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Created April 10, 2009 16:39
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Detect the models which are associated with non existing account.
# Usage:
# $ RAILS_ENV=test ./check-assoc
require 'config/environment'
db_config = YAML.load("config/database.yml"))[RAILS_ENV]
cmd = case db_config["adapter"]
when "mysql" then
"mysqldump #{db_config["database"]} -u root --compact -d | ruby -pe 'gsub /([\(,])\n/, \"\\1\"' | grep 'CREATE TABLE' | grep account_id | cut -d' ' -f3 | sed 's/`//g'"
when "sqlite3" then
"echo '.schema' | sqlite3 #{RAILS_ROOT}/#{db_config["database"]} | grep 'CREATE TABLE' | grep account_id | cut -d' ' -f 3 | sed 's/\"//g'"
raise "dabase driver is not supported"
account_ids =
pipe = IO.popen(cmd)
pipe.readlines.each do |l|
table = l.strip
klass = Object.class_eval { const_get table.classify }
ids = klass.all(:conditions => "account_id not in (#{account_ids.join(',')})").map(&:id)
puts "#{klass}: #{ids.empty? ? 'ok' : ids.inspect}"
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