += '';
do {
// unpack four hexets into three octets using index points in b64
h1 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
h2 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
h3 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
h4 = b64.indexOf(data.charAt(i++));
bits = h1 << 18 | h2 << 12 | h3 << 6 | h4;
o1 = bits >> 16 & 0xff;
o2 = bits >> 8 & 0xff;
o3 = bits & 0xff;
if (h3 == 64) {
tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1);
} else if (h4 == 64) {
tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2);
} else {
tmp_arr[ac++] = String.fromCharCode(o1, o2, o3);
} while (i < data.length);
return tmp_arr.join('');
function hex_encode(str) {
//print("hex_encode " + str);
var out = "";
Expr.stringToCodepoints(str).forEach(function (cp) {
out += (cp + 256).toString(16).substring(1).toUpperCase();
return out;
function hex_decode(str) {
//print("hex decode: " + str);
str = Regex.trim(str);
if (!/^([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])*$/.test(str)) {
throw XError("Invalid xs:hexBinary string", "FORG0001");
var i, out = [];
for (i = 0; i < str.length; i += 2) {
out.push(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(str.substring(i, i + 2), 16)));
//print("hex out: " + out.join(''));
return out.join('');
* The XdmString type is used to hold instances of xs:string (including subtypes of xs:string),
* and also xs:untypedAtomic and xs:anyURI.
* @param value the string value (as a primitive string)
* @param type the type of the value - defaults to "string"
* @constructor
function XdmString(value, type) {
if (!type) {
type = "string";
this.value = value;
this.type = type;
if (typeof value != "string") {
Expr.internalError("bad input to string constructor " + showValue(value));
XdmString.prototype = {
value: null,
type: "string",
_hash: 0,
toString: function () {
return this.value;
toDouble: function () {
return stringToNumber(this.value, true);
compareTo: function (other) {
if (other instanceof XdmString) {
//print(" " + this.value + " to " + other.value + " =? " + (this.value == other.value));
return (this.value < other.value ? -1 : this.value == other.value ? 0 : +1);
} else if (this.type == "untypedAtomic") {
return Atomic[other.type].cast(this).compareTo(other);
} else {
notComparable(this.type, other.type);
equals: function (other) {
return this.compareTo(other) == 0;
hashCode: function () {
if (this.value.length <= 4) {
return this.value;
// copied from Java String.hashCode
var h = this._hash;
var len = this.value.length;
if (h == 0 && len > 0) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
h = 31 * h + this.value.charAt(i++);
this._hash = h;
return hashOfNumber(h);
* The XdmBinary type is used to hold instances of xs:hexBinary or xs:base64Binary
* The internal representation is as a string in which each character (codepoint range 0-255)
* represents one octet.
* @param value the internal string representation
* @param type the type of the value - must be "hexBinary" or "base64Binary"
* @constructor
function XdmBinary(value, type) {
this.value = value;
this.type = type;
//print("new XdmBinary value=" + value + " type=" + type);
XdmBinary.prototype = {
value: null,
type: "hexBinary",
toString: function () {
return this.type == "hexBinary" ? hex_encode(this.value) : base64_encode(this.value);
compareTo: function (other) {
if (other instanceof XdmBinary) {
//print(" " + this.value + " to " + other.value + " =? " + (this.value == other.value));
return (this.value < other.value ? -1 : this.value == other.value ? 0 : +1);
} else {
notComparable(this.type, other.type);
equals: function (other) {
return this.compareTo(other) == 0;
hashCode: function () {
return new XdmString(this.value).hashCode();
* The XdmDouble class is used for both xs:double and xs:float values
* @param value the value as a Javascript number
* @param type the type, "double" or "float" - default is "double"
* @constructor
function XdmDouble(value, type) {
if (typeof value != "number") {
Expr.internalError("type of value supplied to XdmDouble is not number: " + (typeof value));
this.value = value;
this.type = type || "double";
XdmDouble.prototype = {
value: 0,
type: "double",
_hash: 0,
toString: function () {
if (this.value == 0) {
return (1 / this.value < 0 ? "-0" : "0");
if (this.value == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
return "INF";
if (this.value == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
return "-INF";
var num = this.value;
var abs = Math.abs(num);
if (abs >= 1e6 || abs < 1e-6) {
var str = num.toExponential();
var e = str.indexOf("e");
var mantissa = str.substring(0, e);
if (!mantissa.includes(".")) {
mantissa += ".0"
var exponent = str.substring(e + 1);
return mantissa + "E" + exponent.replace("+", "");
} else {
return num.toString();
equals: function (other) {
return this.compareTo(other) == 0;
compareTo: function (other) {
if ("toNumber" in other) {
return this.value < other.toNumber() ? -1 : this.value == other.toNumber() ? 0 : +1;
} else {
notComparable(this.type, other.type);
hashCode: function () {
return hashOfNumber(this.value);
toNumber: function () {
return this.value;
toDouble: function () {
return this;
abs: function () {
return new XdmDouble(Math.abs(this.value), this.type);
negate: function () {
return new XdmDouble(-this.value, this.type);
ceiling: function () {
return new XdmDouble(Math.ceil(this.value), this.type);
floor: function () {
return new XdmDouble(Math.floor(this.value), this.type);
round: function (precision) {
var result;
if (precision == 0) {
result = Math.round(this.value);
} else {
var scale = Math.pow(10, -precision);
result = Math.round(this.value / scale) * scale;
return new XdmDouble(result, this.type);
"roundHalfToEven": function (precision) {
if (isNaN(this.value) || !isFinite(this.value)) { // special cases: NaN, +|- zero, +|- infinity
return this;
} else {
return Atomic[this.type].cast(new XdmDecimal(Big(this.value)).roundHalfToEven(precision));
function XdmInteger(value, subtype) {
if (typeof value != "number") {
throw "type of value supplied to XdmInteger is not number: " + (typeof value)
this.value = value;
if (subtype) {
this.type = subtype;
XdmInteger.prototype = {
value: 0,
type: "integer",
_hash: 0,
toString: function () {
return this.value.toString();
equals: function (other) {
return this.compareTo(other) == 0;
compareTo: function (other) {
if ("toNumber" in other) {
return this.value - other.toNumber();
} else {
notComparable(this.type, other.type);
hashCode: function () {
return hashOfNumber(this.value);
toDouble: function () {
return new XdmDouble(this.value);
toNumber: function () {
return this.value;
toBig: function () {
return new Big(this.value);
abs: function () {
return new XdmInteger(Math.abs(this.value));
negate: function () {
return new XdmInteger(-this.value);
ceiling: function () {
return this;
floor: function () {
return this;
round: function (precision) {
if (precision < 0) {
var scale = Math.pow(10, -precision);
return new XdmInteger(Math.round(this.value / scale) * scale);
} else {
return this;
roundHalfToEven: function (precision) {
if (precision < 0) {
var scale = Math.pow(10, -precision);
return new XdmInteger(parseInt(Big(this.value).div(scale).round(0, 2).times(scale)));
} else {
return this;
* The class XdmDecimal is used for all non-integer xs:decimal values, and also for xs:integer
* values (including subtypes) that are out of range for the Javascript Number type
* @param value may be any value accepted by the Big type (including a Big)
* @param subtype string, the name of the subtype to which the value conforms
* @constructor
function XdmDecimal(value, subtype) {
this.value = new Big(value);
if (subtype) {
this.type = subtype;
XdmDecimal.prototype = {
value: null, // Object of type Big
type: "decimal",
_hash: 0,
toString: function () {
return this.value.toFixed();
equals: function (other) {
return this.compareTo(other) == 0;
compareTo: function (other) {
if (other instanceof XdmDecimal) {
return this.value.cmp(other.value);
if ("toDouble" in other) {
return this.value - other.toDouble().value;
} else {
notComparable(this.type, other.type);
hashCode: function () {
return hashOfNumber(this.toNumber());
toBig: function () {
return this.value;
toDouble: function () {
return new XdmDouble(parseFloat(this.value));
toNumber: function () {
return parseFloat(this.value);
abs: function () {
return new XdmDecimal(this.value.abs(), this.type);
negate: function () {
var b = Big(this.value);
b.s = -b.s;
return new XdmDecimal(b, this.type == "decimal" ? "decimal" : "integer");
ceiling: function () {
return new XdmDecimal(this.value.round(0, this.value.s < 0 ? 0 : 3), this.type);
floor: function () {
return new XdmDecimal(this.value.round(0, this.value.s < 0 ? 3 : 0), this.type);
round: function (precision) {
function scale(big, places) {
// multiply by 10^places
var b = new Big(big);
b.e += places;
return b;
var big = this.value;
var shift = 0;
if (precision < 0) {
shift = precision;
precision = 0;
big = scale(big, shift);
var addend = big.s > 0 ? Big(0) : this.floor().abs();
big =, 1).minus(addend);
if (scale != 0) {
big = scale(big, -shift);
return new XdmDecimal(big, this.type == "decimal" ? "decimal" : "integer");
roundHalfToEven: function (precision) {
var result;
if (precision < 0) {
var scale = Big(10).pow(-precision);
result = this.value.div(scale).round(0, 2).times(scale); //TODO deal with minus zero
} else {
result = this.value.round(precision, 2);
return new XdmDecimal(result, this.type == "decimal" ? "decimal" : "integer");
function XdmBoolean(value) {
this.value = value;
if (typeof value != "boolean") {
throw "Not a boolean!";
XdmBoolean.prototype = {
value: null,
type: "boolean",
_hash: 0,
toString: function () {
return this.value.toString();
toBoolean: function () {
return this.value;
compareTo: function (other) {
if (other instanceof XdmBoolean) {
// false < true
return (this.value ? 1 : 0) - (other.value ? 1 : 0);
equals: function (other) {
return other instanceof XdmBoolean && this.value == other.value;
hashCode: function () {
return this.value.toString();
function XdmQName(prefix, uri, local) {
this.prefix = prefix ? prefix : "";
this.uri = uri ? uri : "";
this.local = local;
if (prefix != "" && !Regex.isNCName(prefix)) {
throw new XError("Invalid prefix: '" + prefix + "'", "FORG0001");
} else if (!Regex.isNCName(local)) {
throw new XError("Invalid local name: '" + local + "'", "FORG0001");
XdmQName.prototype = {
prefix: null,
uri: null,
local: null,
type: "QName",
toEQName: function () {
return "Q{" + this.uri + "}" + this.local;
toString: function () {
return (this.prefix.length > 0 ? (this.prefix + ":") : "") + this.local
equals: function (other) {
return other instanceof XdmQName && this.local == other.local && this.uri == other.uri;
compareTo: function () {
throw new XError("QNames are not ordered", "FORG0006");
hashCode: function () {
return this.uri.substring(this.uri.length - 3) + ":" + this.local.substring(0, 3);
function XdmDateTime(UTCdate, timezoneOffset, type) {
this.UTCdate = UTCdate; // a Date object
this.timezoneOffset = timezoneOffset; // store as number of minutes
this.type = type; // string dateTime|date|time
XdmDateTime.prototype = {
type: "dateTime",
_hash: 0,
UTCdate: null,
timezoneOffset: 0,
proxy: function () {
// returns a date adjusted by the timezone offset, so that the UTC string *without*
// the timezone provides the 'right' date and time components
//TODO timezone offset issue!!!
var dummy = new Date(); // replaced this.UTCdate.getTimezoneOffset() by dummy.getTimezoneOffset()
var offset = this.timezoneOffset != null ? this.timezoneOffset : -dummy.getTimezoneOffset();
//print("proxy offset " + offset);
//print("dummy.getTimezoneOffset() " + dummy.getTimezoneOffset());
return new Date(this.UTCdate.getTime() + offset * 60 * 1000);
_ISOEdit: function (str) {
// remove Z
str = str.substr(0, str.length - 1);
// Remove trailing zeros in fractional seconds part
if (this.UTCdate.getUTCMilliseconds() == 0) {
str = str.replace(".000", "");
} else {
while (str.charAt(str.length - 1) == "0") {
str = str.substr(0, str.length - 1);
return str;
toString: function () {
var str = this._ISOEdit(this.proxy().toISOString());
function base(type) {
switch (type) {
case "dateTime":
case "dateTimeStamp":
return str;
case "date":
return str.substring(0, 10);
case "time":
return str.substring(11);
case "gYearMonth":
return str.substring(0, 7);
case "gYear":
return str.substring(0, 4);
case "gMonthDay":
return "-" + str.substring(4, 10);
case "gMonth":
return "-" + str.substring(4, 7);
case "gDay":
return "--" + str.substring(7, 10);
throw "type not recognised " + type;
return base(this.type) + this.tzOffsetToString();
compareTo: function (other) {
//"Values representing the same instant but having different time zone offsets are equal but not identical."
// TODO this subtype of other, or other subtype of this
if (other instanceof XdmDateTime && this.type == other.type) {
//print("Compare dateTimes " + this.UTCdate.getTime() + ", " + other.UTCdate.getTime());
return +this.UTCdate.getTime() - other.UTCdate.getTime();
} else {
print("Not implemented comparing " + this.type + " " + this.toString() + ", " + other.type + " " + other.toString());
notComparable(this.type, other.type);
equals: function (other) {
return other instanceof XdmDateTime && this.type == other.type
&& this.UTCdate.getTime() == other.UTCdate.getTime();
hashCode: function () {
return hashOfNumber(this.UTCdate.getTime() - 1454346732296); // chosen so hash keys will usually be short
adjustByMinutes: function (mins) { // used for adjust to timezone functions
// ok that this always returns a dateTime, we only ever use the UTCdate it contains to then construct the right type
return Atomic.dateTime.fromDate(new Date(this.UTCdate.getTime() + mins * 60 * 1000), this.timezoneOffset);
addMonths: function (num) { // used for arithmetic operators on durations, dates and times
// Get year, month, and day from dateTime
var dateStr = this.toString();
var year = parseInt(dateStr.substring(0, 4), 10);
var month = parseInt(dateStr.substring(5, 7), 10);
var day = parseInt(dateStr.substring(8, 10), 10);
//print("year " + year + ", month " + month + ", day " + day);
var newYear = year + Math.floor((month + num - 1) / 12);
if (newYear < 0) {
throw new XError("Dates with negative year not supported", "FODT0001");
//var newMonth = num < 0 ? ((month + num - 1) % 12) + 13 : ((month + num - 1) % 12) + 1;
var newMonth = ((month + num - 1) % 12) + 1;
if (newMonth <= 0) {
newMonth += 12;
//print("newYear " + newYear + ", newMonth " + newMonth);
while (!isValidDate(newYear, newMonth, day)) {
day -= 1;
return Atomic[this.type].fromString(as4Digits(newYear) + "-" + as2Digits(newMonth) + "-" + as2Digits(day) + dateStr.substring(10));
tzOffsetToString: function () {
// Converts timezoneOffset in minutes into the string form for xs:dateTime output
var tzOffset = this.timezoneOffset;
if (tzOffset == null) {
return "";
} else if (tzOffset == 0) {
return "Z";
var num = Math.abs(tzOffset);
return (tzOffset < 0 ? "-" : "+") + as2Digits(Math.floor(num / 60)) + ":" + as2Digits(num % 60);
function as2Digits(number) {
return (100 + number).toString().substring(1);
function as4Digits(number) {
return (10000 + number).toString().substring(1);
function XdmDuration(months, milliseconds, type) {
//print("new XdmDuration " + months + ", " + milliseconds);
this.months = months;
this.milliseconds = milliseconds;
if (months > 0 && milliseconds < 0 || months < 0 && milliseconds > 0) {
throw new XError("Months/seconds must both be negative or both positive", "FORG0001");
this.type = type;
XdmDuration.prototype = {
type: "duration",
_hash: 0,
months: 0,
milliseconds: 0,
// The components of a duration as an array of 6 non-negative numbers, [yr, mon, day, hr, min, sec]
parts: function () {
var result = [];
var normalize = function (num, factors) {
factors.forEach(function (factor) {
if (factor != 1000) {
result.push(Math.floor(num / factor));
num = num % factor;
} else {
result.push(num / factor);
normalize(Math.abs(this.months), [12, 1]);
normalize(Math.abs(this.milliseconds), [1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, 1000 * 60 * 60, 1000 * 60, 1000]);
return result;
// -1, 0, or +1 according to the sign of the duration
signum: function () {
var temp = this.months + this.milliseconds;
return temp < 0 ? -1 : temp > 0 ? +1 : 0;
toString: function () {
var str;
var s = this.signum();
if (s == 0) {
str = this.type == "yearMonthDuration" ? "P0M" : "PT0S";
} else {
str = s < 0 ? '-P' : 'P'; (part, pos) {
if (pos == 3) {
str += 'T';
if (part != 0) {
if (pos == 6) {
str += part / 1000 + 'S';
else str += part + ['Y', 'M', 'D', 'H', 'M', 'S'][pos];
str = str.replace(/T$/, "");
return str;
compareTo: function (other) {
if (Atomic.yearMonthDuration.matches(this) && Atomic.yearMonthDuration.matches(other)) {
return this.months - other.months;
} else if (Atomic.dayTimeDuration.matches(this) && Atomic.dayTimeDuration.matches(other)) {
return this.milliseconds - other.milliseconds;
} else {
throw new XError("Cannot compare durations that mix months and seconds", "XPTY0004");
equals: function (other) { // TODO is this right? what about subtypes? 0 duration
// could use isSubtype(other.type, "duration") in place of other instanceof XdmDuration
return other instanceof XdmDuration && this.months == other.months && this.milliseconds == other.milliseconds;
hashCode: function () {
return this.months.toString() + ":" + this.milliseconds.toString();
var typeInfo = {
isSubtype : isSubtype,
untypedAtomic: {
name: "untypedAtomic",
fromString: function (str) {
return new XdmString(str, "untypedAtomic");
matches: function (item) {
return item.type == "untypedAtomic";
cast: function (item) {
return new XdmString(item.toString(), "untypedAtomic");
string: {
name: "string",
fromString: function (str) {
return new XdmString(str, "string");
matches: function (item) {
return isSubtype(item.type, "string");
cast: function (item) {
return new XdmString(item.toString(), "string");
anyURI: {
name: "anyURI",
fromString: function (str) {
return new XdmString(str.replace(/[ \r\t\n]+/g, ' ').replace(/^[ ]|[ ]$/g, ''), "anyURI");
fromURI: function (uri) {
var str;
if (uri instanceof URI) {
str = uri.toString();
} else {
print("URI expected!!!");
str = uri.toString();
return new XdmString(str, "anyURI");
matches: function (item) {
return item.type == "anyURI";
cast: function (item) {
if (item instanceof XdmString) {
return Atomic.anyURI.fromString(item.toString());
} else {
disallowedCast(item, "anyURI");
double: {
name: "double",
fromString: function (str) {
return new XdmDouble(stringToNumber(str, true));
fromStringUnfailing: function (str) {
return new XdmDouble(stringToNumber(str, false));
fromNumber: function (num) {
return new XdmDouble(num);
matches: function (item) {
return item.type == "double";
cast: function (item) {
if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.double.fromString(item.toString());
} else if (Atomic.numeric.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.double.fromNumber(item.toNumber());
} else if (Atomic.boolean.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.double.fromNumber(item.toBoolean() ? 1 : 0);
} else if (typeof item === "number") {
return Atomic.double.fromNumber(item);
} else {
disallowedCast(item, "double");
decimal: {
name: "decimal",
fromString: function (str) {
str = Regex.trim(str);
if (/^(\+|-)?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)$/.test(str)) {
return new XdmDecimal(new Big(str));
} else {
throw new XError("Invalid xs:decimal '" + str + "'", "FORG0001");
fromBig: function (big) {
return new XdmDecimal(big);
fromNumber: function (num) {
if (isNaN(num) || !isFinite(num)) {
throw new XError("xs:decimal cannot be NaN or infinite");
return new XdmDecimal(new Big(num));
matches: function (item) {
//print("decimal matches? " + showValue(item));
return item instanceof XdmDecimal || item instanceof XdmInteger;
cast: function (item) {
if (Atomic.decimal.matches(item)) {
return new XdmDecimal(item.value, "decimal");
} else if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.decimal.fromString(item.toString());
} else if (Atomic.numeric.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.decimal.fromNumber(item.toNumber());
} else if (Atomic.boolean.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.decimal.fromString(item.toBoolean() ? "1" : "0");
} else {
disallowedCast(item, "decimal");
float: {
name: "float",
fromString: function (str) {
return new XdmDouble(stringToNumber(str, true), "float")
fromNumber: function (num) {
if (Math.fround) {
num = Math.fround(num); // reduce to single precision if possible
return new XdmDouble(num, "float");
matches: function (item) {
return item.type == "float";
cast: function (item) {
return Atomic.float.fromNumber(Atomic.double.cast(item).toNumber());
boolean: {
name: "boolean",
fromString: function (str) {
switch (Regex.trim(str)) {
case "true":
case "1":
return new XdmBoolean(true);
case "false":
case "0":
return new XdmBoolean(false);
throw new XError("Cannot convert string '" + str + "' to xs:boolean", "FORG0001");
fromBoolean: function (bool) {
return new XdmBoolean(bool);
matches: function (item) {
return item instanceof XdmBoolean;
cast: function (item) {
if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.boolean.fromString(item.toString());
} else if (Atomic.numeric.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.boolean.fromBoolean(item.toNumber() != 0 && !isNaN(item.toNumber()));
} else if (Atomic.boolean.matches(item)) {
return item;
} else if (typeof item === "boolean") {
return Atomic.boolean.fromBoolean(item);
} else {
disallowedCast(item, "boolean");
integer: {
name: "integer",
base: "decimal",
matches: function (item) {
return isSubtype(item.type, "integer");
fromString: function (str) {
//print("integer.fromString(" + str + ")");
if (/^\s*(\-|\+)?[0-9]+\s*$/.test(str)) {
if (str.length > 9) {
return new XdmDecimal(str, "integer");
} else {
return new XdmInteger(parseInt(str, 10));
} else {
throw new XError("Cannot convert string '" + str + "' to an integer", "FORG0001");
fromNumber: function (num) {
if (isNaN(num) || num == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY || num == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
throw new XError("Cannot convert NaN or INF to an integer", "FORG0001");
return new XdmInteger(Math.trunc(num));
fromBig: function (big) {
return new XdmDecimal(big, "integer");
valid: function (item) {
return item.value.mod(1) == 0;
cast: function (item) {
if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.integer.fromString(item.toString());
} else if (Atomic.numeric.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.integer.fromNumber(item.toNumber());
} else if (Atomic.boolean.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.integer.fromNumber(item.toBoolean() ? 1 : 0);
} else {
disallowedCast(item, "boolean");
convertFromJS: function(value) {
if (typeof value == "number") {
return Atomic.integer.fromNumber(value);
} else if (typeof value == "boolean") {
return Atomic.integer.fromNumber(value ? 1 : 0);
} else if (typeof value == "string") {
return Atomic.integer.fromString(value);
} else {
return Atomic.integer.fromString(value.toString());
numeric: {
name: "numeric",
members: ["double", "decimal", "float"],
matches: function (item) {
return item instanceof XdmDouble ||
item instanceof XdmInteger || item instanceof XdmDecimal;
cast: function (item) {
if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.double.fromString(item.toString());
} else if (Atomic.numeric.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.double.fromNumber(item.toNumber());
} else if (Atomic.boolean.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.double.fromNumber(item.toBoolean() ? 1 : 0);
} else {
disallowedCast(item, "numeric");
QName: {
name: "QName",
matches: function (item) {
return item instanceof XdmQName;
fromParts: function (prefix, uri, local) {
return new XdmQName(prefix, uri, local);
fromString: function (lexical, resolver) {
lexical = Regex.trim(lexical);
if (lexical.substring(0, 2) == "Q{") {
return Atomic.QName.fromEQName(lexical);
if (!Regex.isQName(lexical)) {
throw XError("Invalid QName " + lexical, "FORG0001");
var parts = lexical.split(":");
if (parts.length == 1) {
return Atomic.QName.fromParts("", resolver(""), parts[0]);
} else {
var uri = resolver(parts[0]);
if (uri == null) {
throw XError("Undeclared prefix: " + parts[0], "FONS0004");
return Atomic.QName.fromParts(parts[0], uri, parts[1]);
fromEQName: function (eqName) {
var lc = eqName.indexOf("{");
var rc = eqName.indexOf("}");
return new XdmQName("", eqName.substring(lc + 1, rc), eqName.substring(rc + 1));
cast: function (item, resolver) {
if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
if (!resolver) {
throw XError("Casting to QName requires a namespace resolver", "FORG0001");
} else {
return Atomic.QName.fromString(item.toString(), resolver);
} else if (Atomic.QName.matches(item)) {
return item;
} else {
disallowedCast(item, "QName");
dateTime: {
name: "dateTime",
matches: function (item) {
return item instanceof XdmDateTime && (item.type == "dateTime" || item.type == "dateTimeStamp");
fromString: function (str) {
return dateTimeFromString(str, "dateTime");
fromDate: function (date, tzOffset) {
return new XdmDateTime(date, tzOffset, "dateTime");
cast: function (item) {
if (Atomic.dateTime.matches(item)) {
return item;
} else if ( {
return Atomic.dateTime.fromDate(item.UTCdate, item.timezoneOffset);
} else if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.dateTime.fromString(item.toString());
} else {
disallowedCast(item, "dateTime");
date: {
name: "date",
matches: function (item) {
return item instanceof XdmDateTime && item.type == "date";
fromString: function (str) { // As starting instant
return dateTimeFromString(str, "date");
fromDate: function (date, tzOffset) { // As starting instant
// construct date
var d = new XdmDateTime(date, tzOffset, "date");
// convert the date to its starting instant as a dateTime
var startDT = Atomic.dateTime.fromString(d.toString().substring(0, 10) + "T00:00:00" + d.toString().substring(10));
// convert the dateTime to a date
return new XdmDateTime(startDT.UTCdate, tzOffset, "date");
cast: function (item) {
if ( {
return item;
} else if (Atomic.dateTime.matches(item)) {
return, item.timezoneOffset);
} else if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
} else {
disallowedCast(item, "date");
time: {
name: "time",
matches: function (item) {
return item instanceof XdmDateTime && item.type == "time";
fromString: function (str) { // As starting instant
return dateTimeFromString(str, "time");
fromDate: function (date, tzOffset) { // As starting instant
// construct time
var t = new XdmDateTime(date, tzOffset, "time");
// convert the time to its starting instant as a dateTime
var startDT = Atomic.dateTime.fromString("1972-01-01T" + t.toString());
// convert the dateTime to a time
return new XdmDateTime(startDT.UTCdate, tzOffset, "time");
cast: function (item) {
if (Atomic.time.matches(item)) {
return item;
} else if (Atomic.dateTime.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.time.fromDate(item.UTCdate, item.timezoneOffset);
} else if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.time.fromString(item.toString());
} else {
disallowedCast(item, "time");
dateTimeStamp: { //TODO derived type - use subtype definition?
name: "dateTimeStamp",
matches: function (item) {
return item instanceof XdmDateTime && item.type == "dateTimeStamp";
fromString: function (str) {
return dateTimeFromString(str, "dateTimeStamp");
fromDate: function (date, tzOffset) {
return new XdmDateTime(date, tzOffset, "dateTimeStamp");
cast: function (item) {
if (Atomic.time.matches(item)) {
return item;
} else if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.dateTimeStamp.fromString(item.toString());
} else {
disallowedCast(item, "dateTimeStamp");
duration: {
name: "duration",
matches: function (item) {
//return item instanceof XdmDuration;
return isSubtype(item.type, "duration");
fromString: function (str) {
return durationFromString(str, "duration");
fromMonthsMilliseconds: function (months, milliseconds) {
// TODO should there be a check here that months and milliseconds are both integers??
return new XdmDuration(months, milliseconds, "duration");
cast: function (item) {
if (Atomic.duration.matches(item)) {
return item;
} else if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
return Atomic.duration.fromString(item.toString());
} else {
disallowedCast(item, "duration");
hexBinary: {
name: "hexBinary",
matches: function (item) {
return item.type === "hexBinary";
fromString: function(str) {
return new XdmBinary(hex_decode(str), "hexBinary") ;
cast: function(item) {
if (item instanceof XdmBinary) {
return new XdmBinary(item.value, "hexBinary");
} else if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
return new XdmBinary(hex_decode(item.toString()), "hexBinary");
disallowedCast(item, "hexBinary");
base64Binary: {
name: "base64Binary",
matches: function (item) {
return item.type === "base64Binary";
fromString: function (str) {
return new XdmBinary(base64_decode(str), "base64Binary");
cast: function (item) {
if (item instanceof XdmBinary) {
return new XdmBinary(item.value, "base64Binary");
} else if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
return new XdmBinary(base64_decode(item.toString()), "base64Binary");
disallowedCast(item, "base64Binary");
function addDateTimeType(name) {
var t = typeInfo[name] = {}; = name;
t.matches = function (item) {
return item instanceof XdmDateTime && item.type == name;
t.fromString = function (str) {
return dateTimeFromString(str, name);
t.fromDate = function (date, tzOffset) {
return new XdmDateTime(date, tzOffset, name);
t.cast = function (item) {
//print("cast " + item.type + " " + showValue(item) + " to " + name);
if (typeInfo[name].matches(item)) {
return item;
} else if (Atomic.dateTime.matches(item) || {
// Convoluted, but this gets rid of the unwanted date components which is needed for equality to work
var typ = typeInfo[name];
return typ.fromString(typ.fromDate(item.UTCdate, item.timezoneOffset).toString());
} else if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
return typeInfo[name].fromString(item.toString());
} else {
disallowedCast(item, name);
var dateTimeRegex = {
"dateTime": /^\s*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(?:\.[0-9]+)?)(Z|(\+|-)[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?\s*$/,
"date": /^\s*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})(Z|(\+|-)[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?\s*$/,
"time": /^\s*([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(?:\.[0-9]+)?)(Z|(\+|-)[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?\s*$/,
"dateTimeStamp": /^\s*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(?:\.[0-9]+)?)(Z|(\+|-)[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})\s*$/,
"gYearMonth": /^\s*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2})(Z|(\+|-)[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?\s*$/,
"gYear": /^\s*([0-9]{4})(Z|(\+|-)[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?\s*$/,
"gMonthDay": /^\s*--([0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})(Z|(\+|-)[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?\s*$/,
"gMonth": /^\s*--([0-9]{2})(Z|(\+|-)[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?\s*$/,
"gDay": /^\s*---([0-9]{2})(Z|(\+|-)[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?\s*$/,
"duration": /^\s*\-?P(?:([0-9]+)Y)?(?:([0-9]+)M)?(?:([0-9]+)D)?(?:T(?:([0-9]+)H)?(?:([0-9]+)M)?(?:([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?)S)?)?\s*$/,
"dayTimeDuration": /^\s*\-?P(?:([0-9]+)D)?(?:T(?:([0-9]+)H)?(?:([0-9]+)M)?(?:([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?)S)?)?\s*$/,
"yearMonthDuration": /^\s*\-?P(?:([0-9]+)Y)?(?:([0-9]+)M)?\s*$/
var dateConstructor = {
"dateTime": function (v) {
return padFracSec(v);
"date": function (v) {
return v + "T00:00:00";
"time": function (v) {
return "1972-01-01T" + padFracSec(v);
"dateTimeStamp": function (v) {
return padFracSec(v);
"gYearMonth": function (v) {
return v + "-01T00:00:00";
"gYear": function (v) {
return v + "-01-01T00:00:00";
"gMonthDay": function (v) {
return "1972-" + v + "T00:00:00";
"gMonth": function (v) {
return "1972-" + v + "-01T00:00:00";
"gDay": function (v) {
return "1972-01-" + v + "T00:00:00";
// Add padding zeros to fractional seconds part of time to get around Nashorn milliseconds issue
function padFracSec(str) {
if (str.indexOf('.', str.length - 4) != -1) {
var parts = str.split('.');
var ms = parts[1];
while (ms.length < 3) {
ms += "0";
str = parts[0] + '.' + ms;
return str;
function isValidDate(parts) {
var y = parts[0];
var m = parts[1];
var d = parts[2];
var h = parts[3];
var mm = parts[4];
var s = parts[5];
var leap = (y % 4 == 0) && !(y % 100 == 0 && !(y % 400 == 0));
return !(m < 1 || m > 12 || d < 1 || d > [31, leap?29:28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][m-1] ||
h >= 24 || mm >= 60 || s >= 60);
function checkYearMonthDay(str, orig) {
// Checks that YYYY-MM-DD is a valid date. The JS date class is too liberal, for example it treats
// 2015-02-29 as 2015-03-01. On input str is a string that satisfies the YYYY-MM-DD regex.
//print("check " + str);
var parts = str.split(/[\-T:]/).map(function(s) {
return parseFloat(s, 10);
//print("parts " + parts);
if (!isValidDate(parts)) {
throw new XError("Invalid date " + orig, "FORG0001");
function dateTimeFromString(str, type) {
var result = str.match(dateTimeRegex[type]);
//print("dateTimeFromString: " + str);
if (result == null) {
throw new XError("Cannot convert string '" + str + "' to a " + type, "FORG0001");
var tzComponent = result[2] ? result[2] : "";
//print("tzComponent: " + tzComponent);
var expanded = dateConstructor[type](result[1]) + tzComponent;
//print("expanded: " + expanded);
if (/24:00:00(\.0+)?$/.test(expanded)) {
// 24:00 today becomes 00:00 tomorrow
expanded = Calculate["t+u"](dateTimeFromString(expanded.substring(0, 10), "date"),
durationFromString("P1D", "dayTimeDuration")).toString() + "T00:00:00";
checkYearMonthDay(expanded.substring(0, 19), str);
var date = new Date(expanded);
//print("dateTimeFromString(): date before adjustment " + date.toISOString());
/* Note that a Date constructed from a string without any timezone part is assumed to be in UTC.
But xs:dateTime with timezone component the empty sequence is assumed to be local.
So make an adjustment.*/
if (tzComponent == "") {
var dummy = new Date();
date = new Date(date.getTime() + dummy.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000); // replaced date by dummy
//print("dateTimeFromString(): date after adjustment " + date.toISOString());
return new XdmDateTime(date, tzStrToOffset(result[2]), type);
// Converts timezone component of string (from an xs:dateTime, etc) into timezone offset as number of minutes
function tzStrToOffset(str) {
if (!str) {
return null;
} else if (str == "Z") {
return 0;
} else {
var tzParts = str.split(":");
var hOffset = parseInt(tzParts[0]);
//print("tzParts[0]: " + tzParts[0]);
//print("hOffset: " + hOffset);
var neg = /^\-.*/.test(tzParts[0]);
var absH = Math.abs(hOffset);
var m = parseInt(tzParts[1]);
if (absH > 14 || m > 59) {
throw XError("Invalid timezone " + str);
return (neg ? -1 : 1) * (absH * 60 + m);
var p = function (str, multiplier) {
return multiplier * (str == null ? 0 : parseInt(str, 10));
var pf = function (str, multiplier) {
return multiplier * (str == null ? 0 : Math.round(parseFloat(str) * 1000));
var negate = function (num, condition) {
return condition ? -num : num
var durationConstructor = [
function (result, str) { // duration minutes, yearMonthDuration minutes
return negate(p(result[1], 12) + p(result[2], 1), str.match(/^\s*\-.*/));
function (result, str) { // duration milliseconds
return negate(p(result[3], 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) + p(result[4], 60 * 60 * 1000) + p(result[5], 60 * 1000) + pf(result[6], 1),
function (result, str) { // dayTimeDuration milliseconds
return negate(p(result[1], 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) + p(result[2], 60 * 60 * 1000) + p(result[3], 60 * 1000) + pf(result[4], 1),
function () { // dayTimeDuration minutes, yearMonthDuration milliseconds
return 0;
var durationIndex = {
"duration": [0, 1],
"dayTimeDuration": [3, 2],
"yearMonthDuration": [0, 3]
function durationFromString(str, type) {
var result = str.match(dateTimeRegex[type]);
if (result == null || !/\d/.test(str) || /T$/.test(str)) {
throw new XError("Cannot convert string '" + str + "' to a " + type, "FORG0001");
return new XdmDuration(durationConstructor[durationIndex[type][0]](result, str),
durationConstructor[durationIndex[type][1]](result, str), type);
function _init() {
Atomic.double.NaN = Atomic.double.fromNumber(NaN);
function populateHierarchy(name) {
var t = typeInfo[name];
while (t.base) {
hierarchy[name + "<" +] = 1;
//print(name + "<" + + " =1");
t = t.base;
function addSubtype(name, baseName, predicate) {
var t = typeInfo[name] = {};
var base = typeInfo[baseName]; = name;
t.base = base;
t.matches = function (item) {
return isSubtype(item.type, name);
t.downCast = function(item) {
if (!predicate(item)) {
throw new XError("Supplied value \"" + item.toString() + "\" is not a valid xs:" + name, "FORG0001");
item.type = name;
return item;
t.fromString = function (str) {
return t.downCast(base.fromString(str));
t.cast = function (item) {
return t.downCast(base.cast(item));
function addIntegerSubtype(name, baseName, predicate) {
addSubtype(name, baseName, predicate);
var t = typeInfo[name];
var base = typeInfo[baseName];
function downCast(item) {
if (!predicate(item)) {
throw new XError("Supplied value \"" + item.toString() + "\" is not a valid xs:" + name);
item.type = name;
return item;
t.fromNumber = function (num) {
return downCast(base.fromNumber(num));
function addStringSubtype(name, baseName, predicate, ws) {
addSubtype(name, baseName, predicate);
var t = typeInfo[name];
var base = typeInfo[baseName];
t.downCast = function(item) {
var str = ws(item.toString());
if (!predicate(str)) {
throw new XError("Supplied value \"" + str + "\" is not a valid xs:" + name);
return new XdmString(str, name);
t.fromString = function (str) {
return t.downCast(base.fromString(ws(str)));
function addDurationSubtype(name, baseName, predicate) {
addSubtype(name, baseName, predicate);
var t = typeInfo[name];
var base = typeInfo[baseName];
t.downCast = function(item) {
if (item instanceof XdmDuration) {
return new XdmDuration(
name == "yearMonthDuration" ? item.months : 0,
name == "dayTimeDuration" ? item.milliseconds : 0,
if (!predicate(item)) {
throw new XError("Supplied value \"" + item.toString() + "\" is not a valid xs:" + name);
item.type = name;
return item;
t.fromMonthsMilliseconds = function (months, milliseconds) {
return t.downCast(base.fromMonthsMilliseconds(months, milliseconds));
t.cast = function (item) {
if (base.matches(item) /*&& !t.matches(item) */) {
return t.downCast(item);
//return t.fromMonthsMilliseconds(
// name == "yearMonthDuration" ? base.months : 0,
// name == "dayTimeDuration" ? base.milliseconds : 0);
if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
return durationFromString(item.toString(), name);
return t.downCast(base.cast(item));
addIntegerSubtype("nonPositiveInteger", "integer", function (item) {
return item.toNumber() <= 0
addIntegerSubtype("negativeInteger", "nonPositiveInteger", function (item) {
return item.toNumber() < 0
addIntegerSubtype("long", "integer", function (item) {
var big = item.toBig();
return big.cmp(Big("-9223372036854775808")) >= 0 && big.cmp(Big("9223372036854775807")) <= 0;
addIntegerSubtype("int", "long", function (item) {
return item.toNumber() >= -2147483648 && item.toNumber() <= 2147483647;
addIntegerSubtype("short", "int", function (item) {
return item.toNumber() >= -32768 && item.toNumber() <= 32767;
addIntegerSubtype("byte", "short", function (item) {
return item.toNumber() >= -128 && item.toNumber() <= 127;
addIntegerSubtype("nonNegativeInteger", "integer", function (item) {
return item.toNumber() >= 0;
addIntegerSubtype("positiveInteger", "nonNegativeInteger", function (item) {
return item.toNumber() > 0;
addIntegerSubtype("unsignedLong", "nonNegativeInteger", function (item) {
return item.toNumber() >= 0 && item.toBig().cmp(Big("18446744073709551615")) <= 0;
addIntegerSubtype("unsignedInt", "nonNegativeInteger", function (item) {
return item.toNumber() >= 0 && item.toBig().cmp(Big("4294967295")) <= 0;
addIntegerSubtype("unsignedShort", "unsignedInt", function (item) {
return item.toNumber() >= 0 && item.toNumber() <= 65535;
addIntegerSubtype("unsignedByte", "unsignedShort", function (item) {
return item.toNumber() >= 0 && item.toNumber() <= 255;
var wsReplace = function(str) {
return str.replace(/[ \r\t\n]/g, ' ');
var wsCollapse = function(str) {
return str.replace(/[ \r\t\n]+/g, ' ').replace(/^[ ]|[ ]$/g, '');
var ok = function () {
return true;
addStringSubtype("normalizedString", "string", ok, wsReplace);
addStringSubtype("token", "normalizedString", ok, wsCollapse);
addStringSubtype("language", "token", function (v) {
return /^[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*$/.test(v)
}, wsCollapse);
addStringSubtype("NMTOKEN", "token", Regex.isNMTOKEN, wsCollapse);
addStringSubtype("Name", "token", Regex.isName, wsCollapse);
addStringSubtype("NCName", "Name", Regex.isNCName, wsCollapse);
addStringSubtype("ID", "NCName", Regex.isNCName, wsCollapse);
addStringSubtype("IDREF", "NCName", Regex.isNCName, wsCollapse);
addStringSubtype("ENTITY", "NCName", Regex.isNCName, wsCollapse);
addDurationSubtype("yearMonthDuration", "duration", function (item) {
return item.milliseconds == 0;
addDurationSubtype("dayTimeDuration", "duration", function (item) {
return item.months == 0;
typeInfo.dayTimeDuration.fromNumberOfMinutes = function (num) {
return new XdmDuration(0, num * 60 * 1000, "dayTimeDuration");
typeInfo.showValue = showValue;
typeInfo._init = function(){}; // Do nothing on subsequent calls
typeInfo._init = _init;
return typeInfo;
var Compare = function () {
"use strict";
function equalsWithNull(a, b) {
//print("compare " + showValue(a) + " with " + showValue(b));
if (a == null) {
return b == null;
} else if (b == null) {
return false;
} else {
return a.equals(b);
function gc(lhsIter, rhsArray, op, comparer) {
var isUA = Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches;
var a;
while ((a = != null) {
var rhsIter = Iter.ForArray(rhsArray);
var b;
while ((b = != null) {
//print("Comparing " + showValue(a) + " with " + showValue(b));
var a2 = isUA(a) ? Atomic[b.type].cast(a) : a;
var b2 = isUA(b) ? Atomic[a.type].cast(b) : b;
if (testComparison(op,, b2))) {
return Iter.oneBoolean(true);
return Iter.oneBoolean(false);
function generalComparison(expr, context, op) { //TODO does the export have more info really?
var E = Expr;
var lhsIter = E.evalChild1(expr, context);
var rhsArray = E.evalChild2(expr, context).expand();
var comparer = allocateCodedComparer(expr.getAttribute("comp"));
if (!op) {
op = expr.getAttribute("op");
return gc(lhsIter, rhsArray, op, comparer);
* Compare two values that implement the "compareTo" method
function comparableComparer(a, b) {
//print("ComparableComparer " + showValue(a) + "~" + showValue(b));
return a.compareTo(b);
* Handle null values. If either supplied value is null, return a result; if both
* are non-null, delegate to the supplied comparer.
* @param comparer the comparer that handles non-null values
* @returns function - a comparer that can handle null values. Null compares equal to null, and collates
* before any other value.
function nullable(comparer) {
return function (a, b) {
//print("nullable Comparer " + showValue(a) + "~" + showValue(b));
if (a == null || b == null) {
return a == null ? (b == null ? 0 : -1) : +1
} else {
return comparer(a, b);
* Handle NaN values. If either supplied value is NaN, return a result; if both
* are non-NaN, delegate to the supplied comparer.
* @param comparer the comparer that handles non-NaN values
* @returns function - a comparer that can handle null values. NaN compares equal to NaN, and collates
* before any other value.
function NaNable(comparer) {
return function (a, b) {
if (itemIsNaN(a) || itemIsNaN(b)) {
return itemIsNaN(a) ? (itemIsNaN(b) ? 0 : -1) : +1
} else {
return comparer(a, b);
* Create a comparer that compares using the item's compareTo method for all types except
* strings; in the case of strings, delegate the comparison to the supplied collator
* @param collator a comparer that compares strings
* @returns function - a general-purpose comparer
function general(collator) {
var au = Atomic.untypedAtomic, as = Atomic.string;
return function (a, b) {
if (as.matches(a) || au.matches(b)) {
return collator(a, b);
} else {
return comparableComparer(a, b);
* Comparer implementing codepoint collation
* @param s1 an xs:string value
* @param s2 another xs:string value
* @returns number - the result of the comparison
function codePointComparison(s1, s2) {
//print("codepoint compare " + s1 + " to " + s2);
var E = Expr;
var a1 = E.stringToCodepoints(s1.toString()), a2 = E.stringToCodepoints(s2.toString());
var i = 0;
while (true) {
//print("i " + i + " c1 " + a1[i] + " c2 " + a2[i]);
if (i == a1.length) {
return (i == a2.length ? 0 : -1);
} else if (i == a2.length) {
return +1;
} else {
if (a1[i] != a2[i]) {
return a1[i] - a2[i];
* Sort a sequence
* @param expr the <sort> expression in the stylesheet tree
* @param context the evaluation context
* @returns an iterator over the sorted items
function sortSequence(expr, context) {
var DU = DomUtils;
var base = Iter.Tracker(Expr.evalChild1(expr, context));
var array = [];
var sortKeys = DU.getChildElements(expr, "sortKey");
var comparers = (s) {
return allocateComparer(s, context);
var c2 = context.newContext(false);
c2.tempOutputState = "sort key";
c2.focus = base;
var converters = (sk) {
var dtExpr = Expr.argRole(sk, "dataType");
var dataType = dtExpr == null ? null : Expr.evaluate(dtExpr, context).next();
if (dataType == "number") {
return function (item) {
return item == null ? null : Atomic.double.fromStringUnfailing(item.toString())
} else if (dataType == "text") {
return function (item) {
return item == null ? null : Atomic.string.cast(item);
} else {
return function (item) {
return item;
base.forEachItem(function (item) {
var keys = (s, pos) {
return converters[pos](Expr.evalChild1(s, c2).next());
array.push({item: item, keys: keys});
array.sort(function (a, b) {
var c;
for (c = 0; c < comparers.length; c++) {
var rel = comparers[c](a.keys[c], b.keys[c]);
if (rel != 0) {
return rel;
return 0;
return Iter.ForArray(array).mapOneToOne(function (entry) {
return entry.item
function convertToNumber(item) {
if (item == null) {
return Atomic.double.NaN;
} else if (Atomic.numeric.matches(item)) {
return item.toNumber();
} else {
return Atomic.double.fromStringUnfailing(item.toString()).toNumber();
function compareNumeric(a, b) {
var an = convertToNumber(a), bn = convertToNumber(b);
if (itemIsNaN(an)) {
return itemIsNaN(bn) ? 0 : -1;
} else if (itemIsNaN(bn)) {
return +1;
} else {
return an - bn;
function caseBiasedCompare(comparer, lowerFirst) {
return function (a1, a2) {
var s1 = a1.toString(), s2 = a2.toString();
var t1 = s1.toLowerCase(), t2 = s2.toLowerCase();
var comp = comparer(t1, t2);
if (comp == 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < s1.length; i++) {
if (s1.charAt(i) != s2.charAt(i)) {
return (lowerFirst == (s1.charAt(i) == s1.charAt(i).toLowerCase())) ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
} else {
return comp;
// returns an object with compare and equals methods
function allocateCodedComparer(code) {
//print("code in allocateCodedComparer " + code);
var tokens = code.split("|");
if (tokens[0] == "DESC") {
var asc = allocateCodedComparer(code.slice(5));
return {
equals: asc.equals,
compare: function (a, b) {
return, a);
var codedComparer = {};
switch (tokens[0]) {
case "NC":
// convert to number, then compare numerically = compareNumeric;
codedComparer.equals = function (a, b) {
var an = convertToNumber(a), bn = convertToNumber(b);
if (isNaN(an)) {
return isNaN(bn);
} else if (isNaN(bn)) {
return false;
} else {
return an - bn == 0;
return codedComparer;
case "DblSC":
// numeric comparison = NaNable(function (a, b) {
return a.toNumber() - b.toNumber();
codedComparer.equals = function (a, b) {
var an = a.toNumber(), bn = b.toNumber();
if (isNaN(an)) {
return isNaN(bn);
} else if (isNaN(bn)) {
return false;
} else {
return an - bn == 0;
return codedComparer;
case "CCC":
// codepoint-collation comparison
case "TEXT":
// ignore collation for now = nullable(function (a, b) {
if (a.value.toString() < b.value.toString()) {
return -1;
} else if (a.value.toString() == b.value.toString()) {
return 0;
} else {
return +1;
codedComparer.equals = function (a, b) {
if (a == null) {
return b == null;
} else if (b == null) {
return false;
} else {
return a.value.toString() == b.value.toString();
return codedComparer;
case "CAVC":
case "DecSC":
case "GAC":
case "AtSC":
case "CalVC":
return {
compare: nullable(NaNable(comparableComparer)),
equals: equalsWithNull
case "EQC":
codedComparer.equals = equalsWithNull; = function (a, b) {
return codedComparer.equals(a, b) ? 0 : 1;
return codedComparer;
throw "Unknown comparer " + code;
function allocateComparer(sortKey, context) {
var E = Expr;
var comp = null;
if (sortKey.hasAttribute("comp")) {
comp = sortKey.getAttribute("comp");
comp = comp.replace(/^DESC\|/, "");
// var order = E.evaluate(E.argRole(sortKey, "order"), context).next().toString();
// if (order == "descending" && !/^DESC/.test(code)) { // TODO DL added the second condition - is this right?
// code = "DESC|" + code;
// }
// if (!/^CAC\|http:\/\/\/collation\?/.test(code)) {
// return allocateCodedComparer(code).compare;
// }
// // Drop through comp=CAC with a Saxon collation, since this is just derived from the
// // xsl:sort attributes which are still available in their own right. (See test avt-1001)
var order = E.evaluateIfPresent(E.argRole(sortKey, "order"), context).next();
var lang = E.evaluateIfPresent(E.argRole(sortKey, "lang"), context).next();
var caseOrder = E.evaluateIfPresent(E.argRole(sortKey, "caseOrder"), context).next();
var dataType = E.evaluateIfPresent(E.argRole(sortKey, "dataType"), context).next();
order = order == null ? "ascending" : order.toString();
try {
lang = (lang == null || lang == "") ? null : Atomic.language.fromString(lang.toString());
} catch (e) {
throw XError("xsl:sort/@lang: " + e.message, "XTDE0030");
caseOrder = caseOrder == null ? "#default" : caseOrder.toString();
dataType = dataType == null ? null : dataType.toString();
//print("order: " + order);
//print("lang: " + lang);
//print("caseOrder: " + caseOrder);
//print("dataType: " + dataType);
var stringComparer = codePointComparison;
if (caseOrder != "#default") {
stringComparer = caseBiasedCompare(stringComparer, caseOrder == "lower-first");
* Invert a supplied comparer if order="descending"
* @param comparer the supplied comparer
* @returns function - the supplied comparer if order=ascending, or the inverse comparer otherwise
function directed(comparer) {
if (order == "descending") {
return function (a, b) {
return comparer(b, a);
} else {
return comparer;
if (dataType == "number") {
return directed(compareNumeric);
} else if (dataType == "text") {
var textComparer = function (a, b) {
//print("tc " + showValue(a) + ":" + showValue(b) + "=" + stringComparer(Atomic.string.cast(a), Atomic.string.cast(b)));
return stringComparer(Atomic.string.cast(a), Atomic.string.cast(b));
return directed(nullable(textComparer));
} else {
if (comp) {
if (comp == "DblSC") {
return directed(nullable(NaNable(comparableComparer)));
} else if (comp == "CalVC" || comp == "DecSC") {
return directed(nullable(comparableComparer));
} else if (comp == "CCC") {
return directed(nullable(stringComparer));
return directed(general(stringComparer));
// Support in browsers is inconsistent, and in Nashorn non-existent...
