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Last active December 17, 2016 21:28
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Highlights on making a CSS & JS clock, based on Wes Bos's 30 Day Vanilla JS challenge
* In the `person.sayHello` function, we are using an ES6 template literal
* to dynamically create a string
var person = {
first: 'Michael',
last: 'Hull',
sayHello: function() {
console.log( `Hi, my name is ${this.first} ${this.last}` );
/* the seconds-hand is usually red, long, and thin */
#second-hand {
background: red;
height: 2px;
width: 49%;
/* the minutes-hand is usually thicker than seconds-hand
and also slightly shorter */
#minute-hand {
background: white;
height: 5px;
width: 45%;
border-radius: 8px;
/* the hours-hand is usually short and wide */
#hour-hand {
background: white;
height: 8px;
width: 30%;
border-radius: 5px;
/* Here is the original code, which changes the minute
hand position once per minute */ = ( mins / 60 ) * 360;
/* And here is an alteration which updates the minute hand
every single second, based on how many seconds have passed
within the current minute */ = ( mins + ( seconds / 60 ) ) / 60 * 360;
/* Here is the original code, which updates the hour hand
once per hour, on the hour */ = ( hour / 12 ) * 360;
/* And here is an alteration which updates the hour hand
every single second, based on how many seconds have passed
within the current minute AND how many minutes have passed
within the current hour */ = ( hours + ( minutes / 60 ) + ( seconds / 3600 ) ) / 12 * 360
var clock = {
element: document.querySelector('#clock'),
seconds: 0,
minutes: 0,
hours: 0,
* Initialize the clock on page load
init: function() {
* Get DOM elements and create clock hand objects
this.hands = {
second: clock.element.querySelector('#second-hand'),
minute: clock.element.querySelector('#minute-hand'),
hour: clock.element.querySelector('#hour-hand'),
this.update( new Date() );
/* the hands start out invisible, so they don't 'jump' into
position on page load. Thus, we need to make them visible */
for( var hand in this.hands ) {
this.hands[hand].style.display = 'block';
* Callback to update the clock each second
update: function( time ) {
this.seconds = time.getSeconds();
this.minutes = time.getMinutes();
this.hours = time.getHours();
* Set the seconds hand
setSecondHand: function() {
const degrees = this.seconds / 60 * 360;
this.rotateHand( this.hands.second, degrees );
* Set the minutes hand
setMinuteHand: function() {
const degrees = ( this.minutes + this.seconds / 60 ) / 60 * 360;
this.rotateHand( this.hands.minute, degrees );
* Set the hours hand
setHourHand: function() {
const degrees = ( this.hours + this.minutes / 60 + this.seconds / 3600 ) / 12 * 360;
this.rotateHand( this.hands.hour, degrees );
* Rotate a clock hand by a given amount
rotateHand: function( hand, degrees ) {
degrees += 90; = `rotate(${degrees}deg)`;
setInterval( () => clock.update( new Date ), 1000 );
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