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Last active October 19, 2023 06:09
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clj(s) environment config w/ Shadow-CLJS using a build hook


  • Load config conditionally, based on a release flag passed in at the command line. We use juxt/aero to read a static config.edn file, passing in the release flag as aero's :profile.
  • Config should be exposed at runtime (in the browser / cljs) and macro-expansion time (clj). We store config in a plain map, app.env/config. Our build hook,, updates this using alter-var-root!.
  • Whenever config has changed, shadow-cljs must invalidate its caches so that changes are picked up immediately. We do this in by putting the current environment in the shadow build state, under [:compiler-options :external-config ::env].

Why this approach?

  • Reading config directly from macros breaks compiler caching - changing config will not cause changes to propagate to the build.
  • :clojure-defines (ie. goog-define) are not exposed in clj, & therefore can't be used by macros. We want one single way to expose config that can be reliably read anywhere.
  • Setting the release flag from the command line makes it easy to integrate this build flow with various deployment scripts/approaches.
(:require [aero.core :as aero]
[ :as io]
[app.env :as env]
[shadow.cljs.devtools.config :as shadow-config]
[shadow.cljs.devtools.api :as shadow]))
;; Build commands
;; these are to be run from the command line, with a release-flag parameter:
;; $ shadow-cljs clj-run staging
(defn release
"Build :browser release, with advanced compilation"
([] (release "local"))
(shadow/release* (-> (shadow-config/get-build! :browser)
;; note, we add ::release-flag to our build-config, we need this later.
(assoc ::release-flag release-flag)) {})))
(defn watch
"Watch the :browser release, reloading on changes."
{:shadow/requires-server true}
([] (watch "local"))
(shadow/watch (-> (shadow-config/get-build! :browser)
(assoc ::release-flag release-flag)))))
;; Reading environment variables
;; We use `juxt/aero` to read a config map, with our `release-flag`
;; passed in as :profile
(defn read-env [release-flag]
(-> (io/resource "config.edn")
(aero/read-config {:profile release-flag})
(assoc :release-flag release-flag)))
(defn load-env
{ #{:compile-prepare}}
[{:as build-state
:keys []}]
(let [app-env (read-env (-> config ::release-flag keyword))]
(alter-var-root #'env/config (constantly app-env))
(-> build-state
(assoc-in [:compiler-options :external-config ::env] app-env))))
;; example config file, to be read by juxt/aero
{:hostname #profile {:local "localhost"
:staging ""
:prod ""}}
(ns app.env
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [app.env :as env])))
(def config
"Map of environment variables, to be read at runtime."
#?(:cljs (env/get-config-map)
:clj {}))
(defmacro ^:private get-config-map
"Returns config map at compile time"
:builds {:browser {:target :browser
:build-hooks [(]}}}
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mhuebert commented Apr 5, 2020

@duncanjbrown Glad you found it useful, and thanks for the tip.
I recently did another dive into this and extracted out a little lib:

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whacked commented Jul 5, 2020

@mhuebert is a fantastic library. Thank you so much for making it.

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euporos commented Jun 1, 2021

Really useful example, thanks!

For the record: Closure-defines can be used at compile time, i.e. within macros, by extracting them from the clojurescript env-atom, e.g. like so:

(defn get-closure-define
  (get-in @cljs.env/*compiler* [:options :closure-defines define]))

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a bit late tho when I first looked at it I was "meh" ... too much work, tho on trying EVERYTHING else (it's not lost how much MORE effort that was), some reflection, and acceptance, ... it's precisely what was needed, thank you

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