//if (!(typeof Intl === "undefined")) {
// return directed(Intl.Collator(lang, {caseFirst: replace(caseOrder, "-first", "")}).compare);
//} else {
// return directed(function (a, b) {
// return a.toString().localeCompare(b.toString(), lang, {caseFirst: caseOrder});
// })
// Test the result of a comparison operation: e.g. if relation is +1, and op is ">", result is true.
function testComparison(op, relation) {
switch (op) {
case "=":
case "eq":
return relation == 0;
case "<":
case "lt":
return relation < 0;
case ">":
case "gt":
return relation > 0;
case ">=":
case "ge":
return relation >= 0;
case "<=":
case "le":
return relation <= 0;
case "!=":
case "ne":
return relation != 0;
throw "unknown operator " + op;
// Test the result of a comparison operation: e.g. if relation is true, and op is "=", result is true.
function testEquality(op, relation) {
switch (op) {
case "=":
case "eq":
return relation;
case "!=":
case "ne":
return !relation;
case "<":
case "lt":
case ">":
case "gt":
case ">=":
case "ge":
case "<=":
case "le":
throw "operator " + op + " not allowed for unordered types";
throw "unknown operator " + op;
// a, b - XDM types: Strings, Booleans, numeric types (is it also supposed to work for primitive types? Number, String etc)
var comparisonFunction = {
"=": function (a, b) {
return a.equals(b);
"!=": function (a, b) {
return !a.equals(b);
"<": function (a, b) {
return a < b
">": function (a, b) {
return a > b
"<=": function (a, b) {
return a <= b
">=": function (a, b) {
return a >= b
comparisonFunction["eq"] = comparisonFunction["="];
comparisonFunction["ne"] = comparisonFunction["!="];
comparisonFunction["le"] = comparisonFunction["<="];
comparisonFunction["ge"] = comparisonFunction[">="];
comparisonFunction["lt"] = comparisonFunction["<"];
comparisonFunction["gt"] = comparisonFunction[">"];
function itemIsNaN(item) {
return (Atomic.double.matches(item) || Atomic.float.matches(item)) && isNaN(item.toNumber());
function bothItemsAreNaN(a, b) {
return itemIsNaN(a) && itemIsNaN(b);
* Test if two sequences are deep-equal
* @param iter1 iterator over the first sequence
* @param iter2 iterator over the second sequence
* @returns boolean: true if the two sequences are deep-equal
function deepEqualSequences(iter1, iter2) {
var e1 = iter1.expand();
var e2 = iter2.expand();
//print("Deep-eq lengths " + e1.length + "," + e2.length);
//print("e1: " + showValue(e1));
//print("e2: " + showValue(e2));
iter1 = Iter.ForArray(e1);
iter2 = Iter.ForArray(e2);
var item1;
var item2;
while (true) {
item1 =;
item2 =;
if (item1 == null) {
return item2 == null;
if (item2 == null) {
return false;
//print("Deep-eq compare 1: " + showValue(item1));
//print("Deep-eq compare 2: " + showValue(item2));
if (!deepEqualItems(item1, item2)) {
//print("Not equal");
return false;
function isSameNodeType(type1, type2) {
var DU = DomUtils;
return type1 == type2 || (type1 == DU.DOCUMENT_NODE && type2 == DU.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE)
* Test if two items are deep-equal
* @param item1 the first item
* @param item2 the second item
* @returns boolean - true if the two items are deep-equal
function deepEqualItems(item1, item2) {
//print("Deep equal items " + showValue(item1) + " == " + showValue(item2));
var DU = DomUtils;
if (item1 === item2) {
return true;
} else if (item1 instanceof Node) {
if (!(item2 instanceof Node && isSameNodeType(item1.nodeType, item2.nodeType))) {
return false;
switch (item1.nodeType) {
return deepEqualSequences(Axis.child(item1), Axis.child(item2));
//print("compare " + item1 + " with " + item2);
if (!DU.nameOfNode(item1).equals(DU.nameOfNode(item2))) {
return false;
// Compare the attributes
var atts1 = Axis.attribute(item1).expand();
if (atts1.length != Axis.attribute(item2).count()) {
return false;
var a;
for (a = 0; a < atts1.length; a++) {
var att = atts1[a];
var attName = DU.nameOfNode(att);
var uri = attName.uri ? attName.uri : null;
//print("Checking existence of @Q{" + attName.uri + "}" + attName.local);
if (!item2.hasAttributeNS(uri, attName.local)) {
//print("Not present in second tree");
return false;
if (item2.getAttributeNS(uri, attName.local) != att.value) {
//print("Not equal att: " + item2.getAttributeNS(uri, attName.local) + " != " + att.value);
return false;
return deepEqualSequences(Axis.child(item1), Axis.child(item2));
return DU.nameOfNode(item1).equals(DU.nameOfNode(item2)) && item1.value == item2.value;
return == && item1.textContent == item2.textContent;
return item1.textContent == item2.textContent;
throw "Unknown node type " + item1.nodeType;
} else if (item1 instanceof NamespaceNode) {
return item2 instanceof NamespaceNode && item1.prefix == item2.prefix && item1.uri == item2.uri;
} else if (item1 instanceof Expr.XdmArray) {
if (!(item2 instanceof Expr.XdmArray && item2.value.length == item1.value.length)) {
return false;
for (var k = 0; k < item1.value.length; k++) {
//print("deepEq array item " + k);
if (!deepEqualSequences(Iter.ForArray(item1.value[k]), Iter.ForArray(item2.value[k]))) {
//print("deepEq array item " + k + " differs: " + showValue(item1.value[k]) + " vs " + showValue(item2.value[k]));
return false;
//print("deepEq: arrays are equal");
return true;
} else if (item1 instanceof HashTrie) {
if (!(item2 instanceof HashTrie)) {
return false;
var keys1 = item1.keys();
var keys2 = item2.keys();
if (keys1.length != keys2.length) {
//print("Number of keys differs " + keys1.length + "!=" + keys2.length);
return false;
//print("k1 " + showValue(keys1));
//print("k2 " + showValue(keys2));
return Iter.ForArray(keys1).every(function(k) {
return item2.containsKey(k) && deepEqualSequences(Iter.ForArray(item1.get(k)), Iter.ForArray(item2.get(k)));
//var present = item2.containsKey(k);
//if (!present) {
// print("Key " + showValue(k) + " is in first map but not second");
// return false;
//if (!deepEqualSequences(Iter.ForArray(item1.get(k)), Iter.ForArray(item2.get(k)))) {
// print("Key " + showValue(k) + " has different associated values");
// return false;
//print("key " + showValue(k) + " ok");
//return true;
} else if (itemIsNaN(item1) && itemIsNaN(item2)) {
return true;
} else {
try {
return item1.equals(item2);
} catch (e) {
return false;
* Compare two sequences of atomic values as described in the rules for array:sort
* @param a iterator over a sequence of atomic values
* @param b iterator over a sequence of atomic values
* @return number, one of (-1, 0, +1) based on the result of the comparison
function lexicographicCompare(a, b) {
var a0 =, b0 =;
while (true) {
//print("compare items " + showValue(a0) + " to " + showValue(b0));
if (a0 === null) {
return b0 === null ? 0 : -1;
if (b0 === null) {
return 1;
if (deepEqualItems(a0, b0)) {
a0 =;
b0 =;
} else if (itemIsNaN(a0)) {
return -1;
} else {
return a0.compareTo(b0);
* Perform grouping (xsl:for-each-group)
function grouping(expr, context) {
var pop = Iter.Tracker(Expr.evaluate(Expr.argRole(expr, "select"), context));
var popContext = context.newContext(false);
popContext.focus = pop;
* Construct the groups, as an array. This consumes the "pop" (population) iterator
* @param process callback to process each item; it is called with (a) the current array
* of groups, and (b) the next item to be processed. It typically adds the item to one
* or more of the groups.
* @returns Array - An array of groups. Each group is an object with a "group" property
* holding the contents of the group, and (where relevant) a "key" property
* holding the grouping key.
function makeGroups(process) {
var groups = [];
pop.forEachItem(function (item) {
process(groups, item);
return groups;
var algorithms = {
starting: function () {
var pattern = makePattern(Expr.argRole(expr, "match"));
return makeGroups(function (groups, item) {
if (pop.position == 1 || pattern(item, popContext)) {
groups.push({group: [item]});
} else {
groups[groups.length - 1].group.push(item);
ending: function () {
var pattern = makePattern(Expr.argRole(expr, "match"));
var startNew = false;
return makeGroups(function (groups, item) {
if (pop.position == 1 || startNew) {
groups.push({group: [item]});
} else {
groups[groups.length - 1].group.push(item);
//print("testing " + item + " = " + pattern(item, popContext));
startNew = pattern(item, popContext);
adjacent: function () {
var keyDef = Expr.argRole(expr, "key");
var currentKey = null;
return makeGroups(function (groups, item) {
var key = Expr.evaluate(keyDef, popContext).expand();
//print("key " + showValue(key));
if (pop.position == 1 || !deepEqualSequences(Iter.ForArray(key), Iter.ForArray(currentKey))) {
groups.push({group: [item], key: key});
currentKey = key;
} else {
groups[groups.length - 1].group.push(item);
by: function () {
var keyDef = Expr.argRole(expr, "key");
var index = new HashTrie();
return makeGroups(function (groups, item) {
var added = [];
Expr.evaluate(keyDef, popContext).forEachItem(function (key) {
//print("Grouping key " + key.toString());
if (index.containsKey(key)) {
var groupId = index.get(key);
//print("add to existing group " + groupId);
if (added.findIndex(function (ix) {
return ix == groupId
}) < 0) {
} else {
//print("already present in group")
} else {
//print("create new group");
groupId = groups.length;
groups.push({group: [item], key: [key]});
index.inSituPut(key, groupId);
by_c: function () {
// Composite keys
var keyDef = Expr.argRole(expr, "key");
var index = new HashTrie();
index.options = {
sameKey: function (a, b) {
return deepEqualSequences(Iter.ForArray(a), Iter.ForArray(b));
hash: function (a) {
return (item) {
return item.hashCode();
return makeGroups(function (groups, item) {
var key = Expr.evaluate(keyDef, popContext).expand();
if (index.containsKey(key)) {
var groupId = index.get(key);
//print("add to existing group " + groupId);
} else {
//print("create new group");
groupId = groups.length;
groups.push({group: [item], key: key});
index.inSituPut(key, groupId);
algorithms["adjacent_c"] = algorithms["adjacent"];
var algo = expr.getAttribute("algorithm") + (Expr.hasFlag(expr, "c") ? "_c" : "");
var groups = algorithms[algo]();
//print("No of groups: " + groups.length);
// Next stage is to sort the groups (if requested).
var sortKeys = DomUtils.getChildElements(expr, "sortKey");
if (sortKeys.length > 0) {
var unsortedGroupIter = Iter.Tracker(Iter.ForArray(groups));
var unsortedGroupContext = context.newContext(false);
unsortedGroupContext.focus = unsortedGroupIter;
var comparers = {
return allocateComparer(sk, context)
unsortedGroupIter.forEachItem(function (groupInfo, pos) {
groupInfo.sortKeys = (s) {
var f = unsortedGroupContext.focus;
f.current =[0];
f.position = pos + 1;
f.currentGroup =;
f.currentGroupingKey = groupInfo.key;
return Expr.evalChild1(s, unsortedGroupContext).next();
groups.sort(function (a, b) {
//print("compare group " + a.key + " sk=" + a.sortKeys[0] + " with " + b.key + " sk=" + b.sortKeys[0]);
for (var c = 0; c < comparers.length; c++) {
var rel = comparers[c](a.sortKeys[c], b.sortKeys[c]);
//print("compare " + a.sortKeys[c] + " to " + b.sortKeys[c] + " : " + rel);
if (rel < 0) {
return -1;
} else if (rel > 0) {
return +1;
return 0;
var sortedGroupContext = context.newContext(false);
sortedGroupContext.focus = Iter.Tracker(Iter.ForArray(groups));
// Create one iterator for each group
var action = Expr.argRole(expr, "content");
var iterators = [];
var gp;
var gpIndex = 0;
while ((gp = != null) {
var groupInfo = groups[gpIndex++];
var f = sortedGroupContext.focus;
f.current =[0];
f.position = gpIndex;
f.currentGroup =;
f.currentGroupingKey = groupInfo.key;
iterators.push(Expr.evaluate(action, sortedGroupContext));
// Return the result of joining the iterators
return Iter.Join(iterators);
return {
allocateCodedComparer: allocateCodedComparer,
deepEqualItems: deepEqualItems,
deepEqualSequences: deepEqualSequences,
gc: gc,
generalComparison: generalComparison,
grouping: grouping,
itemIsNaN: itemIsNaN,
lexicographicCompare: lexicographicCompare,
bothItemsAreNaN: bothItemsAreNaN,
sortSequence: sortSequence,
testComparison: testComparison,
testEquality: testEquality
function NamespaceNode(prefix, uri, parent) {
this.prefix = prefix == null ? "" : prefix;
this.uri = uri == null ? "" : uri;
if (parent) {
this.parentNode = parent;
NamespaceNode.prototype = {
prefix: null,
uri: null,
parentNode: null,
var DomUtils = function () {
"use strict";
var nextDocumentNumber = 1;
return {
shallowCopy: function (item, context, flags, makeContent) {
//print("shallowCopy"+ item);
if (DomUtils.isNode(item)) {
var newNode, nodeName;
switch (item.nodeType) {
case DomUtils.DOCUMENT_NODE:
newNode = new DocumentFragment();
var c2 = context.newContext(false);
//c2.resultDocument = newNode;
//print("calling makeContent " + c2);
Expr.makeComplexContent(newNode, makeContent(c2), context);
case DomUtils.ELEMENT_NODE:
nodeName = DomUtils.nameOfNode(item);
newNode = context.createElement(nodeName.uri, nodeName.toString());
if (flags.indexOf('c') >= 0 && !(SaxonJS.getPlatform().inBrowser && newNode instanceof HTMLElement)) {
DomUtils.inScopeNamespaces(item).forEach(function (pair) {
DomUtils.declareNS(newNode, pair.prefix, pair.uri);
//print("calling makeContent " + context);
Expr.makeComplexContent(newNode, makeContent(context), context);
nodeName = DomUtils.nameOfNode(item);
newNode = context.resultDocument.createAttributeNS(nodeName.uri, nodeName.toString());
newNode.value = item.value;
case DomUtils.TEXT_NODE:
newNode = context.resultDocument.createTextNode(item.textContent);
case DomUtils.COMMENT_NODE:
newNode = context.resultDocument.createComment(item.textContent);
newNode = context.resultDocument.createProcessingInstruction(, item.textContent);
newNode = new NamespaceNode(item.prefix, item.uri);
throw "unknown node type " + item.nodeType;
return Iter.Singleton(newNode);
} else {
return Iter.Singleton(item);
copyItem: function (item, context, flags) {
if (DomUtils.isNode(item)) {
//print("copying node of type " + item.nodeType);
var docNode, newNode;
switch (item.nodeType) {
case DomUtils.DOCUMENT_NODE:
docNode = DomUtils.obtainDocumentNumber(new DocumentFragment());
docNode._saxonBaseUri = item._saxonBaseUri;
Expr.makeComplexContent(docNode, Axis.child(item).mapOneToOne(function (n) {
return DomUtils.copyItem(n, context, flags);
}), context);
return docNode;
return new NamespaceNode(item.prefix, item.uri);
case DomUtils.ELEMENT_NODE:
newNode = DomUtils.shallowCopy(item, context, flags, function (c2) {
var iterators =[];
iterators[0] = Axis.attribute(item);
iterators[1] = Axis.child(item);
return Iter.Join(iterators).mapOneToOne(function (n) {
return DomUtils.copyItem(n, c2, flags);
return newNode;
return null;
return SaxonJS.getPlatform().inBrowser ? window.document.importNode(item, true): cloneNode(context.resultDocument, item, true);
//return SaxonJS.getPlatform().inBrowser ? item.cloneNode(true) : cloneNode(context.resultDocument, item, true);
} else {
return item;
ownerDocument: function (node) {
//print("owner doc of " + node.nodeType);
//if (node.nodeType == DOCUMENT_NODE || node.nodeType == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
// return node;
//} else {
// return node.ownerDocument;
return Axis.ancestorOrSelf(node).expand().pop();
obtainDocumentNumber: function (node) {
if (!("_saxonDocumentNumber" in node)) {
node._saxonDocumentNumber = nextDocumentNumber++;
return node;
documentNumber: function (node) {
return DomUtils.obtainDocumentNumber(node)._saxonDocumentNumber;
nameOfNode: function (node) {
if (! node || ! node.nodeType) {
return null;
var colon;
switch (node.nodeType) {
case DomUtils.ELEMENT_NODE:
if (SaxonJS.getPlatform().inBrowser && node instanceof HTMLElement && node.namespaceURI == "") {
return Atomic.QName.fromParts("", "", node.localName);
} else {
return Atomic.QName.fromParts(node.prefix, node.namespaceURI, node.localName);
// patch things up because xmldom doesn't handle "xml" prefix correctly
//print("name of node " +;
colon =":");
if (colon >= 0) {
if (! node.prefix) {
node.prefix =, colon);
//print("prefix of node " + node.prefix);
if (! node.namespaceURI) {
node.namespaceURI = node.prefix == "xml" ?
return Atomic.QName.fromParts(node.prefix, node.namespaceURI, node.localName);
return Atomic.QName.fromParts("", "",;
return node.prefix ? Atomic.QName.fromParts("", "", node.prefix): null;
return null;
hasLocalName: function (node, name) {
if (typeof HTMLElement != "undefined") {
// Do case-blind matching for the names of HTML elements and attributes
if (node instanceof HTMLElement) {
return node.localName.toUpperCase() === name.toUpperCase();
if (node.nodeType == DomUtils.ATTRIBUTE_NODE && node.ownerElement instanceof HTMLElement) {
return node.localName.toUpperCase() === name.toUpperCase();
if (node instanceof Attr) {
var colon =":");
return colon < 0 ? == name: + 1) == name;
} else {
return node.localName === name;
hasNamespace: function (node, uri) {
return uri == (node instanceof Attr ? DomUtils.nameOfNode(node).uri: (node.namespaceURI || ""));
* Get the child elements of a given element
* @param expr the parent element
* @param name (optional) the tagName of the required children. If absent, all children are returned
* @returns {Array} an array containing the requested child elements
getChildElements: function (expr, name) {
var result =[];
var child = expr.firstChild;
while (child != null) {
if (child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && (! name || name == child.tagName)) {
child = child.nextSibling;
//print("Children of " + expr.tagName + ": " + result.length);
return result;
* Sort nodes into document order, and remove duplicates
* @param iter iterator over the nodes to be sorted
* @returns iterator over the same nodes, in document order and with duplicates eliminated
inDocumentOrder: function (iter) {
var array = iter.expand();
//array.forEach(function(node) { print(showValue(node) + " in " + showValue(DomUtils.ownerDocument(node)))});
// Eliminate duplicate nodes from the sorted array
return Iter.ForArray(array).mapOneToOne(
function (item, index) {
//print("dup? " + (index > 0 && item === array[index - 1]));
return (index > 0 && item === array[index - 1]) ? null: item;
* Assess the relative document order of two nodes
* @param a one node
* @param b another node
* @returns number -1 if a precedes b in document order; 0 if they are the same node; +1 if b precedes a
compareDocumentOrder: function (a, b) {
//print("compare order " + a.tagName + " " + b.tagName );
function depth(node) {
return Axis.ancestor(node).count();
//function patch(node) {
// if ("_saxonDocumentNumber" in node) {
// node._saxonDocumentNumber = SaxonJS.timeStamp();
// }
// return node;
if (DomUtils.isSameNode(a, b)) {
return 0;
var pa = DomUtils.xdmParentNode(a);
var pb = DomUtils.xdmParentNode(b);
if (pa == null) {
if (pb == null) {
var patch = DomUtils.obtainDocumentNumber;
return (patch(a)._saxonDocumentNumber < patch(b)._saxonDocumentNumber ? -1: + 1);
} else if (a === pb) {
return -1;
} else {
return DomUtils.compareDocumentOrder(a, pb);
if (pb == null) {
if (b === pa) {
return + 1;
return DomUtils.compareDocumentOrder(pa, b);
if (pa === pb) {
var ta = a.nodeType;
var tb = b.nodeType;
if (ta == DomUtils.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
if (tb == DomUtils.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
// Ordering needs to be consistent with what @* delivers
var attMap = pa.attributes;
var i;
//print("ordering @" + a.localName + " and @" + b.localName);
for (i = 0; i < attMap.length; i++) {
var name = attMap[i].name;
//print("checking " + name);
// TODO: check namespaces
if (name.indexOf(":") < 0) {
if (name == a.localName) {
return -1;
} else if (name == b.localName) {
return + 1;
} else {
name = DomUtils.nameOfNode(attMap[i]);
if (name.equals(DomUtils.nameOfNode(a))) {
return -1;
} else if (name.equals(DomUtils.nameOfNode(b))) {
return + 1;
throw "Att not found in parent";
} else if (tb == DomUtils.NAMESPACE_NODE) {
return + 1;
} else {
return -1;
if (tb == DomUtils.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
return + 1;
if (ta == DomUtils.NAMESPACE_NODE) {
if (tb == DomUtils.NAMESPACE_NODE) {
return a.prefix < b.prefix ? -1: + 1;
} else {
return -1;
var sa = a;
var sb = b;
while (true) {
sa = sa.previousSibling;
if (sa == null) {
return -1;
if (sa === b) {
return + 1;
sb = sb.previousSibling;
if (sb == null) {
return + 1;
if (sb === a) {
return -1;
} else {
if (a === pb) {
return -1;
if (b === pa) {
return + 1;
// see which node is deeper, and go up the requisite number of levels
var da = depth(pa), db = depth(pb);
if (da == db) {
return DomUtils.compareDocumentOrder(pa, pb);
} else if (da > db) {
return DomUtils.compareDocumentOrder(pa, b);
} else {
return DomUtils.compareDocumentOrder(a, pb);
xdmParentNode: function (node) {
switch (node.nodeType) {
return node.ownerElement;
return node.parentNode;
declareNS: function (elemNode, prefix, uri) {
//print("declareNS " + elemNode.tagName + "... " + prefix + "=" + uri);
prefix === "" ? "xmlns": "xmlns:" + prefix, uri);
* Get the in-scope namespaces of an element as an array of {prefix:, uri:} objects
inScopeNamespaces: function (element) {
var result =[ {
prefix: "xml", uri: ""
var found = {
xml: true
var anc;
var ancestors = Axis.ancestorOrSelf(element);
//print("Visiting ancestors");
while ((anc = != null) {
if (anc.nodeType == DomUtils.ELEMENT_NODE) {
//print("anc " + showValue(anc));
var attMap = anc.attributes;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < attMap.length; i++) {
var name = attMap[i].name;
if (name.substring(0, 5) == "xmlns") {
if (name.length == 5 && ! found[ ""]) {
found[ ""] = true;
if (attMap[i].value != "") {
prefix: "", uri: attMap[i].value
} else if (name.charAt(5) == ":") {
var prefix = name.substring(6);
if (! found[prefix]) {
found[prefix] = true;
prefix: prefix, uri: attMap[i].value
} else {
return result;
getInheritedAttribute: function (expr, attName) {
var n = expr;
while (n && n.nodeType == DomUtils.ELEMENT_NODE) {
//print("seek INH " + n.tagName + "? " + attName);
if (n.hasAttribute(attName)) {
return n.getAttribute(attName);
n = n.parentNode;
return null;
* Get an attribute of an element, returning null or a specified default value
* if the attribute does not exist
* (The Node.getAttribute() method is inconsistent in this respect)
getAttribute: function (element, name, defaultVal) {
if (element.hasAttribute(name)) {
return element.getAttribute(name);
} else {
return arguments.length > 2 ? defaultVal: null;
getAttributeAsEQName: function (element, name, useDefault) {
var qn = DomUtils.getAttributeAsQName(element, name, useDefault);
return qn == null ? null: ("Q{" + qn.uri + "}" + qn.local);
getAttributeAsQName: function (element, name, useDefault) {
if (! element.hasAttribute(name)) {
return null;
return DomUtils.resolveLexicalQName(element, element.getAttribute(name), useDefault);
* Resolve a lexical QName against the in-scope namespaces for an element
* @param element an element in the compiled stylesheet
* @param value an EQName: either a lexical QName or Q{uri}local
* @param useDefault: namespace to be used if an NCName is supplied; if true, use the default namespace
* for the element; otherwise use no namespace ("")
* @returns an Atomic.QName, or if the prefix is not resolved, null
* @throws FOCA0002 if the QName is invalid, for example if it is lexically invalid
* or if the namesspace is not declared
resolveLexicalQName: function (element, value, useDefault) {
//print("Resolving " + value + " useDefault=" + useDefault);
var Q = Atomic.QName;
if (/^Q\{/.test(value)) {
return Q.fromEQName(value);
} else if (!(/:/).test(value)) {
var uri = useDefault ? element.lookupNamespaceURI(null) || "": "";
//print("uri: " + uri);
//print("uri2: " + element.lookupNamespaceURI(null));
return Q.fromParts("", uri, value);
} else {
var resolver = function (prefix) {
return prefix == "xml" ? "": element.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix);
return Q.fromString(value, resolver);
isNode: function (item) {
return (item instanceof Node && !(item.nodeType == DomUtils.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE && == "xml")) || item instanceof Attr || item instanceof NamespaceNode;
isSameNode: function (n1, n2) {
//print("isSameNode " + showValue(n1) + ", " + showValue(n2));
return (n1 === n2) ||
(n1 instanceof NamespaceNode && n2 instanceof NamespaceNode &&
n1.parentNode && n2.parentNode && n1.parentNode == n2.parentNode && n1.prefix == n2.prefix);
baseURI: function (node) {
function rawBase(node) {
//print("rawBase of " + showValue(node));
var p = DomUtils.xdmParentNode(node);
return p ? DomUtils.baseURI(p): node._saxonBaseUri;
if (node == null || node instanceof NamespaceNode) {
return null;
if (node.nodeType == DomUtils.ELEMENT_NODE && node.hasAttribute("xml:base")) {
var xmlBase = node.getAttribute("xml:base");
if (new URI(xmlBase).is("absolute")) {
return xmlBase;
} else {
return new URI(xmlBase, rawBase(node)).toString();
} else {
return rawBase(node);
xmlToString: function (item, indent, prefixesIn, namespaceIn) {
var indent = typeof indent !== 'undefined' ? indent: "";
//var prefixes = typeof prefixesIn !== 'undefined' ? prefixesIn: new Set();
var prefixes = new Set();
if (typeof prefixesIn !== 'undefined') {
prefixesIn.forEach(function (val) {
var namespace = typeof namespaceIn !== 'undefined' ? namespaceIn: "";
var nodeName;
var result = "";
var children, child, i;
var isText = false, previousText = false, noIndent = false;
switch (item.nodeType) {
case DomUtils.DOCUMENT_NODE:
child = item.documentElement;
if (child != null) {
result = DomUtils.xmlToString(child);
children = item.childNodes;
for (i = 0; i < children.length;++ i) {
child = children[i];
result += "\n" + DomUtils.xmlToString(child, indent);
case DomUtils.ELEMENT_NODE:
nodeName = DomUtils.nameOfNode(item);
result += ((indent == "none") ? "": indent) + "<" + nodeName;
var nsURI = item.namespaceURI;
if (nsURI != namespace) {
if (nsURI != null && nsURI != "") {
result += " xmlns=\"" + nsURI + "\"";
namespace = nsURI;
var atts = item.attributes;
for (i = 0; i < atts.length;++ i) {
var att = atts[i];
var attName = DomUtils.nameOfNode(att).toString();
if (attName.match(/^xmlns:xml/)) {
if (attName.match(/^xmlns/)) {
if (! prefixes.has(attName)) {
if (!(attName == "xmlns" && (namespace==null || namespace == ""))) {
result += " " + DomUtils.xmlToString(att, 0);
} else {
result += " " + DomUtils.xmlToString(att, 0);
children = item.childNodes;
if (children.length == 0) {
result += "/>";
} else {
result += ">";
for (i = 0; i < children.length;++ i) {
child = children[i];
isText = child.nodeType == DomUtils.TEXT_NODE;
noIndent = (indent == "none") || isText || previousText;
result += noIndent ? "": "\n";
result += DomUtils.xmlToString(child, noIndent ? "none": (indent + " "), prefixes, namespace);
previousText = isText;
if (! noIndent) {
result += "\n" + indent;
result += "</" + nodeName + ">";
nodeName = DomUtils.nameOfNode(item);
result += nodeName + "=\"" + item.value + "\"";
case DomUtils.TEXT_NODE:
result = item.nodeValue;
case DomUtils.COMMENT_NODE:
result += "<!--" + item.value + "-->";
//newNode = context.resultDocument.createComment(item.textContent);
//newNode = context.resultDocument.createProcessingInstruction(, item.textContent);
//newNode = new NamespaceNode(item.prefix, item.uri);
case DomUtils.CDATA_SECTION:
throw "unknown node type " + item.nodeType;
return result;
* A HashTrie intended for use as a general-purpose map implementation. It can function as either a mutable
* or immutable map; it is immutable unless the method inSituPut() is used (the idea is that this method should
* be used only during initialization of a map).
* The map can be customized by setting callback functions for the "sameKey" and "hash" properties. By
* default the hash method calls hashCode() on the supplied key, and the sameKey method calls equals on the
* supplied keys. The key can be anything that supports the required comparison methods.
* The hashCode is a string, and each successive character of the string is used to create a level in the tree
* structure; at each level there is a JS object whose keys are the next character of the hashcode, and whose
* associated values are subtrees at the next level. At the leaf level the node contains a list of (key, value)
* pairs corresponding to the given hash code: these key-value pairs are represented as an array of JS objects
* in the form [{k:k1, v:v1}, {k:k2, v:v2}, ...].
* The HashTrie is used both to represent an XDM map object, and for other internal uses (for example, to support
* XSLT grouping). When it represents an XDM map, the key will always be an XDM atomic value (represented by an
* instance of XdmInteger, XdmString, etc), and the value will always be an XDM sequence (represented by a
* Javascript array).
var HashTrie = (function () {
// Get the list of key-value pairs for a given hash code
function _getKVPlist(trie, hash) {
if (hash == "") {
return trie.leafKVPs;
} else {
var h = hash.charAt(0);
if (trie.subTries.hasOwnProperty(h)) {
return _getKVPlist(trie.subTries[h], hash.substring(1));
return [];
// Get the key-value pair for a given key if present, or null otherwise
function _getKVP(trie, key) {
var list = _getKVPlist(trie, trie.options.hash(key));
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (trie.options.sameKey(list[i].k, key)) {
return list[i];
return null;
// Insert an entry for a given key and value, replacing any previous entry for the same key
function _inSituPut(trie, key, value, hashCode) {
if (hashCode == "") {
for (var i = 0; i < trie.leafKVPs.length; i++) {
if (trie.options.sameKey(trie.leafKVPs[i].k, key)) {
trie.leafKVPs[i] = {k: key, v: value};
trie.leafKVPs.push({k: key, v: value});
} else {
var h = hashCode.charAt(0);
var subTrie;
if (trie.subTries.hasOwnProperty(h)) {
subTrie = trie.subTries[h];
} else {
subTrie = new HashTrie(trie.options); = nextId++;
trie.subTries[h] = subTrie;
_inSituPut(subTrie, key, value, hashCode.substring(1));
// Create a copy of the trie, with an additional entry for the supplied key/value pair, replacing
// any previous entry for that key
function _copyPut(trie, key, value, hashCode) {
//if (hashCode == "rt") {
// trie.display();
//print("_copyPut key=" + showValue(key) + " value=" + showValue(value) + " hashCode=" + hashCode);
//print("Size before put " + trie.keys().length);
var t2 = new HashTrie(trie.options);
var found = false;
if (hashCode == "") {
t2.leafKVPs = (kvp) {
//print("Comparing " + key + " with " + kvp.k + " = " + trie.options.sameKey(kvp.k, key));
if (trie.options.sameKey(kvp.k, key)) {
found = true;
return {k: key, v: value}
} else {
return kvp;
if (!found) {
t2.leafKVPs.push({k: key, v: value});
t2.subTries = this.subTries;
//print("Size after leaf put " + t2.keys().length);
return t2;
} else {
var h = hashCode.charAt(0);
for (var hc in trie.subTries) {
if (trie.subTries.hasOwnProperty(hc)) {
if (hc == h) {
t2.subTries[hc] = _copyPut(trie.subTries[hc], key, value, hashCode.substring(1));
found = true;
} else {
t2.subTries[hc] = trie.subTries[hc];
if (!found) {
var s2 = new HashTrie(trie.options);
s2 = _copyPut(s2, key, value, hashCode.substring(1));
t2.subTries[h] = s2;
t2.leafKVPs = trie.leafKVPs;
//print("Size after put " + hashCode + " = " + t2.keys().length);
//if (hashCode == "rt") {
// t2.display();
return t2;
// Create a copy of the trie in which a particular entry is removed
function _copyRemove(trie, key, hashCode) {
var t2 = new HashTrie(trie.options);
if (hashCode == "") {
t2.leafKVPs = trie.leafKVPs.filter(function (kvp) {
return !trie.options.sameKey(kvp.k, key);
t2.subTries = this.subTries;
return t2;
} else {
var h = hashCode.charAt(0);
for (hc in trie.subTries) {
if (trie.subTries.hasOwnProperty(hc)) {
if (hc == h) {
t2.subTries[hc] = _copyRemove(trie.subTries[hc], key, hashCode.substring(1));
} else {
t2.subTries[hc] = trie.subTries[hc];
t2.leafKVPs = trie.leafKVPs;
return t2;
var nextId = 0;
var stdOptions = {
// The hash function can be overridden for a particular HashTrie
hash: function (key) {
return key.hashCode();
// The sameKey function can be overridden for a particular HashTrie
sameKey: function (k1, k2) {
function hasTZ(n) {
return ("timezoneOffset" in n) && n.timezoneOffset != null;
try {
return (k1.equals(k2) || (Compare.itemIsNaN(k1) && Compare.itemIsNaN(k2))) && hasTZ(k1)==hasTZ(k2);
} catch (e) {
return false;
// Constructor
function HashTrie(options) {
this.leafKVPs = [];
this.subTries = {};
if (options) {
this.options = options;
} else {
this.options = {hash: stdOptions.hash, sameKey: stdOptions.sameKey};
HashTrie.prototype = {
leafKVPs: [],
subTries: {},
options: stdOptions,
* Ask whether the map contains an entry for a given key
* @param key the supplied key
* @returns true if the key is present in the map, otherwise false
containsKey: function (key) {
return _getKVP(this, key) != null;
* Get the value associated with a given key in the map
* @param key the supplied key
* @returns the associated value if present; otherwise null. Note that
* null may mean that the key is absent, or that the key is present and associated
* with the value null.
get: function (key) {
var kvp = _getKVP(this, key);
return kvp == null ? [] : kvp.v;
* Add or replace an entry for a given key, modifying the map in situ
* @param key the new key
* @param value the new value
inSituPut: function (key, value) {
//print("in situ put " + showValue(key) + " = " + showValue(value));
_inSituPut(this, key, value, this.options.hash(key));
* Add or replace an entry for a given key, returning a copy of the map. The original map
* is not changed.
* @param key the new key
* @param value the new value
put: function (key, value) {
return _copyPut(this, key, value, this.options.hash(key));
* Remove an entry for a given key, returning a copy of the map. The original map
* is not changed.
* @param key the new key
remove: function (key) {
return _copyRemove(this, key, this.options.hash(key));
* Iterate over the entries in the map. The supplied function is called for each entry in turn,
* in undefined order; the function is called with a single parameter which is an object of the
* form {k:key, v:value}
* @param f the function to be called for each key-value pair.
forAllPairs: function (f) {
for (var h in this.subTries) {
if (this.subTries.hasOwnProperty(h)) {
display: function () {
function disp(trie, level) {
if (level > 0) {
print("Subtrie " + level);
trie.leafKVPs.forEach(function(kvp) {
print(showValue(kvp.k) + ": " + showValue(kvp.v));
for (var h in trie.subTries) {
if (trie.subTries.hasOwnProperty(h)) {
disp(trie.subTries[h], level+1);
disp(this, 0);
* Return all the keys present in the map, as an array, in undefined order
* @returns an array containing all the keys
keys: function() {
var result = [];
this.forAllPairs(function (pair) {
return result;
* Test conformance to a type
* @param keyTest a function which must return true for every key value
* @param valueTest a function which must return true for every item in every value
* @param valueCountTest a function which must return true for the cardinality of every value
conforms: function(keyTest, valueTest, valueCountTest) {
var map = this;
//print("map.conforms " + showValue(map.keys()));
return Iter.ForArray(map.keys()).every(function(k) {
//print("map.conforms " + showValue(k) + " : " + showValue(map.get(k)));
var v = map.get(k);
return keyTest(k) && valueCountTest(v.length) && Iter.ForArray(v).every(valueTest);
return HashTrie;
var Axis = function () {
"use strict";
var DU = DomUtils;
var axes = {
ancestor: function (node) {
var p;
switch (node.nodeType) {
return Iter.Empty;
if (node.ownerElement) {
return Iter.Stepping(node.ownerElement, function (node) {
return node.parentNode;
} else {
return Iter.Empty;
p = node.parentNode;
if (!p) {
return Iter.Empty;
return Iter.Stepping(p, function (node) {
return node.parentNode;
ancestorOrSelf: function (node) {
return Iter.Join([
attribute: function (node) {
if (node.nodeType == DU.ELEMENT_NODE) {
//print("domNode is an element");
var attMap = node.attributes;
//print("attMap.length is " + attMap.length);
var array = [];
var i, name;
for (i = 0; i < attMap.length; i++) {
name = attMap[i].name;
if (!(name.substring(0, 5) == "xmlns" && (name.length == 5 || name.charAt(5) == ":"))) {
//print("Att " + name + "=>" + showValue(attMap[i]));
//Gecko has pulled the ownerElement property, so we polyfill it back
if (!attMap[i].ownerElement) {
attMap[i].ownerElement = node;
//print("array length" + array.length);
return Iter.ForArray(array);
} else {
return Iter.Empty;
child: function (node) {
function kids(node) {
return Iter.Stepping(node.firstChild, function (node) {
return node.nextSibling;
switch (node.nodeType) {
return kids(node).filter(function (node) {
return !(node.nodeType == DU.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE && == "xml");
return kids(node);
return Iter.Empty;
descendant: function (node) {
return Axis.child(node).mapOneToMany(
function (node) {
return Axis.descendantOrSelf(node);
descendantOrSelf: function (node) {
return Iter.Join([Iter.Singleton(node), Axis.descendant(node)]);
following: function (node) {
switch (node.nodeType) {
return Iter.Empty;
var p = DomUtils.xdmParentNode(node);
return p==null ? Iter.Empty : Iter.Join([Axis.descendant(p), Axis.following(p)]);
return Axis.ancestorOrSelf(node).mapOneToMany(
function (node) {
return Axis.followingSibling(node).mapOneToMany(Axis.descendantOrSelf)
followingSibling: function (node) {
switch (node.nodeType) {
return Iter.Empty;
return Iter.Stepping(node.nextSibling, function (node) {
return node.nextSibling
namespace: function (node) {
if (node.nodeType == DU.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return Iter.ForArray(
function (ns) {
return new NamespaceNode(ns.prefix, ns.uri, node);
} else {
return Iter.Empty;
parent: function (node) {
return Iter.Singleton(DU.xdmParentNode(node));
preceding: function (node) {
return Axis.ancestorOrSelf(node).mapOneToMany(
function (node) {
return Axis.precedingSibling(node).mapOneToMany(
function(node) {
// Need descendants in reverse document order
return Iter.ForArray(Axis.descendantOrSelf(node).expand().reverse());
precedingSibling: function (node) {
switch (node.nodeType) {
return Iter.Empty;
return Iter.Stepping(node.previousSibling, function (node) {
return node.previousSibling
self: function (node) {
return Iter.Singleton(node);
axes["ancestor-or-self"] = axes.ancestorOrSelf;
axes["descendant-or-self"] = axes.descendantOrSelf;
axes["following-sibling"] = axes.followingSibling;
axes["preceding-sibling"] = axes.precedingSibling;
return axes;
// Define error class for all XSLT (and XPath) dynamic errors
function XError(message, code, expr) {
if (!(this instanceof XError)) {
return new XError(message, code, expr);
} = 'XError';
this.message = message || 'Default Message';
this.code = code || "FORG0001";
if (expr) {
this.stack = (new Error()).stack;
XError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
XError.prototype.constructor = XError;
XError.prototype.code = null;
XError.prototype.xsltLineNr = null;
XError.prototype.xsltModule = null;
XError.prototype.compiledLineNr = null;
XError.prototype.isGlobal = false;
XError.prototype.setExpr = function (expr) {
this.xsltLineNr = DomUtils.getInheritedAttribute(expr, "line");
this.xsltModule = DomUtils.getInheritedAttribute(expr, "module");
this.compiledLineNr = expr.lineNumber;
if(this.xsltLineNr != null) {
this.message += " at "+ this.xsltModule+"#"+this.xsltLineNr;
XError.test = function (condition /*, ...*/) {
if (condition) {
throw, arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
var Expr = function () {
var DU = DomUtils;
var expression = {
analyzeString: function (expr, context) {
var input = evaluate(argRole(expr, "select"), context).next();
if (input == null) {
return Iter.Empty;
input = input.toString();
var regex = evaluate(argRole(expr, "regex"), context).next().toString();
//TODO .toString() applied to null?
var flags = evaluate(argRole(expr, "flags"), context).next().toString();
var onMatch = argRole(expr, "matching");
var onNoMatch = argRole(expr, "nonMatching");
var details = analyze(input, regex, flags, true);
var c2 = context.newContext(false);
var strings = (m) {
return m.string;
c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(Iter.ForArray(strings));
return c2.focus.mapOneToMany(function (item) {
var info = details[c2.focus.position - 1];
if (info.matching) {
c2.focus.regexGroups = info.groups;
return onMatch ? evaluate(onMatch, c2): Iter.Empty;
} else {
c2.focus.regexGroups =[];
return onNoMatch ? evaluate(onNoMatch, c2): Iter.Empty;
and: function (expr, context) {
return Iter.oneBoolean(ebv(evalChild1(expr, context)) && ebv(evalChild2(expr, context)));
among: function (expr, context) {
var m = evalChild1(expr, context).next();
var n = evalChild2(expr, context);
return n.filter(function (node) {
return node === m;
applyImports: function (expr, context) {
var mode = context.currentMode;
if (mode == null) {
throw new XError("applyImports: no current mode", "XTDE0560", expr);
if (context.focus.current == null) {
throw new XError("applyImports: no context item", "XTDE0560", expr);
var c2 = context.newContext(true);
assembleParams(expr, context, c2);
c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(Iter.Singleton(context.focus.current));;
return mode.applyImports(c2);
applyT: function (expr, context) {
var mode;
if (hasFlag(expr, "c")) {
mode = context.currentMode;
} else {
var modeName = DU.getAttributeAsEQName(expr, "mode");
if (modeName == null) {
modeName = "";
mode = context.fixed.modes[modeName];
if (mode == null) {
internalError("Mode " + modeName + " not found");
var c2 = context.newContext(true);
assembleParams(expr, context, c2);
c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(evalChild1(expr, context));
return mode.applyTemplates(c2);
arith: function (expr, context) {
var calcFn = Calculate[expr.getAttribute("calc")];
if (! calcFn) {
notImplemented("arithmetic (" + expr.getAttribute("calc") + ")");
return Iter.Singleton(binaryOperator(expr, context, calcFn));
arith10: function (expr, context) {
function dbl(iter) {
var item =;
return item == null ? Atomic. double.fromNumber(NaN): Atomic. double.cast(item);
var calcFn = Calculate[expr.getAttribute("calc")];
return Iter.Singleton(calcFn(dbl(evalChild1(expr, context)), dbl(evalChild2(expr, context))));
array: function (expr, context) {
// TODO: identical to arrayBlock???
var aray = DU.getChildElements(expr).map(function (exp) {
return evaluate(exp, context).expand();
//print("aray: " + showValue(aray));
return Iter.Singleton(new XdmArray(aray));
arrayBlock: function (expr, context) {
var aray = DU.getChildElements(expr).map(function (exp) {
return evaluate(exp, context).expand();
//print("aray: " + showValue(aray));
return Iter.Singleton(new XdmArray(aray));
atomic: function (expr) {
var value = expr.getAttribute("val");
var type = expr.getAttribute("type").substring(3);
if (! Atomic[type]) {
internalError("Unknown type: " + type, expr);
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic[type].fromString(value));
atomSing: function (expr, context) {
var base = evalChild1(expr, context).mapOneToMany(atomize);
if (! expr.hasAttribute("card")) {
base = Iter.LookAhead(base);
if (base.peek() == null) {
var x = roleDiagnostic(expr.getAttribute("diag"));
throw new XError("The " + x.required + " is empty", x.code, expr);
return base;
att: function (expr, context) {
var content = evalChild1(expr, context);
var strContent = makeSimpleContent(content);
var attName = DU.getAttributeAsQName(expr, "name");
if (attName == null) {
throw new XError("Invalid attribute name " + expr.getAttribute("name"));
//print("att uri=" + attName.uri + " lex=" + expr.getAttribute("name"));
var attNode = context.resultDocument.createAttributeNS(attName.uri, expr.getAttribute("name"));
attNode.value = strContent;
return Iter.Singleton(attNode);
axis: function (expr, context) {
//var nodeTest = makeNodeTest(expr.getAttribute("nodeTest"));
//print("axis " + expr.getAttribute("jsTest"));
var nodeTest = new Function ('item', expr.getAttribute("jsTest"));
var axis = expr.getAttribute("name");
if (! context.focus.current) {
throw new XError("Context item is absent for " + axis + " axis", "XPDY0002", expr);
return Axis[axis](context.focus.current).filter(nodeTest);
callT: function (expr, context) {
var name = DU.getAttributeAsEQName(expr, "name");
var target = context.fixed.namedTemplates[name];
if (target == null) {
internalError("Template " + name + " not found", expr);
var c2 = context.newContext(true);
assembleParams(expr, context, c2);
return evalChild1(target, c2);
cast: function (expr, context) {
var input = evalChild1(expr, context).next();
if (input == null) {
return Iter.Empty;
var target = getAtomicType(expr.getAttribute("as"));
var resolver = == "QName" ? stylesheetResolver(expr, true): null;
//print("Found type " + expr.getAttribute("as") + " - " +;
return Iter.Singleton(target.cast(input, resolver));
castable: function (expr, context) {
var input = evalChild1(expr, context).mapOneToMany(atomize).expand();
var result;
if (input.length == 0) {
result = "1".equals(expr.getAttribute("emptiable"));
} else if (input.length > 1) {
result = false;
} else {
var target = getAtomicType(expr.getAttribute("as"));
var resolver = == "QName" ? stylesheetResolver(expr, true): null;
try {
target.cast(input[0], resolver);
result = true;
catch (e) {
result = false;
return Iter.oneBoolean(result);
cfn: function (expr, context) {
// curried system function
var name = expr.getAttribute("name");
var args;
if (name == "_format-number_1") {
args =[evalChild1(expr, context), Iter.oneString(expr.getAttribute("pic"))];
if (expr.hasAttribute("format")) {
return CoreFn[ "format-number"](args, context, expr);
} else if (name == "_translate_1") {
args =[evalChild1(expr, context),
return CoreFn.translate(args, context);
} else {
internalError("Unimplemented: cfn " + name, expr);
check: function (expr, context) {
var card = expr.getAttribute("card");
var showCard = {
"*": "zero or more",
"+": "one or more",
"?": "zero or one",
"°": "zero",
"1": "exactly one"
function cardError(hasProblem) {
var x = roleDiagnostic(expr.getAttribute("diag"));
//print("Required card " + card);
throw new XError("Required cardinality of " + x.required + " is " + showCard[card] +
"; supplied value " + hasProblem, x.code, expr);
var base = evalChild1(expr, context);
if (card == "*") {
return base;
var input = Iter.LookAhead(base);
var first = input.peek();
if (first == null) {
if (card == "?" || card == "°") {
return Iter.Empty;
} else {
cardError("is empty");
} else if (card == "°") {
cardError("is not empty (first item " + showValue(first) + ")")
if (card == "+") {
return input;
var second =;
if (second != null) {
var n = input.count() + 2;
cardError("contains " + n + " items (" + showValue(first) + ", " + showValue(second) +
(n > 2 ? ",... )": ")"));
return Iter.Singleton(first);
choose: function (expr, context) {
var operands = DU.getChildElements(expr);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < operands.length; i += 2) {
if (ebv(evaluate(operands[i], context), expr)) {
return evaluate(operands[i + 1], context);
return Iter.Empty;
comment: function (expr, context) {
var content = evalChild1(expr, context);
var commentNode = context.resultDocument.createComment(makeSimpleContent(content));
return Iter.Singleton(commentNode);
compareToInt: function (expr, context) {
var a = evalChild1(expr, context).next();
var b = Atomic.integer.fromString(expr.getAttribute("val"));
return Iter.oneBoolean(Compare.testComparison(expr.getAttribute("op"), a.compareTo(b)));
compAtt: function (expr, context) {
return computedElemOrAttr(expr, context, function (ns, lexi) {
var attNode = context.resultDocument.createAttributeNS(ns, lexi);
attNode.value = makeSimpleContent(evaluate(argRole(expr, "select"), context));
return attNode;
compElem: function (expr, context) {
return computedElemOrAttr(expr, context, function (ns, lexi) {
var elemNode = context.createElement(ns, lexi);
if (ns != "") {
var parts = lexi.split(":");
DU.declareNS(elemNode, parts.length == 1 ? "": parts[0], ns);
makeComplexContent(elemNode, evaluate(argRole(expr, "content"), context), context);
return elemNode;
condCont: function (expr) {
condSeq: function (expr) {
conditionalSort: function (expr, context) {
if (ebv(evalChild1(expr, context))) {
return evalChild2(expr, context);
} else {
return evalChild1(DU.getChildElements(expr)[1], context);
convert: function (expr, context) {
var ntype = expr.getAttribute("to");
var target = getAtomicType(expr.getAttribute("to"));
return evalChild1(expr, context).mapOneToOne(
hasFlag(expr, "p") ? function (v) {
return promote(v,
}: target.cast);
copy: function (expr, context) {
// TODO XSLT 3.0 select attribute
var item = context.focus.current;
var flags = expr.getAttribute("flags");
return DU.shallowCopy(item, context, flags, function (c2) {
return evalChild1(expr, c2);
copyOf: function (expr, context) {
var flags = expr.getAttribute("flags");
return evalChild1(expr, context).mapOneToOne(function (item) {
return DU.copyItem(item, context, flags)
currentGroup: function (expr, context) {
if (context && context.focus && context.focus.currentGroup) {
return Iter.ForArray(context.focus.currentGroup);
} else {
throw new XError("There is no current group", "XTDE1061", expr);
currentGroupingKey: function (expr, context) {
if (context && context.focus && context.focus.currentGroupingKey) {
return Iter.ForArray(context.focus.currentGroupingKey);
} else {
throw new XError("There is no current grouping key", "XTDE1071", expr);
cvUntyped: function (expr, context) {
var input = evalChild1(expr, context);
var convert = getAtomicType(expr.getAttribute("to")).cast;
return input.mapOneToOne(function (item) {
if (Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
//print("converting to " + convert(item).type + " (" + expr.getAttribute("to"));
return convert(item);
} else {
//print("not converting " + item.type);
return item;
data: function (expr, context) {
return evalChild1(expr, context).mapOneToMany(atomize);
dbl: function (expr) {
var value = expr.getAttribute("val");
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic. double.fromString(value));
dec: function (expr) {
var value = expr.getAttribute("val");
return Iter.oneDecimal(Big(value));
doc: function (expr, context) {
return Iter.Singleton(newDoc(DU.getChildElements(expr)[0], context));
docOrder: function (expr, context) {
return DU.inDocumentOrder(evalChild1(expr, context));
dot: function (expr, context) {
//print("dot: " + context.focus.current);
if (! context.focus) {
throw XError("There is no context item", "XPDY0002", expr);
return Iter.Singleton(context.focus.current);
elem: function (expr, context) {
var needNS = false;
var name = expr.getAttribute("name");
//print("elem name " + name);
var parts = name.split(":");
var uri = null;
if (expr.hasAttribute("nsuri")) {
uri = expr.getAttribute("nsuri");
needNS = true;
if (parts.length == 2 && uri == null) {
uri = uriFromStaticContext(expr, parts[0]);
//print("URI for " + parts[0] + " = " + uri);
needNS = true;
if (uri == null) {
uri = "";
if (uri == "") {
throw XError("Disallowed namespace " + uri, "XTDE0835");
var elemNode = context.createElement(uri, name);
if (expr.hasAttribute("namespaces")) {
var namespaces = expr.getAttribute("namespaces").split(" ");
var n;
for (n = 0; n < namespaces.length; n++) {
var pu = namespaces[n].split("=");
//print("Set namespace " + pu[0] + "=" + pu[1]);
DU.declareNS(elemNode, pu[0], pu[1]);
if (pu[0] == parts[0] && pu[1] == uri) {
needNS = true;
if (needNS) {
//print("FIXUP " + parts[0] + "=" + uri);
DU.declareNS(elemNode, parts.length == 2 ? parts[0]: "", uri);
makeComplexContent(elemNode, evalChild1(expr, context), context);
//print("New Element: " + elemNode.toString());
return Iter.Singleton(elemNode);
empty: function () {
return Iter.Empty;
emptyTextNodeRemover: function (expr, context) {
return evalChild1(expr, context).filter(function (item) {
return !(item instanceof Node && item.nodeType == DU.TEXT_NODE && item.textContent == "");
error: function (expr) {
throw new XError(expr.getAttribute("message"), expr.getAttribute("code"), expr);
evaluate: function (expr, context) {
var xpath = evaluate(argRole(expr, "xpath"), context).next().toString();
var src = evaluate(argRole(expr, "cxt"), context);
var params = evaluate(argRole(expr, "wp"), context);
var z = SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate(xpath, src, params);
return z;
every: function (expr, context) {
var slot = parseInt(expr.getAttribute("slot"));
var iter = evalChild1(expr, context);
var satisfies = arg2Fn(expr);
return Iter.oneBoolean(! iter.some(function (item) {
context.localVars[slot] =[item];
return ! ebv(satisfies(context))
except: function (expr, context) {
var lhs = evalChild1(expr, context);
var rhs = evalChild2(expr, context);
return Iter.Difference(lhs, rhs, DU.compareDocumentOrder);
false: function () {
return Iter.oneBoolean(false);
filter: function (expr, context) {
var input = evalChild1(expr, context);
var predFn = arg2Fn(expr);
if (hasFlag(expr, "i")) {
// filter is independent of the focus (probably but not necessarily numeric)
var predicate = predFn(context).expand();
if (predicate.length == 1 && Atomic.numeric.matches(predicate[0])) {
var subscript = predicate[0].toNumber();
if (input instanceof Iter.ForArray) {
return Iter.Singleton(input.expand()[subscript - 1]);
} else {
var tracker = Iter.Tracker(input);
return tracker.filter(function () {
return tracker.position == subscript;
} else {
//print("predicate " + showValue(predicate));
//print("EBV: " + ebv(Iter.ForArray(predicate)));
return ebv(Iter.ForArray(predicate)) ? input: Iter.Empty;
var c2 = context.newContext(false);
c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(input);
var condition;
if (hasFlag(expr, "p")) {
// Positional
condition = function () {
//print("matching item " + c2.focus.current);
var predicate = predFn(c2).expand();
if (predicate.length == 1 && Atomic.numeric.matches(predicate[0])) {
//print("predicate position = " + c2.focus.position + " =? " + showValue(predicate[0]));
return c2.focus.position == predicate[0].toNumber();
//print("matches? " + result);
} else {
return ebv(Iter.ForArray(predicate));
} else {
condition = function () {
return ebv(predFn(c2));
////print("matching item " + c2.focus.current);
//var matches = evalChild2(expr, c2);
//var result = ebv(matches);
////print("filter matches? " + result);
//return result;
return c2.focus.filter(condition);
first: function (expr, context) {
return Iter.Singleton(evalChild1(expr, context).next());
fnRef: function () {
throw new XError("Saxon-JS does not support higher-order functions", "XTSE3540");
follows: function (expr, context) {
return Iter.Singleton(
binaryOperator(expr, context, function (a, b) {
return Atomic. boolean.fromBoolean(DU.compareDocumentOrder(a, b) > 0);
"for": function (expr, context) {
var slot = parseInt(expr.getAttribute("slot"));
var action = arg2Fn(expr);
return evalChild1(expr, context).mapOneToMany(function (item) {
context.localVars[slot] =[item];
//print("for loop item " + showValue(item));
return action(context);
forEach: function (expr, context) {
var c2 = context.newContext(false);
c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(evalChild1(expr, context));
c2.currentTemplate = null;
var action = arg2Fn(expr);
var mapper = function () {
//print("forEach action .=" + showValue(c2.focus.current));
return action(c2);
return c2.focus.mapOneToMany(mapper);
forEachGroup: function (expr, context) {
return Compare.grouping(expr, context);
fn: function (expr, context) {
var funct = CoreFn[expr.getAttribute("name")];
if (funct == null) {
notImplemented(expr.getAttribute("name") + "()", expr);
var args = DU.getChildElements(expr).map(
function (e) {
return evaluate(e, context);
return funct(args, context, expr);
functionCall: function (expr, context) {
notImplemented(expr.getAttribute("name") + "()", expr);
gc: Compare.generalComparison,
gc10: function (expr, context) {
function singleBool(a) {
return (a.length == 1 && Atomic. boolean.matches(a[0]));
function toEbvArray(a) {
return[Atomic. boolean.fromBoolean(ebv(Iter.ForArray(a)))]
var lhs = evalChild1(expr, context).expand();
var rhs = evalChild2(expr, context).expand();
if (singleBool(lhs)) {
rhs = toEbvArray(rhs);
} else if (singleBool(rhs)) {
lhs = toEbvArray(lhs);
} else {
lhs = Iter.ForArray(lhs).mapOneToMany(atomize).expand();
rhs = Iter.ForArray(rhs).mapOneToMany(atomize).expand();
var comparer = Compare.allocateCodedComparer(expr.getAttribute("comp"));
return Compare.gc(Iter.ForArray(lhs), rhs, expr.getAttribute("op"), comparer);
gcEE: Compare.generalComparison,
gVarRef: function (expr, context) {
//var name = stylesheetEQName(expr, expr.getAttribute("name"), false);
var name = expr.getAttribute("name");
//print("gVarRefName: " + name);
var glob = context.fixed.globalVars[name];
if (! glob.decl) {
internalError("Missing global $" + name, expr);
if (glob.value == null) {
//print("evaluating global $" + name + ": " + glob.decl);
if (glob.decl.tagName == "globalParam") {
var supplied = context.fixed.options.stylesheetParams[name];
if (supplied === undefined && /^Q\{\}/.test(name)) {
supplied = context.fixed.options.stylesheetParams[Atomic.QName.fromEQName(name).local];
if (supplied !== undefined) {
//print("Found supplied parameter " + name + " = " + supplied + " (type " + typeof supplied.value + ")");
var acceptor = new Function ('val', glob.decl.getAttribute("jsAcceptor"));
//print("Converting using " + glob.decl.getAttribute("jsAcceptor"));
var cardCheck = new Function ('n', glob.decl.getAttribute("jsCardCheck"));
var converted = convertParamFromJS(supplied, cardCheck, acceptor);
glob.value = Array.isArray(converted) ? converted : [converted];
//print("Converted param " + name + " = " + showValue(glob.value));
} else {
//print("Parameter " + name + " not supplied");
if (hasFlag(glob.decl, "r")) {
throw XError("Parameter " + name + " is required", "XTDE0050", glob);
} else if (hasFlag(glob.decl, "i")) {
throw XError("Parameter " + name + " cannot be empty", "XTDE0700", glob);
} else if (DU.getChildElements(glob.decl).length == 0) {
//print("Defaulting parameter " + name + " to empty sequence");
glob.value =[];
if (glob.value == null) {
var c2 = context.newContext(true);
c2.tempOutputState = "variable";
c2.currentMode = context.fixed.modes[ ""];
c2.currentTemplate = null;
c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(Iter.Singleton(context.fixed.globalContextItem));;
try {
glob.value = evalChild1(glob.decl, c2).expand();
catch (e) {
if (e instanceof XError) {
e.isGlobal = true;
throw e;
//print("global $" + name + " = " + showValue(glob.value));
return Iter.ForArray(glob.value);
homCheck: function (expr, context) {
var base = new Iter.LookAhead(evalChild1(expr, context));
var first = base.peek();
if (first == null) {
return Iter.Empty;
} else {
var expectNodes = (DU.isNode(first));
var checker = base.filter(function (item) {
if (DU.isNode(item) != expectNodes) {
throw new XError("Cannot mix nodes and atomic values in the result of a path expression", "XPTY0018", expr);
return true;
return expectNodes ? DU.inDocumentOrder(checker): checker;
ifCall: function (expr, context) {
var name = DU.getAttributeAsQName(expr, "name", false);
// TODO: ixsl:schedule-action is a hack because we can't evaluate the action expression until after waiting.
