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Created March 21, 2018 14:39
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Moodle SAR developer script
* A Script to help work with Moodle's Privacy API.
* @author Michael Hughes <>, University of Strathclyde,
* Creates and SAR for specified user.
* Optionally can
* * unpack the resulting SAR to a specified location
* * add the SAR request to the cron queue (instead of processing it immediately).
define('CLI_SCRIPT', true);
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../../config.php');
use tool_dataprivacy\api;
use tool_dataprivacy\data_request;
if (!debugging(null, DEBUG_DEVELOPER)) {
echo "This requires DEBUG_DEVELOPER to be set on.";
$workdir = null;
$help = "Requests a SAR for a user
--userid User ID
-q, --queue Queue the task to run in cron, otherwise run right now
-u, --unpack=DIR Unpack the resulting file to DIR.
-h, --help Display this help
list($options, $unrecognized) = cli_get_params(
'userid' => false,
'queue' => false,
'unpack' => false,
'help' => false
'h' => 'help',
'u' => 'unpack'
if ($options['help']) {
echo $help;
if ($options['unpack']!== false && !is_string($options['unpack'])) {
cli_writeln("Unpack must be a valid path");
$workdir = $options['unpack'];
if ($workdir!==false && !file_exists(realpath($workdir))) {
cli_writeln("{$workdir} doesn't exist");
if($options['userid'] === false) {
echo 'userid is required';
$queue = true;
if ($options['queue'] === false) {
$queue = false;
$userid = $options['userid'];
// Fix $OUTPUT not being initialised
$u = core_user::get_user($userid);
$datarequest = new data_request();
// The user the request is being made for.
$datarequest->set('userid', $u->id);
// The user making the request.
$datarequest->set('requestedby', $u->id);
// Set status.
$datarequest->set('status', api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_PENDING);
// Set request type.
$datarequest->set('type', api::DATAREQUEST_TYPE_EXPORT);
// Set request comments.
$datarequest->set('comments', 'Automated generation');
// Store subject access request.
$rqid = $datarequest->get('id');
$admin = get_admin();
api::update_request_status($rqid, api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_APPROVED, $admin->id);
$rq = api::get_request($rqid);
$task = new \tool_dataprivacy\task\process_data_request_task();
$task->set_custom_data(['requestid' => $rqid]);
use core\task\manager;
if ($queue) {
cli_writeln("Queuing task to run in cron");
manager::queue_adhoc_task($task, true);
} else {
cli_write("Executing task...");
$result = $task->execute();
if ($workdir !== false) {
cli_write("Unpacking to \"{$workdir}\"...");
$usercontext = \context_user::instance($u->id);
$filerecord = new \stdClass;
$filerecord->component = 'tool_dataprivacy';
$filerecord->contextid = $usercontext->id;
$filerecord->userid = $u->id;
$filerecord->filearea = 'export';
$filerecord->filename = '';
$filerecord->filepath = '/';
$filerecord->itemid = $rqid;
$filerecord->license = $CFG->sitedefaultlicense;
$filerecord->author = fullname($u);
// Save somewhere.
//$thing = $fs->create_file_from_pathname($filerecord, $exportedcontent);
$fs = get_file_storage();
$f = $fs->get_file(
$packer = new zip_packer();
$f->extract_to_pathname($packer, $workdir);
cli_writeln("Finished SAR process");
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