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Created January 22, 2012 12:28
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class PriorityQueue {
/*a list to contains the queue elments in a binary heap format*/
def list = []
/*Add new item to the queue*/
def add(item) {
/*After adding new item, we need to re-validate the heap*/
siftUp(list, 0, list.size() - 1)
def pop() {
if (list.isEmpty()) {
return null
def size = list.size()
/*if there are maximum two items in the queue, we just return the first (root) item in the heap*/
if (size < 3) {
return list.remove(0)
/*Remove the first (root) item and move the last item to first place (root) in the list*/
def item = list[0]
list[0] = list.remove(size - 1)
/*Revalidate the heap*/
siftDown(list, 0, size - 2)
return item
def peek() {
if (list.isEmpty()) {
return null
return list[0]
def isEmpty() {
return list.isEmpty()
def size() {
return list.size()
private siftDown(list, start, end) {
def p = start
while (p * 2 + 1 <= end) {
/*Find the left side child*/
def l = p * 2 + 1
/*Find the right side child*/
def r = l + 1
/*Assume parent is the maximum value.*/
def max = p
/*If left child is bigger than parrent then keep it as max value*/
if (list[max] < list[l]) {
max = l
/*If right child exist and its bigger than others (parent and left child) then keep it as max value*/
if (r <= end && list[max] < list[r]) {
max = r
/*If parent is the the biggest value, then swap it with the biggest value*/
if (p != max) {
def t = list[p]
list[p] = list[max]
list[max] = t
p = max
} else {
private siftUp(list, start, end) {
def c = end
while (c > start) {
/*Find the parent node*/
def p = (int)((end - 1) / 2)
/*if the parent is less than child, then swap them*/
if (list[p] < list[c]) {
def t = list[p]
list[p] = list[c]
list[c] = t
c = p
} else {
/****** Test ******/
def pq = new PriorityQueue()
assert true == pq.isEmpty(), 'the queue is empty'
assert 0 == pq.size(), 'the queue size should be 0'
assert null == pq.peek(), 'the queue is empty, so there should be nothing to peek'
assert null == pq.pop(), 'the queue is empty, so there should be nothing to pop'
assert false == pq.isEmpty(), 'quese is not empty anymore, there is one item (20) in the queue'
assert 1 == pq.size(), 'queue size must be 1'
assert 20 == pq.peek(), 'highest value in the queue is the 20'
assert 20 == pq.pop(), 'removing the highest value which is 20'
assert true == pq.isEmpty(), 'the queue is empty'
assert 0 == pq.size(), 'the queue size should be 0'
assert 50 == pq.peek(), 'the highest value must be 50'
assert 50 == pq.pop(), 'the highest value must be 50'
assert 30 == pq.peek(), 'the highest value must be 30'
assert 30 == pq.pop(), 'the highest value must be 30'
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