if (name.local == "schedule-action") {
var count = DU.getChildElements(expr).length;
if (count == 3) { // For Saxon and later
var wait = evalChild1(expr, context).next().toNumber();
var document = evalChild2(expr, context).next();
console.log("schedule action wait = " + wait);
var c2 = context.newContext(false);
if (context.focus) {
//print("context.focus.current " + context.focus.current);
c2.focus = new Iter.Tracker(new Iter.Singleton(context.focus.current));;
var fn = function () {
console.log("scheduled action triggered");
evaluate(DU.getChildElements(expr)[2], c2).expand();
// force evaluation
if (document != null) {
var abs = SaxonJS.getPlatform().resolveUri(document.toString(), Expr.staticBaseUri(expr, context));
SaxonJS.getPlatform().asyncGetXml(abs, function (uri, doc) {
console.log("added document to pool " + uri);
context.fixed.documentPool[uri] = doc;
} else if (wait != 0) {
setTimeout(fn, wait);
return Iter.Empty;
} else { // For Saxon
var wait = evalChild1(expr, context).next().toNumber();
console.log("schedule action wait = " + wait);
var c2 = context.newContext(false);
if (context.focus) {
//print("context.focus.current " + context.focus.current);
c2.focus = new Iter.Tracker(new Iter.Singleton(context.focus.current));;
var fn = function () {
console.log("scheduled action triggered");
evaluate(evalChild2(expr, context).next(), c2).expand();
// force evaluation
setTimeout(fn, wait);
return Iter.Empty;
var args = DU.getChildElements(expr).map(
function (e, n) {
return evaluate(e, context);
//print("ifCall " + name.uri + " - " + name.local);
return ExtraFn(name.uri, name.local, args, context, expr);
indexedFilter: function (expr, context) {
// Ignore the indexing optimization
var c2 = context.newContext(false);
c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(evalChild1(expr, context));
var pred = arg2Fn(expr);
var condition = function () {
return ebv(pred(c2));
return c2.focus.filter(condition);
indexedLookup: function (expr, context) {
return Compare.generalComparison(expr, context, "=");
inlineFn: function (expr, context) {
notImplemented("inline function");
instance: function (expr, context) {
var cardinality = {
"*": {
min: 0, max: Infinity
"+": {
min: 1, max: Infinity
"?": {
min: 0, max: 1
"°": {
min: 0, max: 0
"1": {
min: 1, max: 1
var val = evalChild1(expr, context);
var typeDef = expr.getAttribute("of");
if (typeDef == "empty-sequence()") {
return Iter.oneBoolean( == null);
//print("instance of type: " + typeDef);
var kleene = typeDef.charAt(typeDef.length - 1);
//print("Kleene: " + kleene);
var hasKleene = ("*+?°".indexOf(kleene) >= 0);
var card = cardinality[hasKleene ? kleene: "1"];
if (hasKleene) {
typeDef = typeDef.substring(0, typeDef.length - 1);
//print("Card: " + card.min + ", " + card.max);
var test = new Function ('item', expr.getAttribute("jsTest"));
var item;
var count = 0;
while ((item = != null) {
//print(showValue(item) + " instance-of " +;
if (++ count > card.max || ! test(item)) {
//print("Not instance. " + (count > card.max ? "Found " + count + "items." : " Non-matching item."));
return Iter.oneBoolean(false);
return Iter.oneBoolean(count >= card.min);
int: function (expr) {
var value = expr.getAttribute("val");
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic.integer.fromString(value));
intersect: function (expr, context) {
var lhs = evalChild1(expr, context);
var rhs = evalChild2(expr, context);
return Iter.Intersect(lhs, rhs, DU.compareDocumentOrder);
intRangeTest: function (expr, context) {
var lhs = evalChild1(expr, context);
var kids = DU.getChildElements(expr);
var min = evaluate(kids[1], context).next().toNumber();
var max = evaluate(kids[2], context).next().toNumber();
var match = lhs.some(function (item) {
var v = item.value;
return v >= min && v <= max;
return Iter.oneBoolean(match);
is: function (expr, context) {
return Iter.Singleton(
binaryOperator(expr, context, function (a, b) {
return Atomic. boolean.fromBoolean(DU.isSameNode(a, b));
isLast: function (expr, context) {
return Iter.oneBoolean((context.focus.position == context.focus.last()) == (expr.getAttribute("test") == "1"));
lastOf: function (expr, context) {
var lookAhead = Iter.LookAhead(evalChild1(expr, context));
return lookAhead.filter(function () {
return lookAhead.peek() == null;
let: function (expr, context) {
// Because we evaluate the variable fully, we can modify context in-situ
var oldTempOutputState = context.tempOutputState;
context.tempOutputState = "variable";
var value = evalChild1(expr, context).expand();
context.tempOutputState = oldTempOutputState;
var slot = parseInt(expr.getAttribute("slot"));
//print("let $" + expr.getAttribute("var") + " := " + showValue(value));
context.localVars[slot] = value;
return evalChild2(expr, context);
literal: function (expr, context) {
var iterators = DU.getChildElements(expr).map(
function (e) {
return evaluate(e, context);
return Iter.Join(iterators);
map: function (expr, context) {
var m = new HashTrie();
var key = null;
DU.getChildElements(expr).forEach(function (v) {
if (key == null) {
key = evaluate(v, context).next();
} else {
m.inSituPut(key, evaluate(v, context).expand());
key = null;
return Iter.Singleton(m);
merge: function (expr, context) {
mergeAdj: function (expr, context) {
// merge adjacent text nodes
function isTextNode(item) {
return item instanceof Node && item.nodeType == DU.TEXT_NODE;
var result =[];
var iter = evalChild1(expr, context);
var prevIsText = false;
var item;
while ((item = != null) {
var thisIsText = isTextNode(item);
if (!(thisIsText && item.nodeValue == "")) {
if (prevIsText && thisIsText) {
result.push(context.resultDocument.createTextNode(result.pop().nodeValue + item.nodeValue));
} else {
prevIsText = thisIsText;
//print("after mergeAdj: " + result.length);
return Iter.ForArray(result);
message: function (expr, context) {
var msg = "";
var item;
// Because we evaluate the variable fully, we can modify context in-situ
var oldTempOutputState = context.tempOutputState;
context.tempOutputState = "variable";
evalChild1(expr, context).mapOneToMany(atomize).forEachItem(function (it) {
msg += " " + it.toString();
var terminate = evaluate(argRole(expr, "terminate"), context).next();
var code = evaluate(argRole(expr, "error"), context).next();
if (terminate == "yes" || terminate == "true" || terminate == "1") {
throw XError("Terminated with " + msg, code.toString(), expr);
} else {
if (context.fixed.options.deliverMessage) {
context.tempOutputState = oldTempOutputState;
return Iter.Empty;
minus: function (expr, context) {
// unary minus
return evalChild1(expr, context).mapOneToOne(function (item) {
return item.negate()
namespace: function (expr, context) {
var prefix = evalChild1(expr, context).next().toString();
var uri = evalChild2(expr, context).next().toString();
if (prefix != "" && ! Regex.isNCName(prefix)) {
throw XError("Prefix " + prefix + " is not an NCName", "XTDE0920");
if (prefix == "xmlns" || uri == "") {
throw XError("Disallowed prefix/namespace " + uri, "XTDE0835");
return Iter.Singleton(new NamespaceNode(prefix, uri));
nextMatch: function (expr, context) {
var mode = context.currentMode;
var rule = context.currentTemplate;
if (! rule) {
throw new XError("xsl:next-match: there is no current template", "XTDE0560", expr);
var c2 = context.newContext(true);
assembleParams(expr, context, c2);
return mode.nextMatch(c2);
or: function (expr, context) {
if (ebv(evalChild1(expr, context))) {
return Iter.oneBoolean(true);
return Iter.oneBoolean(
ebv(evalChild2(expr, context)));
param: function (expr, context) {
var name = DU.getAttributeAsEQName(expr, "name");
var slot = parseInt(expr.getAttribute("slot"));
var tunnel = hasFlag(expr, "t");
var paramSet = tunnel ? context.tunnelParams: context.localParams;
var value = paramSet[name];
if (! value) {
var fallback = argRole(expr, "select");
if (fallback && ! hasFlag(expr, "r")) {
var oldTempOutputState = context.tempOutputState;
context.tempOutputState = "xsl:param";
value = evaluate(fallback, context).expand();
context.tempOutputState = oldTempOutputState;
//print("param " + name + " defaulting to " + showValue(value));
} else {
throw new XError("Required parameter $" + name + " not supplied", "XTDE0700", expr);
//print("Set slot " + slot + "(of " + context.depth + ") to " + showValue(value));
if (!(typeof value == "object" && "length" in value)) {
throw "Param value of $" + name + " is not an array";
context.localVars[slot] = value;
var conv = argRole(expr, "conversion");
if (conv != null) {
//print("Converting " + name + ": " + showValue(value));
context.localVars[slot] = evaluate(conv, context).expand();
return Iter.Empty;
precedes: function (expr, context) {
return Iter.Singleton(
binaryOperator(expr, context, function (a, b) {
return Atomic. boolean.fromBoolean(DU.compareDocumentOrder(a, b) < 0);
procInst: function (expr, context) {
var name = evalChild1(expr, context).next().value;
var content = evalChild2(expr, context);
var piNode = context.resultDocument.createProcessingInstruction(name, makeSimpleContent(content));
return Iter.Singleton(piNode);
qName: function (expr) {
var pre = expr.getAttribute("pre");
var uri = expr.getAttribute("uri");
var loc = expr.getAttribute("loc");
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic.QName.fromParts(pre, uri, loc));
range: function (expr) {
var a = Atomic.integer.fromString(expr.getAttribute("from"));
var b = Atomic.integer.fromString(expr.getAttribute("to"));
return range(a, b);
resultDoc: function (expr, context) {
if (context.tempOutputState) {
throw XError("Cannot call xsl:result-document while evaluating " + context.tempOutputState, "XTDE1480");
var hrefExp = argRole(expr, "href");
var href = hrefExp == null ? "": evaluate(hrefExp, context).next().toString();
//print("result document " + href);
var replaceContent = false;
expr.getAttribute("local").split(/\r?\n/).forEach(function (line) {
if (/^method=/.test(line)) {
replaceContent = /interactiveXSLT\}replace-content$/.test(line);
var doc;
if (href.charAt(0) == "#" || href.charAt(0) == "?") {
// TODO is this right?
doc = newDoc(argRole(expr, "content"), context, window.document);
} else {
doc = newDoc(argRole(expr, "content"), context);
if (href == "") {
// Not quite accurate...
return Iter.Singleton(doc);
} else if (href.charAt(0) == "#") {
//print("result-document href=" + href);
var target = window.document.getElementById(href.substring(1));
if (! target) {
throw new XError("Result document href=" + href + ": no such node", "XXXX9999", expr);
if (replaceContent) {
target.innerHTML = "";
Axis.child(doc).forEachItem(function (item) {
var elem = window.document.importNode(item, true);
return Iter.Empty;
} else if (href.charAt(0) == "?") {
/* Very limited support for XPath 1 - no namespaces etc.
Note that it produces a snapshot so multiple nodes could be affected - caveat emptor */
var path = href.substr(1);
var xpathResult = window.document.evaluate(path, context.focus.current, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
var target;
for (var i = 0; i < xpathResult.snapshotLength; i++) {
target = xpathResult.snapshotItem(i);
if (replaceContent) {
target.innerHTML = "";
Axis.child(doc).forEachItem(function (item) {
var elem = window.document.importNode(item, true);
/*var target = xpathResult.iterateNext();
while (target) {
if (replaceContent) {
target.innerHTML = "";
Axis.child(doc).forEachItem(function (item) {
var elem = window.document.importNode(item, true);
target = xpathResult.iterateNext();
} else {
//print("result-document href=" + href);
if (context.fixed.resultDocUris[href]) {
throw new XError("A result document with URI " + href + " has already been created", "XTDE1490");
context.fixed.resultDocUris[href] = true;
context.fixed.options.deliverResultDocument(href, doc);
return Iter.Empty;
root: function (expr, context) {
var item = context.focus.current;
if (! DU.isNode(item)) {
throw new XError("Context item for '/' must be a node", "XPTY0020");
var root = DU.ownerDocument(item);
if (root.nodeType != DU.DOCUMENT_NODE && root.nodeType != DU.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
throw new XError("Root node for '/' must be a document node", "XPDY0050");
return Iter.Singleton(DU.ownerDocument(item));
sequence: function (expr, context) {
var kids = DU.getChildElements(expr);
var iterators = (expr) {
return evaluate(expr, context);
return Iter.Join(iterators);
slash: function (expr, context) {
var c2 = context.newContext(false);
c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(evalChild1(expr, context));
var rhs = arg2Fn(expr);
var mapper = function () {
return rhs(c2);
return c2.focus.mapOneToMany(mapper);
some: function (expr, context) {
var slot = parseInt(expr.getAttribute("slot"));
var iter = evalChild1(expr, context);
var satisfies = arg2Fn(expr);
return Iter.oneBoolean(
iter.some(function (item) {
context.localVars[slot] =[item];
return ebv(satisfies(context))
sort: Compare.sortSequence,
str: function (expr) {
//print("val: " + expr.getAttribute("val"));
var value = expr.getAttribute("val");
return Iter.oneString(value);
subscript: function (expr, context) {
var base = evalChild1(expr, context);
var subscript = evalChild2(expr, context).next().value;
if (base instanceof Iter.ForArray) {
return Iter.Singleton(base.expand()[subscript - 1]);
} else {
var first = base.mapOneToOne(function (item, index) {
//print ("index = " + index);
return index + 1 == subscript ? item: null;
return Iter.Singleton(first);
supplied: function (expr, context) {
var slot = parseInt(expr.getAttribute("slot"));
//print("Found supplied slot " + slot + " $" + expr.getAttribute("name") + " = " + context.localVars[slot]);
return Iter.ForArray(context.localVars[slot]);
switch: function (expr, context) {
var lhs = evalChild1(expr, context).next();
//print("switch lhs: " + showValue(lhs));
if (lhs == null) {
return Iter.oneBoolean(false);
var cases = DU.getChildElements(expr, "case");
for (var c = 0; c < cases.length; c++) {
var caseVal = evalChild1(cases[c], context).next();
//print("switch rhs: " + showValue(caseVal));
if (caseVal.equals(lhs)) {
return evalChild2(cases[c], context);
return evaluate(argRole(expr, "default"), context);
tail: function (expr, context) {
var start = parseInt(expr.getAttribute("start")) - 1;
return evalChild1(expr, context).filter(function (item) {
return start-- <= 0;
tailCallLoop: function (expr, context) {
// TODO: optimize tail calls
return evalChild1(expr, context);
to: function (expr, context) {
var start = evalChild1(expr, context).next();
var end = evalChild2(expr, context).next();
if (start == null || end == null || start.compareTo(end) > 0) {
return Iter.Empty;
//print("from " + showValue(start) + " to " + showValue(end));
return range(start, end);
treat: function (expr, context) {
var test = new Function ('item', expr.getAttribute("jsTest"));
//var test = makeNodeTest(expr.getAttribute("jsTest"));
//print("treat: " + expr.getAttribute("jsTest"));
return evalChild1(expr, context).mapOneToOne(function (item) {
//print("Testing " + showValue(item) + " against " + expr.getAttribute("as"));
if (! test(item)) {
var x = roleDiagnostic(expr.getAttribute("diag"));
throw new XError("Required item type of " + x.required + " is " + expr.getAttribute("as") +
"; supplied value is " + showValue(item), x.code, expr);
} else {
return item;
true: function () {
return Iter.oneBoolean(true);
try: function (expr, context) {
// Allow the catch to be suppressed so we can get a stack trace
var CATCH = true;
if (CATCH) {
try {
return Iter.ForArray(evalChild1(expr, context).expand());
catch (e /*if e instanceof XError*/) {
//Ugllify can't handle the "instance of" extension
//print("Caught error: " + e + " - " + e.code);
if (e instanceof XError && ! e.isGlobal) {
context.currentError = e;
if (e.compiledLineNr == null) {
var q = Atomic.QName.fromParts("", "", e.code);
var catches = Iter.ForArray(DU.getChildElements(expr, "catch"));
var catcher;
while ((catcher = != null) {
var matches = new Function ('q', "return " + catcher.getAttribute("test") + ";");
if (matches(q)) {
//print("Catch match");
return evalChild1(catcher, context);
throw e;
} else if (e instanceof XError) {
throw e;
} else {
if (Error.dumpStack) {
throw e;
} else {
return evalChild1(expr, context);
ufCall: function (expr, context) {
var name = DU.getAttributeAsEQName(expr, "name");
var args = DU.getChildElements(expr);
var target = context.fixed.userFunctions[name + "#" + args.length];
if (target == null) {
internalError("Function " + name + "#" + args.length + " not found");
var c2 = context.newContext(true);
c2.tempOutputState = "function";
c2.currentMode = context.fixed.modes[ ""];
c2.currentTemplate = null;
c2.localVars =
function (arg) {
return evaluate(arg, context).expand();
//c2.localVars.forEach(function(v, i) {print("Arg " + i + " = " + v.join(","))});
c2.localParams = {
return evaluate(target, c2);
union: function (expr, context) {
var lhs = evalChild1(expr, context);
var rhs = evalChild2(expr, context);
return Iter.Union(lhs, rhs, DU.compareDocumentOrder);
useAS: function (expr, context) {
var name = DU.getAttributeAsEQName(expr, "name");
var target = context.fixed.attributeSets[name];
if (target == null) {
internalError("Attribute set " + name + " not found", expr);
var c2 = context.newContext(true);
c2.tempOutputState = "attribute set";
return evalChild1(target, c2);
vc: function (expr, context) {
function untypedToStr(val) {
return val == null ? null: Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(val) ? Atomic.string.cast(val): val;
var lhs = untypedToStr(evalChild1(expr, context).next());
var rhs = untypedToStr(evalChild2(expr, context).next());
if (lhs == null || rhs == null) {
return Iter.Empty;
//if (!(typeof lhs == "object" && "type" in lhs)) {
// print("Bad vc " + expr);
//print("Comparing " + showValue(lhs) + " with " + showValue(rhs) + " with comparer " + expr.getAttribute("comp"));
var comparer = Compare.allocateCodedComparer(expr.getAttribute("comp"));
var op = expr.getAttribute("op");
if (op == "=" || op == "eq" || op == "!=" || op == "ne") {
//print("comparing " + showValue(lhs) + " to " + showValue(rhs));
return Iter.oneBoolean(Compare.testEquality(op, comparer.equals(lhs, rhs)));
} else {
return Iter.oneBoolean(Compare.testComparison(op,, rhs)));
//var rel = allocateCodedComparer(expr.getAttribute("comp")).compare(lhs, rhs);
//print("Comparing " + showValue(lhs) + " with " + showValue(rhs));
//print("comparison: " + rel);
//return Iter.oneBoolean(testComparison(expr.getAttribute("op"), rel));
valueOf: function (expr, context) {
var content = evalChild1(expr, context);
var textNode = context.resultDocument.createTextNode(makeSimpleContent(content));
return Iter.Singleton(textNode);
varRef: function (expr, context) {
var slot = parseInt(expr.getAttribute("slot"));
var value = context.localVars[slot];
//print("$" + expr.getAttribute("name") + " = " + showValue(value));
return Iter.ForArray(value);
xslNumber: function (expr, context) {
return Numberer.xslNumber(expr, context);
styleValue: function (expr, context) {
var prop = expr.getAttribute("name");
return Iter.oneString([prop]);
function roleDiagnostic(str) {
var parts = str.split("|");
var kind = parts[0];
var operand = parts[1];
var errorCode = parts[2] == "" ? "XPTY0004": parts[2];
var name = parts[3];
var ordinal = function (n) {
switch (n) {
case 1:
return "first";
case 2:
return "second";
case 3:
return "third";
return n + "th";
var getMessage = function () {
switch (parseInt(kind)) {
case 0:
return ordinal(+ operand + 1) + " argument of " +
(name == "" ? "anonymous function": name + "()");
case 1:
return ordinal(+ operand + 1) + " operand of '" + name + '\'';
case 9:
return "operand of '-'";
case 2:
return "value in '" + name + "' expression";
case 3:
if (name == "saxon:context-item") {
return "context item";
} else {
return "value of variable $" + name;
case 4:
var p = name.split("/");
return '@' + p[1] + " attribute of " + (p[0] == "LRE" ? "a literal result element": p[0]);
case 5:
return "result of call to " + (name == "" ? "anonymous function": "function " + name);
case 7:
return "result of template " + name;
case 6:
return ordinal(+ operand + 1) + " sort key";
case 8:
return "value of parameter $" + name;
case 11:
return "value of the grouping key";
case 13:
return "the context item";
case 14:
return "the context item for the " + AxisInfo.axisName[operand] + " axis";
case 15:
return "the value of the " + name + " option";
case 17:
return "document-order sorter";
return "";
return {
required: getMessage(), code: errorCode
* Analyze a string using a regular expression
* @param input the input string
* @param regex the regular expression (in XPath dialect)
* @param flags the regular expression flags (in XPath dialect)
* @param allowZeroLength true if a regex that matches a zero-length string is permitted
* @returns an array of objects representing the matching and non-matching parts of the
* input string. The objects contain the entries: matching:true|false; string: the matching or
* non-matching string; groups: the captured groups
function analyze(input, regex, flags, allowZeroLength) {
var pattern = Regex.prepareRegex(regex, flags + "g", input);
if (! allowZeroLength && pattern.test("")) {
throw new XError("Regular expression matches zero-length string", "FORX0003");
var details =[];
var result;
var prevEnd = 0;
var loops = 0;
while ((result = pattern.exec(input)) != null) {
//print("analyze " + result.index + "-" + pattern.lastIndex + "=" + result[0]);
if (result.index > prevEnd) {
matching: false, string: Atomic.string.fromString(input.substring(prevEnd, result.index))
matching: true, groups: result, string: Atomic.string.fromString(result[0])
prevEnd = pattern.lastIndex;
if (loops++ > 1000) {
throw XError("looping???");
if (input.length > prevEnd) {
matching: false, string: Atomic.string.fromString(input.substring(prevEnd, input.length))
return details;
* Atomize a single item, according to XPath rules. Note that although (because we are not schema-aware) the
* result of atomizing a node is always a single item, this is not the case when arrays are atomized, so in
* general atomization is a one-to-many operation.
* @param item the item to be atomized
* @returns an iterator over: In the case of a node, the typed value of the node.
* In the case of an atomic value, the supplied value unchanged.
* In the case of an array, the atomization of the array members in sequence.
function atomize(item) {
if (DU.isNode(item)) {
return Iter.Singleton(atomizeNode(item));
} else if (item instanceof XdmArray) {
return Iter.Join( (member) {
return Iter.ForArray(member);
} else if (item instanceof HashTrie) {
throw new XError("Cannot atomize a map", "FOTY0013");
} else {
return Iter.Singleton(item);
function atomizeNode(node) {
var s = Atomic.string.fromString,
u = Atomic.untypedAtomic.fromString;
switch (node.nodeType) {
return u(node.documentElement.textContent);
//print("atomizing " +showValue(item) + " as " + item.textContent || "");
return u(node.textContent || "");
return u(node.value);
return s(node.textContent);
return s(;
return s(node.uri);
throw "Unknown node type " + node.nodeType;
* Compute the effective boolean value of a sequence, according to XPath rules
* @param iter the input sequence, supplied as an iterator
* @param src A possible export source element, from whence location may be found
* @returns a primitive boolean, true or false
* @throws a dynamic error if EBV is not defined for the type of the sequence
function ebv(iter, src) {
var first =;
function ebvError(reason) {
throw new XError("Effective boolean value is not defined for " + reason, "FORG0006")
function noMore() {
if ( != null) {
ebvError("an atomic sequence of length > 1");
} else {
return true;
if (first == null) {
return false;
if (DU.isNode(first)) {
return true;
if (Atomic. boolean.matches(first)) {
return noMore() && first.toBoolean();
} else if (Atomic.numeric.matches(first)) {
var n = first.toNumber();
return noMore() && ! isNaN(n) && n != 0;
} else if (Atomic.string.matches(first) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(first) || Atomic.anyURI.matches(first)) {
return noMore() && first.toString().length != 0;
} else {
ebvError("type " + first.type);
function untypedToDouble(item) {
return item.type === "untypedAtomic" ? Atomic. double.cast(item): item;
function range(a, b) {
var arith = Calculate[ "i+i"];
var one = Atomic.integer.fromNumber(1);
return Iter.Stepping(a,
function (item) {
var next = arith(item, one);
//print("range i=" + item + " b=" + b + " next=" + next);
return next.compareTo(b) > 0 ? null: next;
* Assemble parameters for a template call using call-template, apply-templates, apply-imports, or next-match
* @param expr the expression
* @param oldContext context for the calling expression
* @param newContext context for the called template
function assembleParams(expr, oldContext, newContext) {
var withParams = DU.getChildElements(expr, "withParam");
var paramMap =[ {
}, {
for (var n in oldContext.tunnelParams) {
//print("Existing tunnel param " + n + " = " + showValue(oldContext.tunnelParams[n]));
paramMap[1][n] = oldContext.tunnelParams[n];
// Because we evaluate the variable fully, we can modify context in-situ
var oldTempOutputState = oldContext.tempOutputState;
oldContext.tempOutputState = "template parameter";
withParams.forEach(function (wp) {
var pName = DU.getAttributeAsEQName(wp, "name");
var tunnel = hasFlag(wp, "t") ? 1: 0;
paramMap[tunnel][pName] = evalChild1(wp, oldContext).expand();
//if (tunnel == 1) {
// //print("New tunnel param " + pName + " = " + showValue(paramMap[tunnel][pName]));
oldContext.tempOutputState = oldTempOutputState;
newContext.localParams = paramMap[0];
newContext.tunnelParams = paramMap[1];
function computedElemOrAttr(expr, context, maker) {
var isAtt = expr.tagName == "compAtt";
var name = Regex.trim(evaluate(argRole(expr, "name"), context).next().toString());
var nsExp = argRole(expr, "namespace");
var ns;
if (nsExp == null) {
if (isAtt && name == "xmlns") {
throw new XError("Attribute must not be named xmlns", "XTDE0855", expr);
var qname = stylesheetQName(expr, name, false);
// TODO: catch XTDE0290 and replace with a different code.
ns = qname.uri;
} else {
ns = evaluate(nsExp, context).next().value;
if (isAtt) {
// TODO: handle conflicts where the prefix needs to be changed
if (ns == "" && name.includes(":")) {
name = name.replace(/^.*:/, "");
//print("making " + ns + " == " + name);
if (ns == "") {
throw XError("Disallowed namespace " + ns, "XTDE0835");
return Iter.Singleton(maker(ns, name));
* Implement a binary operator over singleton values returning null if either operand is null
function binaryOperator(expr, context, fn) {
var a = evalChild1(expr, context).next();
var b = evalChild2(expr, context).next();
if (a == null || b == null) {
print("binary operator has a null arg: " + a + " " + b);
return null;
} else {
return fn(a, b);
function getAtomicType(name) {
if (name.substring(0, 3) == "xs:") {
var result = Atomic[name.substring(3)];
if (! result) {
throw "unimplemented type: " + name;
return result;
} else {
throw "unknown type " + name;
function staticBaseUri(expr, context) {
if (context.fixed.staticBaseURI != null) {
return context.fixed.staticBaseURI;
var e = expr;
while (true) {
if (e.hasAttribute("baseUri")) {
return e.getAttribute("baseUri");
} else {
e = DU.xdmParentNode(e);
if (e == null || e.nodeType != DU.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return null;
function uriFromStaticContext(expr, prefix) {
// TODO: redundant, see stylesheetResolver
var ns = expr.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix);
if (ns != null) {
return ns;
ns = DU.getInheritedAttribute(expr, "ns");
if (ns == null) {
return null;
var decls = ns.split(" ");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < decls.length; i++) {
var pair = decls[i].split("=");
if (pair[0] == prefix) {
return pair[1];
return null;
function newDoc(contentExpr, context, owner) {
var docNode = DU.obtainDocumentNumber(new DocumentFragment());
docNode._saxonBaseUri = staticBaseUri(contentExpr, context);
var c2 = context.newContext(false);
if (owner) {
c2.resultDocument = owner;
makeComplexContent(docNode, evaluate(contentExpr, c2), c2);
return docNode;
function notImplemented(name, src) {
throw new XError("The " + name + " construct has not been implemented in Saxon-JS", "", src);
function evalChild1(expr, context) /* returns iterator */ {
return evaluate(DU.getChildElements(expr)[0], context);
function evalChild2(expr, context) /* returns iterator */ {
return evaluate(DU.getChildElements(expr)[1], context);
function argRole(expr, role) {
var children = expr.childNodes;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
var domNode = children[i];
if (domNode.nodeType == DU.ELEMENT_NODE && domNode.getAttribute("role") == role) {
return domNode;
return null;
function hasFlag(expr, flag) {
return expr.hasAttribute("flags") && expr.getAttribute("flags").indexOf(flag) >= 0;
* Namespace resolver for QNames that need to be resolved against namespaces declared in the stylesheet.
* For use in conjunction with Atomic.QName.fromString
* @param element the element in the compiled stylesheet on which the lexical qname appears
* @param useDefault true if no prefix means use the default namespace (otherwise, no prefix means no namespace)
* @returns Function - a namespace resolver, which is a function from lexical QNames to namespace URIs.
function stylesheetResolver(element, useDefault) {
var ns = DU.getInheritedAttribute(element, "ns");
if (ns == null) {
throw new XError("Namespace context not available for " + element.tagName);
return function (prefix) {
//print("Stylesheet resolve " + prefix);
//print("ns=" + ns);
if (prefix == "" && ! useDefault) {
return "";
var decls = ns.split(" ");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < decls.length; i++) {
var pair = decls[i].split("=");
if (pair[0] == prefix) {
return pair[1];
if (prefix == "") {
return "";
throw new XError("Undeclared prefix: " + prefix, "XTDE0290");
function stylesheetQName(element, lexi, useDefault) {
return Atomic.QName.fromString(lexi, stylesheetResolver(element, useDefault));
function getSourceLoc(src) {
if (typeof src === 'undefined') {
return undefined;
return getSourceProp(src, "module", 20) + "#" + getSourceProp(src, "line", 10);
function getSourceProp(src, name, tries) {
if (src != null && tries > 0) {
var val = DU.getAttribute(src, name);
if (val != null && val != "") {
return val;
} else {
return getSourceProp(src.parentNode, name, tries - 1);
return undefined;
function internalError(msg) {
print("*** Internal error: " + msg);
if (Error.dumpStack) {
throw new XError("Internal error: " + msg);
//var evaluate = evaluateWithTrace;
var evaluate = evaluateWithoutTrace;
var depth = 0;
var spaces = " ";
function evaluateWithTrace(expr, context) {
if (! context) {
internalError("No context supplied!");
//if (!context.focus.current) {
// internalError("No context item!")
if (spaces.length < depth) {
spaces += spaces;
var nameAtt = expr.hasAttribute("name") ? (" name='" + expr.getAttribute("name") + "'"): "";
print(spaces.substring(0, depth) + "<" + expr.tagName + " line='" + DU.getInheritedAttribute(expr, "line") + "'" + nameAtt +
" focus='" + (context.focus ? showValue(context.focus.current): 'absent') + "'>");
var result = evaluateWithoutTrace(expr, context);
if (!(typeof result == "object" && "next" in result)) {
internalError("Result of " + expr.tagName + " is not an iterator");
print(spaces.substring(0, depth) + "</" + expr.tagName + ">");
return result;
function evaluateWithoutTrace(expr, context) {
var fn = expression[expr.tagName];
if (! fn) {
internalError("Unknown expr: " + expr.tagName);
try {
return fn(expr, context);
catch (e /* if e instanceof XError*/) {
if (e instanceof XError) {
context.currentError = e;
if (e.compiledLineNr == null && e.xsltLineNr == null) {
if (e.xsltLineNr != null) {
//e.message += " at "+ e.xsltModule+"#"+e.xsltLineNr;
throw e;
} else {
throw e;
function evalFn(expr) {
var fn = expression[expr.tagName];
if (! fn) {
internalError("Unknown expr: " + expr.tagName);
return function (context) {
try {
return fn(expr, context);
catch (e) {
if (e instanceof XError) {
context.currentError = e;
if (e.compiledLineNr == null) {
//console.log(e.stack); // Used for running in browser, but not with Nashorn
throw e;
function arg2Fn(expr) {
// Return a function to evaluate the second argument of the current expression
return evalFn(DU.getChildElements(expr)[1]);
function evaluateIfPresent(expr, context) {
return expr == null ? Iter.Empty: evaluate(expr, context);
function checkXmlChar(int) {
if (int < 1 || (int > 0xD7FF && int < 0xE000) || (int > 0xFFFD && int < 0x10000) || int > 0x10FFFF) {
throw new XError("Invalid XML character 0x" + int.toString(16), "FOCH0001");
* Check whether a string contains characters > 65535
function isAstral(str) {
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var c = str.charCodeAt(i);
//print ("cp: " + c);
if (c >= 55296 && c <= 56319) {
return true;
return false;
* Convert an array of codepoints to a string
* @param codes an array of JS numbers representing Unicode codepoints. An astral character (>65535) is
* represented as a single codepoint, not as a surrogate pair
* @returns {string} the string represented by the sequence of codepoints
function codepointsToString(codes) {
var str = "";
codes.forEach(function (int) {
return str += (int < 65536 ?
(String.fromCharCode(((int - 65536) >> 10) + 0xD800)) + String.fromCharCode(((int - 65536) & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00));
return str;
* Convert a string to a sequence of codepoints
* @param str the input string. Any surrogates must be properly paired; if not, the consequences are unpredictable
* @returns Array - an array of JS numbers representing Unicode codepoints. An astral character (>65535) is
* represented as a single codepoint, not as a surrogate pair
function stringToCodepoints(str) {
var result =[];
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var c = str.charCodeAt(i);
result.push((c >= 55296 && c <= 56319) ? ((c - 55296) * 1024) + (str.charCodeAt(++ i) - 56320) + 65536: c);
//print("to-codepoints " + result.join());
return result;
function promote(value, type) {
function promotable(from, to) {
if (Atomic.decimal.matches(from)) {
return to == "decimal" || to == "float" || to == "double";
} else if (Atomic. float.matches(from)) {
return to == "float" || to == "double";
} else {
return false;
//print("promote to " + type);
if (Atomic[type].matches(value)) {
return value;
} else if (promotable(value, type)) {
return Atomic[type].cast(value);
} else {
throw new XError("Incompatible operands: " + value.type + " and " + type, "XPTY0004");
* Construct simple content
* @param sequence the input sequence, in the form of an iterator
* @returns String - the constructed simple content, as a string
function makeSimpleContent(sequence) /*returns string*/ {
var result = "";
sequence.forEachItem(function (item) {
if (result != "") {
result += " ";
result += item.toString();
return result;
* Construct complex content
* @param parent the parent node being constructed; on entry this will be childless,
* on return it is modified to contain the supplied content.
* @param sequence the supplied content in the form of an iterator
* @param context
* @return void
function makeComplexContent(parent, sequence, context) {
var foundNonAttribute = false;
var prevAtomic = false;
//print("MCC parent:"+DU.nameOfNode(parent)+ " context:"+context); //JWL
function checkAttOrNs(child, found) {
function describe(child) {
return child instanceof NamespaceNode ? "a namespace": "an attribute";
if (found) {
throw new XError("Cannot create " + describe(child) +
" node after creating children", "XTDE0410");
if (parent.nodeType == DU.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE || parent.nodeType == DU.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
throw new XError("Cannot add " + describe(child) + " to a document node", "XTDE0410");
function append(parent, child) {
if (DU.isNode(child)) {
//print("MCC.append node parent:"+DU.nameOfNode(parent)+ " child:"+DU.nameOfNode(child)+ "(" +child.toString() + ")" +" context:"+context); //JWL
prevAtomic = false;
} else if (child instanceof XdmArray) {
// flatten the array
//print("append array to node: " + showValue(child));
child.value.forEach(function (mem) {
mem.forEach(function (item) {
append(parent, item)
} else if (child instanceof HashTrie) {
throw XError("A map can't be a child of an XML node", "XPTY0004");
} else {
//print("MCC.append text parent:"+DU.nameOfNode(parent)+ " child:"+child.toString()+ " context:"+context); //JWL
child = context.resultDocument.createTextNode((prevAtomic ? " ": "") + child.toString());
//child = ownerDocument(parent).createTextNode((prevAtomic ? " " : "") + child.toString());
prevAtomic = true;
if (parent.nodeType == DU.ELEMENT_NODE || parent.nodeType == DU.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
if (child instanceof NamespaceNode && !(SaxonJS.getPlatform().inBrowser && parent instanceof HTMLElement)) {
checkAttOrNs(child, foundNonAttribute);
if (child.prefix == parent.prefix && child.uri != parent.namespaceURI) {
throw XError("Saxon-JS restriction: namespace nodes in content clash with the element prefix");
//parent.prefix = parent.prefix + "_1"; // OK 99.99% of the time...
// TODO: this doesn't work. See test namespace-2001. The prefix property is read-only,
// and there is no way to change the name of an existing node. We're going to have
// to restructure the code so the content nodes are examined before deciding the name
// of the parent element. It might be possible to attach the child nodes temporarily to
// a document fragment node and then transfer them using importNode.
//print("ns " + child.prefix + "=" + child.uri)
if (child.prefix == "") {
if (parent.namespaceURI == "") {
throw XError("Cannot add a default namespace to a no-namespace element", "XTDE0440");
if (parent.hasAttributeNS("", "xmlns")) {
if (parent.getAttributeNS("", "xmlns") != child.uri) {
throw XError("Cannot have two different default namespaces", "XTDE0430");
} else if (!(SaxonJS.getPlatform().inBrowser && parent instanceof HTMLElement)) {
parent.setAttributeNS("", "xmlns", child.uri);
} else {
var NSNS = "";
var NSName = "xmlns:" + child.prefix;
if (parent.hasAttributeNS(NSNS, child.prefix) && parent.getAttributeNS(NSNS, child.prefix) != child.uri) {
throw XError("Cannot have two namespaces with the same prefix", "XTDE0430");
parent.setAttributeNS(NSNS, NSName, child.uri);
} else if (child.nodeType == DU.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
checkAttOrNs(child, foundNonAttribute);
// Namespace fixup
if (child.namespaceURI) {
var parts =":");
//print("fixup: ns for prefix " + parts[0] + " = " + parent.lookupNamespaceURI(parts[0]));
//print("child.namespaceURI = " + child.namespaceURI);
if (!(parts.length == 2 && parent.lookupNamespaceURI(parts[0]) == child.namespaceURI)) {
// fixup is needed.
if (parts.length == 2 && parent.lookupNamespaceURI(parts[0]) == null) {
// declare the namespace on the parent
parent.setAttributeNS("", "xmlns:" + parts[0], child.namespaceURI);
} else {
// prefix already in use: find a new one
var prefix = parts.length == 2 ? parts[0]: "ns";
while (true) {
if (parent.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix) == null) {
parent.setAttributeNS("", "xmlns:" + prefix, child.namespaceURI); = (prefix + ":" + parts[parts.length - 1]);
} else {
prefix = prefix + "_1";
} else if (child.nodeType == DU.DOCUMENT_NODE || child.nodeType == DU.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
//print("appending child of type " + child.nodeType);
Axis.child(child).forEachItem(function (item) {
append(parent, item);
} else {
foundNonAttribute = true;
//if (parent.ownerDocument !== child.ownerDocument) {
// child = parent.ownerDocument.importNode(child, true);
if (parent.nodeType == DU.ELEMENT_NODE && child.nodeType == DU.ELEMENT_NODE && !(SaxonJS.getPlatform().inBrowser && child instanceof HTMLElement) &&
child.lookupNamespaceURI(child.prefix || "") != (child.namespaceURI || "")) {
DU.declareNS(child, (child.prefix || ""), (child.namespaceURI || ""));
} else if (parent.nodeType == DU.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
if (child != null) {
parent.documentElement = child;
} else if (parent.nodeType == DU.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
if (child.nodeType == DU.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
throw "Cannot add attribute to a document"
} else {
} else {
throw "unknown parent node type";
sequence.forEachItem(function (item) {
append(parent, item);
* Create an XDM Array (XPath 3.1).
* @param value the content of the array. This must be supplied as an array of arrays: the outer
* array represents the XDM array itself, and the inner arrays represent the values that are the
* members of the XDM array, each one being a sequence (sequences are represented as Javascript arrays).
* @constructor
function XdmArray(value) {
this.value = value;
XdmArray.prototype = {
get: function (n) {
if (typeof n != "number") {
throw new XError("Array subscript is not numeric", "XPTY0004");
if (n < 1 || n >= value.length) {
throw new XError("Array index (" + n + ") out of bounds (1 to " + value.length + ")", "FOAY0001");
return value[n -1];
// Conversion used for stylesheet parameters
function convertParamFromJS(value, cardinalityChecker, acceptor) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
if (acceptor === undefined) {
return value;
return acceptor(value);
* Wrapper for a JavaScript value.
* @param value the JS value to be wrapped.
* @constructor
function JSValue(value) {
this.value = value;
JSValue.prototype = {
value: null
function convertFromJS (item, insideArr) {
//print("convertFromJS item: " + item);
if (typeof item == "undefined") {
return Atomic.untypedAtomic.fromString("");
//print("typeof item " + (typeof item));
switch (typeof item) {
case "string":
return Atomic.string.fromString(item);
case "number":
return Atomic. double.fromNumber(item);
case "boolean":
return Atomic. boolean.fromBoolean(item);
case "function":
return new JSValue(item);
// JSValue containing the function
case "object":
if (item instanceof Node || item instanceof Attr) {
// TODO others? DomUtils.isNode(item) ??
return item;
} else if (item instanceof Date) {
return Atomic.dateTime.fromString(item.toISOString());
// TODO check
} else if (Array.isArray(item)) {
// JS array -> XDM sequence, but any nested arrays become XDM arrays
var convertedArr =[];
if (insideArr) {
//print("---inside array");
item.forEach(function (x) {
convertedArr.push([convertFromJS(x, true)]);
//print("convertedArr " + showValue(convertedArr));
return new Expr.XdmArray(convertedArr);
} else {
//print("---inside sequence");
item.forEach(function (x) {
convertedArr.push(convertFromJS(x, true));
//print("converted sequence " + showValue(convertedArr));
return convertedArr;
} else if (item instanceof Location) {
return Atomic.string.fromString(item.toString());
// returns Location.href as string TODO is this still what we want?
} else if (item instanceof Window) {
return new JSValue(item);
// JSValue containing the window object
} else if (item == null) {
// null -> empty sequence
} else {
// Convert general object to an XDM map
var map = new HashTrie();
for (var prop in item) {
//print("prop " + prop);
//print("item[prop] " + showValue(item[prop]));
var v = convertFromJS(item[prop]);
if (! Array.isArray(v)) {
// each value in a HashTrie pair is required to be an array
v =[v]
map.inSituPut(Atomic.string.fromString(prop), v);
return map;
return item;
function convertToJS (item) {
//print("convertToJS item: " + showValue(item));
if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.anyURI.matches(item) || Atomic.duration.matches(item) ||
Atomic.hexBinary.matches(item) || Atomic.base64Binary.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
return item.toString();
} else if (Atomic.numeric.matches(item)) {
return item.toNumber();
} else if (Atomic. boolean.matches(item)) {
return item.toBoolean();
} else if (Atomic.dateTime.matches(item) || || Atomic.time.matches(item) ||
Atomic.dateTimeStamp.matches(item) || Atomic.gYearMonth.matches(item) || Atomic.gYear.matches(item) || Atomic.gMonthDay.matches(item) || Atomic.gMonth.matches(item) || Atomic.gDay.matches(item)) {
return item.toString();
// TODO or convert to Date object?
