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Created November 14, 2018 11:04
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import struct
from fractions import Fraction
import psycopg2
def double_to_hex(f):
h = hex(struct.unpack('<Q', struct.pack('<d', f))[0])[2:]
# reverse each byte for endianness
return h[6:]+h[4:6]+h[2:4]+h[0:2]
def poly_wkb(x,y):
#polygon((0 0,3 1,1 1,1 0.33333333,0 0))
poly_wkb_a = "01030000000100000005000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000840000000000000F03F000000000000F03F000000000000F03F"
poly_wkb_b = "00000000000000000000000000000000"
return poly_wkb_a + double_to_hex(x) + double_to_hex(y) + poly_wkb_b
if __name__ == "__main__":
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=test_postgis")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("select * from no_plan()")
old_wkb = None
for k in range(1000):
x = Fraction(1,1) + k*Fraction(1,2**53)
y = x * Fraction(1,3)
fx = float(x)
fy = float(y)
is_valid = fy < y
if old_wkb is not None and old_wkb == wkb:
cur.execute("select st_isvalid('{}')".format(wkb))
geos_is_valid = cur.fetchone()[0]
cur.execute("prepare t as select st_extrude('{}',0,0,1)".format(wkb))
cur.execute("select substring(lives_ok('t'),1,2)='ok'")
sfcgal_is_valid = cur.fetchone()[0]
cur.execute("deallocate t")
print is_valid, geos_is_valid, sfcgal_is_valid
if sfcgal_is_valid != geos_is_valid:
print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
old_wkb = wkb
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