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Last active March 1, 2024 16:55
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material-ui's CSS-in-JS with Reagent. (see

material-ui allows for customizing CSS via a higher-order component called withStyles. Like many higher-order components which expect render props, the purpose of withStyles is to accept some parameters, and then introduce a new variable into the scope of the component tree.

One succinct and simple way to translate the concept of scope into Clojure is via a custom let macro. Usage of such a macro is demonstrated here:

(:require [material-ui.styles :as m])

(m/let [{:keys [leftPad]} {:leftPad 
                           {:paddingLeft 8}}]
  ;; `leftPad` is now the _className_ associated with {:paddingLeft 8}                             
  [my-component {:class leftPad} ...])

The let macro is built on top of the with-styles higher-order component, which is material-ui's withStyles component wrapped to handle conversion between JS and Clojure data structures, and allows returning plain Reagent components in the body function.

Two more features to demonstrate:

  1. material-ui components accept a classes key to override the injected styles for a component.
  2. Instead of a plain map of className->styles, you can pass a function which will be passed the current material-ui theme.
(m/let [classes (fn [^js theme]
                 {:root {:color (.. theme -palette -primary -dark)}})]
  [some-component {:classes classes} ...])
(ns material-ui.styles
#?(:clj (:refer-clojure :exclude [let]))
#?(:cljs (:require ["@material-ui/core/styles" :refer [withStyles]]))
#?(:cljs (:require-macros material-ui.styles)))
(defn with-styles
"Given a map of {classKey, styles} (or a function which takes a theme & returns such a map),
returns the same map of {classKey, className}"
[styles-or-fn body-fn]
(let [hoc (withStyles
(if (fn? styles-or-fn)
(comp clj->js styles-or-fn)
(clj->js styles-or-fn)))
body-component (r/reactify-component
(fn [{:keys [classes]}]
[body-fn (-> classes
(js->clj :keywordize-keys true))]))]
(hoc body-component)))))
(defmacro let [bindings & body]
(loop [[var-name style-expr :as bindings] bindings
out `(r/as-element
(do ~@body))]
(if (empty? bindings)
(recur (drop 2 bindings)
(fn [~var-name] ~out)])))))
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beders commented Mar 1, 2024

this is a bit outdated. The whole point of creating a HOC with withStyles is that it can be re-used.
This is not the case here as (react/createElement (hoc body-component)) is called.

Using styles is probably better.

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