} else if (Atomic.QName.matches(item)) {
return item.toEQName();
// node => JS node
if (item instanceof Node) {
return item;
// item.value
// namespaceNode => pass the Saxon object unconverted
else if (item instanceof NamespaceNode) {
return item;
// array => JS array
else if (item instanceof Expr.XdmArray) {
//print("item instanceof Expr.XdmArray: " + showValue(item));
var array =[];
if (item.value.length == 0) {
// empty array => JS empty array
} else {
item.value.forEach(function (x) {
return array;
// sequence with length > 1 => JS array
// empty sequence => JS null
else if (Array.isArray(item)) {
// represents a sequence
//print("item is a sequence: " + showValue(item));
var array =[];
if (item.length == 0) {
// empty sequence => JS null
return null;
} else if (item.length == 1) {
// sequence of length 1 => single item
return convertToJS(item[0]);
} else {
item.forEach(function (x) {
//print("sequence entry: " + showValue(x));
return array;
// map => JS object, with all the keys converted to strings
else if (item instanceof HashTrie) {
//print("item instanceof HashTrie " + showValue(item));
var object = {
item.forAllPairs(function (x) {
object[x.k.toString()] = convertToJS(x.v);
return object;
// JSValue(x) -> x
else if (item instanceof JSValue) {
//print("item instanceof JSValue " + showValue(item));
return item.value;
} else {
throw new XError("convertToJS() not implemented for " + showValue(item) + ", " + (typeof item) + ", " + (;
function flatten(iter) {
return iter.mapOneToMany(function (item) {
//print("flatten " + showValue(item));
if (item instanceof XdmArray) {
return Iter.Join( (mem) {
return flatten(Iter.ForArray(mem));
} else {
return Iter.Singleton(item);
function serialize(seq, params) {
// A simple and non-conformant serializer
var indent = params == undefined ? "": "none";
function serItem(item) {
if (item instanceof XdmArray) {
var aRes = "[";
item.value.forEach(function (mem) {
if (aRes != "[") {
aRes += ","
aRes += serSequence(mem);
return aRes + "]";
} else if (item instanceof HashTrie) {
var mRes = "{";
item.forAllPairs(function (pair) {
if (mRes != "{") {
mRes += ","
mRes += '"' + pair.k + '":';
mRes += serSequence(pair.v);
return mRes + "}";
} else if (DU.isNode(item)) {
return DU.xmlToString(item, indent);
//return item.toString();
} else if (Atomic.string.matches(item) || Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches(item)) {
return '"' + item.toString() + '"';
} else if (Atomic.integer.matches(item) || Atomic.numeric.matches(item) || Atomic. boolean.matches(item)) {
return item.toString();
} else if (item instanceof Iter.Singleton) {
return serItem(;
} else {
return showValue(item);
function serSequence(seq) {
if (seq.length == 1) {
return serItem(seq[0]);
} else {
var sRes = "(";
seq.forEach(function (item) {
if (sRes != "(") {
sRes += ","
sRes += serItem(item);
return sRes + ")";
return serSequence(seq.expand());
return {
atomize: atomize,
analyze: analyze,
ebv: ebv,
untypedToDouble: untypedToDouble,
hasFlag: hasFlag,
evaluate: evaluate,
evalChild1: evalChild1,
evalChild2: evalChild2,
evaluateIfPresent: evaluateIfPresent,
argRole: argRole,
makeComplexContent: makeComplexContent,
staticBaseUri: staticBaseUri,
stylesheetResolver: stylesheetResolver,
internalError: internalError,
notImplemented: notImplemented,
XdmArray: XdmArray,
flatten: flatten,
promote: promote,
serialize: serialize,
isAstral: isAstral,
codepointsToString: codepointsToString,
stringToCodepoints: stringToCodepoints,
convertToJS: convertToJS,
convertFromJS: convertFromJS,
JSValue: JSValue,
getSourceLoc: getSourceLoc
var Mode = function () {
* Compare the relative ranking of two template rules, taking into account first
* their import precedence, then their priority, then their relative position in document order
* @param r1 the first rule
* @param r2 the second rule
* @returns negative number if the first rule is lower ranking, 0 if it ranks equal, positive number if it ranks higher
function compareRank(r1, r2) {
if (r1.prec == r2.prec) {
if (r1.prio == r2.prio) {
return r1.seq - r2.seq;
} else {
return r1.prio - r2.prio;
} else {
return r1.prec - r2.prec;
var builtInTemplateRules = {
TC: function (item, mode, context) {
// text-only-copy
//print("built-in TC: " + Atomic.showValue(item));
if (DomUtils.isNode(item)) {
switch (item.nodeType) {
case DomUtils.DOCUMENT_NODE:
case DomUtils.ELEMENT_NODE:
var c2 = context.newContext(false);
c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(Axis.child(item));
return mode.applyTemplates(c2);
case DomUtils.TEXT_NODE:
case DomUtils.CDATA_SECTION:
return Iter.Singleton(DomUtils.copyItem(item, context));
return Iter.Singleton(context.resultDocument.createTextNode(item.value));
return Iter.Empty;
} else {
return Iter.Singleton(item);
SC: function (item, mode, context) {
// shallow-copy
//print("built-in SC: " + showValue(item));
// don't need to switch according to type to reduce costs - DomUtils.shallowCopy() does that
function action (c1) {
var c2 = c1.newContext(false);
var iterators = new Array(); //JWL
iterators[0] = Iter.Tracker(Axis.attribute(item));
iterators[1] = Iter.Tracker(Axis.child(item));
c2.focus = Iter.Join(iterators);
//c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(Axis.child(item));
return mode.applyTemplates(c2);
return DomUtils.shallowCopy(item, context, "c", action);
DC: function (item, mode, context) {
// deep-copy
//print("built-in DC: " + showValue(item));
return Iter.Singleton(DomUtils.copyItem(item, context, "c"));
DS: function (item, mode, context) {
// deep-skip
return Iter.Empty;
SS: function (item, mode, context) {
// shallow-skip
//print("built-in SS: " + Atomic.showValue(item));
if (DomUtils.isNode(item)) {
switch (item.nodeType) {
case DomUtils.DOCUMENT_NODE:
case DomUtils.ELEMENT_NODE:
var c2 = context.newContext(false);
var iterators = [];
iterators[0] = Iter.Tracker(Axis.attribute(item));
iterators[1] = Iter.Tracker(Axis.child(item));
c2.focus = Iter.Join(iterators);
//c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(Axis.child(item));
return mode.applyTemplates(c2);
return Iter.Empty;
} else {
return Iter.Singleton(item);
bubble: function (item, mode, context) {
// bubble for ixsl
//print("built-in bubble: " + Atomic.showValue(item));
if (DomUtils.isNode(item)) {
switch (item.nodeType) {
case DomUtils.ELEMENT_NODE:
var c2 = context.newContext(false);
c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(Axis.parent(item));
return mode.applyTemplates(c2);
return Iter.Empty;
} else {
return Iter.Singleton(item);
function showRule(rule) {
return JSON.stringify({prec: rule.prec, prio: rule.prio, seq: rule.seq, line: rule.line, match:rule.pattern});
function makePatternForRule(templateRule) {
return makePattern(Expr.argRole(templateRule, "match"));
function makeTracingPatternForRule(templateRule) {
var matcher = makePatternForRule(templateRule);
return function(item, context) {
print("Testing pattern on line " + templateRule.lineNumber + " against " + showValue(item));
var matched = matcher(item, context);
print(matched ? "Match." : "No match.");
return matched;
function Mode(expr) {
this._expr = expr;
this.onNoMatch = expr.getAttribute("onNo");
this._rules = DomUtils.getChildElements(expr).map(function(templateRule) {
return {
rule: templateRule,
prec: parseInt(templateRule.getAttribute("prec")),
prio: parseFloat(templateRule.getAttribute("prio")),
seq: parseInt(templateRule.getAttribute("seq")),
minImp: parseInt(templateRule.getAttribute("minImp")),
//pattern: makeTracingPatternForRule(templateRule),
pattern: makePatternForRule(templateRule),
action: Expr.argRole(templateRule, "action")
Mode.prototype = {
_expr: null,
_rules: null,
onNoMatch: "TC",
applyTemplates: function (context) {
var mode = this;
return context.focus.mapOneToMany(function (item) {
//print("mode applyTemplates: item " + showValue(item));
return mode._processItem(item, context);
applyImports: function (context) {
var currentRule = context.currentTemplate;
if (!currentRule) {
throw XError("No current template rule", "XTDE0560");
return this._processItem(context.focus.current, context, function (rule) {
return rule.prec >= currentRule.minImp && rule.prec < currentRule.prec;
nextMatch: function (context) {
var currentRule = context.currentTemplate;
if (!currentRule) {
throw XError("No current template rule", "XTDE0560");
//print("nextMatch: currentRule:" + currentRule.prec + " " + showRule(currentRule));
return this._processItem(context.focus.current, context, function (rule) {
//print("comparing with " + showRule(rule));
return compareRank(rule, currentRule) < 0;
findBestRule: function (item, context, ruleFilter) {
var rules = this._rules;
var bestRule = null;
rules.forEach(function (rule) {
//print("processItem consider " + showRule(rule) + " for " + showValue(item));
//print("- ruleFilter ok? " + (!ruleFilter || ruleFilter(rule)));
//print("- rank ok? " + (!bestRule || compareRank(rule, bestRule) > 0));
//print("- matches? " + rule.pattern(item, context));
if ((!ruleFilter || ruleFilter(rule)) &&
(!bestRule || compareRank(rule, bestRule) > 0) &&
rule.pattern(item, context)) {
bestRule = rule;
return bestRule;
isNonDOMmode: function (context) {
return this.findBestRule(Expr.JSValue(window), context) !== null; // TODO check
_processItem: function (item, context, ruleFilter) {
//print("Matching " + showValue(item));
var bestRule = this.findBestRule(item, context, ruleFilter);
if (bestRule != null) {
//print("Found matching rule");
context.currentTemplate = bestRule;
context.currentMode = this;
return Expr.evaluate(bestRule.action, context);
//alert("Found no matching rule");
var tr;
var mName = this._expr.getAttribute("name");
//print("mode name: " + mName);
if (mName != null && mName.split("}")[0] == "Q{") {
tr = "bubble";
} else {
tr = this.onNoMatch.split('+')[0];
var fallback = builtInTemplateRules[tr];
if (fallback) {
//print("Use built-in rule");
return fallback(item, this, context);
} else {
throw XError("No matching template rule for " + showValue(item) + " onNoMatch = " + this.onNoMatch, "XTDE0555");
printRules: function() {
var rules = this._rules;
var result = "";
rules.forEach(function(rule) {
result += showRule(rule);
return result;
return Mode;
var Iter = function () {
* This module contains a number of general-purpose iterator implementations.
* An "iterator" is anything with a next() method. The next() method returns the
* next item in a sequence, or null when the sequence is exhausted. Some iterators
* also expose additional methods: expand() for the array of items being iterated
* over (if available), peek() for the next item to be returned without advancing
* the iterator, etc.
function AbstractIterator() {
AbstractIterator.prototype = {
filter: function (f) {
return Filter(this, f);
mapOneToOne: function (f) {
return OneToOne(this, f);
mapOneToMany: function (f) {
return new OneToMany(this, f);
forEachItem: function (action) {
var item;
while ((item = != null) {
some: function (condition) {
var item;
while ((item = != null) {
if (condition(item)) {
return true;
return false;
every: function (condition) {
var item;
while ((item = != null) {
if (! condition(item)) {
return false;
return true;
count: function (iter) {
var result = 0;
this.forEachItem(function () {
return result;
expand: function () {
var result =[];
this.forEachItem(function (item) {
return result;
* SingletonIterator is an iterator over a sequence of length 1. It can also be used as an empty iterator by supplying
* null as the item value
* @param item the single item to be returned by the iterator, or null if no items are to be returned.
function Singleton(item) {
if (!(this instanceof Singleton)) {
return new Singleton(item);
this._item = item;
Singleton.prototype = Object.create(AbstractIterator.prototype);
Singleton.prototype.constructor = Singleton;
Singleton.prototype._item = null; = function () {
var result = this._item;
this._item = null;
return result;
Singleton.prototype.peek = function () {
return this._item;
Singleton.prototype.expand = function () {
return this._item == null ?[]:[ this._item];
* Iter.Empty is a simple stateless object with a next() method that always returns null
var Empty = {
next: function () {
return null;
peek: function () {
return null;
expand: function () {
count: function () {
return 0;
filter: function () {
return Empty;
mapOneToOne: function () {
return Empty;
mapOneToMany: function () {
return Empty;
forEachItem: function () {
some: function () {
return false;
* ForArray Iter is an iterator over a sequence of items supplied in the form of a Javascript array
* @param array the array of items
function ForArray(array) {
if (!(this instanceof ForArray)) {
return new ForArray(array);
//if (!array || !("length" in array)) {
// //for (p in array) {
// // print(p + ": " + array[p]);
// //}
// Expr.internalError("Not an array! " + showValue(array));
this._array = array;
ForArray.prototype = Object.create(AbstractIterator.prototype);
ForArray.prototype.constructor = ForArray;
ForArray.prototype._array = null;
ForArray.prototype._index = 0; = function () {
return (this._index < this._array.length) ? this._array[ this._index++]: null;
ForArray.prototype.peek = function () {
return (this._index < this._array.length) ? this._array[ this._index]: null;
ForArray.prototype.expand = function () {
return this._array;
ForArray.prototype.count = function () {
return this._array.length;
* Iter.Filter is an iterator over items that selects a subset of the items returned
* by a base iterator
* @param base the base iterator (must have a next() method which returns items)
* @param predicate a function to decide whether to include a base item in the result.
* The function takes a single argument (an item), and returns true if the item is to be
* retained, false if it is to be dropped.
function Filter(base, predicate) {
if (!(this instanceof Filter)) {
return new Filter(base, predicate);
this._base = base;
this._predicate = predicate;
if (! predicate) {
throw "Undefined predicate";
Filter.prototype = Object.create(AbstractIterator.prototype);
Filter.prototype.constructor = Filter;
Filter.prototype._base = null;
Filter.prototype._predicate = null; = function () {
while (true) {
var nextItem =;
if (! nextItem) {
return null;
//print("filter " + showValue(nextItem) + ", " + this._predicate(nextItem));
if (this._predicate(nextItem)) {
return nextItem;
* OneToMany iterator: for each item returned by a base iterator, invokes
* a mapping function which returns a sequence of items in the form of an inner
* iterator; the result of the mapping iterator is the concatenation of the
* results of the inner iterators.
* @param base the base iterator
* @param mapper the mapping function: a function which takes a single item
* as its argument, and returns an iterator over a sequence of items
function OneToMany(base, mapper) {
if (!(this instanceof OneToMany)) {
return new OneToMany(base, mapper);
this._base = base;
this._mapper = mapper;
OneToMany.prototype = Object.create(AbstractIterator.prototype);
OneToMany.prototype.constructor = OneToMany;
OneToMany.prototype._base = null;
OneToMany.prototype._mapper = null;
OneToMany.prototype._currentIter = null; = function () {
while (true) {
if (this._currentIter != null) {
var n =;
if (n) {
//print("innerItem " + showValue(n));
return n;
var outerItem =;
//print("outerItem " + showValue(outerItem));
if (outerItem == null) {
return null;
this._currentIter = this._mapper(outerItem);
if (this._currentIter && ! {
throw "Result of mapper is not an iterator, mapper = " + this._mapper;
* OneToOne Item Mapping iterator: for each item returned by a base iterator, invokes
* a mapping function which returns either a single item or null;
* the result of the mapping iterator is the concatenation of the
* results of these function calls, ignoring any nulls.
* @param base the base iterator
* @param mapper the mapping function: a function which takes a single item
* as its argument, and returns either a single item or null. A second argument
* is also supplied to the mapper function: namely the position of the item
* in the sequence, zero-based.
function OneToOne(base, mapper) {
if (!(this instanceof OneToOne)) {
return new OneToOne(base, mapper);
this._base = base;
if (!(typeof base == "object" && "next" in base)) {
throw "not an iterator";
this._mapper = mapper;
OneToOne.prototype = Object.create(AbstractIterator.prototype);
OneToOne.prototype.constructor = OneToOne;
OneToOne.prototype._base = null;
OneToOne.prototype._mapper = null;
OneToOne.prototype._position = 0; = function () {
while (true) {
var item =;
if (! item) {
return null;
var mapped = this._mapper(item, this._position++);
if (mapped) {
return mapped;
* A Stepping Iter delivers a sequence of items in which each item is computed as a function of the previous item.
* @param start the first item to be returned
* @param step a function which given an item, computes the next item to be returned, or returns null to signal the end
* of the sequence
function Stepping(start, step) {
if (!(this instanceof Stepping)) {
return new Stepping(start, step);
this._next = start;
this._step = step;
Stepping.prototype = Object.create(AbstractIterator.prototype);
Stepping.prototype.constructor = Stepping;
Stepping.prototype._step = null;
Stepping.prototype._next = null; = function () {
var n = this._next;
if (! n) {
return null;
} else {
this._next = this._step(n);
return n;
Stepping.prototype.peek = function () {
return this._next;
* A JoinIterator takes an array of iterators as input and returns the result of
* consuming each of the iterators in turn
* It provides both a next() and current() item
* @param iterators the array of iterators whose delivered items are to be concatenated
* into a single sequence
function Join(iterators) {
if (!(this instanceof Join)) {
return new Join(iterators);
if (! Array.isArray(iterators)) {
throw "JoinIterator expects array";
this._iterators = iterators;
Join.prototype = Object.create(AbstractIterator.prototype);
Join.prototype.constructor = Join;
Join.prototype._iterators =[];
Join.prototype.current = null; = function () {
while (true) {
if (this._iterators.length == 0) {
this.current = null;
return null;
var item = this._iterators[0].next();
if (item == null) {
} else {
this.current = item;
return item;
* A Union Iter takes two sequences of nodes, both properly ordered, and returns the union
* of the two sequences, also properly ordered, with duplicates eliminated. The input sequences are
* normally in document order, but they can also be in reverse document order, or any other order,
* provided the ordering is consistent with the supplied compare() function.
* @param iter1 first operand sequence, as an iterator, ordered according to the compare() function
* @param iter2 second operand sequence, as an iterator, ordered according to the compare() function
* @param compare function to compare two nodes (typically to determine their relative position in document order)
function Union(iter1, iter2, compare) {
if (!(this instanceof Union)) {
return new Union(iter1, iter2, compare);
this._iter1 = Iter.LookAhead(iter1);
this._iter2 = Iter.LookAhead(iter2);
this._compare = compare;
Union.prototype = Object.create(AbstractIterator.prototype);
Union.prototype.constructor = Union;
Union.prototype._iter1 = null;
Union.prototype._iter2 = null;
Union.prototype._compare = null;
Union.prototype.current = null; = function () {
var n1 = this._iter1.peek();
var n2 = this._iter2.peek();
if (n1 && n2) {
//print(" n1&n2 " + showValue(n1) + " : " + showValue(n2));
var c = this._compare(n1, n2);
//print("union comparison " + c);
if (c < 0) {
current =;
return current;
} else if (c > 0) {
current =;
return current;
// return;
} else {
current =;
current =;
return current;
//return (,;
} else if (n1) {
//print(" n1 " + showValue(n1));
current =;
return current;
} else if (n2) {
//print(" n2 " + showValue(n2));
current =;
return current;
} else {
current = null;
return null;
* An IntersectIterator takes two sequences of nodes, both properly ordered, and returns the nodes that are present
* in both sequences, also properly ordered, with duplicates eliminated. The input sequences are
* normally in document order, but they can also be in reverse document order, or any other order,
* provided the ordering is consistent with the supplied compare() function.
* @param iter1 first operand sequence, as an iterator, ordered according to the compare() function
* @param iter2 second operand sequence, as an iterator, ordered according to the compare() function
* @param compare function to compare two nodes (typically to determine their relative position in document order)
function Intersect(iter1, iter2, compare) {
if (!(this instanceof Intersect)) {
return new Intersect(iter1, iter2, compare);
this._iter1 = Iter.LookAhead(iter1);
this._iter2 = Iter.LookAhead(iter2);
this._compare = compare;
Intersect.prototype = Object.create(AbstractIterator.prototype);
Intersect.prototype.constructor = Intersect;
Intersect.prototype._iter1 = null;
Intersect.prototype._iter2 = null;
Intersect.prototype._compare = null;
// TODO - add current = function () {
var n1 = this._iter1.peek();
var n2 = this._iter2.peek();
while (n1 && n2) {
var c = this._compare(n1, n2);
if (c < 0) {;
n1 = this._iter1.peek();
} else if (c > 0) {;
n2 = this._iter2.peek();
} else {
return (,;
return null;
* A DifferenceIterator takes two sequences of nodes, both properly ordered, and returns nodes that are in the first
* sequence but not the second, also properly ordered, with duplicates eliminated. The input sequences are
* normally in document order, but they can also be in reverse document order, or any other order,
* provided the ordering is consistent with the supplied compare() function.
* @param iter1 first operand sequence, as an iterator, ordered according to the compare() function
* @param iter2 second operand sequence, as an iterator, ordered according to the compare() function
* @param compare function to compare two nodes (typically to determine their relative position in document order)
function Difference(iter1, iter2, compare) {
if (!(this instanceof Difference)) {
return new Difference(iter1, iter2, compare);
this._iter1 = Iter.LookAhead(iter1);
this._iter2 = Iter.LookAhead(iter2);
this._compare = compare;
Difference.prototype = Object.create(AbstractIterator.prototype);
Difference.prototype.constructor = Difference;
Difference.prototype._iter1 = null;
Difference.prototype._iter2 = null;
Difference.prototype._compare = null;
// TODO - add current = function () {
var n1 = this._iter1.peek();
var n2 = this._iter2.peek();
while (n1 && n2) {
//print("n1 - " + n1);
//print("n2 - " + n2);
var c = this._compare(n1, n2);
if (c < 0) {
} else if (c > 0) {
n2 = this._iter2.peek();
} else {
n1 = this._iter1.peek();
n2 = this._iter2.peek();
if (n1 && ! n2) {
//print("more: " + n1);
return null;
* A Lookahead iterator takes a base iterator as input, and returns an iterator over the same items as the base sequence,
* but with the ability to peek one item ahead in the input.
* @param base the base iterator
function LookAhead(base) {
if ("peek" in base) {
return base;
if (!(this instanceof LookAhead)) {
return new LookAhead(base);
this._base = base;
this._nextButOne =;
//print("Lookahead.initial " + (this._nextButOne == null ? "null" : this._nextButOne.tagName + "(" + this._nextButOne.textContent + ") "));
LookAhead.prototype = Object.create(AbstractIterator.prototype);
LookAhead.prototype.constructor = LookAhead;
LookAhead.prototype._base = null; = function () {
var temp = this._nextButOne;
//print(" " + showValue(temp));
if (temp) {
this._nextButOne =;
return temp;
// peek() returns the same result as next() but without changing the iterator position
LookAhead.prototype.peek = function () {
//print("Lookahead.peek " + showValue(this._nextButOne));
return this._nextButOne;
//function makeLookAheadIterator(base) {
// return "peek" in base ? base : LookAheadIterator(base);
* A Tracker Iter takes a base iterator as input, and returns an iterator over the same items as the base sequence,
* but with the ability to get the current item in the sequence (the one most recently delivered by calling next()),
* to determine the position of the current item in the sequence, and to determine the number of items in the sequence
* by reading ahead.
* @param base the base iterator
function Tracker(base) {
if (!(this instanceof Tracker)) {
return new Tracker(base);
this._base = base;
Tracker.prototype = Object.create(AbstractIterator.prototype);
Tracker.prototype.constructor = Tracker;
Tracker.prototype._base = null;
Tracker.prototype._last = -1;
* position returns the 1-based position of the current item in the sequence. Its value is 0 before
* the first item has been read, and is -1 after a call on next() has returned null.
Tracker.prototype.position = 0;
* current returns the item that was most recently returned by calling next(). Before the first call
* on next(), and after a call on next() has returned null, the value is null.
Tracker.prototype.current = null;
* next() delivers the next item in the sequence. At the end of the sequence it returns null.
*/ = function () {
this.current =;
if (this.current == null) {
this.position = -1;
return this.current;
* last() delivers the number of items in the sequence. If the base iterator has an expand() function
* this is achieved by getting the size of the expanded base iterator. Otherwise it is achieved by reading
* all the items delivered by the base iterator into an array; subsequent calls on next() then access this
* array instead of making further calls on the base iterator.
* @returns a number indicating the number of items in the base sequence.
Tracker.prototype.last = function () {
if (this._last < 0) {
if (this._base instanceof ForArray) {
this._last = this._base.expand().length;
} else {
var reservoir =[];
var item;
while ((item = != null) {
this._last = this.position + reservoir.length;
this._base = Iter.ForArray(reservoir);
return this._last;
return {
Empty: Empty,
Singleton: Singleton,
//Filter: Filter,
//OneToMany: OneToMany,
//OneToOne: OneToOne,
Join: Join,
Stepping: Stepping,
LookAhead: LookAhead,
Tracker: Tracker,
ForArray: ForArray,
Union: Union,
Intersect: Intersect,
Difference: Difference,
* Count the number of items returned by an iterator
* @param iter the iterator
* @returns {number} the integer number of items returned
//count: function (iter) {
// var result = 0;
// while ( != null) {
// ++result;
// }
// return result;
* Expand a sequence supplied as an iterator into an array
* @param iter an iterator over the items in the sequence
* @returns an array containing the items in the sequence
//expand: function (iter) {
// if (iter.expand) {
// return iter.expand();
// }
// var result = [];
// var item;
// while ((item = != null) {
// result.push(item);
// }
// return result;
//forEach: function (iter, fn) {
// var item;
// while ((item = != null) {
// fn(item);
// }
trace: function (label, iter, verbose) {
var item;
var array =[];
while ((item = != null) {
var display;
if (typeof item == "object") {
if (item instanceof Node) {
display = verbose ? item.toString(): (item.nodeType + ":" + (item.tagName || item.textContent));
} else if (item instanceof NamespaceNode) {
display = "xmlns:" + item.prefix + "=" + item.uri;
} else {
display = item.toString();
} else {
display = typeof item;
print(label + ": " + display);
if (array.length == 0) {
print(label + ": <empty>");
return Iter.ForArray(array);
oneString: function (str) {
return Iter.Singleton(str == null ? null: Atomic.string.fromString(str));
oneInteger: function (number) {
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic.integer.fromNumber(number));
oneDouble: function (number) {
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic. double.fromNumber(number));
oneFloat: function (number) {
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic. float.fromNumber(number));
oneDecimal: function (big) {
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic.decimal.fromBig(big));
oneBoolean: function (bool) {
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic. boolean.fromBoolean(bool));
var makePattern = function(node) {
var patterns = {
"p.any": function(item) {
return function() {
return true;
"p.booleanExp": function(node) {
return function(item, context) {
var c2 = context.newContext();
c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(Iter.Singleton(item));;
return Expr.ebv(Expr.evalChild1(node, c2));
"p.genNode": function (node) {
var equivExpr = DomUtils.getChildElements(node)[0];
return function (item, context) {
if (!DomUtils.isNode(item)) {
return false;
//print("p.genNode testing " + showValue(item));
var iter = Axis.ancestorOrSelf(item);
var anc;
while ((anc = != null) {
//print("anc " + showValue(anc));
var c2 = context.newContext(false);
c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(Iter.Singleton(anc));;
var nodeset = Expr.evaluate(equivExpr, c2);
var desc;
while ((desc = != null) {
if (desc == item) {
return true;
return false;
"p.nodeSet": function (node) {
return function (item, context) {
var iter = Expr.evalChild1(node, context);
var it;
while ((it = != null) {
//print("p.nodeSet comparing " + showValue(it) + " with " + showValue(item));
if (it == item) {
return true;
return false;
"p.nodeTest": function(node) {
//print("nodeTest: " + node.getAttribute("jsTest"));
return new Function('item', node.getAttribute("jsTest"));
//return makeNodeTest(node.getAttribute("test"));
"p.simPos": function (node) {
var test = new Function('item', node.getAttribute("jsTest"));
var pos = parseInt(node.getAttribute("pos"));
return function(item, context) {
return test(item) &&
Axis.precedingSibling(item).filter(test).count() == pos - 1;
"p.venn": function (node) {
var kids = DomUtils.getChildElements(node);
var lhs = makePattern(kids[0]);
var rhs = makePattern(kids[1]);
var op = node.getAttribute("op");
switch (op) {
case "union":
return function(item, context) {
return lhs(item, context) || rhs(item, context);
case "intersect":
return function (item, context) {
return lhs(item, context) && rhs(item, context);
case "except":
return function (item, context) {
return lhs(item, context) && !rhs(item, context);
throw "unknown op " + op;
"p.withCurrent": function (node) {
var basePattern = makePattern(DomUtils.getChildElements(node)[0]);
return function (item, context) {
var c2 = context.newContext(true);
c2.localVars[0] = [item];
return basePattern(item, c2);
"p.withPredicate": function (node) {
var kids = DomUtils.getChildElements(node);
var basePattern = makePattern(kids[0]);
var predicate = kids[1];
return function(item, context) {
if (!basePattern(item, context)) {
return false;
var c2 = context.newContext(false);
c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(Iter.Singleton(item));;
var result = Expr.ebv(Expr.evaluate(predicate, c2));
//print("testing item " + item);
//print("pattern predicate result = " + result);
return result;
"p.withUpper": function(node) {
var kids = DomUtils.getChildElements(node);
var basePattern = makePattern(kids[0]);
var upperPattern = makePattern(kids[1]);
var axis = node.getAttribute("axis");
if (axis == "parent") {
if (node.getAttribute("upFirst") == "true") {
return function(item, context) {
var parent = DomUtils.xdmParentNode(item);
return parent && upperPattern(parent, context) && basePattern(item, context);
} else {
return function (item, context) {
var parent = DomUtils.xdmParentNode(item);
return parent && basePattern(item, context) && upperPattern(parent, context);
} else {
return function(item, context) {
if (!basePattern(item, context)) {
return false;
var ancestors = Axis[axis](item);
var anc;
while ((anc = != null) {
if (upperPattern(anc, context)) {
return true;
return false;
var pat = patterns[node.tagName];
if (pat) {
return pat(node);
} else {
throw "Unimplemented pattern " + node.tagName;
var Regex = (function () {
var regexCategoryEscapes = null;
function obtainCategoryEscapes() {
if (regexCategoryEscapes == null) {
print("Loading categories.json");
var content = SaxonJS.getPlatform().readResource("opt/categories.json");
regexCategoryEscapes = JSON.parse(content);
print("Finished loading categories.json");
return regexCategoryEscapes;
// Perform some simple preprocessing of regular expressions to handle the most common differences
// between the XPath and JS regex dialects. Can be suppressed using the flag "j".
function prepareRegex(regex, flags, input) {
function handleEscapes(regex, i) {
// Given an integer such as 10, generate the \u hex escaped form \u000A
function toU(code) {
var h = code.toString(16);
while (h.length < 4) {
h = "0" + h;
return "\\u" + h;
// Given a monotonic sequence of integers such as (2, 5, 10, 12), treated as
// a sequence of pairs ((2 - 5), (10 - 12)), generate the set of
// ranges in regex form \u0002-\u0003\u000A-\u000C etc
function expandPairs(bounds) {
var output = "";
for (var p = 0; p < bounds.length; p += 2) {
if (bounds[p + 1] < 65536) {
output += toU(bounds[p]);
if (bounds[p + 1] > bounds[p]) {
output += "-" + toU(bounds[p + 1]);
return output;
// Given a sequence of implicitly-paired integers representing subranges, e.g. (2, 5, 10, 12)
// representing (2..5, 10..12), generate the inverse ranges, (0..1, 6..9, 13..65535)
function invertBounds(bounds) {
var out = [];
if (bounds[0] != 0) {
out.push(bounds[0] - 1);
for (var i = 2; i < bounds.length; i += 2) {
out.push(bounds[i - 1] + 1);
out.push(bounds[i] - 1);
var last = bounds[bounds.length - 1];
if (last < 65535) {
out.push(last + 1);
return out;
// Expand a sequence of bounds in the form of implicitly-paired integers e.g. [10, 13, 48, 60]
// meaning (10 to 13, 48 to 60)
function expandIntRanges(bounds, inBrackets, inverse) {
if (inverse) {
bounds = invertBounds(bounds);
var output = expandPairs(bounds);
if (!inBrackets) {
output = "[" + output + "]";
return output;
// Expand a sequence of bounds in the form of hex strings, e.g [["A", "D"], ["31", "3A"]]
function expandStringRanges(ranges, inBrackets, inverse) {
var bounds = [];
ranges.forEach(function (range) {
bounds.push(parseInt(range[0], 16));
bounds.push(parseInt(range[1], 16));
return expandIntRanges(bounds, inBrackets, inverse);
var next = regex.charAt(i + 1);
if (STRICT && "nrt\\|.-^?*+{}()[]pPsSiIcCdDwW".indexOf(next) < 0 && !(bracketDepth == 0 && /[0-9]/.test(next))) {
error("\\" + next + " is not allowed in XPath regular expressions");
if ((next == "p" || next == "P")) {
//print("found \\p{}");
var end = regex.indexOf("}", i);
var cat = regex.substring(i + 3, end);
if (hasFlag("x")) {
cat = cat.replace(/[ \n\r\t]+/g, ""); //cat = cat.replace(" ", "");
var regexCE = obtainCategoryEscapes();
var data = regexCE[cat];
if (!data) {
error("Unknown category " + cat);
var ranges;
if (cat.length == 1) {
// e.g. \P{L}
ranges = [];
data.split("\|").forEach(function (subRange) {
ranges = ranges.concat(regexCE[subRange]);
} else {
ranges = data;
output += expandStringRanges(ranges, bracketDepth > 0, next == "P");
i = end;
} else if (next == "d") {
output += expandStringRanges(obtainCategoryEscapes()["Nd"], bracketDepth > 0, false);
} else if (next == "i") {
output += expandIntRanges(iniNameChar, bracketDepth > 0, false);
} else if (next == "c") {
output += expandIntRanges(nameChar, bracketDepth > 0, false);
} else if (next == "I") {
output += expandIntRanges(iniNameChar, bracketDepth > 0, true);
} else if (next == "C") {
output += expandIntRanges(nameChar, bracketDepth > 0, true);
} else if (/[0-9]/.test(next)) {
if (bracketDepth > 0) {
error("Numeric escape within charclass");
} else {
// TODO: check multi-digit back-references
if (!rParenClosed[parseInt(next)]) {
error("No capturing expression #" + next);
} else {
print("Capture #" + next + " ok");
output += "\\" + next;
} else {
output += "\\" + next;
return {output: output, i: i};
var STRICT = true;
flags = flags ? flags.toString() : "";
if (input && Expr.isAstral(input)) {
throw new XError("Cannot handle non-BMP characters with regular expressions", "SXJS0001");
//print("flags " + flags);
function hasFlag(flag) {
return flags.indexOf(flag) >= 0;
function error(msg) {
throw new XError("Invalid XPath regular expression: " + msg, "FORX0002");
var jsFlags = (hasFlag("i") ? "i" : "") + (hasFlag("m") ? "m" : "") + (hasFlag("g") ? "g" : "")
if (hasFlag("j")) {
// Flag "j" means use the regex with JS syntax and semantics
return new RegExp(regex, flags.replace("j", ""));
if (hasFlag("q")) {
return new RegExp(regex.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"), jsFlags);
var output = "";
var bracketDepth = 0;
var iniNameChar = [
// Read this as a sequence of start..end pairs representing ranges
0x3A, 0x3A, 0x41, 0x5A, 0x5F, 0x5F, 0x61, 0x7A, 0xC0, 0xD6, 0xD8, 0xF6, 0xF8, 0x2FF, 0x370, 0x37D,
0x37F, 0x1FFF, 0x200C, 0x200D, 0x2070, 0x218F, 0x2C00, 0x2FEF, 0x3001, 0xD7FF, 0xF900, 0xFDCF,
0xFDF0, 0xFFFD, 0x10000, 0xEFFFF
var nameChar = [
// Read this as a sequence of start..end pairs representing ranges
0x2D, 0x2E, 0x30, 0x3A, 0x41, 0x5A, 0x5F, 0x5F, 0x61, 0x7A, 0xB7, 0xB7, 0xC0, 0xD6,
0xD8, 0xF6, 0xF8, 0x37D, 0x37F, 0x1FFF, 0x200C, 0x200D, 0x203F, 0x2040, 0x2070, 0x218F,
0x2C00, 0x2FEF, 0x3001, 0xD7FF, 0xF900, 0xFDCF, 0xFDF0, 0xFFFD, 0x10000, 0xEFFFF
//print("PrepareRegex /" + regex + "/");
var parenStack = [];
var rParenClosed = [];
var parenNr = 1;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < regex.length; i++) {
var c = regex.charAt(i);
switch (c) {
case "[":
if (STRICT && bracketDepth > 0) {
if (regex.charAt(i - 1) == "-") {
error("Regex subtraction not implemented");
// TODO: rewrite [A-[B]] as (?![B])[A]
} else {
error("Nested square brackets");
if (regex.charAt(i + 1) == "]") {
error("Character group is empty");
output += c;
case "]":
if (bracketDepth == 0) {
error("Unmatched ']'");
output += c;
case "(":
var capture = true;
if (i + 2 < regex.length) {
if (regex.charAt(i + 1) == "?") {
if (regex.charAt(i + 2) != ":") {
error("'(?' must be followed by ':'");
} else {
capture = false;
parenStack.push(capture ? parenNr++ : -1);
output += c;
case ")":
if (parenStack.length == 0) {
error("Unmatched ')'");
var closer = parenStack.pop();
if (closer > 0) {
rParenClosed[closer] = true;
output += c;
case ".":
if (bracketDepth == 0 && hasFlag("s")) {
output += "[^]"; // Matches any (single) character
} else {
output += c;
case "{":
if (STRICT && regex.charAt(i + 1) == ",") {
throw XError("{,x} not allowed in XPath regex dialect", "FORX0002");
output += c;
case " ":
case "\n":
case "\r":
case "\t":
if (!hasFlag("x") || bracketDepth > 0) {
output += c;
case "\\":
//print("found escape");
if (hasFlag("q")) {
output += "\\\\";
} else if (i + 1 < regex.length) {
var escapes = handleEscapes(regex, i);
output = escapes.output;
i = escapes.i;
output += c;
if (bracketDepth > 0) {
error("Unmatched '['");
if (parenStack.length != 0) {
error("Unmatched '(");
//print("Preprocessed regex: " + output);
try {
return new RegExp(output, jsFlags);
} catch (e) {
if (/^[imsxjqg]*$/.test(flags)) {
throw new XError("Invalid regular expression /" + regex + "/: " + e.message, "FORX0002");
} else {
throw new XError("Invalid regex flags: " + flags, "FORX0001");
function convertReplacement(str, flags) {
flags = flags.toString();
if (/j/.test(flags)) {
return str;
} else if (/q/.test(flags)) {
// Ensure the replacement string does not contain $' or $` which have special meaning in JS regex
if (/\$['`]/.test(str)) {
str = str.replace(/\$'/g, "$$$$'").replace(/\$`/g, "$$$$`");
return str.replace(/\$/g, "$$");
} else {
if (/(^|[^\\])\$([^0-9]|$)/.test(str) || /(^|[^\\])\\([^\\\$]|$)/.test(str)) {
throw new XError("Invalid replacement string: " + str, "FORX0004");
return str.replace(/\\\\/g, "\\").replace(/\\\$/g, "$$$$").replace(/\$0/g, "$$&");
var NamePattern = prepareRegex("^\\i\\c*$", "");
var NMTOKENPattern = prepareRegex("^\\c+$", "");
return {
obtainCategoryEscapes: obtainCategoryEscapes,
prepareRegex: prepareRegex,
convertReplacement: convertReplacement,
isNCName: function(s) {
return NamePattern.test(s) && !/:/.test(s);
isName: function (s) {
return NamePattern.test(s);
isNMTOKEN: function(s) {
return NMTOKENPattern.test(s);
isQName: function(s) {
// at most one colon allowed, not at the start or end
return NamePattern.test(s) && /^[^:]+(:[^:]+)?$/.test(s);
trim: function(s) {
// trim leading and trailing WS according to XML definition of whitespace
return s.replace(/^[ \t\r\n]+|[ \t\r\n]+$/g, '');
* systemFunction object containing a mapping from names of XPath functions
* to (JS) functions providing the implementation. Each JS function accepts
* two arguments:
* args - an array of arguments to the function, each one being an iterator
* over the items in the value of the argument
* context - the context object
* The function always returns an iterator over the result.
var CoreFn = function () {
"use strict";
var E = Expr;
var DU = DomUtils;
//function resolve(base, href) {
// print("resolve-uri: base=" + base + ", href=" + href);
// base = base.replace(/^file:\/U/, "file:///U");
// print("resolve-uri: base2=" + base + ", href=" + href);
// if (href == "") {
// return base;
// }
// try {
// var hrefUri = URI(href);
// if ("absolute")) {
// return href;
// } else if (href == "") {
// return base;
// } else {
// print("result: " + new URI(href, base).toString());
// return new URI(href, base).toString();
// }
// } catch (e) {
// throw XError("resolve-uri: invalid URI (base=" + base + ", href=" + href + ")");
// }
function pool(key, context, fetch) {
var content = context.fixed.documentPool[key];
//print("Looked for " + key + (content ? ": found" : ": not found"));
if (!content) {
content = fetch();
context.fixed.documentPool[key] = content;
} else {
//print("Found " + key + " in pool");
return content;
function fetchDoc(uri, context) {
if (uri.indexOf("#") >= 0) {
throw XError("Fragments not supported in external document URIs", "FODC0002");
return pool(uri, context, function() {
//print("Reading resource " + uri);
var xml = SaxonJS.getPlatform().readFile(uri);
var doc = DU.obtainDocumentNumber(SaxonJS.getPlatform().parseXmlFromString(xml));
//print("doc: " + doc);
doc._saxonDocumentUri = uri;
doc._saxonBaseUri = uri;
//print("Successfully read resource " + uri);
return doc;
* Get the absolute URI formed by resolving the first argument against the static base URI
* @param args the arguments to a function
* @param context the evaluation context
* @param expr the expression whose static base URI is required
* @return the absolute URI formed by resolving the value of the first argument against the static base URI;
* or null if the first argument is an empty sequence
function absoluteUri(args, context, expr) {
var base = E.staticBaseUri(expr, context);
//print("base " + base);
var href = args[0].next();
//print("href " + href.toString());
return href===null ? null : SaxonJS.getPlatform().resolveUri(href.toString(), base);
* Get the unparsed text resource identified by the relative URI in the first argument
* @param args the arguments to a function
* @param context the evaluation context
* @param expr the expression representing the function call
* @return the resource identified by the first argument; or an error if no resource can be read;
* or null of the first argument is an empty sequence.
function fetchText(args, context, expr) {
var uri = absoluteUri(args, context, expr);
var enc = "";
if (args[1]) {
enc = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[1]);
if (enc != "utf-8" && enc != "utf-16") {
throw XError("Unrecognized encoding " + enc, "FOUT1190");
return uri === null ? null : pool(uri, context, function() {
return SaxonJS.getPlatform().readFile(uri, enc);
function resourceAvailable(fetch) {
try {
return Iter.oneBoolean(true);
} catch (e) {
return Iter.oneBoolean(false);
function dynamicEQName(arg, expr, errCode, defaultNS) {
var supplied =;
if (supplied) {
var lexi = Regex.trim(supplied.toString());
if (defaultNS && Regex.isNCName(lexi)) {
return "Q{" + defaultNS + "}" + lexi;
var qn = Atomic.QName.fromString(lexi, E.stylesheetResolver(expr, false));
if (qn == null) {
throw new XError("Invalid QName " + lexi, errCode, expr);
return "Q{" + qn.uri + "}" + qn.local;
} else {
return null;
function escape(args, test) {
var str = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
var out = "";
Expr.stringToCodepoints(str).forEach(function (ch) {
var s = Expr.codepointsToString([ch]);
out += test(ch, s) ? encodeURIComponent(s) : s;
return Iter.oneString(out);
function handleCollation(arg) {
if (arg && != "") {
throw XError("Unrecognized collation", "FOCH0002");
return {
abs: function (args) {
var input = args[0].next()
return input == null ? Iter.Empty : Iter.Singleton(input.abs());
"adjust-date-to-timezone": function (args, context) {
return adjustToTimezone(args, "date", context);
"adjust-dateTime-to-timezone": function (args, context) {
return adjustToTimezone(args, "dateTime", context);
"adjust-time-to-timezone": function (args, context) {
return adjustToTimezone(args, "time", context);
"analyze-string": function (args, context) {
var input = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
var result = new DocumentFragment();
var ns = "";
var root = context.resultDocument.createElementNS(ns, "analyze-string-result");
if (input == "") {
return Iter.Singleton(root);
var regex = args[1].next().toString();
var flags = args[2] ? args[2].next().toString() : "";
var details = Expr.analyze(input, regex, flags, false);
details.forEach(function (item) {
if (item.matching) {
var groups = item.groups;
var newElement = context.resultDocument.createElementNS(ns, "match");
var g, pos = 0;
for (g = 1; g < groups.length; g++) {
if (groups[g]) {
var index = groups[0].indexOf(groups[g], pos);
if (index > pos) {
var textContent = context.resultDocument.createTextNode(groups[0].substring(pos, index));
var group = context.resultDocument.createElementNS(ns, "group");
group.setAttribute("nr", g);
var groupContent = context.resultDocument.createTextNode(groups[g]);
pos = index + groups[g].length;
if (pos < groups[0].length) {
var textContent = context.resultDocument.createTextNode(groups[0].substring(pos, index));
} else {
var newElement = context.resultDocument.createElementNS(ns, "non-match");
var textContent = context.resultDocument.createTextNode(item.string);
return Iter.Singleton(root);
apply: function (args) {
// assume that this is invoking map.get() or array.get()
var target = args[0].next();
var key = args[1].next();
//print("is XDM array? " + (key instanceof Expr.XdmArray));
//print("apply " + showValue(key));
return Iter.ForArray(target.get(key.value[0][0]));
"available-environment-variables": function (args) {
return Iter.Empty
avg: function (args) {
var seq = args[0].mapOneToOne(E.untypedToDouble);
var first =;
if (first == null) {
return Iter.Empty;
var zero = {sum: first, count: 1};
//print("zero: " + showValue(zero.sum));
var add = Calculate["a+a"];
var result = fold(seq, zero, function (item, value) {
return {sum: add(value.sum, item), count: value.count + 1}
//print("sum: " + showValue(result.sum));
return Iter.Singleton(Calculate["a/a"](result.sum, Atomic.integer.fromNumber(result.count)));
"base-uri": function (args) {
return args[0].mapOneToOne(function(node) {
var b = DU.baseURI(node);
//print("base-uri of " + showValue(node) + " --> " + b);
return b==null ? null : Atomic.anyURI.fromString(b);
"boolean": function (args) {
return Iter.oneBoolean(E.ebv(args[0]));
ceiling: function (args) {
var x = args[0].next();
return Iter.Singleton(x == null ? null : x.ceiling());
"codepoint-equal": function (args) {
var str1 = args[0].next();
var str2 = args[1].next();
if (str1 == null || str2 == null) {
return Iter.Empty;
return Iter.oneBoolean(str1.toString() === str2.toString());
"codepoints-to-string": function (args) {
return Iter.oneString(
function(item){return item.toNumber()})));
"collation-key": function (args) {
return Iter.Singleton(args[0].next());
collection: function (args) {
return Iter.Empty;
compare: function (args) {
var str1 = args[0].next();
var str2 = args[1].next();
if (str1 == null || str2 == null) {
return Iter.Empty;
} else {
return Iter.oneInteger(str1.compareTo(str2));
concat: function (args) {
return Iter.oneString( {
var item =;
return item == null ? "" : Atomic.string.cast(item);
contains: function (args) {
var str = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
var substr = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[1]);
return Iter.oneBoolean(str.indexOf(substr) != -1);
"contains-token": function (args) {
var str = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
var substr = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[1]);
return Iter.oneBoolean(str.split(/\s+/).findIndex(function(s){return s == substr}) >= 0);
count: function (args) {
return Iter.oneInteger(args[0].count());
"current-date": function (args, context) {
//print("currentdate tz: " + context.fixed.currentDate.getTimezoneOffset());
return Iter.Singleton(, -context.fixed.currentDate.getTimezoneOffset()));
"current-dateTime": function (args, context) { // TODO should return dateTimeStamp not just dateTime, but subtype not implemented
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic.dateTime.fromDate(context.fixed.currentDate, -context.fixed.currentDate.getTimezoneOffset()));
"current-time": function (args, context) {
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic.time.fromDate(context.fixed.currentDate, -context.fixed.currentDate.getTimezoneOffset()));
data: function (args) {
return args[0].mapOneToOne(E.atomize);
dateTime: function (args) {
var date = args[0].next();
var time = args[1].next();
if (date == null || time == null) {
return Iter.Empty;
var tzString = "";
// error if timezones are incompatible
if (date.timezoneOffset != null) {
if (time.timezoneOffset == null) {
tzString = date.tzOffsetToString();
} else if (time.timezoneOffset != null && date.timezoneOffset != time.timezoneOffset) {
throw new XError("timezones are incompatible ", "FORG0005");
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic.dateTime.fromString(
date.toString().substring(0, 10) + "T" + time.toString() + tzString));
"day-from-date": function (args) {
return dateComponent(args, "getUTCDate");
"day-from-dateTime": function (args) {
return dateComponent(args, "getUTCDate");
"days-from-duration": function (args) {
return durationComponent(args, 2);
"deep-equal": function (args, context) {
return Iter.oneBoolean(Compare.deepEqualSequences(args[0], args[1]));
"default-collation": function (args, context) {
return Iter.oneString("");
"default-language": function (args, context) {
return Iter.oneString("en");
"distinct-values": function (args, context) {
var map = new HashTrie();
map.options.sameKey = Compare.deepEqualItems;
return args[0].filter(function (item) {
if (map.containsKey(item)) {
return false;
} else {
map.inSituPut(item, true);
return true;
doc: function (args, context, expr) {
var uri = absoluteUri(args, context, expr);
if(uri == null) {
return Iter.Singleton(null);
} else {
var d = fetchDoc(uri, context);
var ss = SaxonJS.getSpaceStripper();
if(ss != null){
d = ss(d);
return Iter.Singleton(d);
//return Iter.Singleton(uri === null ? null : fetchDoc(uri, context));
"doc-available": function (args, context, expr) {
var uri = absoluteUri(args, context, expr);
return uri === null ? Iter.oneBoolean(false) : resourceAvailable(function() {
fetchDoc(uri, context);
document: function (args, context, expr) {
var base;
if (args[1]) {
var b = DU.baseURI(args[1].next());
if (b) {
base = b;
if (base == null) {
base = E.staticBaseUri(expr, context);
return args[0].mapOneToMany(
function (item) {
var b = DU.isNode(item) ? DU.baseURI(item) : base;
return E.atomize(item).mapOneToOne(function(href) {
if (b == null) {
throw new XError("No base URI for document('" + href + "')");
return fetchDoc(SaxonJS.getPlatform().resolveUri(href.toString(), b), context);
"document-uri": function (args) {
var node = args[0].next();
if (node == null || node.nodeType != DU.DOCUMENT_NODE || !node._saxonDocumentUri) {
return Iter.Empty;
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic.anyURI.fromString(node._saxonDocumentUri));
"element-available": function (args, context) {
// There's no real reason for calling this dynamically
var parts = dynamicEQName(args[0], expr, "XTDE1440").split("}");
return Iter.oneBoolean(true);
"element-with-id": function (args, context) {
var id = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
return Iter.Singleton(ownerDocument(context.focus.current).getElementById(id));
empty: function (args) {
return Iter.oneBoolean(args[0].next() == null);
"encode-for-uri": function (args) {
// All characters are escaped except those identified as "unreserved" by [RFC 3986],
// that is the upper- and lower-case letters A-Z, the digits 0-9, HYPHEN-MINUS ("-"),
// LOW LINE ("_"), FULL STOP ".", and TILDE "~". But JS encodeURIComponent fails
// to escape "!", "'", "(", ")", "*".
