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Forked from Pierowheelz/set_sub_account_info.php
Created February 8, 2019 15:00
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A WHMCS hook to copy Company Name and Address from Clients to Contacts (sub-accounts) upon creation of a new Contact. This ensures that invoices always show the correct Company Name and Address.
if (!defined("WHMCS"))
die("This file cannot be accessed directly");
use WHMCS\Database\Capsule;
* Copies account details from parent accounts to sub-accounts
add_hook('ContactAdd', 1, "wb_setup_sub_accounts");
add_hook('ContactEdit', 1, "wb_setup_sub_accounts");
add_hook('PreCronJob', 1, "wb_setup_sub_accounts");
//add_hook('AdminAreaFooterOutput', 1, "wb_setup_sub_accounts"); //this for testing only
function wb_setup_sub_accounts(){
//get all contacts with no company name set
$to_setup_contacts = Capsule::table('tblcontacts')->where('companyname', '')->get();
foreach( $to_setup_contacts as $contact ){
$client = Capsule::table('tblclients')->where('id', $contact->userid)->get();
if( is_array($client) && !empty($client) ){
$client = $client[0];
if( null == $client || '' == $client || empty($client) ){
//update contact info to match client
$update = array(
'companyname' => $client->companyname,
'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
if( '' != $client->phonenumber && '' == $contact->phonenumber ){
$update['phonenumber'] = $client->phonenumber;
if( '' != $client->country && '' == $contact->country ){
$update['country'] = $client->country;
if( '' != $client->postcode && '' == $contact->postcode ){
$update['postcode'] = $client->postcode;
if( '' != $client->state && '' == $contact->state ){
$update['state'] = $client->state;
if( '' != $client->city && '' == $contact->city ){
$update['city'] = $client->city;
if( '' != $client->address2 && '' == $contact->address2 ){
$update['address2'] = $client->address2;
if( '' != $client->address1 && '' == $contact->address1 ){
$update['address1'] = $client->address1;
if( Capsule::table('tblcontacts')->where('id', $contact->id)->update( $update ) ){
logActivity('Contact setup: Updated contact '.$contact->id.' with info from parent account. '.print_r($update,true), 0);
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