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Created September 15, 2017 21:05
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import _ from "lodash";
import { graphql } from "react-apollo";
import { compose, setDisplayName, wrapDisplayName } from "recompose";
const isServer = typeof window !== "object";
fetchPolicy: isServer ? "network-first" : "cache-and-network"
function wrapOptions(baseOptions) {
return (...args) => {
const result = baseOptions(...args);
return { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...result };
function extendOptions(baseOptions) {
return { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...baseOptions };
const withGraphQuery = (query, baseConfig = {}) => (Component) => {
const baseOptions = baseConfig.options || {};
const options = _.isFunction(baseOptions) ? wrapOptions(baseOptions) : extendOptions(baseOptions);
const config = { ...baseConfig, options };
return compose(
graphql(query, config),
setDisplayName(wrapDisplayName(Component, "withGraphQuery"))
export default withGraphQuery;
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Higher-order React component that wraps graphql. I found this necessary to prevent the server-side for my isomorphic React app from caching responses while still allowing the client to fetch data from the network.

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