var str = encodeURIComponent(stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0])).replace(/[!'()*]/g, function (c) {
return '%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();
return Iter.oneString(str);
"ends-with": function (args) {
var str = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
var substr = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[1]);
return Iter.oneBoolean(str.substring(str.length - substr.length) == substr);
"environment-variable": function (args) {
return Iter.Empty;
"error": function (args) {
//TODO add arguments
throw new XError("fn:error() invoked", "FOER0000");
"escape-html-uri": function (args) {
return escape(args, function(ch) {return ch < 32 || ch > 126});
"exactly-one": function (args) {
var value = args[0].expand();
if (value.length != 1) {
throw new XError("Required length 1, actual length " + value.length, "FORG0005");
return Iter.Singleton(value[0]);
exists: function (args) {
return Iter.oneBoolean(args[0].next() != null);
"false": function (args) {
return Iter.oneBoolean(false);
floor: function (args) {
return args[0].mapOneToOne(function (item) {
return item.floor();
"format-date": function (args, context) {
if (args[2]) {
return Iter.oneString(Numberer.formatDateTime("date", args[0].next(), args[1].next().toString(), args[2].next(), args[3].next(), args[4].next()));
} else {
return Iter.oneString(Numberer.formatDateTime("date", args[0].next(), args[1].next().toString()));
"format-dateTime": function (args, context) {
if (args[2]) {
return Iter.oneString(Numberer.formatDateTime("dateTime", args[0].next(), args[1].next().toString(), args[2].next(), args[3].next(), args[4].next()));
} else {
return Iter.oneString(Numberer.formatDateTime("dateTime", args[0].next(), args[1].next().toString()));
"format-integer": function (args) { // any supplied 3rd arg ($lang) is ignored (default lang is English)
var num = args[0].next();
if (num == null) {
return Iter.oneString("");
return Iter.oneString(Numberer.formatInteger(num, args[1].next().toString()));
"format-number": function (args, context, expr) {
var fmt = null;
if (args[2]) {
fmt = dynamicEQName(args[2], expr, "XTDE1260");
var num = args[0].next();
if (num == null) {
num = Number.NaN;
} else {
num = num.toDouble().value; // TODO precision issue
return Iter.oneString(Numberer.formatNumber(num, args[1].next().toString(), fmt, context));
"format-time": function (args, context) {
if (args[2]) {
return Iter.oneString(Numberer.formatDateTime("time", args[0].next(), args[1].next().toString(), args[2].next(), args[3].next(), args[4].next()));
} else {
return Iter.oneString(Numberer.formatDateTime("time", args[0].next(), args[1].next().toString()));
"function-available": function (args, context, expr) {
// There's no real reason for calling this dynamically, so no attempt at efficiency
var result = false;
var fname = dynamicEQName(args[0], expr, "XTDE1400", "");
var arity = (args[1] ? args[1].next().toNumber() : -1);
//print("f-available " + fname + " # " + arity);
if (context.fixed.userFunctions[fname + "#" + arity]) {
//print("Found user function");
result = true;
} else {
var qname = Atomic.QName.fromEQName(fname);
var content = SaxonJS.getPlatform().readResource("opt/functions.json");
var data = JSON.parse(content);
var ns = data[qname.uri];
//print("seeking: " + parts[0].substring(2) + " found " + ns);
if (!ns || !ns[qname.local]) {
result = false;
} else {
result = (arity >= 0 ? ns[qname.local].indexOf(arity) >= 0 : true);
//print("f-available? " + result);
return Iter.oneBoolean(result);
"generate-id": function (args, context) {
var node = args[0].next();
//print("generateId for " + showValue(node));
if (node == null) {
return Iter.oneString("");
var path = Axis.ancestorOrSelf(node).expand().reverse();
var result = "";
var i;
for (i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
var sibs;
if (path[i] instanceof NamespaceNode) {
result += "N" + path[i].prefix;
} else if (path[i].nodeType == DU.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
result += "A" + DU.nameOfNode(path[i]).local; // TODO: not quite conformant
} else {
sibs = Axis.precedingSibling(path[i]).count() + 1;
result += Numberer.formatInteger(sibs, i % 2 == 0 ? "a" : "A");
result = "d" + DU.documentNumber(path[0], context) + result;
//print("node" + showValue(node) + " generateId: " + result);
return Iter.oneString(result);
"has-children": function (args) {
return Iter.oneBoolean(Axis.child(args[0].next()).next() != null);
head: function (args) {
return Iter.Singleton(args[0].next());
"hours-from-dateTime": function (args) {
return dateComponent(args, "getUTCHours");
"hours-from-duration": function (args) {
return durationComponent(args, 3);
"hours-from-time": function (args) {
return dateComponent(args, "getUTCHours");
id: function (args, context) {
var id = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
var doc = args[1] ? args[1].next() : DU.ownerDocument(context.focus.current);
return Iter.Singleton(doc.getElementById(id));
idref: function () {
// No IDREF information available from XML parser
return Iter.Empty;
"implicit-timezone": function (args, context) {
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic.dayTimeDuration.fromNumberOfMinutes(-context.fixed.currentDate.getTimezoneOffset()));
"index-of": function (args) {
var base = Iter.Tracker(args[0]);
var sought = args[1].next();
return base.mapOneToOne(function (item) {
try {
return item.equals(sought) ? Atomic.integer.fromNumber(base.position) : null;
} catch (e) {
return null;
innermost: function (args) {
var result = [];
args[0].forEachItem(function(item) {
if (result.length > 0 && Axis.ancestor(item).some(function(anc) {
return anc == result[result.length-1];
})) {
return Iter.ForArray(result);
"in-scope-prefixes": function (args) {
var element = args[0].next();
return Iter.ForArray(DU.inScopeNamespaces(element).map(function (entry) {
return Atomic.string.fromString(entry.prefix);
"insert-before": function (args, context) {
var index = args[1].next().value;
var insertion = args[2];
var base = Iter.Tracker(args[0]);
if (index < 1) {
return Iter.Join([insertion, base]);
} else if (index > base.last()) {
return Iter.Join([base, insertion]);
} else return base.mapOneToMany(function (item) {
if (base.position == index) {
return Iter.Join([args[2], Iter.Singleton(item)])
} else {
return Iter.Singleton(item);
"iri-to-uri": function (args) {
// The following printable ASCII characters are invalid in an IRI: "<", ">", " " " (double quote),
// space, "{", "}", "|", "\", "^", and "`". Since these characters should not appear in an IRI,
// if they do appear in $iri they will be percent-encoded. In addition, characters outside the
// range x20-x7E will be percent-encoded because they are invalid in a URI.
return escape(args, function (ch, s) {
return ch <= 32 || ch > 126 || /[<>"{}|\\\^`]/.test(s);
"json-doc": function (args, context, expr) {
var uri = absoluteUri(args, context, expr);
if (!uri) {
return Iter.Empty;
var json = SaxonJS.getPlatform().readFile(uri, "utf-8");
var options = args[1] ? args[1].next() : null;
return Iter.Singleton(ConvertJson.parseToMap(json, options));
"json-to-xml": function (args, context, expr) {
var inp = args[0].next().toString();
var options = args[1] ? args[1].next() : null;
var root = ConvertJson.parseToXml(inp, options, context);
var doc = new DocumentFragment();
return Iter.Singleton(doc);
key: function (args, context, expr) {
var keyName = dynamicEQName(args[0], expr, "XTDE1260");
var keyDecl = context.fixed.keys[keyName];
if (!keyDecl) {
throw new XError("Unknown key " + keyName, "XTDE1260", expr);
var apex, doc;
if (args[2]) {
apex = args[2].next();
doc = DU.ownerDocument(apex)
} else {
apex = DU.ownerDocument(context.focus.current);
doc = apex;
if (doc == null) {
throw new XError("No containing document for key()", "XTDE1270", expr);
if (!("_saxonIndexes" in doc)) {
doc._saxonIndexes = {};
var indexes = doc._saxonIndexes;
var index = indexes[keyName];
if (!index) {
//print("Creating index for " + lexi + " in " + apex);
index = new HashTrie();
indexes[keyName] = index;
var matchedNodes;
var matchSpec = DU.getChildElements(keyDecl)[0];
if (matchSpec.tagName == "p.nodeSet") {
var cc2 = context.newContext(true);
cc2.focus = Iter.Tracker(Iter.Singleton(doc));;
matchedNodes = E.evaluate(DU.getChildElements(matchSpec)[0], cc2);
} else {
var match = makePattern(matchSpec);
matchedNodes = Axis.descendantOrSelf(doc).filter(function (item) {
//print("testing for match on " + item.tagName + " ? " + match(item, context));
return match(item, context);
var use = DU.getChildElements(keyDecl)[1];
var c2 = context.newContext(true);
var node;
while ((node = != null) {
//print("Processing matched node " + showValue(node));
c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(Iter.Singleton(node));;
var values = E.evaluate(use, c2);
var kVal;
while ((kVal = != null) {
var indexEntry;
if (index.containsKey(kVal)) {
var entries = index.get(kVal);
if (entries.indexOf(node) == -1) {
//print("Adding node to entry for " + showValue(kVal));
} else {
//print("Creating entry for " + showValue(kVal));
index.inSituPut(kVal, [node]);
} else {
//print("Using existing index for " + keyName);
var soughtValues = args[1];
return soughtValues.mapOneToMany(
function (item) {
if (index.containsKey(item)) {
//print("Found value " + showValue(item) + " in index");
var found = Iter.ForArray(index.get(item));
if (doc == apex) {
return found;
} else {
// filter the nodes to select only those beneath the apex
return found.filter(function (node) {
return Axis.ancestorOrSelf(node).filter(
function (anc) {
return anc == apex
}).next() != null
} else {
//print("Didn't find value " + showValue(item) + " in index");
return Iter.Empty;
lang: function (args, context) {
// TODO: second argument
var start = context.focus.current;
var sought = args[0].next().value.toLowerCase();
var langFinder = Axis.ancestorOrSelf(start).filter(
function (item) {
return item.nodeType == DU.ELEMENT_NODE && item.hasAttribute("xml:lang");
// Note: hasAttributeNS using the XML namespace does not work on xmldom
var firstLang =;
if (!firstLang) {
return Iter.oneBoolean(false);
var langVal = firstLang.getAttribute("xml:lang").toLowerCase();
//print("xml:lang = " + langVal);
var matches = sought == langVal ||
(langVal.length > sought.length + 1 &&
langVal.substring(0, sought.length) == sought &&
langVal.charAt(sought.length) == "-");
return Iter.oneBoolean(matches);
last: function (args, context) {
return Iter.oneInteger(context.focus.last());
"load-xquery-module": function () {
throw new XError("No XQuery processor available", "FOQM0006");
"local-name": function (args, context) {
var nodeName = DU.nameOfNode(args[0].next());
return Iter.oneString(nodeName ? nodeName.local : "");
"local-name-from-QName": function (args) {
var qn = args[0].next();
return qn == null ? Iter.Empty : Iter.oneString(qn.local);
"lower-case": function (args) {
return Iter.oneString(stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]).toLowerCase());
matches: function (args, context) {
var input = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
var regex = args[1].next().toString();
var regexp = Regex.prepareRegex(regex, args[2] ? args[2].next() : null, input);
//print("Input? " + showValue(E.stringToCodepoints(input)));
//print("Match? " + ( >= 0));
return Iter.oneBoolean( >= 0);
max: minimax("max"),
min: minimax("min"),
"minutes-from-dateTime": function (args) {
return dateComponent(args, "getUTCMinutes");
"minutes-from-duration": function (args) {
return durationComponent(args, 4);
"minutes-from-time": function (args) {
return dateComponent(args, "getUTCMinutes");
"month-from-date": function (args) {
return dateComponent(args, "getUTCMonth");
"month-from-dateTime": function (args) {
return dateComponent(args, "getUTCMonth");
"months-from-duration": function (args) {
return durationComponent(args, 1);
name: function (args, context) {
var nodeName = DU.nameOfNode(args[0].next());
return Iter.oneString(nodeName ? nodeName.toString() : "");
"namespace-uri": function (args, context) {
var nodeName = DU.nameOfNode(args[0].next());
return Iter.oneString(nodeName ? nodeName.uri : "");
"namespace-uri-for-prefix": function (args) {
var prefix = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
var element = args[1].next();
var ns = prefix=="xml" ? "" : element.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix);
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic.anyURI.fromString(ns));
//return Iter.oneString(ns);
"namespace-uri-from-QName": function (args) {
var qn = args[0].next();
return qn == null ? Iter.Empty : Iter.oneString(qn.uri);
nilled: function (args) {
var element = args[0].next();
return (!element || element.nodeType != DU.ELEMENT_NODE) ? Iter.Empty : Iter.oneBoolean(false);
"node-name": function (args, context) {
return Iter.Singleton(DU.nameOfNode(args[0].next()));
"normalize-space": function (args) {
var str = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
return Iter.oneString(str.replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s|\s$/g, ""));
"normalize-unicode": function (args) {
// Use the JS platform implementation (ECMAScript 6) if available, else fail
if (String.normalize) {
var str = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
var form = args[1].next().toString();
if (form == "NFC" || form == "NFD" || form == "NFKC" || form == "NFKD") {
return Iter.oneString(str.normalize(form));
} else if (form == "") {
return singleStringiterator(str);
throw new XError("normalize-unicode(): not supported on this Javascript platform", "FOCH0003");
not: function (args) {
return Iter.oneBoolean(!E.ebv(args[0]));
number: function (args) {
var x = args[0].next();
var t = Atomic.double;
if (x == null) {
x = t.fromNumber(Number.NaN);
} else {
try {
x = t.fromString(x.toString());
} catch (e) {
x = t.fromNumber(Number.NaN);
return Iter.Singleton(x);
"one-or-more": function (args) {
var ahead = Iter.LookAhead(args[0]);
if (ahead.peek() == null) {
throw new XError("Required length >= 1, actual length zero", "FORG0004");
return ahead;
outermost: function (args, context, expr) {
var presorted = E.hasFlag(expr, "p");
var input = args[0];
if (!presorted) {
input = DU.inDocumentOrder(input);
var prev = null;
return input.filter(function (node) {
//print("outermost: " + showValue(node));
if (prev == null) {
print("OK: first");
prev = node;
return true;
if (Axis.ancestor(node).filter(function (anc) {
return anc === prev;
}).next() == null) {
//print("OK: prev not ancestor");
prev = node;
return true;
} else {
return false;
"parse-ietf-date": function (args) {
return args[0].mapOneToOne(function (s) {
var bad = function() {
throw new XError("Invalid IETF date/time " + s.toString(), "FORG0010");
var twoDigits = function(s) {
return (s.length == 1 ? "0" + s : s);
var str = s.toString().trim().toLowerCase();
str = str.replace(/^(monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday|sunday|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun),?\s+/, "");
//print("Prepared str=" + str);
var re;
var matches, month, day, year, time, tz;
if (/^[a-z]/.test(str)) {
re = /^([a-z]{3})(?:\s*\-\s*|\s+)(\d\d\d?\d?)\s+([\d:\.]+)\s*([a-z]+|[+\-]\d\d?:?(?:\d\d)?(?:\s*\(\s*[a-z]+\s*\))?)?\s+(\d+)$/;
// month -? day time tz? year
matches = re.exec(str);
if (matches != null) {
month = matches[1];
day = matches[2];
time = matches[3];
tz = matches[4];
year = matches[5];
} else {
} else {
re = /^(\d+)(?:\s*\-\s*|\s+)([a-z]{3})(?:\s*\-\s*|\s+)(\d\d\d?\d?)\s+([\d:\.]+)\s*([a-z]+|[+\-]\d\d?:?(?:\d\d)?(?:\s*\(\s*[a-z]+\s*\))?)?$/;
// day -? month -? year time tz?
matches = re.exec(str);
if (matches != null) {
day = matches[1];
month = matches[2];
year = matches[3];
time = matches[4];
tz = matches[5];
} else {
if (year.length == 2) {
year = "19" + year;
var m = "jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec".indexOf(month);
if (m < 0) {
var tzNames = {
ut: "Z",
utc: "Z",
gmt: "Z",
est: "-05:00",
edt: "-04:00",
cst: "-06:00",
cdt: "-05:00",
mst: "-07:00",
mdt: "-06:00",
pst: "-08:00",
pdt: "-07:00"
if (/^[0-9]:/.test(time)) {
time = "0" + time;
if (time.length == 5) {
time += ":00";
if (tz) {
//print("tz before " + tz);
tz = tz.replace(/\s*\(\s*[a-z]+\s*\)\s*/, "");
if (/^[+\-][0-9](:|$)/.test(tz)) {
tz = tz.substring(0,1) + "0" + tz.substring(1);
//print("tz after " + tz);
if (tz in tzNames) {
tz = tzNames[tz];
} else if (tz.length == 3) {
tz = tz + ":00";
} else if (tz.length == 4) {
tz = tz + "00";
} else if (tz.length == 5) {
tz = tz.substring(0, 3) + ":" + tz.substring(3);
var iso = year + "-" + twoDigits((m/4 + 1).toString()) + "-" + twoDigits(day) + "T" + time + (tz||"Z");
//print("ISO: " + iso);
return Atomic.dateTime.fromString(iso);
"parse-json": function (args) {
var inp = args[0].next().toString();
var options = args[1] ? args[1].next() : null;
return Iter.Singleton(ConvertJson.parseToMap(inp, options));
"parse-xml": function (args, context, expr) {
var xml = args[0].next().toString();
print("parse-xml:" + xml);
var doc = SaxonJS.getPlatform().parseXmlFromString(xml);
doc._saxonBaseUri = E.staticBaseUri(expr, context);
return Iter.Singleton(doc);
"parse-xml-fragment": function (args, context, expr) {
return args[0].mapOneToOne(function(s) {
var textDecl = /^<\?xml(?:\s+version\s*=\s*(['"])1.[0-9]+['"])?\s+encoding\s*=\s*(['"][A-Za-z](?:[A-Za-z0-9._\-])*)['"]\s*\?>/;
var content = s.toString().replace(textDecl, "");
print("content: " + content);
// TextDecl ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo? EncodingDecl S? '?>'
// VersionInfo ::= S 'version' S? '=' S? ("'" VersionNum "'" | '"' VersionNum '"')
// VersionNum :: = '1.' [0-9]+
// EncodingDecl ::= S 'encoding' Eq ('"' EncName '"' | "'" EncName "'" )
// EncName ::= [A-Za-z] ([A-Za-z0-9._] | '-')*
var tree = SaxonJS.getPlatform().parseXmlFromString("<z>" + content + "</z>");
var result = new DocumentFragment();
Axis.child(tree.documentElement).forEachItem(function(child) {
result._saxonBaseUri = E.staticBaseUri(expr, context);
return result;
"path": function (args) {
return args[0].mapOneToOne(function(n) {
var path = "";
Axis.ancestorOrSelf(n).forEachItem(function(a) {
var sameKindSibs = function(a) {
return Axis.precedingSibling(a).filter(function(p) {
return a.nodeType == p.nodeType;
var sameKindPosn = function(n) {
return 1 + sameKindSibs(n).count();
var name;
switch (a.nodeType) {
name = DU.nameOfNode(a);
path = "/" + name.toEQName() + "[" + (1+sameKindSibs(a).filter(function(p) {
return DU.nameOfNode(p).equals(name);
}).count()) + "]" + path;
path = "/text()[" + sameKindPosn(a) + "]";
path = "/comment()[" + sameKindPosn(a) + "]";
path = "/processing-instruction(" + + ")[" + (1 + sameKindSibs(a).filter(function (p) {
return ==;
}).count()) + "]";
path = "/@" + (":") < 0 ? : DU.nameOfNode(a).toEQName());
return Atomic.string.fromString(path);
"prefix-from-QName": function (args) {
return args[0].mapOneToOne(function (item) {
return Atomic.string.fromString(item.prefix);
position: function (args, context) {
//print("position() = " + context.focus.position);
return Iter.oneInteger(context.focus.position);
QName: function (args, context) {
var lexical = args[1].next().value.split(":");
var prefix = lexical.length == 2 ? lexical[0] : "";
var uri = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
var local = lexical.length == 2 ? lexical[1] : lexical[0];
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic.QName.fromParts(prefix, uri, local));
"regex-group": function (args, context) {
var gp = args[0].next().toNumber();
try {
return Iter.oneString(context.focus.regexGroups[gp] || "");
} catch (e) {
return Iter.oneString("");
remove: function (args, context) {
var drop = args[1].next().toNumber();
var tracker = Iter.Tracker(args[0]);
return tracker.filter(function (item) {
return tracker.position != drop
replace: function (args, context) {
var input = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
var flags = args[3] ? args[3].next() : "";
var regex = Regex.prepareRegex(args[1].next().toString(), flags + "g");
if (regex.test("")) {
throw new XError("Regular expression matches zero-length string", "FORX0003");
var replacement = Regex.convertReplacement(args[2].next().toString(), flags);
//print("replacement " + replacement);
return Iter.oneString(input.replace(regex, replacement));
"resolve-QName": function (args) {
var elem = args[1].next();
return args[0].mapOneToOne(function(lex) {
try {
return DU.resolveLexicalQName(elem, lex.toString(), true);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof XError && e.code == "FORG0001") {
e.code = Regex.isQName(lex) ? "FONS0004" : "FOCA0002";
throw e;
"resolve-uri": function (args, context, expr) {
var base = args[1] ? args[1].next().toString() : E.staticBaseUri(expr, context);
var relative = args[0].next();
if (relative == null) {
return Iter.Empty;
//print("resolve-uri " + relative + " against " + base);
base = base.replace(/^file:\/(?!\/)/, "file:///"); // pragmatism rules: replace "file:/" by "file:///"
var abs = new URI(relative.toString(), base).toString();
//print("resolve-uri result " + abs);
return Iter.oneString(abs);
reverse: function (args, context) {
return Iter.ForArray(args[0].expand().reverse());
root: function (args) {
return args[0].mapOneToMany(function(node) {return Axis.ancestorOrSelf(node)})
.filter(function (node) { return DU.xdmParentNode(node) == null; });
round: function (args) {
return args[0].mapOneToOne(function(x) {
return x.round(args[1] ? args[1].next().value : 0)
"round-half-to-even": function (args) {
return args[0].mapOneToOne(function (x) {
return x.roundHalfToEven(args[1] ? args[1].next().value : 0)
"seconds-from-dateTime": function (args) {
return dateComponent(args, "seconds");
"seconds-from-duration": function (args) {
return durationComponent(args, 5);
"seconds-from-time": function (args) {
return dateComponent(args, "seconds");
serialize: function (args) {
return Iter.oneString(E.serialize(args[0],args[1] ? args[1].next() : undefined));
"starts-with": function (args) {
var str = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
var substr = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[1]);
return Iter.oneBoolean(str.substring(0, substr.length) == substr);
"static-base-uri": function (args, context, expr) {
return E.staticBaseUri(expr, context);
"stream-available": function () {
return Iter.oneBoolean(false);
string: function (args) {
var item = args[0].next();
if (!item) {
return Iter.oneString("");
return E.atomize(item).mapOneToOne(function(item){return Atomic.string.cast(item)});
"string-join": function (args) {
var result = "";
var sep = args[1] ? args[1].next().value : ""; // 1-arg version only in XPath 3.0
var item;
var isFirst = true;
while ((item = args[0].next()) != null) {
if (!isFirst) {
result += sep;
result += item.toString();
isFirst = false;
return Iter.oneString(result);
"string-length": function (args) {
return Iter.oneInteger(toCodepoints(args[0]).length);
"string-to-codepoints": function (args) {
return Iter.ForArray(toCodepoints(args[0]).map(Atomic.integer.fromNumber));
subsequence: function (args) {
return Iter.ForArray(subSequence(args[0].expand(), args[1], args[2]));
substring: function (args) {
var cp = toCodepoints(args[0]);
return Iter.oneString(E.codepointsToString(subSequence(cp, args[1], args[2])));
"substring-after": function (args) {
var result = "";
var str = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
var substr = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[1]);
var index;
if ((index = str.indexOf(substr)) != -1) {
result = str.substring(index + substr.length)
return Iter.oneString(result);
"substring-before": function (args) {
var result = "";
var str = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
var substr = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[1]);
var index;
if ((index = str.indexOf(substr)) != -1) {
result = str.substring(0, index)
return Iter.oneString(result);
sum: function (args) {
var seq = args[0].mapOneToOne(E.untypedToDouble);
var first =;
if (first == null) {
return args.length == 1 ? Iter.oneInteger(0) : args[1];
// In case there is only one argument, check that it is amenable to arithmetic
Calculate["a+a"](first, first);
return Iter.Singleton(fold(seq, first, Calculate["a+a"]));
"system-property": function (args, context, expr) {
var qname = Atomic.QName.fromEQName(dynamicEQName(args[0], expr, "XTDE1390"));
var result;
if (qname.uri == "") {
result = {
version: "3.0",
vendor: "Saxonica",
"vendor-url": "",
"product-name": "Saxon-JS",
"product-version": "9.8",
"is-schema-aware": "no",
"supports-serialization": "no",
"supports-backwards-compatibility": "yes",
"supports-namespace-axis": "yes",
"supports-streaming": "no",
"supports-dynamic-evaluation": "no",
"supports-higher-order-functions": "no",
"xpath-version": "3.1",
"xsd-version": "1.1"
} [qname.local];
return Iter.oneString(result || "");
tail: function (args) {
var tracker = Iter.Tracker(args[0]);
return tracker.filter(function () {
return tracker.position != 1;
"timezone-from-date": function (args) {
return dateComponent(args, "timezone");
"timezone-from-dateTime": function (args) {
return dateComponent(args, "timezone");
"timezone-from-time": function (args) {
return dateComponent(args, "timezone");
tokenize: function (args, context) {
var input = stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]);
if (input == "") {
return Iter.Empty;
var regex = args[1] ? args[1].next().toString() : "[ \\n\\r\\t]+";
var details = Expr.analyze(input, regex, args[2] ? args[2].next().toString() : "", false);
var startsWithSeparator = args[1] && details[0].matching;
var lastMatch = details[details.length - 1];
var endsWithSeparator = args[1] && lastMatch.matching;
var filtered = details.filter(function (value) {
return !value.matching;
var strings = (m) {
return m.string;
if (startsWithSeparator) {
if (endsWithSeparator) {
return Iter.ForArray(strings);
trace: function (args) {
var value = args[0].expand();
print((args[1] ? args[1].next().toString() + ": " : "") + showValue(value));
return Iter.ForArray(value);
transform: function (args) {
throw new XError("No XSLT processor available", "FOXT0001");
translate: function (args) {
var inp = toCodepoints(args[0]);
var s2 = toCodepoints(args[1]);
var s3 = toCodepoints(args[2]);
var resultCodes = [];
inp.forEach(function(cp) {
var index;
if ((index = s2.indexOf(cp)) != -1) {
if (index < s3.length) {
} else {
return Iter.oneString(E.codepointsToString(resultCodes));
"true": function () {
return Iter.oneBoolean(true);
"type-available": function (args, context, expr) {
var parts = dynamicEQName(args[0], expr, "XTDE1428").split("}");
return (parts[0] == "Q{" && parts[1] in Atomic);
unordered: function (args, context) {
return args[0];
"unparsed-entity-public-id": function (args, context) {
// Not available from parser
return Iter.Empty;
"unparsed-entity-uri": function (args, context) {
// Not available from parser
return Iter.Empty;
"unparsed-text": function (args, context, expr) {
return Iter.oneString(fetchText(args, context, expr));
"unparsed-text-available": function (args, context, expr) {
return resourceAvailable(function () {
fetchText(args, context, expr);
"unparsed-text-lines": function (args, context, expr) {
var text = fetchText(args, context, expr);
return Iter.ForArray(text.split(/\r?\n/)).mapOneToOne(
function (item) {
return Atomic.string.fromString(item)
"upper-case": function (args) {
return Iter.oneString(stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(args[0]).toUpperCase());
"uri-collection": function (args) {
return Iter.Empty;
"xml-to-json": function (args) {
var options = args[1] ? args[1].next() : new HashTrie();
return args[0].mapOneToOne(function(x){return Atomic.string.fromString(ConvertJson.xmlToJson(x, options))});
"year-from-date": function (args) {
return dateComponent(args, "getUTCFullYear");
"year-from-dateTime": function (args) {
return dateComponent(args, "getUTCFullYear");
"years-from-duration": function (args) {
return durationComponent(args, 0);
"zero-or-one": function (args) {
var value = args[0].expand();
if (value.length > 1) {
throw new XError("Required length 0-1, actual length " + value.length, "FORG0003");
return Iter.Singleton(value[0]);
// string value, or if empty sequence then the zero-length string
function stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(iter) {
var item =;
return item ? item.value : "";
function toCodepoints(iter) {
return E.stringToCodepoints(stringZeroLengthIfAbsent(iter));
* Subsequence
* @param seq the input sequence as an array (of anything, not necessarily items)
* @param start iterator whose next() call returns a numeric item
* @param len optional iterator whose next() call returns a numeric item
* @returns a subsequence of the original according to the rules of the substring() and subsequence() functions
function subSequence(seq, start, len) {
var a = Math.round(;
var end = len ? a + Math.round( : seq.length+1;
//print("subseq " + a + " to " + end);
return seq.filter(function(mem, pos) {
return pos+1 >= a && pos+1 < end
function fold(base, zero, fn) {
var value = zero;
base.forEachItem(function(item) {
value = fn(item, value);
return value;
function minimax(name) {
var op = name == "max" ? function (a) {
return a > 0
} : function (a) {
return a < 0
return function (args, context, expr) {
var iter = args[0];
if (E.hasFlag(expr, "i")) {
iter = iter.filter(function (item) {
return !Compare.itemIsNaN(item);
var isUA = Atomic.untypedAtomic.matches;
var toDbl = Atomic.double.cast;
iter = iter.mapOneToOne(function(item) {
return isUA(item) ? toDbl(item) : item;
var first =;
if (first == null) {
return Iter.Empty;
var gac = Compare.allocateCodedComparer("GAC");
return Iter.Singleton(fold(iter, first, function (item, value) {
return op(, value)) ? item : value;
function dateComponent(args, name) {
var input = args[0].next();
if (input == null) {
return Iter.Empty;
if (name == "timezone") {
if (input.timezoneOffset == null) {
return Iter.Empty;
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic.dayTimeDuration.fromNumberOfMinutes(input.timezoneOffset));
} else if (name == "seconds") {
var date = input.proxy();
return Iter.oneDecimal(date.getUTCSeconds() + date.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1000);
} else {
var val = input.proxy()[name]();
if (name == "getUTCMonth") {
return Iter.oneInteger(val);
function durationComponent(args, index) {
var duration = args[0].next();
if (duration == null) {
return Iter.Empty;
if (index != 5) {
return Iter.oneInteger([index] * duration.signum());
return Iter.oneDecimal([index] * duration.signum());
function adjustToTimezone(args, name, context) {
var arg = args[0].next();
if (!arg) {
return Iter.Empty;
var tzHere = context.fixed.currentDate.getTimezoneOffset();
var requestedTZ;
if (!args[1]) {
//If $timezone is not specified, then the effective value of $timezone is the value of
// the implicit timezone in the dynamic context.
requestedTZ = -tzHere;
} else {
var tz = args[1].next();
requestedTZ = tz != null ? tz.milliseconds / 60000 : null;
if (requestedTZ != null && (requestedTZ < -14 * 60 || requestedTZ > 14 * 60)) {
throw new XError("timezone out of bounds " + tz, "FODT0003");
var timezoneOfArg = arg.timezoneOffset;
if (timezoneOfArg == null && requestedTZ == null) {
//If $arg does not have a timezone component and $timezone is the empty sequence, then the result is $arg
return Iter.Singleton(arg);
function adjusted (date, tz) {
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic[name].fromDate(date, tz));
if (timezoneOfArg == null && requestedTZ != null) {
//If $arg does not have a timezone component and $timezone is not the empty sequence,
// then the result is $arg with $timezone as the timezone component.
return adjusted(arg.adjustByMinutes(-tzHere - requestedTZ).UTCdate, requestedTZ);
if (timezoneOfArg != null && requestedTZ == null) {
//If $arg has a timezone component and $timezone is the empty sequence,
// then the result is the localized value of $arg without its timezone component.
return adjusted(arg.adjustByMinutes(tzHere + timezoneOfArg).UTCdate, null);
if (timezoneOfArg != null && requestedTZ != null) {
//If $arg has a timezone component and $timezone is not the empty sequence,
// then the result is the xs:dateTime value that is equal to $arg and that has a timezone component equal to $timezone.
return adjusted(arg.UTCdate, requestedTZ);
var ExtraFn = function() {
"use strict";
var mathFunction = function(local, args, context, expr) {
var empty = false;
function test(v) {
if (v == null) {
empty = true;
return Number.NaN;
} else {
return v.toNumber();
function arg0() {
return test(Expr.evalChild1(expr, context).next());
function arg1() {
return test(Expr.evalChild2(expr, context).next());
function m() {
switch (local) {
case "pi":
return Math.PI;
case "exp":
return Math.exp(arg0());
case "exp10":
return Math.pow(10, arg0());
case "log":
return Math.log(arg0());
case "log10":
return Math.log(arg0()) / Math.LN10;
case "pow":
return Math.pow(arg0(), arg1());
case "sqrt":
return Math.sqrt(arg0());
case "sin":
return Math.sin(arg0());
case "cos":
return Math.cos(arg0());
case "tan":
return Math.tan(arg0());
case "asin":
return Math.asin(arg0());
case "acos":
return Math.acos(arg0());
case "atan":
return Math.atan(arg0());
case "atan2":
return Math.atan2(arg0(), arg1());
throw new XError("Unknown math function " + expr.getAttribute("name"), "XPST0017");
var result = m();
return empty ? Iter.Empty : Iter.oneDouble(result);
var mapFunction = function(local, args) {
var f = {
// TODO: why do we have create, merge, and _new?
contains: function(args) {
var m = args[0].next();
var k = args[1].next();
return Iter.oneBoolean(m.containsKey(k));
create: function (args) {
var m = new HashTrie();
args[0].forEachItem(function (map) {
map.forAllPairs(function (pair) {
m.inSituPut(pair.k, pair.v);
return Iter.Singleton(m);
get: function (args) {
var m = args[0].next();
var k = args[1].next();
return Iter.ForArray(m.get(k));
entry: function (args) {
var m = new HashTrie();
m.inSituPut(args[0].next(), args[1].expand());
return Iter.Singleton(m);
keys: function (args) {
var m = args[0].next();
return Iter.ForArray(m.keys());
merge: function (args) {
var m = new HashTrie();
args[0].forEachItem(function (map) {
map.forAllPairs(function (pair) {
m.inSituPut(pair.k, pair.v);
return Iter.Singleton(m);
_new: function (args) {
// supports map constructors
var m = new HashTrie();
args[0].forEachItem(function (map) {
map.forAllPairs(function (pair) {
if (m.containsKey(pair.k)) {
throw XError("Duplicate key value '" + pair.k.toString() + "'", "XQDY0137");
m.inSituPut(pair.k, pair.v);
return Iter.Singleton(m);
put: function (args) {
var m = args[0].next();
var k = args[1].next();
var v = args[2].expand();
return Iter.Singleton(m.put(k, v));
remove: function (args) {
var m = args[0].next();
args[1].forEachItem(function (k) {
m = m.remove(k);
return Iter.Singleton(m);
size: function (args) {
var m = args[0].next();
var result = 0;
m.forAllPairs(function() {
return Iter.oneInteger(result);
"untyped-contains": function (args) {
var m = args[0].next();
var k = args[1].next();
return Iter.oneBoolean(m.containsKey(k));
if (!f[local]) {
throw "Unknown map function: " + local;
return f[local](args);
var arrayFunction = function(local, args) {
function aioob(index, max) {
if (index < 1 || index > max) {
throw new XError("Array index (" + index + ") out of bounds (1 to " + max + ")", "FOAY0001");
* Return the value of the first argument, which is assumed to be an iterator delivering a single XDM array.
* It is returned as a JS array, whose members are JS arrays, each representing one member of the XDM array;
* the members are in general sequences of items.
* @param args the arguments to a function, the first argument being an array
* @returns a JS representation of the array
function inputArray(args) {
return args[0].next().value;
function index(args) {
return args[1].next().toNumber();
function oneArray(aray) {
return Iter.Singleton(new Expr.XdmArray(aray));
var f = {
"_to-sequence": function(args) {
var seq = [];
inputArray(args).forEach(function(mem) {
mem.forEach(function(it) {
return Iter.ForArray(seq);
"_from-sequence": function (args) {
var aa = [];
args[0].forEachItem(function(item) {
return oneArray(aa);
size: function(args) {
return Iter.oneInteger(inputArray(args).length);
get: function(args) {
var a = inputArray(args);
//if (!("length" in a && (a.length==0 || "length" in a[0]))) {
// throw Expr.internalError("Not an array!");
var i = index(args);
aioob(i, a.length);
//print("array.get(" + showValue(a) + "," + i + ")");
return Iter.ForArray(a[i-1]);
append: function(args) {
return oneArray(inputArray(args).concat([args[1].expand()]));
subarray: function(args) {
var a = inputArray(args);
var start = index(args);
aioob(start, a.length + 1);
var len = args[2] ? args[2].next().toNumber() : a.length - start + 1;
XError.test(len < 0, "Length is negative", "FOAY0002");
aioob(start + len, a.length + 1);
return oneArray(a.slice(start-1, start+len-1));
remove: function(args) {
var a = inputArray(args);
var positions = [];
args[1].forEachItem(function(i) {
var p = i.toNumber();
aioob(p, a.length);
positions.push(p - 1);
return oneArray(a.filter(function(m, pos) {
return positions.indexOf(pos) < 0;
"put": function (args) {
var a = inputArray(args);
var i = index(args);
aioob(i, a.length);
var n = args[2].expand();
return oneArray(a.slice(0, i - 1).concat([n]).concat(a.slice(i)));
"insert-before": function(args) {
var a = inputArray(args);
var i = index(args);
aioob(i, a.length+1);
var n = args[2].expand();
return oneArray(a.slice(0, i-1).concat([n]).concat(a.slice(i-1)));
head: function(args) {
var a = inputArray(args);
aioob(1, a.length);
return Iter.ForArray(a[0]);
tail: function(args) {
var a = inputArray(args);
aioob(1, a.length);
return oneArray(a.slice(1));
reverse: function(args) {
return oneArray(inputArray(args).slice().reverse());
join: function(args) {
var result = [];
args[0].forEachItem(function(a) {
// a is an XdmArray
a.value.forEach(function(mem) {
return oneArray(result);
sort: function(args) {
function cmp(a, b) {
//print("compare " + showValue(a) + " to " + showValue(b));
var ato = function(ay) {
return Iter.ForArray(ay).mapOneToMany(Expr.atomize);
return Compare.lexicographicCompare(ato(a), ato(b));
return oneArray(inputArray(args).slice().sort(cmp));
flatten: function(args) {
return Expr.flatten(args[0]);
if (!f[local]) {
throw "Unknown array function: " + local;
return f[local](args);
var interactiveFunction = function(local, args, context, expr) {
Get a property from the dot-separated path from a given target;
function getProp(target, member){
var props = member.split('.');
var v = target;
for (var count = 0; count < props.length; count++){
try {
v = v[props[count]];
} catch (e) {
var j = 0;
if(typeof v === "undefined" || v == "") {
return undefined;
return v;
var f = {
page: function () {
return Iter.Singleton(window.document);
source: function (args, context) {
return Iter.Singleton(context.fixed.globalContextItem);
window: function () {
return Iter.Singleton(window);
call: function (args) {
var object = args[0].next();
var method = args[1].next().toString();
var z = getProp(object, method);
if (typeof z === "undefined") {
throw new XError("ixsl:call: object method not found");
//print("ixsl:call: " + z);
var convertedArgs = Expr.convertToJS(args[2].next());
var numOfArgs = convertedArgs.length;
if (z.length != numOfArgs) {
throw new XError("ixsl:call: wrong number of args supplied for function " +;
var res = z.apply(null, convertedArgs); // TODO try catch?
if (res == null || typeof res == "undefined") {
//print("ixsl:call returns empty " + z);
return Iter.Empty;
} else {
var out = Expr.convertFromJS(res);
if (Array.isArray(out)) {
return Iter.ForArray(out);
} else {
return Iter.Singleton(out);
eval: function(args) {
// TODO: use within "new Function()" for safety.
return Iter.Singleton(eval(args[0].next().toString()));
event: function (args, context) {
//print("context.currentEvent, target: " + context.currentEvent + ", " +;
return Iter.Singleton(context.currentEvent); // TODO wrapped?
get: function (args) {
var x = args[0].next();
var y = args[1].next().toString();
var z = getProp(x, y);
//TODO - think whether we should return an empty sequence for undefined. - currently it's a zero-length string
return Iter.Singleton(Expr.convertFromJS(z));
location: function () {
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic.string.fromString(window.location.toString()));
style: function (args) {
var x = args[0].next();
var style = window.getComputedStyle(x);
return Iter.Singleton(Expr.convertFromJS(style));
map: function (args) {
var x = args[0].next();
var props = new JWLTrie();
props.source = function(key) {
var val = getProp(x,key);
if(typeof val === "string" || typeof val === "boolean") {
return [Atomic.untypedAtomic.fromString(val.toString())];
} else if(typeof val === "number") {
return [Atomic.integer.fromNumber(val)];
return val;
var desired = ["checked", "style.display", "style.color","width", "foobar"];
//desired = [];
for(i = 0; i < desired.length; i++ ){
var prop = desired[i];
//for(var prop in x) {
//var z = x["selectionStart"];
if(prop == "selectionStart") {
var i = 0;
var val = getProp(x,prop);
if(val !== undefined){
val = convertFromJS(val);
var key = convertFromJS(prop);
//var key = Atomic.untypedAtomic.fromString(prop);
/* if(typeof val === "string" || typeof val === "boolean") {
} else if(typeof val === "number" &&
!(isNaN(val) || val == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY || val == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) {
if(key != null)
return Iter.Singleton(props);
// Get the parameters of a URL, i.e. from the query string, which begins with '?', at the end of the URL.
// The params are returned in a map (HashTrie).
"query-params": function() {
var match,
pl = /\+/g, // Regex for replacing addition symbol with a space
search = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g,
decode = function (s) {
return Atomic.string.fromString(decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pl, " ")));
query =;
var params = new HashTrie();
while (match = search.exec(query)) {
params.inSituPut(decode(match[1]), [decode(match[2])]);
return Iter.Singleton(params);
// extension instructions
"remove-attribute": function (args, context, expr) {
var name = args[0].next().toString();
var qn = Atomic.QName.fromString(name, Expr.stylesheetResolver(expr, false));
var elem = context.focus.current;
//print("remove-attribute name, elem: "+ name + ", " + elem);
if (!(elem instanceof HTMLElement)) {
throw new XError("Context item for ixsl:remove-attribute must be an HTML element node", "XXXX9999", expr);
return Iter.Empty;
"schedule-action": function() {
throw new XError("ixsl:schedule-action - shouldn't be here");
"set-attribute": function(args, context, expr) { // TODO namespace?
var lexi = args[0].next().toString();
var value = args[1].next().toString();
var qn = Atomic.QName.fromString(lexi, Expr.stylesheetResolver(expr, false));
if (qn == null) {
throw new XError("Invalid attribute name " + lexi, "XTDE1260", expr);
var elem = context.focus.current;
//print("set-attribute qn, value, elem: "+ qn + ", " + value + ", " + elem);
if (!(elem instanceof HTMLElement)) {
throw new XError("Context item for ixsl:set-attribute must be an HTML element node", "XXXX9999", expr);
if (qn.uri === "") { // TODO are these used now?
elem[qn.local] = value;
} else if (qn.uri == "") {[qn.local] = value;
} else {
//elem.setAttributeNS(qn.uri, qm.local, value);
//elem.setAttribute(qn.local.toUpperCase(), value);
elem.setAttribute(qn.local, value);
//alert("Attribute value now " + elem.getAttribute(qn.local.toUpperCase()));
return Iter.Empty;
"set-property": function (args, context, expr) {
var name = args[0].next().toString();
var value = Expr.convertToJS(args[1].next());
var object = args[2].next();
//print("set-property name, value object,: " + name + ", " + value + ", " + object);
var names = name.split(".");
var z = object;
for (var i = 0; i < names.length - 1; i++) {
try {
z = z[names[i]];
} catch (e) {
var j = 0;
if(typeof z === "undefined" || z == "") {
print("set-property fail");
return Iter.Empty;
z[names[names.length - 1]] = value; // TODO try catch?
return Iter.Empty;
"set-style": function (args, context, expr) {
var name = args[0].next().toString();
var value = Expr.convertToJS(args[1].next());
var elem = args[2] ? args[2].next() : context.focus.current;
//print("set-style name, value, elem: " + name + ", " + value + ", " + elem);[name] = value;
return Iter.Empty;
if (!f[local]) {
throw "Unknown ixsl function: " + local;
return f[local](args, context, expr);
var saxonFunction = function(local, args, context, expr) {
/*var err = context.currentError;
if (err == null) {
//print("No current error");
return Iter.Empty;
var f = {
"dynamic-error-info": function (args) {
var err = context.currentError;
if (err == null) {
//print("No current error");
return Iter.Empty;
var field = args[0].next().toString();
switch (field) {
case "description":
return Iter.oneString(err.message);
//return Atomic.string.fromString(err.message);
case "code":
return Iter.Singleton(Atomic.QName.fromParts("err", "", err.code));
//return Atomic.QName.fromParts("err", "", err.code);
case "value":
return null;
case "module":
return Iter.oneString(err.xsltModule);
//return Atomic.string.fromString(err.xsltModule);
case "line-number":
return Iter.oneInteger(err.xsltLineNr);
//return Atomic.integer.fromNumber(err.xsltLineNr);
case "column-number":
return Iter.oneInteger(-1);
//return Atomic.integer.fromNumber(-1);
throw "unknown error info field " + field;
return null;
"parse-XPath" : function (args) {
var xpath = args[0].next().toString();
var opts = "parse";
var params;
if(args.length > 1) {
opts = args[1].next().toString();
if(args.length >2) {
params = args[2]; // Leave it as an iterator
var z = SaxonJS.XPath.parse(xpath,opts,params);
return z;
if (!f[local]) {
throw "Unknown saxon function: " + local;
return f[local](args, context, expr)
//return Iter.Singleton(f[local](args, context, expr));
return function(uri, local, args, context, expr) {
switch (uri) {
case "":
return mathFunction(local, args, context, expr);
case "":
return mapFunction(local, args);
case "":
return arrayFunction(local, args);
case "":
return interactiveFunction(local, args, context, expr);
case "":
return saxonFunction(local, args, context, expr);
throw "Unknown namespace " + uri;
function JWLTrie() {;
this.source = null;
JWLTrie.prototype = Object.create(HashTrie.prototype);
JWLTrie.prototype.get = function(key){
var val =,key);
if(val instanceof Array && val.length == 0) {
val = this.source(key.value);
if(val !== undefined) {,key,val);
return val;
var Calculate = function () {
"use strict";
function isSafeInteger(num) {
return Math.abs(num) < Math.pow(2, 52);
// leave a bit of margin
var DBL = Atomic. double,
DEC = Atomic.decimal,
INT = Atomic.integer,
FLT = Atomic. float;
function intOrDec(lhs, rhs) {
return INT.matches(lhs) && INT.matches(rhs) ? INT: DEC;
* Calculator object containing a mapping from calculator codes
* to (JS) functions providing the implementation. The arguments to each binary
* JS function are XDM type objects.
* The function returns an atomic item
var calculator = {
"d+d": function (lhs, rhs) {
var a = lhs.toNumber(), b = rhs.toNumber();
return DBL.fromNumber(a + b);
"d-d": function (lhs, rhs) {
var a = lhs.toNumber(), b = rhs.toNumber();
return DBL.fromNumber(a - b);
"d*d": function (lhs, rhs) {
var a = lhs.toNumber(), b = rhs.toNumber();
return DBL.fromNumber(a * b);
"d/d": function (lhs, rhs) {
var a = lhs.toNumber(), b = rhs.toNumber();
//print("d/d " + a + " / " + b );
return DBL.fromNumber(a / b);
"d%d": function (lhs, rhs) {
var a = lhs.toNumber(), b = rhs.toNumber();
if (isNaN(a) || isNaN(b) || a == Infinity || a == - Infinity || b == 0) {
return DBL.fromNumber(NaN);
if (b == Infinity || b == - Infinity) {
return lhs;
if (a == 0) {
return lhs;
return DBL.fromNumber(a % b);
"d~d": function (lhs, rhs) {
try {
var a = lhs.toNumber(), b = rhs.toNumber();
var x = DBL.fromNumber(Math.trunc(a / b));
if (x == Infinity || x == - Infinity || isNaN(x)) {
throw new XError("Division by zero", "FOAR0001");
x = isSafeInteger(x) ? INT.fromNumber(x): x;
return x;
catch (e) {
throw new XError("Division by zero", "FOAR0001");
// TODO use isSafeInteger; return INT ?
"f+f": function (lhs, rhs) {
var a = lhs.toNumber(), b = rhs.toNumber();
return FLT.fromNumber(a + b);
"f-f": function (lhs, rhs) {
var a = lhs.toNumber(), b = rhs.toNumber();
return FLT.fromNumber(a - b);
"f*f": function (lhs, rhs) {
var a = lhs.toNumber(), b = rhs.toNumber();
return FLT.fromNumber(a * b);
"f/f": function (lhs, rhs) {
var a = lhs.toNumber(), b = rhs.toNumber();
return FLT.fromNumber(a / b);
"f%f": function (lhs, rhs) {
var a = lhs.toNumber(), b = rhs.toNumber();
if (isNaN(a) || isNaN(b) || a == Infinity || a == - Infinity || b == 0) {
return FLT.fromNumber(NaN);
if (b == Infinity || b == - Infinity) {
return lhs;
if (a == 0) {
return lhs;
var x = FLT.fromNumber(a % b);
if (x == Infinity || x == - Infinity || isNaN(x)) {
throw new XError("Division by zero", "FOAR0001");
return x;
"f~f": function (lhs, rhs) {
try {
var a = lhs.toNumber(), b = rhs.toNumber();
var x = FLT.fromNumber(Math.trunc(a / b));
if (x == Infinity || x == - Infinity || isNaN(x)) {
throw new XError("Division by zero", "FOAR0001");
x = isSafeInteger(x) ? INT.fromNumber(x): x;
return x;
catch (e) {
throw new XError("Division by zero", "FOAR0001");
"i+i": function (lhs, rhs) {
var x = lhs.toNumber() + rhs.toNumber();
if (isSafeInteger(x)) {
return INT.fromNumber(x);
} else {
return INT.fromBig(Big(lhs.toBig().plus(rhs.toBig())));
"i-i": function (lhs, rhs) {
var x = lhs.toNumber() - rhs.toNumber();
if (isSafeInteger(x)) {
return INT.fromNumber(x);
} else {
return INT.fromBig(Big(lhs.toBig().minus(rhs.toBig())));
"i*i": function (lhs, rhs) {
var x = lhs.toNumber() * rhs.toNumber();
if (isSafeInteger(x)) {
return INT.fromNumber(x);
} else {
return INT.fromBig(Big(lhs.toBig().times(rhs.toBig())));
"i/i": function (lhs, rhs) {
try {
var a = lhs.toBig(), b = rhs.toBig();
return DEC.fromBig(a.div(b));
catch (e) {
throw new XError("Division by zero", "FOAR0001");
"i%i": function (lhs, rhs) {
var a = lhs.toNumber(), b = rhs.toNumber();
if (isNaN(a) || isNaN(b) || a == Infinity || a == - Infinity || b == 0) {
return INT.fromNumber(NaN);
if (b == Infinity || b == - Infinity) {
return lhs;
if (a == 0) {
return lhs;
var x = lhs.toNumber() % rhs.toNumber();
if (x == Infinity || x == - Infinity || isNaN(x)) {
throw new XError("Division by zero", "FOAR0001");
return isSafeInteger(x) ? INT.fromNumber(x): INT.fromBig(Big(lhs.toBig().mod(rhs.toBig())));
"i~i": function (lhs, rhs) {
var x = lhs.toNumber() / rhs.toNumber();
if (x == Infinity || x == - Infinity || isNaN(x)) {
throw new XError("Division by zero", "FOAR0001");
return isSafeInteger(x) ? INT.fromNumber(Math.trunc(x)): INT.fromBig(Big(lhs.toBig().div(rhs.toBig())).round(0, 0));
"c+c": function (lhs, rhs) {
var a = lhs.toBig(), b = rhs.toBig();
//print("Decimal plus " + a + " + " + b + " = " +;
return intOrDec(lhs, rhs).fromBig(;
"c-c": function (lhs, rhs) {
var a = lhs.toBig(), b = rhs.toBig();
return intOrDec(lhs, rhs).fromBig(a.minus(b));
"c*c": function (lhs, rhs) {
var a = lhs.toBig(), b = rhs.toBig();
return intOrDec(lhs, rhs).fromBig(a.times(b));
"c/c": function (lhs, rhs) {
//print("c/c " + showValue(lhs) + "/" + showValue(rhs));
try {
var a = lhs.toBig(), b = rhs.toBig();
return DEC.fromBig(a.div(b));
catch (e) {
throw new XError("Division by zero", "FOAR0001");
"c%c": function (lhs, rhs) {
try {
var a = lhs.toBig(), b = rhs.toBig();
return DEC.fromBig(a.mod(b));
catch (e) {
throw new XError("Division by zero", "FOAR0001");
"c~c": function (lhs, rhs) {
try {
var a = lhs.toBig(), b = rhs.toBig();
var x = a.div(b).round(0, 0);
return isSafeInteger(x) ? INT.fromNumber(x): DEC.fromBig(x);
//return DEC.fromBig(a.div(b).round(0, 0));
catch (e) {
throw new XError("Division by zero", "FOAR0001");
"a+a": function (lhs, rhs) {
return anyOpAny(lhs, rhs, "+");
"a-a": function (lhs, rhs) {
return anyOpAny(lhs, rhs, "-");
"a*a": function (lhs, rhs) {
return anyOpAny(lhs, rhs, "*");
"a/a": function (lhs, rhs) {
return anyOpAny(lhs, rhs, "/");
"a%a": function (lhs, rhs) {
return anyOpAny(lhs, rhs, "%");
"a~a": function (lhs, rhs) {
return anyOpAny(lhs, rhs, "~");
"u+u": function (lhs, rhs) {
var DTD = Atomic.dayTimeDuration,
YMD = Atomic.yearMonthDuration;
if (!((DTD.matches(lhs) && DTD.matches(rhs)) ||
(YMD.matches(lhs) && YMD.matches(rhs)))) {
throw new XError("Cannot add " + lhs.type + " and " + rhs.type, "XPTY0004");
if (YMD.matches(lhs)) {
return YMD.fromMonthsMilliseconds(lhs.months + rhs.months, 0);
if (DTD.matches(lhs)) {
return DTD.fromMonthsMilliseconds(0, lhs.milliseconds + rhs.milliseconds);
throw "problem in u+u";
"u-u": function (lhs, rhs) {
var DTD = Atomic.dayTimeDuration,
YMD = Atomic.yearMonthDuration;
if (!((DTD.matches(lhs) && DTD.matches(rhs)) ||
(YMD.matches(lhs) && YMD.matches(rhs)))) {
throw new XError("Cannot subtract " + lhs.type + " minus " + rhs.type, "XPTY0004");
if (YMD.matches(lhs)) {
return YMD.fromMonthsMilliseconds(lhs.months - rhs.months, 0);
if (DTD.matches(lhs)) {
return DTD.fromMonthsMilliseconds(0, lhs.milliseconds - rhs.milliseconds);
throw "problem in u-u";
"u*n": function (lhs, rhs) {
var x = rhs.toNumber();
if (x == Infinity || x == - Infinity) {
throw new XError("Cannot multiply duration by +/-INF", "FODT0002");
if (isNaN(x)) {
throw new XError("Cannot multiply duration by NaN", "FOCA0005");
var DTD = Atomic.dayTimeDuration,
YMD = Atomic.yearMonthDuration;
if (YMD.matches(lhs)) {
return YMD.fromMonthsMilliseconds(Math.round(lhs.months * x), 0);
if (DTD.matches(lhs)) {
return DTD.fromMonthsMilliseconds(0, (Math.round(lhs.milliseconds * x)));
throw "problem in u*n";
"n*u": function (lhs, rhs) {
return Calculate[ "u*n"](rhs, lhs);
"u/n": function (lhs, rhs) {
var x;
var DTD = Atomic.dayTimeDuration,
YMD = Atomic.yearMonthDuration;
if (YMD.matches(lhs)) {
x = lhs.months / rhs.toNumber();
if (x == Infinity || x == - Infinity || isNaN(x)) {
throw new XError("Division by zero", "FODT0002");
return YMD.fromMonthsMilliseconds(Math.round(lhs.months / rhs.toNumber()), 0);
if (DTD.matches(lhs)) {
x = lhs.milliseconds / rhs.toNumber();
if (x == Infinity || x == - Infinity || isNaN(x)) {
throw new XError("Division by zero", "FODT0002");
return DTD.fromMonthsMilliseconds(0, Math.round(lhs.milliseconds / rhs.toNumber()));
if (Atomic.duration.matches(lhs)) {
throw new XError("Arithmetic not available for xs:duration", "XPTY0004");
throw "problem in u/n";
"u/u": function (lhs, rhs) {
var DTD = Atomic.dayTimeDuration,
YMD = Atomic.yearMonthDuration;
if (!((DTD.matches(lhs) && DTD.matches(rhs)) ||
(YMD.matches(lhs) && YMD.matches(rhs)))) {
throw new XError("Cannot divide " + lhs.type + " by " + rhs.type, "XPTY0004");
var a, b;
if (YMD.matches(lhs)) {
a = new Big(lhs.months);
b = new Big(rhs.months);
} else if (DTD.matches(lhs)) {
a = new Big(lhs.milliseconds);
b = new Big(rhs.milliseconds);
try {
return DEC.fromBig(a.div(b));
catch (e) {
throw new XError("Division by zero", "FOAR0001");
"t+u": function (lhs, rhs) {
if (Atomic.dayTimeDuration.matches(rhs)) {
return Atomic[lhs.type].fromDate(new Date(lhs.UTCdate.getTime() + rhs.milliseconds), lhs.timezoneOffset)
} else if (Atomic.yearMonthDuration.matches(rhs)) {
return lhs.addMonths(rhs.months);
throw "problem in t+u";
"u+t": function (lhs, rhs) {
return Calculate[ "t+u"](rhs, lhs);
"t-u": function (lhs, rhs) {
if (Atomic.dayTimeDuration.matches(rhs)) {
return Atomic[lhs.type].fromDate(new Date(lhs.UTCdate.getTime() - rhs.milliseconds), lhs.timezoneOffset)
} else if (Atomic.yearMonthDuration.matches(rhs)) {
return lhs.addMonths(- rhs.months);
throw "problem in t-u";
"t-t": function (lhs, rhs) {
return Atomic.dayTimeDuration.fromMonthsMilliseconds(0, lhs.UTCdate.getTime() - rhs.UTCdate.getTime());
function anyOpAny(lhs, rhs, op) {
//print(showValue(lhs) + op + showValue(rhs));
function isDateOrTime(value) {
return Atomic.dateTime.matches(value) || || Atomic.time.matches(value);
var targetTypeL, targetTypeR;
var calc;
var DTD = Atomic.dayTimeDuration,
YMD = Atomic.yearMonthDuration;
if ((DTD.matches(lhs) || YMD.matches(lhs)) && Atomic.numeric.matches(rhs)) {
calc = "u" + op + "n";
targetTypeL = lhs.type;
targetTypeR = rhs.type;
} else if ((DTD.matches(rhs) || YMD.matches(rhs)) && Atomic.numeric.matches(lhs)) {
calc = "n" + op + "u";
targetTypeL = lhs.type;
targetTypeR = rhs.type;
} else if (INT.matches(lhs) && INT.matches(rhs)) {
calc = "i" + op + "i";
targetTypeL = targetTypeR = "integer";
} else if (DBL.matches(lhs) || DBL.matches(rhs)) {
calc = "d" + op + "d";
targetTypeL = targetTypeR = "double";
} else if (FLT.matches(lhs) || FLT.matches(rhs)) {
calc = "f" + op + "f";
targetTypeL = targetTypeR = "float";
} else if (DEC.matches(lhs) || DEC.matches(rhs)) {
calc = "c" + op + "c";
targetTypeL = targetTypeR = "decimal";
} else if (isDateOrTime(lhs) && isDateOrTime(rhs)) {
calc = "t" + op + "t";
targetTypeL = lhs.type;
targetTypeR = rhs.type;
} else if (isDateOrTime(lhs) && (DTD.matches(rhs) || YMD.matches(rhs))) {
calc = "t" + op + "u";
targetTypeL = lhs.type;
targetTypeR = rhs.type;
} else if ((DTD.matches(lhs) || YMD.matches(lhs)) && isDateOrTime(rhs)) {
calc = "u" + op + "t";
targetTypeL = lhs.type;
targetTypeR = rhs.type;
} else if ((DTD.matches(lhs) && DTD.matches(rhs)) ||
(YMD.matches(lhs) && YMD.matches(rhs))) {
calc = "u" + op + "u";
targetTypeL = targetTypeR = lhs.type;
} else {
throw new XError("Arithmetic operation '" + op +
"' not available for operands " + lhs.type + " and " + rhs.type, "XPTY0004");
//print("Using " + calc);
if (! calculator[calc]) {
throw new XError("Arithmetic operation '" + op +
"' not available for operands " + lhs.type + " and " + rhs.type, "XPTY0004");
return calculator[calc](Expr.promote(lhs, targetTypeL), Expr.promote(rhs, targetTypeR));
return calculator;
var Numberer = (function () {
function xslNumber (expr, context) {
var E = Expr;
var DU = DomUtils;
function formatTokens(format) {
var tokens;
var isFormatToken;
if (format == "") {
format = "1";
if (/^[\x01-\x7f]*$/.test(format)) { // format is all-ascii
tokens = format.split(/\b/);
isFormatToken = function (str, i) {
return /\w+/.test(str)
} else if (format.length != E.stringToCodepoints(format).length) {
throw XError("Cannot handle non-BMP characters in format-number picture", "SXER0003");
} else {
var analysis = E.analyze(format, "[\\p{Nd}\\p{Nl}\\p{No}\\p{Lu}\\p{Ll}\\p{Lt}\\p{Lm}\\p{Lo}]+", "", true);
isFormatToken = function (str, i) {
return analysis[i].matching
tokens = (entry) {
return entry.string.toString()
//analysis.forEach(function(entry) {
// print("entry: " + entry.matching + ":" + entry.string);
var result = {prefix: "", fTokens: [], suffix: ""};
var i;
var separator = ".";
for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
var token = tokens[i];
if (isFormatToken(token, i)) {
//print("isFormatToken " + token);
result.fTokens.push({chars: token, sep: separator});
separator = ".";
} else {
//print("isNotFormatToken " + token);
if (i == 0) {
result.prefix = token;
if (i == tokens.length - 1) {
result.suffix = token;
} else if (i != 0) {
separator = token;
if (result.fTokens.length == 0) {
result.fTokens.push({chars: "1", sep: "."});
result.suffix = result.prefix;
return result;
function formatSequence(val) {
//print("formatSequence: supplied " + val);
var formatExpr = E.argRole(expr, "format");
var format = formatExpr == null ? "1" : E.evaluate(formatExpr, context).next().toString();
var groupSep = E.evaluateIfPresent(E.argRole(expr, "gpSep"), context).next();
var groupSize = E.evaluateIfPresent(E.argRole(expr, "gpSize"), context).next();
var ordinal = E.evaluateIfPresent(E.argRole(expr, "ordinal"), context).next();
var ft = formatTokens(format);
var result = ft.prefix;
val.forEach(function (num, pos) {
var fTok = pos >= ft.fTokens.length ? ft.fTokens[ft.fTokens.length - 1] : ft.fTokens[pos];
if (pos != 0) {
result += fTok.sep;
var format = fTok.chars;
if (ordinal == "yes") { // TODO: other values of @ordinal
format += ";o";
var str = Numberer.formatInteger(num, format);
if (groupSep != null && groupSize != null) {
str = Numberer.addGroupingSeparators(str, groupSep, groupSize);
result += str;
result += ft.suffix;
//print("result of formatSequence", result);
return Iter.oneString(result);
var lang = E.evaluateIfPresent(E.argRole(expr, "lang"), context).next();
if (lang != null) {
try {
} catch (e) {
throw XError("@lang=" + lang + ": invalid language code", "XTDE0030");
var flags = expr.getAttribute("flags") || "";
var backwards = /1/.test(flags);
var startExp = E.argRole(expr, "startAt");
var startAt = [1];
if (startExp != null) {
startAt = E.evaluate(startExp, context).next().toString().split(/\s+/).map(function (s) {
return parseInt(s);
var valueExp = E.argRole(expr, "value");
if (valueExp != null) {
var val = E.evaluate(valueExp, context);
//print("val " + showValue(val) + " flags " + flags );
if (backwards) {
// 1.0 compatibility
var v =;
if (v == null) {
return Iter.oneString("NaN");
try {
v = Atomic.integer.cast(v.round(0));
} catch (e) {
return Iter.oneString("NaN");
val = Iter.ForArray([v]);
var mf = function (item, index) {
//print("raw value " + item);
if (Atomic.numeric.matches(item)) {
item = item.toDouble();
} else {
item = Atomic.double.fromStringUnfailing(item.toString());
if (item.toNumber() < 0) {
throw XError("xsl:number/@value is less than zero", "XTDE0980");
try {
item = Atomic.integer.cast(item.round(0));
} catch (e /*if e instanceof XError*/) {
e.code = "XTDE0980";
throw e;
//print("rounded value " + item);
var inc = index >= startAt.length ? startAt[startAt.length - 1] : startAt[index];
//print("Adjust " + index + " by " + inc);
if (inc != 1) {
item = Atomic.integer.fromNumber(item.toNumber() + (inc - 1))
return item;
var adjustedVal = val.mapOneToOne(mf);
//var startAt = evaluate(argRole(expr, "startAt"), context).next().toNumber();
//var num = val.toNumber() + (startAt - 1);
//print("adjusted value " + num);
return formatSequence(adjustedVal.expand());
} else {
var level = expr.getAttribute("level");
var origin;
var selectExpr = E.argRole(expr, "select");
if (selectExpr) {
origin = E.evaluate(selectExpr, context).next();
} else {
origin = context.focus.current;
var originName = DU.nameOfNode(origin);
var matchRoot = function (node) {
//print("testing matchRoot against " + showValue(node) + " returning " + (xdmParentNode(node) == null));
return DU.xdmParentNode(node) == null;
var matchOrigin = function (node) {
return node.nodeType == origin.nodeType && (originName == null ? true : DU.nameOfNode(node).equals(originName));
var countPat = E.argRole(expr, "count");
var matchesCount = matchOrigin;
if (countPat != null) {
var pat = makePattern(countPat);
matchesCount = function (node) {
//print("Matches count? " + showValue(node) + " = " + pat(node, context));
return pat(node, context);
var fromPat = E.argRole(expr, "from");
var matchesFrom;
if (fromPat == null) {
matchesFrom = matchRoot;
} else {
var fromPattern = makePattern(fromPat);
matchesFrom = function (node) {
return matchRoot(node) || fromPattern(node, context)
var numbers;
var consider;
var A, AF, F;
switch (level) {
case "simple":
consider = Axis.precedingSibling(origin).filter(matchOrigin);
return formatSequence([consider.count() + startAt[0]]);
case "single":
A = Axis.ancestorOrSelf(origin).filter(matchesCount).next();
F = Axis.ancestorOrSelf(origin).filter(matchesFrom).next();
AF = A == null ? null : (Axis.ancestorOrSelf(A).filter(
function (node) {
return DU.isSameNode(node, F);
}).next() != null ? A : null);
//print("A = " + showValue(A));
//print("F = " + showValue(F));
if (AF == null) {
return formatSequence([]);
} else {
//print("Found AF = " + showValue(AF));
consider = Axis.precedingSibling(AF).filter(matchesCount);
return formatSequence([consider.count() + startAt[0]])
case "multi":
A = Iter.ForArray(Axis.ancestorOrSelf(origin).filter(matchesCount).expand().reverse());
F = Axis.ancestorOrSelf(origin).filter(matchesFrom).next();
AF = A.filter(function (item) {
var f = Axis.ancestorOrSelf(item).filter(
function (node) {
return DU.isSameNode(node, F);
return != null;
var toInt = Atomic.integer.fromNumber;
var R = AF.mapOneToOne(function (item, index) {
return toInt(Axis.precedingSibling(item).filter(matchesCount).count() +
(index >= startAt.length ? startAt[startAt.length - 1] : startAt[index]))
return formatSequence(R.expand());
case "any":
// Use UnionIterator to combine two sequences in reverse document order
var reverseDocOrder = function (a, b) {
return DU.compareDocumentOrder(b, a)
A = Iter.Union(
//A = Iter.trace("A", A);
F = Iter.Union(
if (F == null) {
internalError("from pattern selected empty");
AF = A.filter(function (node) {
return DU.compareDocumentOrder(node, F) >= 0
//AF = Iter.trace("AF", AF);
var n = AF.count();
if (n == 0) {
return formatSequence([]);
} else {
return formatSequence([n - 1 + startAt[0]]);
internalError("unknown xsl:number/@level " + level, expr);
// TODO: implement me
return Iter.Empty;
function toRoman(num) {
//print("toRoman " + num);
if (num < 1 || num > 4999) {
return num.toString();
var result = '';
var ref = ['m', 'cm', 'd', 'cd', 'c', 'xc', 'l', 'xl', 'x', 'ix', 'v', 'iv', 'i'];
var xis = [1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1];
var x;
for (x = 0; x < ref.length; x++) {
while (num >= xis[x]) {
result += ref[x];
//print("temp result " + result);
num -= xis[x];
return result;
function toAlpha(num, alphabet) {
if (num < 1) {
return num.toString();
var limit = alphabet.length;
function a(num) {
return (num > limit ? a(Math.floor((num-1)/limit)) : "") + alphabet.charAt((num-1) % limit);
return a(num);
function toSymbols(num, symbols) {
//print("toSymbol " + num + " from " + symbols);
return num < symbols.length ? symbols[num] : num.toString();
// Produces string representation of integer, of width at least that supplied as the minimum (i.e. possible padding with zeroes)
function toDecimalWidth(num, width) {
//print("toDecimal " + num + ", " + width);
var abs = Math.abs(num);
var str = abs < 999999 ? abs.toString() : Big(abs).toFixed(); // avoid exponential notation
while (str.length < width) {
str = "0" + str;
if (num < 0) {
str = "-" + str;
return str;
* Normalize mandatory-digit-signs in a format picture string to ASCII (i.e. always "0").
* (Note that if the picture contains non-ASCII grouping separators, then these are not affected.)
* @param format the original format picture string (which contains some non-ASCII characters)
* @returns an object containing the properties:
* format - the format picture string in normalized form;
* diff - the codepoint difference between 48 (ASCII zero digit) and the zero digit of the digit range
* used in the original format picture string;
* isDecimalDigitPattern - a boolean, true if the format contains some digit i.e. in regex category Nd
* (if this is false, then the non-ASCII characters in the original format picture string must be
* grouping separators).
function normalizeDigits(format) {
//print("Picture string contains non-ASCII characters: " + format);
var E = Expr;
var formatCodepoints = E.stringToCodepoints(format);
var details = {};
var isDecimalDigitPattern = true, diff = 0;
var i;
var regexpNd = Regex.prepareRegex("\\p{Nd}", null);
var mandDigitIndex =;
if (mandDigitIndex < 0) {
isDecimalDigitPattern = false;
} else {
// Check each nonASCII char is a mandatory-digit-sign (in Nd), or grouping separator (not in categories N or L)
var list = Regex.obtainCategoryEscapes().Nd;
var zeroDigit;
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var digitRange = list[i];
zeroDigit = parseInt(digitRange[0],16);
if (zeroDigit <= formatCodepoints[mandDigitIndex] && formatCodepoints[mandDigitIndex] <= zeroDigit + 10) {
for (i = 0; i < formatCodepoints.length; i++) {
if (formatCodepoints[i] >= 128) {
var iChar = String.fromCharCode(formatCodepoints[i]);
if (regexpNd.test(iChar)) {
// Check that digit iChar is in the same digit family
if (zeroDigit > formatCodepoints[i] || formatCodepoints[i] > zeroDigit + 10) {
throw new XError("Picture string mixes digits from different digit families: " + format, "FODF1310");
} else {
// Check that iChar is not alphanumeric - i.e. it is a valid grouping-separator
var regexpNL = Regex.prepareRegex("\\p{N}\\p{L}", null);
if (regexpNL.test(iChar)) {
throw new XError("Picture string is invalid: " + format, "FODF1310");
// Normalize any digits in digitRange to digit 0, i.e. codepoint 48
var normalizedFormat = [];
diff = zeroDigit - 48;
formatCodepoints.forEach(function (value) {
if (zeroDigit <= value && value <= zeroDigit + 10) {
} else {
format = E.codepointsToString(normalizedFormat);
details.isDecimalDigitPattern = isDecimalDigitPattern;
details.format = format;
details.diff = diff;
details.zeroDigit = zeroDigit;
return details;
// For a string representation of a number, translate the digits to characters in the right (nonASCII) digit range.
function translateDigits (numStr, diff) {
var translated = [];
Expr.stringToCodepoints(numStr).forEach(function (value) {
if (48 <= value && value <= 57) {
translated.push(value + diff);
} else {
return Expr.codepointsToString(translated);
function addIrregularGroupingSeparators (numStr, sepPositions, groupSepArray, singleGroupSep, fromLeft) {
// sepPositions are from the right
// If we are adding from the left, then there is a singleGroupSep
var p, j = 0;
var result = numStr;
for (p = 0; p < result.length; p++) { // format.length??
if (p == sepPositions[j]) {
//var ins = result.length - p;
var ins = fromLeft ? p + 1 : result.length - p;
if (ins > 0) {
result = result.substring(0, ins) +
(groupSepArray ? groupSepArray[fromLeft ? j : groupSepArray.length - j - 1] : singleGroupSep)
+ result.substring(ins);
return result;
// Method toDecimal formats an integer using the provided format picture string (which may contain non-ASCII digits,
// and/or grouping separators).
// [NB. The name toDecimal may be misleading. The num input must be an integer (positive or negative).
// Decimal refers to the decimal digits, rather than decimal number notation.]
function toDecimal(num, format) {
/* Method formatWithNormalizedPicture formats a number: the main purpose of the method is to add the
grouping separators to the result.
The format picture string should already have been normalized so that all mandatory-digit-signs used are
in the range [0-9] (i.e. ASCII). At this point, the format is definitely a decimal digit pattern
(i.e. contains at least one mandatory-digit-sign).
Note that the format picture string may still contain non-ASCII characters to be used for grouping separators,
but these just get processed in the same way as ASCII grouping separators.
function formatWithNormalizedPicture(num, format) {
// Grouping separators (ASCII or non-ASCII) must match [^A-Za-z0-9]
// Non-ASCII grouping separators have already been checked to be valid i.e. char whose Unicode category is other
// than N or L.
if (!/^(([0-9]|#|[^A-Za-z0-9])+?)$/.test(format)) {
throw new XError("The decimal digit pattern in the picture string is invalid: " + format, "FODF1310");
var format0 = format, groupSep, hasSameGS = true, i;
// Normalize grouping separators in format0, collecting the originals in groupSep to be used later
if (/[^0-9A-Za-z#]/.test(format0)) {
groupSep = format0.match(/[^0-9A-Za-z#]/g);
if (groupSep.length > 1) {
for (i = 1; i < groupSep.length; i++) {
if (groupSep[0] != groupSep[i]) {
hasSameGS = false;
//print("hasSameGS " + hasSameGS);
format0 = format0.replace(/[^0-9A-Za-z#]/g, ",");
if (/^,|,,|,$/.test(format0)) {
throw new XError("Grouping in picture string is invalid: " + format, "FODF1310");
} else if (/[0-9].*#/.test(format0)) {
throw new XError("Picture string is invalid: " + format, "FODF1310");
var width = format0.replace(/[#,]/g, "").length;
var result = toDecimalWidth(num, width);
// Insert grouping separators
if (groupSep != null) {
var formatArrayR = Expr.stringToCodepoints(format0).reverse();
var sepPositions = [];
for (i = 0; i < formatArrayR.length; i++) {
if (formatArrayR[i] == 44) { // 44 is the codepoint for ','
//print("sepPositions " + sepPositions);
var spacingIsRegular = true;
if (formatArrayR.length - sepPositions[sepPositions.length-1] - 1 > sepPositions[0]) {
spacingIsRegular = false; // e.g. catch 000,00,00
if (spacingIsRegular) {
for (i = 1; i < sepPositions.length; i++) {
if ((sepPositions[i]+1) % (sepPositions[0]+1) != 0) {
spacingIsRegular = false;
//print("spacingIsRegular " + spacingIsRegular);
if (spacingIsRegular && hasSameGS) {
result = Numberer.addGroupingSeparators(result, groupSep[0], sepPositions[0]);
} else {
result = addIrregularGroupingSeparators(result, sepPositions, groupSep);
return result;
//print("toDecimal " + num + ", " + format);
var formatCodepoints = Expr.stringToCodepoints(format);
var allASCII = true, isDecimalDigitPattern = true, diff = 0;
if (formatCodepoints.length != format.length) {
throw XError("Cannot handle non-BMP characters in format-integer picture", "SXER0003");
} else if (!/^[\x01-\x7f]*$/.test(format)) {
allASCII = false;
if (allASCII) {
isDecimalDigitPattern = /[0-9]/.test(format);
} else {
var details = normalizeDigits(format);
format = details.format;
isDecimalDigitPattern = details.isDecimalDigitPattern;
diff = details.diff;
// If format is NOT a decimal digit pattern - i.e. does not have at least one mandatory digit sign, then default to "1"
if (!isDecimalDigitPattern) {
//print("Not a recognised decimal digit pattern");
format = "1";
var result = formatWithNormalizedPicture(num, format);
if (!allASCII) {
result = translateDigits(result, diff);
//print("result of toDecimal : " + result);
return result;
// For the following 'words' and 'ordinals' methods, input num should be non-negative.
function toEnglishWords(num) {
var units = ["Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten",
"Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen"];
var tens = ["", "", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety"];
if (num < 20) {
return units[num];
} else if (num < 100) {
return tens[Math.floor(num / 10)] + (num % 10 == 0 ? "" : (" " + units[num % 10]));
} else if (num < 1000) {
return toEnglishWords(Math.floor(num / 100)) + " Hundred" + (num % 100 == 0 ? "" : " and " + toEnglishWords(num % 100));
} else if (num < 1000000) {
return toEnglishWords(Math.floor(num / 1000)) + " Thousand" + (num % 1000 == 0 ? "" : (num % 1000 < 100 ? " and " : " ") + toEnglishWords(num % 1000));
} else if (num < 1000000000) {
return toEnglishWords(Math.floor(num / 1000000)) + " Million" + (num % 1000 == 0 ? "" : (num % 1000 < 100 ? " and " : " ") + toEnglishWords(num % 1000000));
} else {
return num.toString();
function toEnglishOrdinalWords(num) {
var units = ["Zeroth", "First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth", "Sixth", "Seventh", "Eighth", "Ninth", "Tenth",
"Eleventh", "Twelfth", "Thirteenth", "Fourteenth", "Fifteenth", "Sixteenth", "Seventeenth", "Eighteenth", "Nineteenth"];
var tens = ["", "", "Twent", "Thirt", "Fort", "Fift", "Sixt", "Sevent", "Eight", "Ninet"];
if (num < 20) {
return units[num];
} else if (num < 100) {
return tens[Math.floor(num / 10)] + (num % 10 == 0 ? "ieth" : ("y " + units[num % 10]));
} else if (num < 1000) {
return toEnglishWords(Math.floor(num / 100)) + " Hundred" + (num % 100 == 0 ? "th" : " and " + toEnglishOrdinalWords(num % 100));
} else if (num < 1000000) {
return toEnglishWords(Math.floor(num / 1000)) + " Thousand" + (num % 1000 == 0 ? "th" : (num % 1000 < 100 ? " and " : " ") + toEnglishOrdinalWords(num % 1000));
} else if (num < 1000000000) {
return toEnglishWords(Math.floor(num / 1000000)) + " Million" + (num % 1000 == 0 ? "th" : (num % 1000 < 100 ? " and " : " ") + toEnglishOrdinalWords(num % 1000000));
} else {
return num.toString();
function toEnglishOrdinalSuffix(num) {
if (num % 10 == 1 && num % 100 != 11) {
return "st";
} else if (num % 10 == 2 && num % 100 != 12) {
return "nd";
} else if (num % 10 == 3 && num % 100 != 13) {
return "rd";
} else {
return "th";
/* Entry method for formatting an integer, used by:
* Numberer.xslNumber (via formatSequence)
* CoreFn.functions["format-integer"]
* CoreFn.functions["generate-id"]
* Numberer.formatComponent (used by Numberer.formatDateTime, itself used by CoreFn.functions["format-dateTime"], etc.)
* */
function formatInteger(num, format) {
var semicolon, formatMod = null;
if ((semicolon = format.lastIndexOf(";")) != -1) {
formatMod = format.substring(semicolon + 1);
if (!/^([co](\(.+\))?)?[at]?$/.test(formatMod)) {
throw new XError("Invalid format modifier in picture string: " + formatMod, "FODF1310");
// For English (the default), any parenthetical (between the parentheses) is ignored (e.g. o(-en));
// format modifiers 'c', 'o' are recognised, while 'a', 't' are ignored
formatMod = formatMod.charAt(0);
format = format.substring(0, semicolon);
if (format == "") {
throw new XError("In the picture string, the picture cannot be empty", "FODF1310");
var sign = num < 0 ? "-" : "";
if (formatMod == 'o') {
// If formatMod = 'o' not supported for combination, return as if 'c'
switch (format.toString()) {
case 'a': case 'A': case 'i': case 'I':
case 'Ww':
return sign + toEnglishOrdinalWords(Math.abs(num));
case 'W':
return sign + toEnglishOrdinalWords(Math.abs(num)).toUpperCase();
case 'w':
return sign + toEnglishOrdinalWords(Math.abs(num)).toLowerCase();
return toDecimal(num, format) + toEnglishOrdinalSuffix(Math.abs(num));
// If formatMod is other than 'o' (or 'o' not supported for combination & returning as if 'c')
function alphabet(first, length) {
var a = "";
for (var i=first.charCodeAt(0), j=0; j<length; i++, j++) {
a += String.fromCharCode(i);
return a;
switch (format.toString()) {
case 'a':
return toAlpha(num, alphabet("a", 26));
case 'A':
return toAlpha(num, alphabet("A", 26));
case "\u03b1": // lower-case Greek
return toAlpha(num, alphabet("\u03b1", 25));
case "\u0391": // upper-case Greek
return toAlpha(num, alphabet("\u0391", 25));
case 'i':
return toRoman(num);
case 'I':
return toRoman(num).toUpperCase();
case 'Ww':
return sign + toEnglishWords(Math.abs(num));
case 'W':
return sign + toEnglishWords(Math.abs(num)).toUpperCase();
case 'w':
return sign + toEnglishWords(Math.abs(num)).toLowerCase();
case '\u2460': // circled numbers
return toSymbols(num, "\u24EA" + alphabet("\u2460", 20) + alphabet("\u3251", 15) + alphabet("\u32B1", 15));
case '\u2474': // parenthesized numbers
return toSymbols(num, "0" + alphabet("\u2474", 20));
case '\u2488': // dotted numbers
return toSymbols(num, "0" + alphabet("\u2488", 20));
return toDecimal(num, format);
// Implements the XPath translate function
function translate(input, from, to) {
var result = "";
var i;
for (i=0; i<input.length; i++) {
var c = input.charAt(i);
var index = from.indexOf(c);
if (index < 0) {
result += c;
} else if (index < to.length) {
result += to.charAt(index);
return result;
function singleChar(elem, attName) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(elem.getAttribute(attName)));
function analyzeSubPicture(pic, spec) {
function error(str) {
var array = [
["$gs", 'grouping separator'],
["$es", 'exponent separator'],
["$ds", 'decimal separator'],
["$pc", 'non-prefix passive character'],
["$pp", 'percent|permille'],
["$od", 'optional digit'],
["$md", 'mandatory digit'],
["$ip", 'integer part'],
["$fp", 'fractional part']
array.forEach(function(value) {
str = str.replace(value[0], value[1]);
throw XError("Invalid picture: " + str, "FODF1310");
var details = {};
var decimalSepPos = pic.indexOf(spec.decimalSeparator);
var picContainsDecSep = decimalSepPos >= 0;
var z = spec.zeroDigit.charCodeAt(0);
var minIntPartSize = 0;
var picIntPartSize = 0;
var intGpPos = [];
var prefix = [], suffix = [];
var firstDigit = -1;
var firstPassiveAfterDigit = -1;
var picContainsExpSep = false;
var picIntPartContainsOptDigit = false;
var expSepPos = -1;
var expPartSize = 0;
// Integer part, if no dec sep then process exp part here
var i;
var n = picContainsDecSep ? decimalSepPos : pic.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var c = pic.charCodeAt(i);
//print("Int part c " + c);
if (c >= z && c < z + 10) {
if (firstPassiveAfterDigit > 0) {
error("digit follows $pc");
if (picContainsExpSep) {
} else {
if (minIntPartSize < 1) {
if (firstDigit < 0) {
firstDigit = i;
} else if (c == spec.digit.charCodeAt(0)) {
if (firstPassiveAfterDigit > 0) {
error("digit follows $pc");
if (picContainsExpSep) {
error("$od follows $es");
if (minIntPartSize > 0) {
error("$od follows $md in $ip");
if (firstDigit < 0) {
firstDigit = i;
picIntPartContainsOptDigit = true;
} else if (c == spec.groupingSeparator.charCodeAt(0)) {
if (firstDigit < 0) {
error("$gs before any digit");
if (suffix.length > 0) {
error("$gs follows $pc");
if (picContainsExpSep) {
error("$gs follows $es");
} else if (c == spec.percent.charCodeAt(0) || c == spec.permille.charCodeAt(0)) {
if (picContainsDecSep) {
error("$pp before $ds");
} else {
if (firstDigit < 0) {
error("$pp before any digit");
if (firstPassiveAfterDigit > 0) {
error("$pp follows $pc");
if (picContainsExpSep) {
error("$pp follows $es");
if (firstPassiveAfterDigit < 0) {
firstPassiveAfterDigit = i;
if (c == spec.percent.charCodeAt(0)) {
details.percent = true;
} else {
details.permille = true;
} else {
if (!picContainsDecSep && firstDigit >= 0 && c == spec.exponentSeparator.charCodeAt(0)
&& firstPassiveAfterDigit < 0) {
if (!picContainsExpSep) {
picContainsExpSep = true;
expSepPos = i;
} else {
if (expPartSize > 0) {
if (firstPassiveAfterDigit < 0) {
firstPassiveAfterDigit = i;
} else { // previous 'e' wasn't really an ExpSep
picContainsExpSep = false;
expSepPos = -1;
if (firstPassiveAfterDigit < 0) {
firstPassiveAfterDigit = i-1;
} else if (firstDigit >= 0 && picContainsDecSep) {
error("$pc before $ds");
} else if (picContainsExpSep && expPartSize == 0) { // previous 'e' wasn't really an ExpSep
picContainsExpSep = false;
expSepPos = -1;
if (firstPassiveAfterDigit < 0) {
firstPassiveAfterDigit = i-1;
} else if (firstDigit >= 0) {
if (firstPassiveAfterDigit < 0) {
firstPassiveAfterDigit = i;
} else {
// intGpPos is built as indices from left, including possible prefix; but translate it
// to be indices from right i.e. starting at decimal sep (or exp sep, or passive char, or pic length).
if (intGpPos.length > 0) {
var l = picContainsDecSep ? decimalSepPos : picContainsExpSep ? expSepPos :
firstPassiveAfterDigit > 0 ? firstPassiveAfterDigit : pic.length;
var translated = (value) {
return l - value - 1;
intGpPos = translated.reverse();
if (intGpPos.length != 0) {
if (intGpPos[0] == 0) {
error("$gs at end of $ip");
for (var j = 0; j < intGpPos.length - 1; j++) {
if (intGpPos[j] + 1 == intGpPos[j+1]) {
error("consecutive $gs in $ip");
// Fractional part (if there is one); in that case, includes processing of exp part
var minFracPartSize = 0;
var maxFracPartSize = 0;
var fracGpPos = [];
if (picContainsDecSep) {
var firstFracOptDigit = -1;
var fracPart = pic.substring(decimalSepPos + 1);
for (i = 0; i < fracPart.length; i++) {
c = fracPart.charCodeAt(i);
//print("Frac part c " + c);
if (c >= z && c < z + 10) {
if (picContainsExpSep && firstPassiveAfterDigit < 0) {
} else if (firstFracOptDigit >= 0 || firstPassiveAfterDigit >= 0) {
error("$md follows $od or $pc in $fp");
} else {
} else if (c == spec.digit.charCodeAt(0)) {
if (firstPassiveAfterDigit >= 0 || picContainsExpSep) {
error("$od follows $pc or $es");
if (firstFracOptDigit < 0) {
firstFracOptDigit = i;
} else if (c == spec.groupingSeparator.charCodeAt(0)) {
if (firstPassiveAfterDigit >= 0 || picContainsExpSep) {
error("$gs follows $pc or $es");
fracGpPos.push(i - decimalSepPos + 1);
} else if (c == spec.decimalSeparator.charCodeAt(0)) {
error("more than one $ds");
} else if (c == spec.percent.charCodeAt(0) || c == spec.permille.charCodeAt(0)) {
if (firstPassiveAfterDigit >= 0 || picContainsExpSep) {
error("$pp follows $pc or $es");
firstPassiveAfterDigit = i;
if (c == spec.percent.charCodeAt(0)) {
details.percent = true;
} else {
details.permille = true;
} else {
if (c == spec.exponentSeparator.charCodeAt(0) && firstPassiveAfterDigit < 0) {
if (!picContainsExpSep) {
picContainsExpSep = true;
expSepPos = i;
} else {
if (expPartSize > 0) {
if (firstPassiveAfterDigit < 0) {
firstPassiveAfterDigit = i;
} else { // previous 'e' wasn't really an ExpSep
picContainsExpSep = false;
expSepPos = -1;
if (firstPassiveAfterDigit < 0) {
firstPassiveAfterDigit = i-1;
} else {
if (picContainsExpSep && expPartSize == 0) { // previous 'e' wasn't really an ExpSep
picContainsExpSep = false;
expSepPos = -1;
if (firstPassiveAfterDigit < 0) {
firstPassiveAfterDigit = i-1;
} else {
if (firstPassiveAfterDigit < 0) {
firstPassiveAfterDigit = i;
if (firstDigit < 0 && maxFracPartSize == 0) {
error("mantissa contains no digits");
if (fracGpPos.length != 0) {
if (fracGpPos[0] == 0) {
error("$gs at beginning of $fp");
for (var j = 0; j < fracGpPos.length - 1; j++) {
if (fracGpPos[j] + 1 == fracGpPos[j+1]) {
error("consecutive $gs in $fp");
if (minIntPartSize == 0 && maxFracPartSize == 0) {
if (picContainsExpSep) {
minFracPartSize = 1;
maxFracPartSize = 1;
} else {
minIntPartSize = 1;
// Do the following correction at this stage, but retain picIntPartContainsOptDigit to adjust again later :
if (picContainsExpSep && minIntPartSize == 0 && picIntPartContainsOptDigit) {
minIntPartSize = 1;
if (minIntPartSize == 0 && minFracPartSize == 0) {
minFracPartSize = 1;
/*print("minIntPartSize " + minIntPartSize);
print("minFracPartSize " + minFracPartSize);
print("maxFracPartSize " + maxFracPartSize);
print("expPartSize " + expPartSize);*/
details.minimumIntegerPartSize = minIntPartSize;
details.prefix = prefix;
details.intGpPos = intGpPos;
details.picIntPartContainsOptDigit = picIntPartContainsOptDigit;
details.picIntPartSize = picIntPartSize;
details.minimumFractionalPartSize = minFracPartSize;
details.maximumFractionalPartSize = maxFracPartSize;
details.fracGpPos = fracGpPos;
details.expPartSize = expPartSize;
details.suffix = suffix;
return details;
// Used by format-date
function toEnglishName(val, comp) {
var months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October",
"November", "December"];
var days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"];
if (comp == "M") {
return months[val - 1];
} else if (comp == "F") {
return days[val - 1];
} else {
// TODO what else?
return val; // this is right for "P" which is already a string
// To ensure the following are right with regards to timezone/ current timezone,
// always use new Date(Date.UTC(....)) constructor (rather than just new Date(....))
// if supplying more than one argument.
function getDayInYear(date) {
var jan1 = new Date(Date.UTC(date.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1));
return Math.floor((date.getTime() - jan1.getTime()) / (24*60*60*1000)) + 1;
// ISO week numbers. Specifically, in the ISO calendar the days of the week are numbered from 1 (Monday)
// to 7 (Sunday), and week 1 in any [calendar year|month] is the week (from Monday to Sunday) that includes the
// first Thursday of that [year|month]. Days before the start of the first week of the [year|month] lie in the last
// week of the previous [year|month].
function getWeek(date, InYear) {
var d = InYear ? getDayInYear(date) : date.getUTCDate();
var first = new Date(Date.UTC(date.getUTCFullYear(), InYear ? 0 : date.getUTCMonth(), 1));
var firstDay = first.getUTCDay();
if (firstDay == 0) {
firstDay = 7;
if (firstDay > 4 && (firstDay + d) <= 8) {
// days before week one are part of the last week of the previous [year|month] [52 or 53 | 4 or 5]
return getWeek(new Date(first.getTime() - 24*60*60*1000), InYear);
var inc = (firstDay < 5 ? 1 : 0); // implements the First Thursday rule
return (Math.floor((d + firstDay - 2) / 7)) + inc;
function getWeekInYear(date) {
return getWeek(date, true);
function getWeekInMonth(date) {
return getWeek(date, false);
function getHourInHalfDay(date) {
return date.getUTCHours() < 13 ? (date.getUTCHours() == 0 ? 12 : date.getUTCHours()) : date.getUTCHours() - 12;
function getAMPM(date) {
return date.getUTCHours() < 12 ? "Am" : "Pm";
var dateMethod = {
"Y" : "getUTCFullYear",
"M" : "getUTCMonth",
"D" : "getUTCDate",
"F" : "getUTCDay",
"H" : "getUTCHours",
"m" : "getUTCMinutes",
"s" : "getUTCSeconds",
"f" : "getUTCMilliseconds"
var dateFn = {
"d" : getDayInYear,
"W" : getWeekInYear,
"w" : getWeekInMonth,
"h" : getHourInHalfDay,
"P" : getAMPM,
"E" : function(){return "AD";}
}; // TODO "C" and "E"
// Formats a timezone string (from a DateTime object)
function formatTimezone(tzStr, specifier, format1, format2, minWidth, maxWidth, allASCII) {
// TODO should also use width modifiers
if (tzStr == "") {
return format1 == "Z" ? "J" : "";
var prefix = specifier == "z" ? "GMT" : ""; // TODO localized equivalent?
if (format2 == "t" && tzStr == "+00:00" && format1 != "Z" && format1 != "N") { //ascii digits or /[0-9]+/.test(format1)
return "Z"; // TODO width mod?
} else if (format1 == "") {
return prefix + tzStr;
var result, tzparts = tzStr.match(/^([+\-])([0-9])([0-9]):([0-9]{2})$/);
if (format1 == "Z" || format1 == "N") { // TODO also allow n|Nn ?
if (format1 == "Z") { // military timezone formatting
var hr = parseInt(tzparts[1] + tzparts[2] + tzparts[3], 10);
result = (hr < -12 || hr > 12 || tzparts[4] != "00") ? tzStr : "YXWVUTSRQPONZABCDEFGHIKLM".charAt(hr + 12);
} else if (format1 == "N") {
// TODO implement timezone names
throw "Timezone names not yet implemented";
// at least implement fallback:
// If no timezone name can be identified, the timezone offset is output using the fallback format +01:01.
} else {
if (allASCII && !/[0-9]+/.test(format1)) {
format1 = "00:00";
// if format is something other than digits, n or Z (i.e. iIwW), then use digits as default
var f1 = function (format, tzparts) {
return (tzparts[2] == "0" && format.length == 1) ? tzparts[3] : tzparts[2] + tzparts[3];
var f2 = function (format, tzparts) {
var h = (tzparts[2] == "0" && (format.length == 1 || format.length == 3)) ? tzparts[3] : tzparts[2] + tzparts[3];
var m = format.length > 2 ? tzparts[4] : tzparts[4] != "00" ? ":" + tzparts[4] : "";
return h + m;
var diff = 0;
if (!allASCII) {
// normalize digits in format1, then later translate result to use correct digit family
var details = normalizeDigits(format1);
format1 = details.format;
diff = details.diff;
var fparts;
if (/[^0-9A-Za-z]/.test(format1)) {
fparts = format1.match(/^([0-9]+)([^0-9A-Za-z])([0-9]+)$/);
result = tzparts[1] + f1(fparts[1], tzparts) + fparts[2] + tzparts[4];
} else {
fparts = format1.match(/^[0-9]+$/);
result = tzparts[1] + f2(fparts[0], tzparts);
if (!allASCII) {
result = translateDigits(result, diff);
return prefix + result;
// Format the DateTime component indicated by the variable marker
function formatComponent(type, date, marker, language, calendar, place) {
// language, calendar, place currently just ignored
* Format the fractional seconds component of a date/time.
* The only requested format which is supported is a sequence of digits e.g. grouping separators not allowed.
* If format is anything other than digits (e.g. [iIwWnN]), then just use digits as default (format "1").
* @param val an integer number of milliseconds
* @param format the format picture string
* @param minWidth refers to the min number of decimal places in a representation of val/1000
* @param maxWidth refers to the max number of decimal places in a representation of val/1000
* @param allASCII true if all characters in the format picture string are ASCII
* @returns a formatted string representation of the fractional seconds value.
function formatFractionalSeconds(val, format, minWidth, maxWidth, allASCII) {
var diff = 0, fs;
if (allASCII && !/^[0-9]+$/.test(format)) {
format = "1";
} else if (!allASCII) {
var details = normalizeDigits(format);
format = details.format;
diff = details.diff;
if (!/^[0-9]+$/.test(format)) {
format = "1";
allASCII = false;
var width = 3;
if (!minWidth && !maxWidth) {
if (format.length > 1) {
width = format.length;
if (width == 3 && val.toString().length == 3) {
fs = val.toString();
// Don't need the further processing if required width is 3, and we already have this width
} else if (maxWidth && maxWidth != "*" && maxWidth < 3) {
width = parseInt(maxWidth, 10);
if (!fs) {
var dec = "0." + (1000 + val).toString().substring(1);
var rounded = Big(dec).round(width, 1);
fs = rounded != 0 ? rounded.toString().substring(2) : "0"; // Note special case when val == 0
var min = minWidth ? minWidth : width;
while (fs.length < min) {
fs += "0";
if (format.length == 1) {
// [f1] produces implementation defined number of digits
// so format.length == 1 is a special case
// Having started with width = 3, now chop off at most 2 trailing zeros
if (fs.charAt(fs.length) == "0") {
fs = fs.substring(0, fs.length - 1);
if (fs.charAt(fs.length) == "0") {
fs = fs.substring(0, fs.length - 1);
if (!allASCII) {
fs = translateDigits(fs, diff);
return fs;
var result;
var pic = marker.match(/^([YMDdWwFHhmsfZzPCE])(.*)$/);
if (pic == null) {
throw new XError("Date/time component [" + marker + "] not recognised", "FOFD1340");
var specifier = pic[1], modifiers = pic[2] || "";
//print("component specifier " + specifier);
//print("modifiers " + modifiers);
if ((type == "date" && /[HhPmsf]/.test(specifier)) || (type == "time" && /[YMDdFWwCE]/.test(specifier))) {
throw new XError("Date/time component [" + marker + "] not available in " + type, "FOFD1350");
var comma, minWidth, maxWidth;
if ((comma = modifiers.lastIndexOf(",")) != -1) {
var widths = modifiers.substring(comma + 1).split("-");
modifiers = modifiers.substring(0, comma);
minWidth = widths[0];
maxWidth = widths[1] || "*";
//print("minWidth " + minWidth);
//print("maxWidth " + maxWidth);
// split modifiers into first and second presentation modifiers (both optional) - format tokens
var format1, format2 = null;
if (modifiers.length > 1 && /[atco]/.test(modifiers.charAt(modifiers.length - 1))) {
format1 = modifiers.substring(0, modifiers.length - 1);
format2 = modifiers.charAt(modifiers.length - 1);
} else {
format1 = modifiers; // format1 default is empty string
var allASCII = true;
if (/^[\x01-\x7f]*$/.test(format1)) {
//print("format1 is all-ascii");
} else if (format1.length != Expr.stringToCodepoints(format1).length) {
throw XError("Cannot handle non-BMP characters in date/time formatting picture", "SXER0003");
} else {
allASCII = false;
//print("format1 contains non-ascii chars");
if (/[Zz]/.test(specifier)) {
var tz = date.tzOffsetToString() == "Z" ? "+00:00" : date.tzOffsetToString();
//print("have timezone string " + tz);
return formatTimezone(tz, specifier, format1, format2, minWidth, maxWidth, allASCII);
// Use proxy date (rather than date.UTCdate) to get the components right
var proxy = date.proxy();
var val = dateMethod[specifier] ? proxy[dateMethod[specifier]]() : dateFn[specifier] ? dateFn[specifier](proxy) : null;
if (val == null) {
throw "Component specifier not implemented: [" + specifier + "]";
} else if (specifier == "M") {
} else if (specifier == "F" && val == 0) { // ISO Sunday is 7 not 0
val = 7;
// If the implementation does not support the use of the requested format token,
// it must use the default presentation modifier for that component.
// TODO so should format1 be checked more carefully? - more use of defaults
// e.g. N format only works with certain specifiers.
if (format1 == "") { // F default says 'n', but Saxon uses 'Nn'
format1 = /[FPCE]/.test(specifier) ? "n" : /[ms]/.test(specifier) ? "01" : "1";
if (specifier == "f") {
//print("format fractional seconds value " + val + " with picture string " + format1);
// it appears format2='o' is ignored in Java so do same here, i.e. ignore format2
return formatFractionalSeconds(val, format1, minWidth, maxWidth, allASCII);
} else if (/[nN]/.test(format1)) {
//print("first modifier n,N,Nn");
result = toEnglishName(val, specifier);
if (format1 == "n") {
result = result.toLowerCase();
} else if (format1 == "N") {
result = result.toUpperCase();
// Width modifiers e.g. [FN,*-4], [MN,3-3]
// TODO For all specifiers??
if (maxWidth && maxWidth != "*") {
if (result.length > maxWidth) {
result = result.substring(0,maxWidth);
} else {
// if format1 uses ';' as a grouping separator, then fix so that formatInteger works (by adding another ; at the end)
var format = /;/.test(format1) ? format1 + ';' : format1;
// also use format2 modifier [atco]
if (format2) {
format += (format.charAt(format.length - 1) == ";" ? '' : ';') + format2;
//print("format integer " + val + " with picture string " + format);
result = formatInteger(val, format); // formatInteger can deal with nonASCII format
// TODO would be useful to get the zero digit out here, rather than possibly repeating the format processing
// later with normalizeDigits
//print("format integer result " + result);
// Width modification, e.g. [Y01] [Y1,2-2]
// Note: formatInteger already does main width modification, and the result may contain grouping separators
// or an ordinal suffix which affects the result length.
// Only modify width now if width modifiers are specified, or in special cases e.g. [Y01]
// Only truncation of decimal numeric is for "Y" e.g. [Y01] [Y1,2-2]; no modification for [Y1]
if (specifier == "Y" && /[^iIwWnN]/.test(format1.charAt(format1.length - 1))) {
if ((!minWidth && format1.length == 2) || maxWidth == 2) {
while (result.length > 2) {
result = result.substring(1);
// Padding when minWidth is set
if (minWidth) {
var min = (minWidth == "*") ? 0 : parseInt(minWidth, 10);
if (min > 0 && result.length < min) {
if (/[YMDdWwHhms]/.test(specifier) && /[^iIwWnN]/.test(format1.charAt(format1.length - 1))) {
var z = "0";
if (!allASCII) {
z = String.fromCharCode(normalizeDigits(format).zeroDigit);
// TODO can the repetition of normalizeDigits processing be avoided?
while (result.length < min) {
result = z + result;
} else if (specifier == "Y" && /[iIwWnN]/.test(format1.charAt(format1.length - 1))) {
while (result.length < min) {
result = result + " ";
} else {
throw "Not implemented min width modification with specifier " + specifier + " and format " + format1;
return result;
function formatNumber(num, picture, format, context) {
//print("formatNumber " + showValue(num) + " with " + picture);
var numIsNegative = num < 0 ? true : num == 0 ? (1 / num < 0) : false;
var decimalFormat = context.fixed.decimalFormats[format != null ? format : "Q{}"];
if (!decimalFormat) {
throw new XError("Unknown decimal format " + format, "FODF1280");
// decimal-separator="46" grouping-separator="44" digit="35" minus-sign="45" percent="37"
// per-mille="8240" zero-digit="48" exponent-separator="101" pattern-separator="59" infinity="Infinity" NaN="NaN"/>
var formatSpec = {
decimalSeparator: singleChar(decimalFormat, "decimal-separator"),
groupingSeparator: singleChar(decimalFormat, "grouping-separator"),
digit: singleChar(decimalFormat, "digit"),
minusSign: singleChar(decimalFormat, "minus-sign"),
percent: singleChar(decimalFormat, "percent"),
permille: singleChar(decimalFormat, "per-mille"),
zeroDigit: singleChar(decimalFormat, "zero-digit"),
exponentSeparator: singleChar(decimalFormat, "exponent-separator"),
patternSeparator: singleChar(decimalFormat, "pattern-separator"),
infinity: decimalFormat.getAttribute("infinity"),
nan: decimalFormat.getAttribute("NaN")
if (isNaN(num)) {
return formatSpec.nan;
var subPictures = picture.includes(formatSpec.patternSeparator) ? picture.split(formatSpec.patternSeparator) : [picture];
if (subPictures.length > 2) {
throw new XError("Invalid picture: multiple pattern separators", "FODF1310");
var subPic = (subPictures.length > 1 && num < 0) ? subPictures[1] : subPictures[0];
var details = analyzeSubPicture(subPic, formatSpec);
var result;
if (!isFinite(num)) {
result = formatSpec.infinity;
} else {
var decimal;
if (details.expPartSize > 0) {
decimal = toExponentialString(num, details);
} else {
var abs = Math.abs(num);
//print("abs " + abs);
if (details.percent) {
abs = Math.abs(num * 100);
if (details.permille) {
abs = Math.abs(num * 1000); // TODO problem with precision?
if (abs + '' == "Infinity"){
decimal = abs + '';
} else {
decimal = abs < 999999 ? abs.toString() : Big(abs).toFixed(); // avoid exponential notation
//decimal = Big(abs).toFixed();
//print("decimal " + decimal);
var integerPartSize = decimal.indexOf(".");
if (integerPartSize < 0) {
integerPartSize = decimal.length;
if (details.minimumFractionalPartSize > 0) {
decimal = decimal + ".";
while (integerPartSize < details.minimumIntegerPartSize) {
decimal = "0" + decimal;
if (details.maximumFractionalPartSize >= 0 && decimal.substring(integerPartSize) != "." && integerPartSize != decimal.length) {
if (details.maximumFractionalPartSize > 0) {
var fracPart = Big(decimal.substring(integerPartSize)).round(details.maximumFractionalPartSize, 1);
decimal = decimal.substring(0, integerPartSize) + fracPart.toString().substring(1);
} else {
decimal = Big(decimal).round(0,1).toString();
//print("decimal after rounding to maximumFractionalPartSize "+ decimal);
var fractionalPartSize = decimal.length - 1 - integerPartSize;
//print("fractionalPartSize " + fractionalPartSize);
if (details.minimumFractionalPartSize > 0) {
while (fractionalPartSize < details.minimumFractionalPartSize) {
decimal += "0";
if (fractionalPartSize > 0 && details.minimumIntegerPartSize == 0 && decimal.substring(0,integerPartSize) == "0") {
decimal = decimal.substring(integerPartSize);
if (decimal == "0" && details.minimumIntegerPartSize == 0 && details.minimumFractionalPartSize == 0 && details.maximumFractionalPartSize > 0) {
decimal = ".0"; // HACK
var map = "";
var i;
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
map += String.fromCharCode(formatSpec.zeroDigit.charCodeAt(0) + i);
map += formatSpec.decimalSeparator;
result = translate(decimal, "0123456789.", map);
//print("formatNumber result pre-separators = " + result);
// Insert grouping separators
if (details.intGpPos.length > 0 || details.fracGpPos.length > 0) {
var numPoint = result.indexOf(formatSpec.decimalSeparator);
if (numPoint < 0 ) {
numPoint = result.length;
var intPart = result.substring(0, numPoint);
var fracPart = result.substring(numPoint);
if (details.intGpPos.length > 0) {
var spacingIsRegular = true;
for (var j = 1; j < details.intGpPos.length; j++) {
if ((details.intGpPos[j]+1) % (details.intGpPos[0]+1) != 0) {
spacingIsRegular = false;
if (spacingIsRegular &&
(details.picIntPartSize + details.intGpPos.length - details.intGpPos[details.intGpPos.length-1] - 1 > details.intGpPos[0])) {
spacingIsRegular = false;
//print("spacingIsRegular " + spacingIsRegular);
if (spacingIsRegular) {
intPart = Numberer.addGroupingSeparators(intPart, formatSpec.groupingSeparator, details.intGpPos[0]);
//print("intPart " + intPart);
} else {
intPart = addIrregularGroupingSeparators(intPart, details.intGpPos, null, formatSpec.groupingSeparator);
if (details.fracGpPos.length > 0) {
fracPart = addIrregularGroupingSeparators(fracPart, details.fracGpPos, null, formatSpec.groupingSeparator, true);
result = intPart + fracPart;
if (details.prefix.length > 0) {
result = Expr.codepointsToString(details.prefix) + result;
if (details.suffix.length > 0) {
result += Expr.codepointsToString(details.suffix);
if (numIsNegative && subPictures.length == 1) {
result = formatSpec.minusSign + result;
return result;
* Return a string representing the value of number num in exponential notation,
* with details from analyzing a picture string:
* specified sizes for the integer and fractional parts of the mantissa,
* and the specified minimum size for the exponent part.
function toExponentialString(num, details) {
var intPartSize = details.minimumIntegerPartSize;
var minFracPartSize = details.minimumFractionalPartSize;
var maxFracPartSize = details.maximumFractionalPartSize;
// Adjustment so that fn(0.1, '.0e0')='.1e0' while fn(0.1, '#.0e0')='0.1e0'
if (intPartSize == 1 && details.picIntPartContainsOptDigit) {
intPartSize = 0;
if (minFracPartSize == 0) {
minFracPartSize = 1;
if (maxFracPartSize == 0) {
maxFracPartSize = 1;
var expSize = details.expPartSize;
var x = Big(num);
var c = x.c;
// Round to the correct number of significant digits first
var minSD = intPartSize != 0 ? intPartSize + minFracPartSize : minFracPartSize;
var maxSD = intPartSize != 0 ? intPartSize + maxFracPartSize : maxFracPartSize;
if (c.length > maxSD) {
x = Big(x.toPrecision(maxSD));
// Manipulate to get the exponent value correct.
if (intPartSize > 1) {
x = x.div(Big(10).pow(intPartSize - 1));
} else if (intPartSize == 0) {
x = x.times(Big(10));
c = x.c;
while (c.length < minSD) {
var mantissa = "";
if (c.length > 0) {
if (intPartSize == 0 && details.picIntPartContainsOptDigit) {
mantissa += "0";
} else {
for (var j = 0; j < intPartSize; j++) {
mantissa += c[j];
if (maxFracPartSize > 0 && c.length > intPartSize) {
mantissa += "." + c.join("").slice(intPartSize);
} else {
throw "empty mantissa"; // Does this ever happen??
return mantissa + 'e' + toDecimalWidth(x.e, expSize);
return {
xslNumber: xslNumber,
formatInteger: formatInteger,
addGroupingSeparators: function(str, sep, size) {
var result = "";
var i = 0, k = 0;
for (i = 0; i <str.length; i++) {
result += str.charAt(i);
if ((size == 1 || (str.length - i) % size == 1) && i < str.length - 1) {
result += sep;
return result;
formatNumber: formatNumber,
formatDateTime: function(type, date, picture, language, calendar, place) {
//print("format " + type + " " + date + " with " + picture);
// TODO language, calendar, place - for now, just ignore any specified
function replacer(match) {
return match == "[[" ? "[" : match == "]]" ? "]" :
formatComponent(type, date, match.substring(1, match.length - 1 ).replace(/\s+/g, ""), language, calendar, place);
if (!/\[(\[|[^\]]*\])|\]\]/g.test(picture)) {
throw XError("Date format picture doesn't match required syntax", "FOFD1340");
return picture.replace(/\[(\[|[^\]]*\])|\]\]/g, replacer);
/* big.js v3.1.3 */
// Library supporting Decimal numbers. Downloaded from github 2016-01-11
(function (global) {
'use strict';
big.js v3.1.3
A small, fast, easy-to-use library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic.
Copyright (c) 2014 Michael Mclaughlin <>
MIT Expat Licence
/***************************** EDITABLE DEFAULTS ******************************/
// The default values below must be integers within the stated ranges.
* The maximum number of decimal places of the results of operations
* involving division: div and sqrt, and pow with negative exponents.
var DP = 20, // 0 to MAX_DP
* The rounding mode used when rounding to the above decimal places.
* 0 Towards zero (i.e. truncate, no rounding). (ROUND_DOWN)
* 1 To nearest neighbour. If equidistant, round up. (ROUND_HALF_UP)
* 2 To nearest neighbour. If equidistant, to even. (ROUND_HALF_EVEN)
* 3 Away from zero. (ROUND_UP)
RM = 1, // 0, 1, 2 or 3
// The maximum value of DP and Big.DP.
MAX_DP = 1E6, // 0 to 1000000
// The maximum magnitude of the exponent argument to the pow method.
MAX_POWER = 1E6, // 1 to 1000000
* The exponent value at and beneath which toString returns exponential
* notation.
* JavaScript's Number type: -7
* -1000000 is the minimum recommended exponent value of a Big.
E_NEG = -7, // 0 to -1000000
* The exponent value at and above which toString returns exponential
* notation.
* JavaScript's Number type: 21
* 1000000 is the maximum recommended exponent value of a Big.
* (This limit is not enforced or checked.)
E_POS = 21, // 0 to 1000000
// The shared prototype object.
P = {},
isValid = /^-?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?$/i,
* Create and return a Big constructor.
function bigFactory() {
* The Big constructor and exported function.
* Create and return a new instance of a Big number object.
* n {number|string|Big} A numeric value.
function Big(n) {
var x = this;
// Enable constructor usage without new.
if (!(x instanceof Big)) {
return n === void 0 ? bigFactory() : new Big(n);
// Duplicate.
if (n instanceof Big) {
x.s = n.s;
x.e = n.e;
x.c = n.c.slice();
} else {
parse(x, n);
* Retain a reference to this Big constructor, and shadow
* Big.prototype.constructor which points to Object.
x.constructor = Big;
Big.prototype = P;
Big.DP = DP;
Big.RM = RM;
Big.E_NEG = E_NEG;
Big.E_POS = E_POS;
return Big;
// Private functions
* Return a string representing the value of Big x in normal or exponential
* notation to dp fixed decimal places or significant digits.
* x {Big} The Big to format.
* dp {number} Integer, 0 to MAX_DP inclusive.
* toE {number} 1 (toExponential), 2 (toPrecision) or undefined (toFixed).
function format(x, dp, toE) {
var Big = x.constructor,
// The index (normal notation) of the digit that may be rounded up.
i = dp - (x = new Big(x)).e,
c = x.c;
// Round?
if (c.length > ++dp) {
rnd(x, i, Big.RM);
if (!c[0]) {
} else if (toE) {
i = dp;
// toFixed
} else {
c = x.c;
// Recalculate i as x.e may have changed if value rounded up.
i = x.e + i + 1;
// Append zeros?
for (; c.length < i; c.push(0)) {
i = x.e;
* toPrecision returns exponential notation if the number of
* significant digits specified is less than the number of digits
* necessary to represent the integer part of the value in normal
* notation.
return toE === 1 || toE && (dp <= i || i <= Big.E_NEG) ?
// Exponential notation.
(x.s < 0 && c[0] ? '-' : '') +
(c.length > 1 ? c[0] + '.' + c.join('').slice(1) : c[0]) +
(i < 0 ? 'e' : 'e+') + i
// Normal notation.
: x.toString();
* Parse the number or string value passed to a Big constructor.
* x {Big} A Big number instance.
* n {number|string} A numeric value.
function parse(x, n) {
var e, i, nL;
// Minus zero?
if (n === 0 && 1 / n < 0) {
n = '-0';
// Ensure n is string and check validity.
} else if (!isValid.test(n += '')) {
// Determine sign.
x.s = n.charAt(0) == '-' ? (n = n.slice(1), -1) : 1;
// Decimal point?
if ((e = n.indexOf('.')) > -1) {
n = n.replace('.', '');
// Exponential form?
if ((i = > 0) {
// Determine exponent.
if (e < 0) {
e = i;
e += +n.slice(i + 1);
n = n.substring(0, i);
} else if (e < 0) {
// Integer.
e = n.length;
// Determine leading zeros.
for (i = 0; n.charAt(i) == '0'; i++) {
if (i == (nL = n.length)) {
// Zero.
x.c = [x.e = 0];
} else {
// Determine trailing zeros.
for (; n.charAt(--nL) == '0';) {
x.e = e - i - 1;
x.c = [];
// Convert string to array of digits without leading/trailing zeros.
for (e = 0; i <= nL; x.c[e++] = +n.charAt(i++)) {
return x;
* Round Big x to a maximum of dp decimal places using rounding mode rm.
* Called by div, sqrt and round.
* x {Big} The Big to round.
* dp {number} Integer, 0 to MAX_DP inclusive.
* rm {number} 0, 1, 2 or 3 (DOWN, HALF_UP, HALF_EVEN, UP)
* [more] {boolean} Whether the result of division was truncated.
function rnd(x, dp, rm, more) {
var u,
xc = x.c,
i = x.e + dp + 1;
if (rm === 1) {
// xc[i] is the digit after the digit that may be rounded up.
more = xc[i] >= 5;
} else if (rm === 2) {
more = xc[i] > 5 || xc[i] == 5 &&
(more || i < 0 || xc[i + 1] !== u || xc[i - 1] & 1);
} else if (rm === 3) {
more = more || xc[i] !== u || i < 0;
} else {
more = false;
if (rm !== 0) {
if (i < 1 || !xc[0]) {
if (more) {
// 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 etc.
x.e = -dp;
x.c = [1];
} else {
// Zero.
x.c = [x.e = 0];
} else {
// Remove any digits after the required decimal places.
xc.length = i--;
// Round up?
if (more) {
// Rounding up may mean the previous digit has to be rounded up.
for (; ++xc[i] > 9;) {
xc[i] = 0;
if (!i--) {
// Remove trailing zeros.
for (i = xc.length; !xc[--i]; xc.pop()) {
return x;
* Throw a BigError.
* message {string} The error message.
function throwErr(message) {
var err = new Error(message); = 'BigError';
throw err;
// Prototype/instance methods
* Return a new Big whose value is the absolute value of this Big.
P.abs = function () {
var x = new this.constructor(this);
x.s = 1;
return x;
* Return
* 1 if the value of this Big is greater than the value of Big y,
* -1 if the value of this Big is less than the value of Big y, or
* 0 if they have the same value.
P.cmp = function (y) {
var xNeg,
x = this,
xc = x.c,
yc = (y = new x.constructor(y)).c,
i = x.s,
j = y.s,
k = x.e,
l = y.e;
// Either zero?
if (!xc[0] || !yc[0]) {
return !xc[0] ? !yc[0] ? 0 : -j : i;
// Signs differ?
if (i != j) {
return i;
xNeg = i < 0;
// Compare exponents.
if (k != l) {
return k > l ^ xNeg ? 1 : -1;
i = -1;
j = (k = xc.length) < (l = yc.length) ? k : l;
// Compare digit by digit.
for (; ++i < j;) {
if (xc[i] != yc[i]) {
return xc[i] > yc[i] ^ xNeg ? 1 : -1;
// Compare lengths.
return k == l ? 0 : k > l ^ xNeg ? 1 : -1;
* Return a new Big whose value is the value of this Big divided by the
* value of Big y, rounded, if necessary, to a maximum of Big.DP decimal
* places using rounding mode Big.RM.
P.div = function (y) {
var x = this,
Big = x.constructor,
// dividend
dvd = x.c,
dvs = (y = new Big(y)).c,
s = x.s == y.s ? 1 : -1,
dp = Big.DP;
if (dp !== ~~dp || dp < 0 || dp > MAX_DP) {
// Either 0?
if (!dvd[0] || !dvs[0]) {
// If both are 0, throw NaN
if (dvd[0] == dvs[0]) {
// If dvs is 0, throw +-Infinity.
if (!dvs[0]) {
throwErr(s / 0);
// dvd is 0, return +-0.
return new Big(s * 0);
var dvsL, dvsT, next, cmp, remI, u,
dvsZ = dvs.slice(),
dvdI = dvsL = dvs.length,
dvdL = dvd.length,
// remainder
rem = dvd.slice(0, dvsL),
remL = rem.length,
// quotient
q = y,
qc = q.c = [],
qi = 0,
digits = dp + (q.e = x.e - y.e) + 1;
q.s = s;
s = digits < 0 ? 0 : digits;
// Create version of divisor with leading zero.
// Add zeros to make remainder as long as divisor.
for (; remL++ < dvsL; rem.push(0)) {
do {
// 'next' is how many times the divisor goes into current remainder.
for (next = 0; next < 10; next++) {
// Compare divisor and remainder.
if (dvsL != (remL = rem.length)) {
cmp = dvsL > remL ? 1 : -1;
} else {
for (remI = -1, cmp = 0; ++remI < dvsL;) {
if (dvs[remI] != rem[remI]) {
cmp = dvs[remI] > rem[remI] ? 1 : -1;
// If divisor < remainder, subtract divisor from remainder.
if (cmp < 0) {
// Remainder can't be more than 1 digit longer than divisor.
// Equalise lengths using divisor with extra leading zero?
for (dvsT = remL == dvsL ? dvs : dvsZ; remL;) {
if (rem[--remL] < dvsT[remL]) {
remI = remL;
for (; remI && !rem[--remI]; rem[remI] = 9) {
rem[remL] += 10;
rem[remL] -= dvsT[remL];
for (; !rem[0]; rem.shift()) {
} else {
// Add the 'next' digit to the result array.
qc[qi++] = cmp ? next : ++next;
// Update the remainder.
if (rem[0] && cmp) {
rem[remL] = dvd[dvdI] || 0;
} else {
rem = [dvd[dvdI]];
} while ((dvdI++ < dvdL || rem[0] !== u) && s--);
// Leading zero? Do not remove if result is simply zero (qi == 1).
if (!qc[0] && qi != 1) {
// There can't be more than one zero.
// Round?
if (qi > digits) {
rnd(q, dp, Big.RM, rem[0] !== u);
return q;
* Return true if the value of this Big is equal to the value of Big y,
* otherwise returns false.
P.eq = function (y) {
return !this.cmp(y);
* Return true if the value of this Big is greater than the value of Big y,
* otherwise returns false.
*/ = function (y) {
return this.cmp(y) > 0;
* Return true if the value of this Big is greater than or equal to the
* value of Big y, otherwise returns false.
P.gte = function (y) {
return this.cmp(y) > -1;
* Return true if the value of this Big is less than the value of Big y,
* otherwise returns false.
*/ = function (y) {
return this.cmp(y) < 0;
* Return true if the value of this Big is less than or equal to the value
* of Big y, otherwise returns false.
P.lte = function (y) {
return this.cmp(y) < 1;
* Return a new Big whose value is the value of this Big minus the value
* of Big y.
P.sub = P.minus = function (y) {
var i, j, t, xLTy,
x = this,
Big = x.constructor,
a = x.s,
b = (y = new Big(y)).s;
// Signs differ?
if (a != b) {
y.s = -b;
var xc = x.c.slice(),
xe = x.e,
yc = y.c,
ye = y.e;
// Either zero?
if (!xc[0] || !yc[0]) {
// y is non-zero? x is non-zero? Or both are zero.
return yc[0] ? (y.s = -b, y) : new Big(xc[0] ? x : 0);
// Determine which is the bigger number.
// Prepend zeros to equalise exponents.
if (a = xe - ye) {
if (xLTy = a < 0) {
a = -a;
t = xc;
} else {
ye = xe;
t = yc;
for (b = a; b--; t.push(0)) {
} else {
// Exponents equal. Check digit by digit.
j = ((xLTy = xc.length < yc.length) ? xc : yc).length;
for (a = b = 0; b < j; b++) {
if (xc[b] != yc[b]) {
xLTy = xc[b] < yc[b];
// x < y? Point xc to the array of the bigger number.
if (xLTy) {
t = xc;
xc = yc;
yc = t;
y.s = -y.s;
* Append zeros to xc if shorter. No need to add zeros to yc if shorter
* as subtraction only needs to start at yc.length.
if (( b = (j = yc.length) - (i = xc.length) ) > 0) {
for (; b--; xc[i++] = 0) {
// Subtract yc from xc.
for (b = i; j > a;) {
if (xc[--j] < yc[j]) {
for (i = j; i && !xc[--i]; xc[i] = 9) {
xc[j] += 10;
xc[j] -= yc[j];
// Remove trailing zeros.
for (; xc[--b] === 0; xc.pop()) {
// Remove leading zeros and adjust exponent accordingly.
for (; xc[0] === 0;) {
if (!xc[0]) {
// n - n = +0
y.s = 1;
// Result must be zero.
xc = [ye = 0];
y.c = xc;
y.e = ye;
return y;
* Return a new Big whose value is the value of this Big modulo the
* value of Big y.
P.mod = function (y) {
var yGTx,
x = this,
Big = x.constructor,
a = x.s,
b = (y = new Big(y)).s;
if (!y.c[0]) {
x.s = y.s = 1;
yGTx = y.cmp(x) == 1;
x.s = a;
y.s = b;
if (yGTx) {
return new Big(x);
a = Big.DP;
b = Big.RM;
Big.DP = Big.RM = 0;
x = x.div(y);
Big.DP = a;
Big.RM = b;
return this.minus(x.times(y));
* Return a new Big whose value is the value of this Big plus the value
* of Big y.
P.add = = function (y) {
var t,
x = this,
Big = x.constructor,
a = x.s,
b = (y = new Big(y)).s;
// Signs differ?
if (a != b) {
y.s = -b;
return x.minus(y);
var xe = x.e,
xc = x.c,
ye = y.e,
yc = y.c;
// Either zero?
if (!xc[0] || !yc[0]) {
// y is non-zero? x is non-zero? Or both are zero.
return yc[0] ? y : new Big(xc[0] ? x : a * 0);
xc = xc.slice();
// Prepend zeros to equalise exponents.
// Note: Faster to use reverse then do unshifts.
if (a = xe - ye) {
if (a > 0) {
ye = xe;
t = yc;
} else {
a = -a;
t = xc;
for (; a--; t.push(0)) {
// Point xc to the longer array.
if (xc.length - yc.length < 0) {
t = yc;
yc = xc;
xc = t;
a = yc.length;
* Only start adding at yc.length - 1 as the further digits of xc can be
* left as they are.
for (b = 0; a;) {
b = (xc[--a] = xc[a] + yc[a] + b) / 10 | 0;
xc[a] %= 10;
// No need to check for zero, as +x + +y != 0 && -x + -y != 0
if (b) {
// Remove trailing zeros.
for (a = xc.length; xc[--a] === 0; xc.pop()) {
y.c = xc;
y.e = ye;
return y;
* Return a Big whose value is the value of this Big raised to the power n.
* If n is negative, round, if necessary, to a maximum of Big.DP decimal
* places using rounding mode Big.RM.
* n {number} Integer, -MAX_POWER to MAX_POWER inclusive.
P.pow = function (n) {
var x = this,
one = new x.constructor(1),
y = one,
isNeg = n < 0;
if (n !== ~~n || n < -MAX_POWER || n > MAX_POWER) {
n = isNeg ? -n : n;
for (; ;) {
if (n & 1) {
y = y.times(x);
n >>= 1;
if (!n) {
x = x.times(x);
return isNeg ? one.div(y) : y;
* Return a new Big whose value is the value of this Big rounded to a
* maximum of dp decimal places using rounding mode rm.
* If dp is not specified, round to 0 decimal places.
* If rm is not specified, use Big.RM.
* [dp] {number} Integer, 0 to MAX_DP inclusive.
P.round = function (dp, rm) {
var x = this,
Big = x.constructor;
if (dp == null) {
dp = 0;
} else if (dp !== ~~dp || dp < 0 || dp > MAX_DP) {
rnd(x = new Big(x), dp, rm == null ? Big.RM : rm);
return x;
* Return a new Big whose value is the square root of the value of this Big,
* rounded, if necessary, to a maximum of Big.DP decimal places using
* rounding mode Big.RM.
P.sqrt = function () {
var estimate, r, approx,
x = this,
Big = x.constructor,
xc = x.c,
i = x.s,
e = x.e,
half = new Big('0.5');
// Zero?
if (!xc[0]) {
return new Big(x);
// If negative, throw NaN.
if (i < 0) {
// Estimate.
i = Math.sqrt(x.toString());
// Math.sqrt underflow/overflow?
// Pass x to Math.sqrt as integer, then adjust the result exponent.
if (i === 0 || i === 1 / 0) {
estimate = xc.join('');
if (!(estimate.length + e & 1)) {
estimate += '0';
r = new Big(Math.sqrt(estimate).toString());
r.e = ((e + 1) / 2 | 0) - (e < 0 || e & 1);
} else {
r = new Big(i.toString());
i = r.e + (Big.DP += 4);
// Newton-Raphson iteration.
do {
approx = r;
r = half.times(;
} while (approx.c.slice(0, i).join('') !==
r.c.slice(0, i).join(''));
rnd(r, Big.DP -= 4, Big.RM);
return r;
* Return a new Big whose value is the value of this Big times the value of
* Big y.
P.mul = P.times = function (y) {
var c,
x = this,
Big = x.constructor,
xc = x.c,
yc = (y = new Big(y)).c,
a = xc.length,
b = yc.length,
i = x.e,
j = y.e;
// Determine sign of result.
y.s = x.s == y.s ? 1 : -1;
// Return signed 0 if either 0.
if (!xc[0] || !yc[0]) {
return new Big(y.s * 0);
// Initialise exponent of result as x.e + y.e.
y.e = i + j;
// If array xc has fewer digits than yc, swap xc and yc, and lengths.
if (a < b) {
c = xc;
xc = yc;
yc = c;
j = a;
a = b;
b = j;
// Initialise coefficient array of result with zeros.
for (c = new Array(j = a + b); j--; c[j] = 0) {
// Multiply.
// i is initially xc.length.
for (i = b; i--;) {
b = 0;
// a is yc.length.
for (j = a + i; j > i;) {
// Current sum of products at this digit position, plus carry.
b = c[j] + yc[i] * xc[j - i - 1] + b;
c[j--] = b % 10;
// carry
b = b / 10 | 0;
c[j] = (c[j] + b) % 10;
// Increment result exponent if there is a final carry.
if (b) {
// Remove any leading zero.
if (!c[0]) {
// Remove trailing zeros.
for (i = c.length; !c[--i]; c.pop()) {
y.c = c;
return y;
* Return a string representing the value of this Big.
* Return exponential notation if this Big has a positive exponent equal to
* or greater than Big.E_POS, or a negative exponent equal to or less than
* Big.E_NEG.
P.toString = P.valueOf = P.toJSON = function () {
var x = this,
Big = x.constructor,
e = x.e,
str = x.c.join(''),
strL = str.length;
// Exponential notation?
if (e <= Big.E_NEG || e >= Big.E_POS) {
str = str.charAt(0) + (strL > 1 ? '.' + str.slice(1) : '') +
(e < 0 ? 'e' : 'e+') + e;
// Negative exponent?
} else if (e < 0) {
// Prepend zeros.
for (; ++e; str = '0' + str) {
str = '0.' + str;
// Positive exponent?
} else if (e > 0) {
if (++e > strL) {
// Append zeros.
for (e -= strL; e--; str += '0') {
} else if (e < strL) {
str = str.slice(0, e) + '.' + str.slice(e);
// Exponent zero.
} else if (strL > 1) {
str = str.charAt(0) + '.' + str.slice(1);
// Avoid '-0'
return x.s < 0 && x.c[0] ? '-' + str : str;
* If toExponential, toFixed, toPrecision and format are not required they
* can safely be commented-out or deleted. No redundant code will be left.
* format is used only by toExponential, toFixed and toPrecision.
* Return a string representing the value of this Big in exponential
* notation to dp fixed decimal places and rounded, if necessary, using
* Big.RM.
* [dp] {number} Integer, 0 to MAX_DP inclusive.
P.toExponential = function (dp) {
if (dp == null) {
dp = this.c.length - 1;
} else if (dp !== ~~dp || dp < 0 || dp > MAX_DP) {
return format(this, dp, 1);
* Return a string representing the value of this Big in normal notation
* to dp fixed decimal places and rounded, if necessary, using Big.RM.
* [dp] {number} Integer, 0 to MAX_DP inclusive.
P.toFixed = function (dp) {
var str,
x = this,
Big = x.constructor,
neg = Big.E_NEG,
pos = Big.E_POS;
// Prevent the possibility of exponential notation.
Big.E_NEG = -(Big.E_POS = 1 / 0);
if (dp == null) {
str = x.toString();
} else if (dp === ~~dp && dp >= 0 && dp <= MAX_DP) {
str = format(x, x.e + dp);
// (-0).toFixed() is '0', but (-0.1).toFixed() is '-0'.
// (-0).toFixed(1) is '0.0', but (-0.01).toFixed(1) is '-0.0'.
if (x.s < 0 && x.c[0] && str.indexOf('-') < 0) {
//E.g. -0.5 if rounded to -0 will cause toString to omit the minus sign.
str = '-' + str;
Big.E_NEG = neg;
Big.E_POS = pos;
if (!str) {
return str;
* Return a string representing the value of this Big rounded to sd
* significant digits using Big.RM. Use exponential notation if sd is less
* than the number of digits necessary to represent the integer part of the
* value in normal notation.
* sd {number} Integer, 1 to MAX_DP inclusive.
P.toPrecision = function (sd) {
if (sd == null) {
return this.toString();
} else if (sd !== ~~sd || sd < 1 || sd > MAX_DP) {
return format(this, sd - 1, 2);
// Export
Big = bigFactory();
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(function () {
return Big;
// Node and other CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports.
} else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
module.exports = Big;
} else {
global.Big = Big;
// Downloaded from by MHK on 2016-01-18
// TODO: this seems a very large library for what we want to do. And it doesn't even get the answer right: see resolve-uri-023
* URI.js - Mutating URLs
* Version: 1.17.0
* Author: Rodney Rehm
* Web:
* Licensed under
* MIT License
* GPL v3
(function (root, factory) {
'use strict';
if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node
module.exports = factory(require('./punycode'), require('./IPv6'), require('./SecondLevelDomains'));
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['./punycode', './IPv6', './SecondLevelDomains'], factory);
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root.URI = factory(root.punycode, root.IPv6, root.SecondLevelDomains, root);
}(this, function (punycode, IPv6, SLD, root) {
'use strict';
/*global location, escape, unescape */
// FIXME: v2.0.0 renamce non-camelCase properties to uppercase
/*jshint camelcase: false */
// save current URI variable, if any
var _URI = root && root.URI;
function URI(url, base) {
//print("new URI h=" + url + " base=" + base);
var _urlSupplied = arguments.length >= 1;
var _baseSupplied = arguments.length >= 2;
// Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword
if (!(this instanceof URI)) {
if (_urlSupplied) {
if (_baseSupplied) {
return new URI(url, base);
return new URI(url);
return new URI();
if (url === undefined) {
if (_urlSupplied) {
throw new TypeError('undefined is not a valid argument for URI');
if (typeof location !== 'undefined') {
url = location.href + '';
} else {
url = '';
// resolve to base according to
if (base !== undefined) {
return this.absoluteTo(base);
return this;
URI.version = '1.17.0';
var p = URI.prototype;
var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function escapeRegEx(string) {
return string.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');
function getType(value) {
// IE8 doesn't return [Object Undefined] but [Object Object] for undefined value
if (value === undefined) {
return 'Undefined';
return String(, -1);
function isArray(obj) {
return getType(obj) === 'Array';
function filterArrayValues(data, value) {
var lookup = {};
var i, length;
if (getType(value) === 'RegExp') {
lookup = null;
} else if (isArray(value)) {
for (i = 0, length = value.length; i < length; i++) {
lookup[value[i]] = true;
} else {
lookup[value] = true;
for (i = 0, length = data.length; i < length; i++) {
/*jshint laxbreak: true */
var _match = lookup && lookup[data[i]] !== undefined
|| !lookup && value.test(data[i]);
/*jshint laxbreak: false */
if (_match) {
data.splice(i, 1);
return data;
function arrayContains(list, value) {
var i, length;
// value may be string, number, array, regexp
if (isArray(value)) {
// Note: this can be optimized to O(n) (instead of current O(m * n))
for (i = 0, length = value.length; i < length; i++) {
if (!arrayContains(list, value[i])) {
return false;
return true;
var _type = getType(value);
for (i = 0, length = list.length; i < length; i++) {
if (_type === 'RegExp') {
if (typeof list[i] === 'string' && list[i].match(value)) {
return true;
} else if (list[i] === value) {
return true;
return false;
function arraysEqual(one, two) {
if (!isArray(one) || !isArray(two)) {
return false;
// arrays can't be equal if they have different amount of content
if (one.length !== two.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0, l = one.length; i < l; i++) {
if (one[i] !== two[i]) {
return false;
return true;
function trimSlashes(text) {
var trim_expression = /^\/+|\/+$/g;
return text.replace(trim_expression, '');
URI._parts = function () {
return {
protocol: null,
username: null,
password: null,
hostname: null,
urn: null,
port: null,
path: null,
query: null,
fragment: null,
// state
duplicateQueryParameters: URI.duplicateQueryParameters,
escapeQuerySpace: URI.escapeQuerySpace
// state: allow duplicate query parameters (a=1&a=1)
URI.duplicateQueryParameters = false;
// state: replaces + with %20 (space in query strings)
URI.escapeQuerySpace = true;
// static properties
URI.protocol_expression = /^[a-z][a-z0-9.+-]*$/i;
URI.idn_expression = /[^a-z0-9\.-]/i;
URI.punycode_expression = /(xn--)/i;
// well, 333.444.555.666 matches, but it sure ain't no IPv4 - do we care?
URI.ip4_expression = /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/;
// credits to Rich Brown
// source:
// specification:
URI.ip6_expression = /^\s*((([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}(:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){5}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){4}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,3})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})?:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){3}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,4})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,2}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){2}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,5})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,3}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){1}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,6})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,4}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(:(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,7})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,5}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:)))(%.+)?\s*$/;
// expression used is "gruber revised" (@gruber v2) determined to be the
// best solution in a regex-golf we did a couple of ages ago at
// *
// *
URI.find_uri_expression = /\b((?:[a-z][\w-]+:(?:\/{1,3}|[a-z0-9%])|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}\/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))/ig;
URI.findUri = {
// valid "scheme://" or "www."
start: /\b(?:([a-z][a-z0-9.+-]*:\/\/)|www\.)/gi,
// everything up to the next whitespace
end: /[\s\r\n]|$/,
// trim trailing punctuation captured by end RegExp
trim: /[`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”„‘’]+$/
URI.defaultPorts = {
http: '80',
https: '443',
ftp: '21',
gopher: '70',
ws: '80',
wss: '443'
// allowed hostname characters according to RFC 3986
// ALPHA DIGIT "-" "." "_" "~" "!" "$" "&" "'" "(" ")" "*" "+" "," ";" "=" %encoded
// I've never seen a (non-IDN) hostname other than: ALPHA DIGIT . -
URI.invalid_hostname_characters = /[^a-zA-Z0-9\.-]/;
// map DOM Elements to their URI attribute
URI.domAttributes = {
'a': 'href',
'blockquote': 'cite',
'link': 'href',
'base': 'href',
'script': 'src',
'form': 'action',
'img': 'src',
'area': 'href',
'iframe': 'src',
'embed': 'src',
'source': 'src',
'track': 'src',
'input': 'src', // but only if type="image"
'audio': 'src',
'video': 'src'
URI.getDomAttribute = function (node) {
if (!node || !node.nodeName) {
return undefined;
var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
// <input> should only expose src for type="image"
if (nodeName === 'input' && node.type !== 'image') {
return undefined;
return URI.domAttributes[nodeName];
function escapeForDumbFirefox36(value) {
return escape(value);
// encoding / decoding according to RFC3986
function strictEncodeURIComponent(string) {
// see
return encodeURIComponent(string)
.replace(/[!'()*]/g, escapeForDumbFirefox36)
.replace(/\*/g, '%2A');
URI.encode = strictEncodeURIComponent;
URI.decode = decodeURIComponent;
URI.iso8859 = function () {
URI.encode = escape;
URI.decode = unescape;
URI.unicode = function () {
URI.encode = strictEncodeURIComponent;
URI.decode = decodeURIComponent;
URI.characters = {
pathname: {
encode: {
// RFC3986 2.1: For consistency, URI producers and normalizers should
// use uppercase hexadecimal digits for all percent-encodings.
expression: /%(24|26|2B|2C|3B|3D|3A|40)/ig,
map: {
// -._~!'()*
'%24': '$',
'%26': '&',
'%2B': '+',
'%2C': ',',
'%3B': ';',
'%3D': '=',
'%3A': ':',
'%40': '@'
decode: {
expression: /[\/\?#]/g,
map: {
'/': '%2F',
'?': '%3F',
'#': '%23'
reserved: {
encode: {
// RFC3986 2.1: For consistency, URI producers and normalizers should
// use uppercase hexadecimal digits for all percent-encodings.
expression: /%(21|23|24|26|27|28|29|2A|2B|2C|2F|3A|3B|3D|3F|40|5B|5D)/ig,
map: {
// gen-delims
'%3A': ':',
'%2F': '/',
'%3F': '?',
'%23': '#',
'%5B': '[',
'%5D': ']',
'%40': '@',
// sub-delims
'%21': '!',
'%24': '$',
'%26': '&',
'%27': '\'',
'%28': '(',
'%29': ')',
'%2A': '*',
'%2B': '+',
'%2C': ',',
'%3B': ';',
'%3D': '='
urnpath: {
// The characters under `encode` are the characters called out by RFC 2141 as being acceptable
// for usage in a URN. RFC2141 also calls out "-", ".", and "_" as acceptable characters, but
// these aren't encoded by encodeURIComponent, so we don't have to call them out here. Also
// note that the colon character is not featured in the encoding map; this is because URI.js
// gives the colons in URNs semantic meaning as the delimiters of path segements, and so it
// should not appear unencoded in a segment itself.
// See also the note above about RFC3986 and capitalalized hex digits.
encode: {
expression: /%(21|24|27|28|29|2A|2B|2C|3B|3D|40)/ig,
map: {
'%21': '!',
'%24': '$',
'%27': '\'',
'%28': '(',
'%29': ')',
'%2A': '*',
'%2B': '+',
'%2C': ',',
'%3B': ';',
'%3D': '=',
'%40': '@'
// These characters are the characters called out by RFC2141 as "reserved" characters that
// should never appear in a URN, plus the colon character (see note above).
decode: {
expression: /[\/\?#:]/g,
map: {
'/': '%2F',
'?': '%3F',
'#': '%23',
':': '%3A'
URI.encodeQuery = function (string, escapeQuerySpace) {
var escaped = URI.encode(string + '');
if (escapeQuerySpace === undefined) {
escapeQuerySpace = URI.escapeQuerySpace;
return escapeQuerySpace ? escaped.replace(/%20/g, '+') : escaped;
URI.decodeQuery = function (string, escapeQuerySpace) {
string += '';
if (escapeQuerySpace === undefined) {
escapeQuerySpace = URI.escapeQuerySpace;
try {
return URI.decode(escapeQuerySpace ? string.replace(/\+/g, '%20') : string);
} catch (e) {
// we're not going to mess with weird encodings,
// give up and return the undecoded original string
// see
// see
return string;
// generate encode/decode path functions
var _parts = {'encode': 'encode', 'decode': 'decode'};
var _part;
var generateAccessor = function (_group, _part) {
return function (string) {
try {
return URI[_part](string + '').replace(URI.characters[_group][_part].expression, function (c) {
return URI.characters[_group][_part].map[c];
} catch (e) {
// we're not going to mess with weird encodings,
// give up and return the undecoded original string
// see
// see
return string;
for (_part in _parts) {
URI[_part + 'PathSegment'] = generateAccessor('pathname', _parts[_part]);
URI[_part + 'UrnPathSegment'] = generateAccessor('urnpath', _parts[_part]);
var generateSegmentedPathFunction = function (_sep, _codingFuncName, _innerCodingFuncName) {
return function (string) {
// Why pass in names of functions, rather than the function objects themselves? The
// definitions of some functions (but in particular, URI.decode) will occasionally change due
// to URI.js having ISO8859 and Unicode modes. Passing in the name and getting it will ensure
// that the functions we use here are "fresh".
var actualCodingFunc;
if (!_innerCodingFuncName) {
actualCodingFunc = URI[_codingFuncName];
} else {
actualCodingFunc = function (string) {
return URI[_codingFuncName](URI[_innerCodingFuncName](string));
var segments = (string + '').split(_sep);
for (var i = 0, length = segments.length; i < length; i++) {
segments[i] = actualCodingFunc(segments[i]);
return segments.join(_sep);
// This takes place outside the above loop because we don't want, e.g., encodeUrnPath functions.
URI.decodePath = generateSegmentedPathFunction('/', 'decodePathSegment');
URI.decodeUrnPath = generateSegmentedPathFunction(':', 'decodeUrnPathSegment');
URI.recodePath = generateSegmentedPathFunction('/', 'encodePathSegment', 'decode');
URI.recodeUrnPath = generateSegmentedPathFunction(':', 'encodeUrnPathSegment', 'decode');
URI.encodeReserved = generateAccessor('reserved', 'encode');
URI.parse = function (string, parts) {
var pos;
if (!parts) {
parts = {};
// [protocol"://"[username[":"password]"@"]hostname[":"port]"/"?][path]["?"querystring]["#"fragment]
// extract fragment
pos = string.indexOf('#');
if (pos > -1) {
// escaping?
parts.fragment = string.substring(pos + 1) || null;
string = string.substring(0, pos);
// extract query
pos = string.indexOf('?');
if (pos > -1) {
// escaping?
parts.query = string.substring(pos + 1) || null;
string = string.substring(0, pos);
// extract protocol
if (string.substring(0, 2) === '//') {
// relative-scheme
parts.protocol = null;
string = string.substring(2);
// extract "user:pass@host:port"
string = URI.parseAuthority(string, parts);
} else {
pos = string.indexOf(':');
if (pos > -1) {
parts.protocol = string.substring(0, pos) || null;
if (parts.protocol && !parts.protocol.match(URI.protocol_expression)) {
// : may be within the path
parts.protocol = undefined;
} else if (string.substring(pos + 1, pos + 3) === '//') {
string = string.substring(pos + 3);
// extract "user:pass@host:port"
string = URI.parseAuthority(string, parts);
} else {
string = string.substring(pos + 1);
parts.urn = true;
// what's left must be the path
parts.path = string;
// and we're done
return parts;
URI.parseHost = function (string, parts) {
// Copy chrome, IE, opera backslash-handling behavior.
// Back slashes before the query string get converted to forward slashes
// See:
// See:
string = string.replace(/\\/g, '/');
// extract host:port
var pos = string.indexOf('/');
var bracketPos;
var t;
if (pos === -1) {
pos = string.length;
if (string.charAt(0) === '[') {
// IPv6 host -
// I claim most client software breaks on IPv6 anyways. To simplify things, URI only accepts
// IPv6+port in the format [2001:db8::1]:80 (for the time being)
bracketPos = string.indexOf(']');
parts.hostname = string.substring(1, bracketPos) || null;
parts.port = string.substring(bracketPos + 2, pos) || null;
if (parts.port === '/') {
parts.port = null;
} else {
var firstColon = string.indexOf(':');
var firstSlash = string.indexOf('/');
var nextColon = string.indexOf(':', firstColon + 1);
if (nextColon !== -1 && (firstSlash === -1 || nextColon < firstSlash)) {
// IPv6 host contains multiple colons - but no port
// this notation is actually not allowed by RFC 3986, but we're a liberal parser
parts.hostname = string.substring(0, pos) || null;
parts.port = null;
} else {
t = string.substring(0, pos).split(':');
parts.hostname = t[0] || null;
parts.port = t[1] || null;
if (parts.hostname && string.substring(pos).charAt(0) !== '/') {
string = '/' + string;
return string.substring(pos) || '/';
URI.parseAuthority = function (string, parts) {
string = URI.parseUserinfo(string, parts);
return URI.parseHost(string, parts);
URI.parseUserinfo = function (string, parts) {
// extract username:password
var firstSlash = string.indexOf('/');
var pos = string.lastIndexOf('@', firstSlash > -1 ? firstSlash : string.length - 1);
var t;
// authority@ must come before /path
if (pos > -1 && (firstSlash === -1 || pos < firstSlash)) {
t = string.substring(0, pos).split(':');
parts.username = t[0] ? URI.decode(t[0]) : null;
parts.password = t[0] ? URI.decode(t.join(':')) : null;
string = string.substring(pos + 1);
} else {
parts.username = null;
parts.password = null;
return string;
URI.parseQuery = function (string, escapeQuerySpace) {
if (!string) {
return {};
// throw out the funky business - "?"[name"="value"&"]+
string = string.replace(/&+/g, '&').replace(/^\?*&*|&+$/g, '');
if (!string) {
return {};
var items = {};
var splits = string.split('&');
var length = splits.length;
var v, name, value;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
v = splits[i].split('=');
name = URI.decodeQuery(v.shift(), escapeQuerySpace);
// no "=" is null according to
value = v.length ? URI.decodeQuery(v.join('='), escapeQuerySpace) : null;
if (, name)) {
if (typeof items[name] === 'string' || items[name] === null) {
items[name] = [items[name]];
} else {
items[name] = value;
return items;
}; = function (parts) {
var t = '';
if (parts.protocol) {
t += parts.protocol + ':';
if (!parts.urn && (t || parts.hostname)) {
t += '//';
t += (URI.buildAuthority(parts) || '');
if (typeof parts.path === 'string') {
if (parts.path.charAt(0) !== '/' && typeof parts.hostname === 'string') {
t += '/';
t += parts.path;
if (typeof parts.query === 'string' && parts.query) {
t += '?' + parts.query;
if (typeof parts.fragment === 'string' && parts.fragment) {
t += '#' + parts.fragment;
return t;
URI.buildHost = function (parts) {
var t = '';
if (!parts.hostname) {
return '';
} else if (URI.ip6_expression.test(parts.hostname)) {
t += '[' + parts.hostname + ']';
} else {
t += parts.hostname;
if (parts.port) {
t += ':' + parts.port;
return t;
URI.buildAuthority = function (parts) {
return URI.buildUserinfo(parts) + URI.buildHost(parts);
URI.buildUserinfo = function (parts) {
var t = '';
if (parts.username) {
t += URI.encode(parts.username);
if (parts.password) {
t += ':' + URI.encode(parts.password);
t += '@';
return t;
URI.buildQuery = function (data, duplicateQueryParameters, escapeQuerySpace) {
// according to or
// being »-._~!$&'()*+,;=:@/?« %HEX and alnum are allowed
// the RFC explicitly states ?/foo being a valid use case, no mention of parameter syntax!
// URI.js treats the query string as being application/x-www-form-urlencoded
// see
var t = '';
var unique, key, i, length;
for (key in data) {
if (, key) && key) {
if (isArray(data[key])) {
unique = {};
for (i = 0, length = data[key].length; i < length; i++) {
if (data[key][i] !== undefined && unique[data[key][i] + ''] === undefined) {
t += '&' + URI.buildQueryParameter(key, data[key][i], escapeQuerySpace);
if (duplicateQueryParameters !== true) {
unique[data[key][i] + ''] = true;
} else if (data[key] !== undefined) {
t += '&' + URI.buildQueryParameter(key, data[key], escapeQuerySpace);
return t.substring(1);
URI.buildQueryParameter = function (name, value, escapeQuerySpace) {
// -- application/x-www-form-urlencoded
// don't append "=" for null values, according to
return URI.encodeQuery(name, escapeQuerySpace) + (value !== null ? '=' + URI.encodeQuery(value, escapeQuerySpace) : '');
URI.addQuery = function (data, name, value) {
if (typeof name === 'object') {
for (var key in name) {
if (, key)) {
URI.addQuery(data, key, name[key]);
} else if (typeof name === 'string') {
if (data[name] === undefined) {
data[name] = value;
} else if (typeof data[name] === 'string') {
data[name] = [data[name]];
if (!isArray(value)) {
value = [value];
data[name] = (data[name] || []).concat(value);
} else {
throw new TypeError('URI.addQuery() accepts an object, string as the name parameter');
URI.removeQuery = function (data, name, value) {
var i, length, key;
if (isArray(name)) {
for (i = 0, length = name.length; i < length; i++) {
data[name[i]] = undefined;
} else if (getType(name) === 'RegExp') {
for (key in data) {
if (name.test(key)) {
data[key] = undefined;
} else if (typeof name === 'object') {
for (key in name) {
if (, key)) {
URI.removeQuery(data, key, name[key]);
} else if (typeof name === 'string') {
if (value !== undefined) {
if (getType(value) === 'RegExp') {
if (!isArray(data[name]) && value.test(data[name])) {
data[name] = undefined;
} else {
data[name] = filterArrayValues(data[name], value);
} else if (data[name] === String(value) && (!isArray(value) || value.length === 1)) {
data[name] = undefined;
} else if (isArray(data[name])) {
data[name] = filterArrayValues(data[name], value);
} else {
data[name] = undefined;
} else {
throw new TypeError('URI.removeQuery() accepts an object, string, RegExp as the first parameter');
URI.hasQuery = function (data, name, value, withinArray) {
if (typeof name === 'object') {
for (var key in name) {
if (, key)) {
if (!URI.hasQuery(data, key, name[key])) {
return false;
return true;
} else if (typeof name !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('URI.hasQuery() accepts an object, string as the name parameter');
switch (getType(value)) {
case 'Undefined':
// true if exists (but may be empty)
return name in data; // data[name] !== undefined;
case 'Boolean':
// true if exists and non-empty
var _booly = Boolean(isArray(data[name]) ? data[name].length : data[name]);
return value === _booly;
case 'Function':
// allow complex comparison
return !!value(data[name], name, data);
case 'Array':
if (!isArray(data[name])) {
return false;
var op = withinArray ? arrayContains : arraysEqual;
return op(data[name], value);
case 'RegExp':
if (!isArray(data[name])) {
return Boolean(data[name] && data[name].match(value));
if (!withinArray) {
return false;
return arrayContains(data[name], value);
case 'Number':
value = String(value);
/* falls through */
case 'String':
if (!isArray(data[name])) {
return data[name] === value;
if (!withinArray) {
return false;
return arrayContains(data[name], value);
throw new TypeError('URI.hasQuery() accepts undefined, boolean, string, number, RegExp, Function as the value parameter');
URI.commonPath = function (one, two) {
var length = Math.min(one.length, two.length);
var pos;
// find first non-matching character
for (pos = 0; pos < length; pos++) {
if (one.charAt(pos) !== two.charAt(pos)) {
if (pos < 1) {
return one.charAt(0) === two.charAt(0) && one.charAt(0) === '/' ? '/' : '';
// revert to last /
if (one.charAt(pos) !== '/' || two.charAt(pos) !== '/') {
pos = one.substring(0, pos).lastIndexOf('/');
return one.substring(0, pos + 1);
URI.withinString = function (string, callback, options) {
options || (options = {});
var _start = options.start || URI.findUri.start;
var _end = options.end || URI.findUri.end;
var _trim = options.trim || URI.findUri.trim;
var _attributeOpen = /[a-z0-9-]=["']?$/i;
_start.lastIndex = 0;
while (true) {
var match = _start.exec(string);
if (!match) {
var start = match.index;
if (options.ignoreHtml) {
// attribut(e=["']?$)
var attributeOpen = string.slice(Math.max(start - 3, 0), start);
if (attributeOpen && _attributeOpen.test(attributeOpen)) {
var end = start + string.slice(start).search(_end);
var slice = string.slice(start, end).replace(_trim, '');
if (options.ignore && options.ignore.test(slice)) {
end = start + slice.length;
var result = callback(slice, start, end, string);
string = string.slice(0, start) + result + string.slice(end);
_start.lastIndex = start + result.length;
_start.lastIndex = 0;
return string;
URI.ensureValidHostname = function (v) {
// Theoretically URIs allow percent-encoding in Hostnames (according to RFC 3986)
// they are not part of DNS and therefore ignored by URI.js
if (v.match(URI.invalid_hostname_characters)) {
// test punycode
if (!punycode) {
throw new TypeError('Hostname "' + v + '" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-] and Punycode.js is not available');
if (punycode.toASCII(v).match(URI.invalid_hostname_characters)) {
throw new TypeError('Hostname "' + v + '" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-]');
// noConflict
URI.noConflict = function (removeAll) {
if (removeAll) {
var unconflicted = {
URI: this.noConflict()
if (root.URITemplate && typeof root.URITemplate.noConflict === 'function') {
unconflicted.URITemplate = root.URITemplate.noConflict();
if (root.IPv6 && typeof root.IPv6.noConflict === 'function') {
unconflicted.IPv6 = root.IPv6.noConflict();
if (root.SecondLevelDomains && typeof root.SecondLevelDomains.noConflict === 'function') {
unconflicted.SecondLevelDomains = root.SecondLevelDomains.noConflict();
return unconflicted;
} else if (root.URI === this) {
root.URI = _URI;
return this;
}; = function (deferBuild) {
if (deferBuild === true) {
this._deferred_build = true;
} else if (deferBuild === undefined || this._deferred_build) {
this._string =;
this._deferred_build = false;
return this;
p.clone = function () {
return new URI(this);
p.valueOf = p.toString = function () {
function generateSimpleAccessor(_part) {
return function (v, build) {
if (v === undefined) {
return this._parts[_part] || '';
} else {
this._parts[_part] = v || null;!build);
return this;
function generatePrefixAccessor(_part, _key) {
return function (v, build) {
if (v === undefined) {
return this._parts[_part] || '';
} else {
if (v !== null) {
v = v + '';
if (v.charAt(0) === _key) {
v = v.substring(1);
this._parts[_part] = v;!build);
return this;
p.protocol = generateSimpleAccessor('protocol');
p.username = generateSimpleAccessor('username');
p.password = generateSimpleAccessor('password');
p.hostname = generateSimpleAccessor('hostname');
p.port = generateSimpleAccessor('port');
p.query = generatePrefixAccessor('query', '?');
p.fragment = generatePrefixAccessor('fragment', '#'); = function (v, build) {
var t = this.query(v, build);
return typeof t === 'string' && t.length ? ('?' + t) : t;
p.hash = function (v, build) {
var t = this.fragment(v, build);
return typeof t === 'string' && t.length ? ('#' + t) : t;
p.pathname = function (v, build) {
if (v === undefined || v === true) {
var res = this._parts.path || (this._parts.hostname ? '/' : '');
return v ? (this._parts.urn ? URI.decodeUrnPath : URI.decodePath)(res) : res;
} else {
if (this._parts.urn) {
this._parts.path = v ? URI.recodeUrnPath(v) : '';
} else {
this._parts.path = v ? URI.recodePath(v) : '/';
return this;
p.path = p.pathname;
p.href = function (href, build) {
var key;
if (href === undefined) {
return this.toString();
this._string = '';
this._parts = URI._parts();
var _URI = href instanceof URI;
var _object = typeof href === 'object' && (href.hostname || href.path || href.pathname);
if (href.nodeName) {
var attribute = URI.getDomAttribute(href);
href = href[attribute] || '';
_object = false;
// window.location is reported to be an object, but it's not the sort
// of object we're looking for:
// * location.protocol ends with a colon
// * location.query !=
// * location.hash != object.fragment
// simply serializing the unknown object should do the trick
// (for location, not for everything...)
if (!_URI && _object && href.pathname !== undefined) {
href = href.toString();
//print("href is of type " + typeof href);
if (typeof href === 'string' || href instanceof String) {
this._parts = URI.parse(String(href), this._parts);
} else if (_URI || _object) {
var src = _URI ? href._parts : href;
for (key in src) {
if (, key)) {
this._parts[key] = src[key];
} else {
throw new TypeError('invalid input');
return this;
// identification accessors = function (what) {
var ip = false;
var ip4 = false;
var ip6 = false;
var name = false;
var sld = false;
var idn = false;
var punycode = false;
var relative = !this._parts.urn;
if (this._parts.hostname) {
relative = false;
ip4 = URI.ip4_expression.test(this._parts.hostname);
ip6 = URI.ip6_expression.test(this._parts.hostname);
ip = ip4 || ip6;
name = !ip;
sld = name && SLD && SLD.has(this._parts.hostname);
idn = name && URI.idn_expression.test(this._parts.hostname);
punycode = name && URI.punycode_expression.test(this._parts.hostname);
switch (what.toLowerCase()) {
case 'relative':
return relative;
case 'absolute':
return !relative;
// hostname identification
case 'domain':
case 'name':
return name;
case 'sld':
return sld;
case 'ip':
return ip;
case 'ip4':
case 'ipv4':
case 'inet4':
return ip4;
case 'ip6':
case 'ipv6':
case 'inet6':
return ip6;
case 'idn':
return idn;
case 'url':
return !this._parts.urn;
case 'urn':
return !!this._parts.urn;
case 'punycode':
return punycode;
return null;
// component specific input validation
var _protocol = p.protocol;
var _port = p.port;
var _hostname = p.hostname;
p.protocol = function (v, build) {
if (v !== undefined) {
if (v) {
// accept trailing ://
v = v.replace(/:(\/\/)?$/, '');
if (!v.match(URI.protocol_expression)) {
throw new TypeError('Protocol "' + v + '" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.+-] or doesn\'t start with [A-Z]');
return, v, build);
p.scheme = p.protocol;
p.port = function (v, build) {
if (this._parts.urn) {
return v === undefined ? '' : this;
if (v !== undefined) {
if (v === 0) {
v = null;
if (v) {
v += '';
if (v.charAt(0) === ':') {
v = v.substring(1);
if (v.match(/[^0-9]/)) {
throw new TypeError('Port "' + v + '" contains characters other than [0-9]');
return, v, build);
p.hostname = function (v, build) {
if (this._parts.urn) {
return v === undefined ? '' : this;
if (v !== undefined) {
var x = {};
var res = URI.parseHost(v, x);
if (res !== '/') {
throw new TypeError('Hostname "' + v + '" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-]');
v = x.hostname;
return, v, build);
// compound accessors
p.origin = function (v, build) {
var parts;
if (this._parts.urn) {
return v === undefined ? '' : this;
if (v === undefined) {
var protocol = this.protocol();
var authority = this.authority();
if (!authority) return '';
return (protocol ? protocol + '://' : '') + this.authority();
} else {
var origin = URI(v);
return this;
}; = function (v, build) {
if (this._parts.urn) {
return v === undefined ? '' : this;
if (v === undefined) {
return this._parts.hostname ? URI.buildHost(this._parts) : '';
} else {
var res = URI.parseHost(v, this._parts);
if (res !== '/') {
throw new TypeError('Hostname "' + v + '" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-]');
return this;
p.authority = function (v, build) {
if (this._parts.urn) {
return v === undefined ? '' : this;
if (v === undefined) {
return this._parts.hostname ? URI.buildAuthority(this._parts) : '';
} else {
var res = URI.parseAuthority(v, this._parts);
if (res !== '/') {
throw new TypeError('Hostname "' + v + '" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-]');
return this;
p.userinfo = function (v, build) {
if (this._parts.urn) {
return v === undefined ? '' : this;
if (v === undefined) {
if (!this._parts.username) {
return '';
var t = URI.buildUserinfo(this._parts);
return t.substring(0, t.length - 1);
} else {
if (v[v.length - 1] !== '@') {
v += '@';
URI.parseUserinfo(v, this._parts);!build);
return this;
p.resource = function (v, build) {
var parts;
if (v === undefined) {
return this.path() + + this.hash();
parts = URI.parse(v);
this._parts.path = parts.path;
this._parts.query = parts.query;
this._parts.fragment = parts.fragment;!build);
return this;
// fraction accessors
p.subdomain = function (v, build) {
if (this._parts.urn) {
return v === undefined ? '' : this;
// convenience, return "www" from ""
if (v === undefined) {
if (!this._parts.hostname ||'IP')) {
return '';
// grab domain and add another segment
var end = this._parts.hostname.length - this.domain().length - 1;
return this._parts.hostname.substring(0, end) || '';
} else {
var e = this._parts.hostname.length - this.domain().length;
var sub = this._parts.hostname.substring(0, e);
var replace = new RegExp('^' + escapeRegEx(sub));
if (v && v.charAt(v.length - 1) !== '.') {
v += '.';
if (v) {
this._parts.hostname = this._parts.hostname.replace(replace, v);!build);
return this;
p.domain = function (v, build) {
if (this._parts.urn) {
return v === undefined ? '' : this;
if (typeof v === 'boolean') {
build = v;
v = undefined;
// convenience, return "" from ""
if (v === undefined) {
if (!this._parts.hostname ||'IP')) {
return '';
// if hostname consists of 1 or 2 segments, it must be the domain
var t = this._parts.hostname.match(/\./g);
if (t && t.length < 2) {
return this._parts.hostname;
// grab tld and add another segment
var end = this._parts.hostname.length - this.tld(build).length - 1;
end = this._parts.hostname.lastIndexOf('.', end - 1) + 1;
return this._parts.hostname.substring(end) || '';
} else {
if (!v) {
throw new TypeError('cannot set domain empty');
if (!this._parts.hostname ||'IP')) {
this._parts.hostname = v;
} else {
var replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(this.domain()) + '$');
this._parts.hostname = this._parts.hostname.replace(replace, v);
return this;
p.tld = function (v, build) {
if (this._parts.urn) {
return v === undefined ? '' : this;
if (typeof v === 'boolean') {
build = v;
v = undefined;
// return "org" from ""
if (v === undefined) {
if (!this._parts.hostname ||'IP')) {
return '';
var pos = this._parts.hostname.lastIndexOf('.');
var tld = this._parts.hostname.substring(pos + 1);
if (build !== true && SLD && SLD.list[tld.toLowerCase()]) {
return SLD.get(this._parts.hostname) || tld;
return tld;
} else {
var replace;
if (!v) {
throw new TypeError('cannot set TLD empty');
} else if (v.match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/)) {
if (SLD && {
replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(this.tld()) + '$');
this._parts.hostname = this._parts.hostname.replace(replace, v);
} else {
throw new TypeError('TLD "' + v + '" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9]');
} else if (!this._parts.hostname ||'IP')) {
throw new ReferenceError('cannot set TLD on non-domain host');
} else {
replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(this.tld()) + '$');
this._parts.hostname = this._parts.hostname.replace(replace, v);
return this;
}; = function (v, build) {
if (this._parts.urn) {
return v === undefined ? '' : this;
if (v === undefined || v === true) {
if (!this._parts.path && !this._parts.hostname) {
return '';
if (this._parts.path === '/') {
return '/';
var end = this._parts.path.length - this.filename().length - 1;
var res = this._parts.path.substring(0, end) || (this._parts.hostname ? '/' : '');
return v ? URI.decodePath(res) : res;
} else {
var e = this._parts.path.length - this.filename().length;
var directory = this._parts.path.substring(0, e);
var replace = new RegExp('^' + escapeRegEx(directory));
// fully qualifier directories begin with a slash
if (!'relative')) {
if (!v) {
v = '/';
if (v.charAt(0) !== '/') {
v = '/' + v;
// directories always end with a slash
if (v && v.charAt(v.length - 1) !== '/') {
v += '/';
v = URI.recodePath(v);
this._parts.path = this._parts.path.replace(replace, v);!build);
return this;
p.filename = function (v, build) {
if (this._parts.urn) {
return v === undefined ? '' : this;
if (v === undefined || v === true) {
if (!this._parts.path || this._parts.path === '/') {
return '';
var pos = this._parts.path.lastIndexOf('/');
var res = this._parts.path.substring(pos + 1);
return v ? URI.decodePathSegment(res) : res;
} else {
var mutatedDirectory = false;
if (v.charAt(0) === '/') {
v = v.substring(1);
if (v.match(/\.?\//)) {
mutatedDirectory = true;
var replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(this.filename()) + '$');
v = URI.recodePath(v);
this._parts.path = this._parts.path.replace(replace, v);
if (mutatedDirectory) {
} else {!build);
return this;
p.suffix = function (v, build) {
if (this._parts.urn) {
return v === undefined ? '' : this;
if (v === undefined || v === true) {
if (!this._parts.path || this._parts.path === '/') {
return '';
var filename = this.filename();
var pos = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
var s, res;
if (pos === -1) {
return '';
// suffix may only contain alnum characters (yup, I made this up.)
s = filename.substring(pos + 1);
res = (/^[a-z0-9%]+$/i).test(s) ? s : '';
return v ? URI.decodePathSegment(res) : res;
} else {
if (v.charAt(0) === '.') {
v = v.substring(1);
var suffix = this.suffix();
var replace;
if (!suffix) {
if (!v) {
return this;
this._parts.path += '.' + URI.recodePath(v);
} else if (!v) {
replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx('.' + suffix) + '$');
} else {
replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(suffix) + '$');
if (replace) {
v = URI.recodePath(v);
this._parts.path = this._parts.path.replace(replace, v);
return this;
p.segment = function (segment, v, build) {
var separator = this._parts.urn ? ':' : '/';
var path = this.path();
var absolute = path.substring(0, 1) === '/';
var segments = path.split(separator);
if (segment !== undefined && typeof segment !== 'number') {
build = v;
v = segment;
segment = undefined;
if (segment !== undefined && typeof segment !== 'number') {
throw new Error('Bad segment "' + segment + '", must be 0-based integer');
if (absolute) {
if (segment < 0) {
// allow negative indexes to address from the end
segment = Math.max(segments.length + segment, 0);
if (v === undefined) {
/*jshint laxbreak: true */
return segment === undefined
? segments
: segments[segment];
/*jshint laxbreak: false */
} else if (segment === null || segments[segment] === undefined) {
if (isArray(v)) {
segments = [];
// collapse empty elements within array
for (var i = 0, l = v.length; i < l; i++) {
if (!v[i].length && (!segments.length || !segments[segments.length - 1].length)) {
if (segments.length && !segments[segments.length - 1].length) {
} else if (v || typeof v === 'string') {
v = trimSlashes(v);
if (segments[segments.length - 1] === '') {
// empty trailing elements have to be overwritten
// to prevent results such as /foo//bar
segments[segments.length - 1] = v;
} else {
} else {
if (v) {
segments[segment] = trimSlashes(v);
} else {
segments.splice(segment, 1);
if (absolute) {
return this.path(segments.join(separator), build);
p.segmentCoded = function (segment, v, build) {
var segments, i, l;
if (typeof segment !== 'number') {
build = v;
v = segment;
segment = undefined;
if (v === undefined) {
segments = this.segment(segment, v, build);
if (!isArray(segments)) {
segments = segments !== undefined ? URI.decode(segments) : undefined;
} else {
for (i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i++) {
segments[i] = URI.decode(segments[i]);
return segments;
if (!isArray(v)) {
v = (typeof v === 'string' || v instanceof String) ? URI.encode(v) : v;
} else {
for (i = 0, l = v.length; i < l; i++) {
v[i] = URI.encode(v[i]);
return this.segment(segment, v, build);
// mutating query string
var q = p.query;
p.query = function (v, build) {
if (v === true) {
return URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
} else if (typeof v === 'function') {
var data = URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
var result =, data);
this._parts.query = URI.buildQuery(result || data, this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);!build);
return this;
} else if (v !== undefined && typeof v !== 'string') {
this._parts.query = URI.buildQuery(v, this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);!build);
return this;
} else {
return, v, build);
p.setQuery = function (name, value, build) {
var data = URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
if (typeof name === 'string' || name instanceof String) {
data[name] = value !== undefined ? value : null;
} else if (typeof name === 'object') {
for (var key in name) {
if (, key)) {
data[key] = name[key];
} else {
throw new TypeError('URI.addQuery() accepts an object, string as the name parameter');
this._parts.query = URI.buildQuery(data, this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
if (typeof name !== 'string') {
build = value;
return this;
p.addQuery = function (name, value, build) {
var data = URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
URI.addQuery(data, name, value === undefined ? null : value);
this._parts.query = URI.buildQuery(data, this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
if (typeof name !== 'string') {
build = value;
return this;
p.removeQuery = function (name, value, build) {
var data = URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
URI.removeQuery(data, name, value);
this._parts.query = URI.buildQuery(data, this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
if (typeof name !== 'string') {
build = value;
return this;
p.hasQuery = function (name, value, withinArray) {
var data = URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
return URI.hasQuery(data, name, value, withinArray);
p.setSearch = p.setQuery;
p.addSearch = p.addQuery;
p.removeSearch = p.removeQuery;
p.hasSearch = p.hasQuery;
// sanitizing URLs
p.normalize = function () {
if (this._parts.urn) {
return this
return this
p.normalizeProtocol = function (build) {
if (typeof this._parts.protocol === 'string') {
this._parts.protocol = this._parts.protocol.toLowerCase();!build);
return this;
p.normalizeHostname = function (build) {
if (this._parts.hostname) {
if ('IDN') && punycode) {
this._parts.hostname = punycode.toASCII(this._parts.hostname);
} else if ('IPv6') && IPv6) {
this._parts.hostname =;
this._parts.hostname = this._parts.hostname.toLowerCase();!build);
return this;
p.normalizePort = function (build) {
// remove port of it's the protocol's default
if (typeof this._parts.protocol === 'string' && this._parts.port === URI.defaultPorts[this._parts.protocol]) {
this._parts.port = null;!build);
return this;
p.normalizePath = function (build) {
var _path = this._parts.path;
if (!_path) {
return this;
if (this._parts.urn) {
this._parts.path = URI.recodeUrnPath(this._parts.path);!build);
return this;
if (this._parts.path === '/') {
return this;
_path = URI.recodePath(_path);
var _was_relative;
var _leadingParents = '';
var _parent, _pos;
// handle relative paths
if (_path.charAt(0) !== '/') {
_was_relative = true;
_path = '/' + _path;
// handle relative files (as opposed to directories)
if (_path.slice(-3) === '/..' || _path.slice(-2) === '/.') {
_path += '/';
// resolve simples
_path = _path
.replace(/(\/(\.\/)+)|(\/\.$)/g, '/')
.replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/');
// remember leading parents
if (_was_relative) {
_leadingParents = _path.substring(1).match(/^(\.\.\/)+/) || '';
if (_leadingParents) {
_leadingParents = _leadingParents[0];
// resolve parents
while (true) {
_parent =\/\.\.(\/|$)/);
if (_parent === -1) {
// no more ../ to resolve
} else if (_parent === 0) {
// top level cannot be relative, skip it
_path = _path.substring(3);
_pos = _path.substring(0, _parent).lastIndexOf('/');
if (_pos === -1) {
_pos = _parent;
_path = _path.substring(0, _pos) + _path.substring(_parent + 3);
// revert to relative
if (_was_relative &&'relative')) {
_path = _leadingParents + _path.substring(1);
this._parts.path = _path;!build);
return this;
p.normalizePathname = p.normalizePath;
p.normalizeQuery = function (build) {
if (typeof this._parts.query === 'string') {
if (!this._parts.query.length) {
this._parts.query = null;
} else {
this.query(URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace));
return this;
p.normalizeFragment = function (build) {
if (!this._parts.fragment) {
this._parts.fragment = null;!build);
return this;
p.normalizeSearch = p.normalizeQuery;
p.normalizeHash = p.normalizeFragment;
//p.iso8859 = function () {
// // expect unicode input, iso8859 output
// var e = URI.encode;
// var d = URI.decode;
// URI.encode = escape;
// URI.decode = decodeURIComponent;
// try {
// this.normalize();
// } finally {
// URI.encode = e;
// URI.decode = d;
// }
// return this;
//p.unicode = function () {
// // expect iso8859 input, unicode output
// var e = URI.encode;
// var d = URI.decode;
// URI.encode = strictEncodeURIComponent;
// URI.decode = unescape;
// try {
// this.normalize();
// } finally {
// URI.encode = e;
// URI.decode = d;
// }
// return this;
//p.readable = function () {
// var uri = this.clone();
// // removing username, password, because they shouldn't be displayed according to RFC 3986
// uri.username('').password('').normalize();
// var t = '';
// if (uri._parts.protocol) {
// t += uri._parts.protocol + '://';
// }
// if (uri._parts.hostname) {
// if ('punycode') && punycode) {
// t += punycode.toUnicode(uri._parts.hostname);
// if (uri._parts.port) {
// t += ':' + uri._parts.port;
// }
// } else {
// t +=;
// }
// }
// if (uri._parts.hostname && uri._parts.path && uri._parts.path.charAt(0) !== '/') {
// t += '/';
// }
// t += uri.path(true);
// if (uri._parts.query) {
// var q = '';
// for (var i = 0, qp = uri._parts.query.split('&'), l = qp.length; i < l; i++) {
// var kv = (qp[i] || '').split('=');
// q += '&' + URI.decodeQuery(kv[0], this._parts.escapeQuerySpace)
// .replace(/&/g, '%26');
// if (kv[1] !== undefined) {
// q += '=' + URI.decodeQuery(kv[1], this._parts.escapeQuerySpace)
// .replace(/&/g, '%26');
// }
// }
// t += '?' + q.substring(1);
// }
// t += URI.decodeQuery(uri.hash(), true);
// return t;
// resolving relative and absolute URLs
p.absoluteTo = function (base) {
var resolved = this.clone();
var properties = ['protocol', 'username', 'password', 'hostname', 'port'];
var basedir, i, p;
if (this._parts.urn) {
throw new Error('URNs do not have any generally defined hierarchical components');
if (!(base instanceof URI)) {
base = new URI(base);
if (!resolved._parts.protocol) {
resolved._parts.protocol = base._parts.protocol;
if (this._parts.hostname) {
return resolved;
for (i = 0; (p = properties[i]); i++) {
resolved._parts[p] = base._parts[p];
if (!resolved._parts.path) {
resolved._parts.path = base._parts.path;
if (!resolved._parts.query) {
resolved._parts.query = base._parts.query;
} else if (resolved._parts.path.substring(-2) === '..') {
resolved._parts.path += '/';
if (resolved.path().charAt(0) !== '/') {
basedir =;
basedir = basedir ? basedir : base.path().indexOf('/') === 0 ? '/' : '';
resolved._parts.path = (basedir ? (basedir + '/') : '') + resolved._parts.path;
return resolved;
//p.relativeTo = function (base) {
// var relative = this.clone().normalize();
// var relativeParts, baseParts, common, relativePath, basePath;
// if (relative._parts.urn) {
// throw new Error('URNs do not have any generally defined hierarchical components');
// }
// base = new URI(base).normalize();
// relativeParts = relative._parts;
// baseParts = base._parts;
// relativePath = relative.path();
// basePath = base.path();
// if (relativePath.charAt(0) !== '/') {
// throw new Error('URI is already relative');
// }
// if (basePath.charAt(0) !== '/') {
// throw new Error('Cannot calculate a URI relative to another relative URI');
// }
// if (relativeParts.protocol === baseParts.protocol) {
// relativeParts.protocol = null;
// }
// if (relativeParts.username !== baseParts.username || relativeParts.password !== baseParts.password) {
// return;
// }
// if (relativeParts.protocol !== null || relativeParts.username !== null || relativeParts.password !== null) {
// return;
// }
// if (relativeParts.hostname === baseParts.hostname && relativeParts.port === baseParts.port) {
// relativeParts.hostname = null;
// relativeParts.port = null;
// } else {
// return;
// }
// if (relativePath === basePath) {
// relativeParts.path = '';
// return;
// }
// // determine common sub path
// common = URI.commonPath(relativePath, basePath);
// // If the paths have nothing in common, return a relative URL with the absolute path.
// if (!common) {
// return;
// }
// var parents = baseParts.path
// .substring(common.length)
// .replace(/[^\/]*$/, '')
// .replace(/.*?\//g, '../');
// relativeParts.path = (parents + relativeParts.path.substring(common.length)) || './';
// return;
// comparing URIs
//p.equals = function (uri) {
// var one = this.clone();
// var two = new URI(uri);
// var one_map = {};
// var two_map = {};
// var checked = {};
// var one_query, two_query, key;
// one.normalize();
// two.normalize();
// // exact match
// if (one.toString() === two.toString()) {
// return true;
// }
// // extract query string
// one_query = one.query();
// two_query = two.query();
// one.query('');
// two.query('');
// // definitely not equal if not even non-query parts match
// if (one.toString() !== two.toString()) {
// return false;
// }
// // query parameters have the same length, even if they're permuted
// if (one_query.length !== two_query.length) {
// return false;
// }
// one_map = URI.parseQuery(one_query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
// two_map = URI.parseQuery(two_query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
// for (key in one_map) {
// if (, key)) {
// if (!isArray(one_map[key])) {
// if (one_map[key] !== two_map[key]) {
// return false;
// }
// } else if (!arraysEqual(one_map[key], two_map[key])) {
// return false;
// }
// checked[key] = true;
// }
// }
// for (key in two_map) {
// if (, key)) {
// if (!checked[key]) {
// // two contains a parameter not present in one
// return false;
// }
// }
// }
// return true;
// state
//p.duplicateQueryParameters = function (v) {
// this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters = !!v;
// return this;
//p.escapeQuerySpace = function (v) {
// this._parts.escapeQuerySpace = !!v;
// return this;
return URI;
var ConvertJson = function() {
"use strict";
var NS = "";
function checkOption(options, opt, type, dflt, allowed) {
var key = Atomic.string.fromString(opt);
if (options && options.containsKey(key)) {
var val = options.get(key);
if (type == "function") {
throw XError("Option " + key + " must be a function", "XPTY0004");
if (val.length == 1 && Atomic[type].matches(val[0])) {
if (allowed && allowed.indexOf(val[0].value) < 0) {
throw XError("Invalid value " + key + "=" + val[0], "FOJS0005");
return val[0].value;
} else {
throw XError("Invalid option: " + opt + ": must be " + type, "XPTY0004");
} else {
return dflt;
function parse(input, options, handler) {
//print("parse JSON: " + input);
var position = 0, currentTok = nextToken();
function error(m) {
throw XError(m, "FOJS0001");
function nextToken() {
return currentTok = readToken();
function readToken() {
var c, ch;
currentTok = "";
while (true) {
if (position >= input.length) {
return ["eof"];
ch = input.charAt(position++);
if (!/[ \n\r\t]/.test(ch)) {
switch (ch) {
case '[':
case '{':
case ']':
case '}':
case ':':
case ',':
return [ch];
case '"':
var afterBackslash = false;
while (true) {
c = input.charAt(position++);
if (c == '"' && !afterBackslash) {
return ["string", currentTok];
} else {
currentTok += c;
afterBackslash = c == '\\' && !afterBackslash;
if (position >= input.length) {
error("Unclosed quotes in string literal");
return ["string", currentTok];
case '-':
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
currentTok += ch;
while (position < input.length) {
c = input.charAt(position++);
if (/[0-9\-+\.eE]/.test(c)) {
currentTok += c;
} else {
return ["number", validNumber(currentTok)];
case 't':
case 'f':
case 'n':
currentTok += ch;
while (true) {
c = input.charAt(position);
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
currentTok += c;
if (++position >= input.length) {
} else {
if (/^(true|false|null)$/.test(currentTok)) {
return [currentTok];
} else {
error("Unknown constant " + currentTok);
error("Unexpected character '" + ch + "' (" +
Expr.stringToCodepoints(ch) + ") at position " + position);
return -1;
function validNumber(num) {
return /^-?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?$/.test(num) ? num : error("Invalid JSON number " + num);
function expect(tok) {
if (currentTok[0] !== tok) {
error("Expected " + tok + ", found " + currentTok[0]);
function at(tok) {
if (currentTok[0] === tok) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function testEnd(closer) {
if (currentTok[0] === closer) {
return true;
if (currentTok[0] === ",") {
return false;
error("Expected ',' or '" + closer + "', found '" + currentTok[0] + "'");
function parseConstruct() {
switch (currentTok[0]) {
case "[":
case "{":
case "string":
case "number":
case "true":
case "false":
case "null":
error("Unexpected token " + currentTok[0]);
function parseArray() {
if (!at("]")) {
do {
} while (!testEnd("]"));
function parseObject() {
if (!at("}")) {
do {
} while (!testEnd("}"));
//print("result: " + showValue(handler.result()));
return handler.result();
function unEscape(str) {
try {
return JSON.parse('"' + str + '"');
} catch (e) {
throw XError(e.toString(), "FOJS0001");
var badChars = /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x0F\x80-\x9F]/; // TODO: and others
function removeBadChars(str) {
return str.replace(badChars, "\uFFFD").replace(/[\uD800-\uDFFF]+/g, function(s) {
// s is a sequence of surrogates. If a high surrogate appears at an even position, or a low surrogate
// at an odd position, leave it alone; otherwise replace it with a substitute character
var t = "";
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
var c = s.charAt(i);
t += (i % 2 == (c < "\uDC00")) || (i == s.length - 1 && c < "\uDC00") ? "\uFFFD" : c;
return t;
function MapHandler(options) {
this._valStack = [];
this._keyStack = [];
checkOption(options, "liberal", "boolean", false);
this._escape = checkOption(options, "escape", "boolean", false);
this._duplicates = checkOption(options, "duplicates", "string", "use-first", ["reject", "use-first", "use-last"]);
MapHandler.prototype = {
_valStack: [],
_keyStack: [],
_optionsMap: {},
//_options: null,
_escape: false,
_duplicates: "use-first", // or use-last or reject
reEscape: function(str) {
//print("reEscape " + str + " escaping " + this._escape);
if (this._escape) {
return JSON.stringify(str).replace(/^\"|\"$/g, "").replace(/\\"/g, "\"").replace(/[\uD800-\uDFFF]/g, function(s) {
return "\\u" + s.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();
} else {
return removeBadChars(str);
peek: function() {
return this._valStack[this._valStack.length - 1];
writeItem: function(val) {
if (this._valStack.length == 0) {
} else if (this.peek() instanceof Expr.XdmArray) {
} else {
var map = this.peek();
var key = Atomic.string.fromString(this._keyStack.pop());
if (map.containsKey(key)) {
//print("duplicate key, duplicates = " + this._duplicates);
switch (this._duplicates) {
case "reject":
throw XError("json-to-xml: duplicate key '" + key.toString() + "'", "FOJS0003");
case "use-first":
return; // no action
// not a duplicate, or duplicates=use-last
map.inSituPut(key, val);
emitNull: function() {
emitBoolean: function(bool) {
emitNumber: function(num) {
emitString: function(str) {
emitKey: function(str) {
startArray: function() {
this._valStack.push(new Expr.XdmArray([]));
endArray: function() {
startMap: function() {
this._valStack.push(new HashTrie());
endMap: function () {
result: function () {
//print("result: " + showValue(this.peek()[0]));
return this.peek()[0];
function XmlHandler(options, context) {
this._valStack = [];
this._keyStack = [];
this._mapStack = [];
this._context = context;
checkOption(options, "liberal", "boolean", false);
checkOption(options, "validate", "boolean", false);
checkOption(options, "fallback", "function");
this._escape = checkOption(options, "escape", "boolean", false);
this._duplicates = checkOption(options, "duplicates", "string", "use-first", ["reject", "use-first", "retain"]);
XmlHandler.prototype = {
_valStack: [],
_keyStack: [{}],
_mapStack: [],
_context: null,
_optionsMap: {},
//_options: null,
_escape: false,
_duplicates: "use-first", // or use-last or reject
reEscape: function (str) {
print("reEscape " + str + " escaping " + this._escape);
if (this._escape) {
return JSON.stringify(str).replace(/^\"|\"$/g, "").replace(/\\"/g, "\"").replace(/[\uD800-\uDFFF]/g, function (s) {
return "\\u" + s.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();
} else {
return removeBadChars(str);
peek: function () {
return this._valStack[this._valStack.length - 1];
writeItem: function (val) {
if (this._valStack.length == 0) {
val.setAttributeNS("", "xmlns", NS);
} else {
var parent = this.peek();
if (parent.tagName == "map") {
var key = this._keyStack.pop();
//print("pop key " + key + " level=" + this._keyStack.length);
var map = this._mapStack[this._mapStack.length - 1];
//print("look in map level " + this._mapStack.length);
if (key in map) {
//print("duplicate key " + key + ", duplicates = " + this._duplicates);
switch (this._duplicates) {
case "reject":
throw XError("parse-json: duplicate key '" + key.toString() + "'", "FOJS0003");
case "use-first":
return; // no action
// not a duplicate, or duplicates=retain
map[key] = val;
val.setAttribute("key", key);
if (this._escape) {
val.setAttribute("escaped-key", "true");
emitNull: function () {
var elemNode = this._context.resultDocument.createElementNS(NS, "null");
emitBoolean: function (bool) {
var elemNode = this._context.resultDocument.createElementNS(NS, "boolean");
var child = this._context.resultDocument.createTextNode(bool.toString());
emitNumber: function (num) {
var elemNode = this._context.resultDocument.createElementNS(NS, "number");
var child = this._context.resultDocument.createTextNode(num.toString());
emitString: function (str) {
var elemNode = this._context.resultDocument.createElementNS(NS, "string");
var child = this._context.resultDocument.createTextNode(this.reEscape(unEscape(str)));
if (this._escape) {
elemNode.setAttribute("escaped", "true");
emitKey: function (str) {
//print("push key " + str);
startArray: function () {
var elemNode = this._context.resultDocument.createElementNS(NS, "array");
endArray: function () {
startMap: function () {
var elemNode = this._context.resultDocument.createElementNS(NS, "map");
//print("push map");
endMap: function () {
//print("pop map");
result: function () {
//print("result: " + showValue(this.peek()[0]));
return this.peek();
function xmlToJson(node, options) {
var DU = DomUtils;
checkOption(options, "indent", "boolean", false);
function bad(reason) {
throw new XError("Invalid input to xml-to-json(): " + reason, "FOJS0006");
function checkLeaf(node) {
if (DU.getChildElements(node).length != 0) {
bad("node " + node.tagName + " must have no element children");
function checkNoText(node) {
if (Axis.child(node).filter(function (c) {
return c.nodeType == DU.TEXT_NODE && node.nodeValue && Regex.trim(node.nodeValue) != "";
}).next()) {
bad("node " + node.tagName + " must have no text content");
function checkBoolean(str) {
try {
return Atomic.boolean.fromString(str).toBoolean();
} catch (e) {
bad("invalid boolean: '" + str + "'");
function checkEscaping(str) {
try {
JSON.parse('"' + str + '"');
} catch (e) {
throw XError("invalid escape sequence: " + e.toString(), "FOJS0007");
function j(node) {
//print("xml-to-json: " + showValue(node));
if (node.nodeType == DU.DOCUMENT_NODE || node.nodeType == DU.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
var kids = DU.getChildElements(node);
if (kids.length != 1) {
bad("document node has " + kids.length + " element children");
return j(kids[0]);
} else if (node.nodeType == DU.ELEMENT_NODE) {
var escaped = false;
if (node.namespaceURI == NS) {
Axis.attribute(node).forEachItem(function (a) {
if (":") < 0 || a.namespaceURI == NS) {
if ( == "key" || == "escaped-key") {
if (!DU.xdmParentNode(node) || DU.xdmParentNode(node).localName != "map") {
bad("@key/@escaped-key are allowed only on children of map")
if ( == "escaped-key") {
var escapedKey = checkBoolean(a.value);
if (escapedKey) {
} else if ( = "escaped") {
if (node.localName != "string") {
bad("@escaped is allowed only on string");
escaped = checkBoolean(a.value);
} else {
bad("invalid attribute " +;
if ((node.hasAttribute("key") || node.hasAttribute("escaped-key")) &&
(!DU.xdmParentNode || DU.xdmParentNode.localName == "map")) {
bad("key/escaped-key are allowed only on children of map")
switch (node.localName) {
case "null":
if (Axis.child(node).filter(function (c) {
return c.nodeType != DU.COMMENT_NODE && c.nodeType != DU.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE
}).next()) {
bad("null element must have no content");
return "null";
case "string":
var str = node.textContent;
print("str/escaped: " + escaped);
if (escaped) {
str = str.replace(/\\(["\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-f]{4})/g)
// "any unescaped quotation mark, backspace, ... is replaced ..."
str = str.replace(/^"/g, "\\\"")
.replace(/^\b/g, "\\\b")
.replace(/^\f/g, "\\\f")
.replace(/^\n/g, "\\\n")
.replace(/^\r/g, "\\\r")
.replace(/^\t/g, "\\\t")
.replace(/([^\\])"/g, "$1\\\"")
.replace(/([^\\])\b/g, "$1\\\b")
.replace(/([^\\])\f/g, "$1\\\f")
.replace(/([^\\])\n/g, "$1\\\n")
.replace(/([^\\])\r/g, "$1\\\r")
.replace(/([^\\])\t/g, "$1\\\t")
.replace(/[\u0001-\u001F\u007F-\u009F]/g, function (s) {
return "\\u" + s.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();
return '"' + str + '"';
} else {
//print("str=" + str + "stringify=" + JSON.stringify(str));
return JSON.stringify(str);
return '"' + node.textContent + '"';
case "number":
try {
var d = Atomic.double.fromString(node.textContent);
} catch (e) {
bad("invalid number");
if (!isFinite(d.toNumber())) {
bad("NaN and INF not allowed");
return d.toString();
case "boolean":
return Atomic.boolean.fromString(node.textContent).toString();
case "array":
var aout = "[";
var asep = "";
DU.getChildElements(node).forEach(function (e) {
aout += (asep + j(e));
asep = ",";
return aout + "]";
case "map":
var mout = "{";
var msep = "";
var keys = {};
DU.getChildElements(node).forEach(function (e) {
if (!e.hasAttribute("key")) {
bad("child element of map must have a key");
var k = e.getAttribute("key");
if (keys[k]) {
bad("duplicate key '" + k + "'");
keys[k] = true;
mout += msep + '"' + k + '":' + j(e);
msep = ",";
return mout + "}";
bad("unknown local name " + node.localName);
} else {
bad("wrong namespace " + node.namespaceURI)
} else {
if (!DU.isNode(node)) {
print("Not a node " + showValue(node));
bad("not a node");
bad("wrong node kind " + node.nodeType);
return j(node);
return {
parseToMap: function(str, options) {
return parse(str, options, new MapHandler(options));
parseToXml: function(str, options, context) {
return parse(str, options, new XmlHandler(options, context));
xmlToJson: xmlToJson
/* //#include lib/xpath/XPath.js*/
var inBrowser = typeof window !== "undefined";
if (inBrowser) {
console.log("in browser");
} else {
// nashorn JSTestDriver or
// node NodePlatform
var spaceStripper = null;
/* The spaceStripper modifies the source tree, to remove whitespace text nodes as defined by the xsl:strip-space
* declaration (parameter decl), and also to replace CDATA nodes by text nodes. */
function makeSpaceStripper(decl) {
var isStripped = new Function('uri', 'local', decl ? decl.getAttribute("test") : "return false");
function stripSpaces(node) {
switch (node.nodeType) {
case DomUtils.DOCUMENT_NODE:
case DomUtils.ELEMENT_NODE:
var name = DomUtils.nameOfNode(node);
var xmlsp = DomUtils.getInheritedAttribute(node, "xml:space");
var strip = isStripped(name.uri, name.local) && !(xmlsp && xmlsp == "preserve");
var children = node.childNodes;
var i = 0;
while (i < children.length) {
var child = children[i];
if (child.nodeType == DomUtils.CDATA_SECTION) {
var newChild = DomUtils.ownerDocument(node).createTextNode(child.nodeValue);
node.replaceChild(newChild, child);
child = newChild;
if (child.nodeType == DomUtils.TEXT_NODE) {
if (strip && Regex.trim(child.nodeValue) == "") {
/* removing a child reduces the childNodes array length - hence we don't change the index */
} else {
} else {
return function (doc) {
return doc;
function makeSpaceStripperLazy(decl) {
var isStripped = new Function('uri', 'local', decl.getAttribute("test"));
return function (doc) {
var elements = Axis.descendant(doc).filter(function (node) {
var name;
var xmlsp;
return node.nodeType == DomUtils.ELEMENT_NODE &&
(name = DomUtils.nameOfNode(node), isStripped(name.uri, name.local)) && !(xmlsp = DomUtils.getInheritedAttribute(node, "xml:space"), (xmlsp && xmlsp == "preserve"));
var elem;
while ((elem = != null) {
//print("Stripping " + elem.tagName);
var kids = elem.childNodes;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) {
var t = kids[i];
//print("T: " + t.nodeType + " nodeValue = '" + t.nodeValue + "'");
if (i != 0 && t.nodeType == DomUtils.TEXT_NODE && Regex.trim(t.nodeValue) == "") {
return doc;
function setPlatform(caller) {
platform = caller;
function applyStylesheet(stylesheet, sourceDoc, options) {
// See if there are any space-stripping rules
var stripDecl = Axis.child(stylesheet.documentElement).filter(
function (node) {
return node.tagName == "stripJS";
spaceStripper = makeSpaceStripper(stripDecl);
if (sourceDoc && spaceStripper) {
sourceDoc = spaceStripper(sourceDoc);
var context = initializeContext(stylesheet, sourceDoc, options);
if (sourceDoc) {
var sourceUri = sourceDoc._saxonDocumentUri;
//print("Adding " + sourceUri + " to doc pool (doc " + sourceDoc._saxonDocumentNumber + ")");
context.fixed.documentPool[sourceUri] = sourceDoc;
sourceDoc._saxonBaseUri = sourceUri;
var output;
// initial-template : the initial template name as an EQName
var initialTemplate = options.initialTemplate;
if (initialTemplate != null && initialTemplate.indexOf("Q{") < 0) {
initialTemplate = "Q{}" + initialTemplate;
// initial-mode : the initial mode name as an EQName
var initialMode = options.initialMode;
if (initialMode == null) {
initialMode = "";
} else if (initialMode != "" && initialMode.substring(0, 2) != ("Q{")) {
initialMode = "Q{}" + initialMode;
//print("Initial mode = " + initialMode);
if (initialTemplate) {
var template = context.fixed.namedTemplates[initialTemplate];
if (!template) {
throw XError("Unknown initial template " + initialTemplate, "XTDE0040");
if (context.fixed.globalContextItem) {
//print("Initial context " + showValue(sourceDoc));
context.focus = Iter.Tracker(Iter.Singleton(sourceDoc));;
} else {
context.focus = null;
//print("No initial context");
output = Expr.evalChild1(template, context);
} else {
var entryMode = context.fixed.modes[initialMode];
if (!entryMode) {
throw XError("Unknown initial mode " + initialMode, "XTDE0045");
if (!sourceDoc) {
throw "No source document, initial template, or initial mode supplied";
var selection = Iter.Singleton(sourceDoc);
context.focus = Iter.Tracker(selection);
output = entryMode.applyTemplates(context);
//output = Iter.trace("Transform Output: ", output, true);
Expr.makeComplexContent(context.resultRoot, output);
var principal = Axis.child(context.resultRoot).next();
var destination = options.destination;
if (destination && !/^(appendToBody|prependToBody|replaceBody|application)$/.test(destination)) {
print("Warning: supplied transformation option not recognised - destination: " + destination);
//console.log("destination: " + destination);
if (principal) {
if (inBrowser) {
var body = window.document.body;
if (destination == "appendToBody") {
} else if (destination == "prependToBody") {
body.insertBefore(principal, body.firstChild);
} else if (destination == "replaceBody") {
while (body.childNodes.length > 0) {
} else {
options.principalResult = context.resultRoot;
} else {
options.principalResult = context.resultRoot;
if (inBrowser) {
function transform(options, callback) {
if (typeof platform.initialize === "function") {
// Options is an object (map) that can include:
// stylesheetNode - the stylesheet as a document node
// stylesheetText - the stylesheet as lexical XML
// stylesheetLocation - the URI of the stylesheet
// stylesheetFileName - the file name of the stylesheet
// stylesheetParams - object containing values of global stylesheet parameters
// sourceNode - the source document as a document node
// sourceText - the source document as lexical XML
// sourceLocation - the URI of the source document
// sourceFileName - the file name of the source document
// initialTemplate - the initial template name as an EQName
// initialMode - the initial mode name as an EQName
// detination - determines what happens to the principal result tree from the transformation
// possible values: "replaceBody" | "appendToBody" | "prependToBody" | "application"
if (!options.stylesheetParams) {
options.stylesheetParams = {};
var stylesheet, sourceDoc;
if (inBrowser) {
if (options.stylesheetLocation === undefined) {
throw "No stylesheet supplied";
platform.asyncGetMultipleXml([options.stylesheetLocation, options.sourceLocation], function (docs) {
stylesheet = docs[options.stylesheetLocation] /*|| options.stylesheetNode*/;
sourceDoc = docs[options.sourceLocation] /*|| options.sourceNode*/;
applyStylesheet(stylesheet, sourceDoc, options);
if (callback) {
} else {
stylesheet = options.stylesheetNode;
if (!stylesheet) {
var stylesheetText = options.stylesheetText;
if (!stylesheetText) {
var stylesheetFileName = options.stylesheetFileName;
if (!stylesheetFileName) {
throw "No stylesheet supplied";
stylesheetText = platform.readFile(stylesheetFileName);
stylesheet = platform.parseXmlFromString(stylesheetText);
sourceDoc = options.sourceNode;
if (!sourceDoc) {
var sourceText = options.sourceText;
if (!sourceText) {
var sourceFileName = options.sourceFileName;
if (sourceFileName) {
sourceText = platform.readFile(sourceFileName);
if (sourceText) {
sourceDoc = platform.parseXmlFromString(sourceText);
applyStylesheet(stylesheet, sourceDoc, options);
function registerEventListeners(context) {
function register(mode, eventType) {
//print("register " + eventType);
var eventFn = function (event) {
var target =;
/*if (eventType != 'hashchange') {
print("notify " + eventType + " on " + target.tagName + " id=" + target.getAttribute("id") + " isNode? " + DomUtils.isNode(target));
} else {
print("notify " + eventType + " on " + target + " isNode? " + DomUtils.isNode(target));
var c2 = context.newContext(true);
c2.currentEvent = event;
c2.focus = Iter.Tracker(Iter.Singleton(Expr.convertFromJS(target)));
//alert("calling ApplyTemplates");
//force evaluation of the iterator
/*if (mode.isNonDOMmode(context)) { // TODO this context is wrong. Want the context once an event has occurred.
// client system events
window.addEventListener(eventType, eventFn, false);
} else { // user input events
window.document.addEventListener(eventType, eventFn, false);
if (eventType != 'hashchange') {
window.document.addEventListener(eventType, eventFn, false);
} else {
window.addEventListener(eventType, eventFn, false);
var modes = context.fixed.modes;
for (var mName in modes) {
if (modes.hasOwnProperty(mName)) {
var parts = mName.split("}");
if (parts[0] == "Q{") {
register(modes[mName], parts[1].replace(/^on/, ""));
var timeStamp =
platform.inBrowser && window.performance && ? : function () {
function initializeContext(stylesheet, sourceDoc, options) {
// Get all elements with a given name, and apply a function to each
function forAll(name, fn) {
Axis.descendant(stylesheet).filter(function (node) {
return node.nodeType == DomUtils.ELEMENT_NODE && node.tagName == name;
function eqname(element) {
if (!element.hasAttribute("name")) {
return null;
var a = element.getAttribute("name");
return (/^Q\{/.test(a)) ? a : ("Q{}" + a);
var context = new Context();
context.fixed = {
//staticBaseURI: "http://localhost/"+ options["stylesheet-location"], //JWL
options: options,
stylesheet: stylesheet,
globalContextItem: sourceDoc,
globalVars: {},
namedTemplates: {},
modes: {},
userFunctions: {},
attributeSets: {},
keys: {},
decimalFormats: {},
resultDocUris: {},
_nextDocumentNumber: 0,
currentDate: {}
//print("Global context item = " + context.fixed.globalContextItem);
//var EXPORT_NS = "";
// Index named templates
forAll("template", function (template) {
var tName = eqname(template);
if (tName != null) {
context.fixed.namedTemplates[tName] = template;
// Index modes by name
forAll("mode", function (modeElem) {
var mName = eqname(modeElem);
context.fixed.modes[mName == null ? "" : mName] = new Mode(modeElem);
// Create a map for all global variables. Initial values are null.
forAll("globalVariable", function (variable) {
var vName = eqname(variable);
context.fixed.globalVars[vName] = {
decl: variable, value: null, isParam: false
// Create a map for all global parameters. Initial values are null.
forAll("globalParam", function (variable) {
var vName = eqname(variable);
context.fixed.globalVars[vName] = {
decl: variable, value: null, isParam: true
// Index user-defined functions
forAll("function", function (fn) {
if (Expr.hasFlag(fn, "m")) {
Expr.notImplemented("memo function");
var fName = eqname(fn);
var arity = Axis.child(fn).filter(function (node) {
return node.tagName == "arg"
context.fixed.userFunctions[fName + "#" + arity] = Expr.argRole(fn, "body");
context.fixed.userFunctions[fName + "#-1"] = true; // for function-available
// Index user-defined attribute-sets
forAll("attributeSet", function (aSet) {
var asName = eqname(aSet);
context.fixed.attributeSets[asName] = aSet;
// Create a map for all key definitions.
forAll("key", function (key) {
var kName = eqname(key);
//print("Declaring key " + kName);
context.fixed.keys[kName] = key;
// Create a map for all key definitions.
forAll("decimalFormat", function (fmt) {
var fName = eqname(fmt);
context.fixed.decimalFormats[fName == null ? "Q{}" : fName] = fmt;
context.fixed.documentPool = {};
context.fixed._nextDocumentNumber = 0;
context.fixed.currentDate = new Date();
context.focus = Iter.Tracker(Iter.Singleton(sourceDoc));;
//print("initial.contextItem: " + context.focus.current);
context.resultDocument = platform.inBrowser ? document.implementation.createDocument(null, 'html', null) : new Document();
context.resultRoot = new DocumentFragment();
context.localVars = [];
context.localParams = {};
context.tunnelParams = {};
return context;
function cleanCopyContext(c1) {
// Get all elements with a given name, and apply a function to each
function forAll(name, fn) {
Axis.descendant(c1.fixed.stylesheet).filter(function (node) {
return node.nodeType == DomUtils.ELEMENT_NODE && node.tagName == name;
function eqname(element) {
if (!element.hasAttribute("name")) {
return null;
var a = element.getAttribute("name");
return (/^Q\{/.test(a)) ? a : ("Q{}" + a);
var context = new Context();
context.fixed = {
stylesheet: c1.fixed.stylesheet,
globalContextItem: c1.fixed.globalContextItem,
globalVars: {},
namedTemplates: c1.fixed.namedTemplates,
modes: c1.fixed.modes,
userFunctions: c1.fixed.userFunctions,
attributeSets: c1.fixed.attributeSets,
keys: c1.fixed.keys, // TODO: rebuild indexes for a new transformation??
decimalFormats: c1.fixed.decimalFormats,
resultDocUris: {},
_nextDocumentNumber: 0, // TODO: don't reuse document numbers?
currentDate: c1.fixed.currentDate,
options: c1.fixed.options
// Create a map for all global variables. Initial values are null.
forAll("globalVariable", function (variable) {
var vName = eqname(variable);
context.fixed.globalVars[vName] = {
decl: variable, value: null, isParam: false
// Create a map for all global parameters. Initial values are null.
forAll("globalParam", function (variable) {
var vName = eqname(variable);
//print("Declared param: " + vName);
context.fixed.globalVars[vName] = {
decl: variable, value: null, isParam: true
context.fixed.documentPool = c1.fixed.documentPool;
context.focus = Iter.Tracker(Iter.Singleton(c1.fixed.globalContextItem));;
//print("initial.contextItem: " + context.focus.current);
context.resultDocument = new Document();
context.resultRoot = new DocumentFragment();
context.localVars = [];
context.localParams = {};
context.tunnelParams = {};
return context;
function Context() {
Context.prototype = {
depth: 0,
focus: null,
resultDocument: null,
tempOutputState: false,
fixed: {},
localParams: {},
tunnelParams: {},
currentTemplate: null,
currentMode: null,
currentError: null,
currentEvent: null,
localVars: [],
toString: function () {
var p = "{";
for (var n in this.localParams) {
if (this.localParams.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
p += n + ":(" + this.localParams[n] + "),"
p += "}";
return "context: " + this.focus.current + " localParams: " + p;
newContext: function (clearParams) {
//print("new Context clear=" + clearParams);
var old = this;
var c = new Context();
c.depth = old.depth + 1;
// used for diagnostics only
c.focus = old.focus;
c.resultDocument = old.resultDocument;
c.currentMode = old.currentMode;
c.currentTemplate = old.currentTemplate;
c.currentError = old.currentError;
c.fixed = old.fixed;
c.tempOutputState = old.tempOutputState;
c.currentEvent = old.currentEvent;
if (clearParams) {
c.localParams = {};
c.tunnelParams = {};
c.localVars = [];
} else {
c.localParams = old.localParams;
c.tunnelParams = old.tunnelParams;
c.localVars = old.localVars;
return c;
createElement: function (uri, name) {
if ((uri == "" || uri == "") && platform.inBrowser && this.resultDocument === window.document) {
return this.resultDocument.createElement(name);
return this.resultDocument.createElementNS(uri, name);
/* A stub for the dynamic XPath functions - the code is loaded only if it is required */
var XPath = function () {
function load() {
var content = SaxonJS.getPlatform().readResource("lib/xpath/XPathJS.js");
content += "XPath;";
SaxonJS.XPath = eval(content);
return {
parse: function (xpath, opts, params) {
return SaxonJS.XPath.parse(xpath, opts, params);
evaluate: function (xpath, src, params) {
return SaxonJS.XPath.parse(xpath, src, params);
/*if (SaxonJS.XPathJS === undefined) {
var content = SaxonJS.getPlatform().readResource("lib/xpath/XPathJS.js");
content += "XPath;";
//var temp = eval(content);
SaxonJS.XPathJS = eval(content);
var i = 0;
function getProcessorInfo() {
return {
version: 3.0,
vendor: "Saxonica",
vendorURL: "",
productName: "Saxon-JS",
productVersion: "0.9",
isSchemaAware: false,
supportsSerialization: false,
supportsBackwardsCompatibility: true,
supportsNamespaceAxis: true,
supportsStreaming: false,
supportsDynamicEvaluation: false,
supportsHigherOrderFunctions: false,
xPathVersion: 3.1,
xsdVersion: 1.1
return {
transform: transform,
getProcessorInfo: getProcessorInfo,
setPlatform: setPlatform,
getPlatform: function () {
return platform;
timeStamp: timeStamp,
DomUtils: DomUtils,// start JWL retained
Iter: Iter,
XError: XError,
HashTrie: HashTrie, // end JWL retained
getSpaceStripper: function () {
return spaceStripper;
U: {
Atomic: Atomic, // all types needed in BuiltInAtomicType
Axis: Axis, // Axis.child
Context: Context, // needed for XPath evaluation
nameOfNode: DomUtils.nameOfNode,
isNode: DomUtils.isNode,
isAttr: function (item) {
return item instanceof Attr;
isNamespaceNode: function (item) {
return item instanceof NamespaceNode;
isMap: function (item) {
return item instanceof HashTrie;
isArray: function (item) {
return item instanceof Expr.XdmArray;
ForArray: Iter.ForArray,
evaluate: Expr.evaluate,
XPath: XPath,
//load_XPathJS: load_XPathJS,
//XPathJS: XPathJS,
// For use in Node.js
if (typeof require == 'function') {
var DOMImplementation = require('xmldom').DOMImplementation;
var Node = require('xmldom').Node;
var Document = require('xmldom').Document;
var DocumentFragment = require('xmldom').DocumentFragment;
// TODO var NodePlatform = require('./NodePlatform.js');
module.exports = SaxonJS;
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