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Created May 5, 2011 19:10
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Save mhulse/957685 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DTI's Content Publisher CMS: Just experimenting with some code that gets all SWFs attached to a story.
<script language="cache" method="getSwf" arguments='cmsStory:dt.cms.schema.CMSStory=-1' returntype="%ArrayOfDataTypes" procedureblock="1">
set sc = $$$OK
set return = ##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New()
set storyId = cmsStory.story.storyId
set currentNS = $znspace
znspace ##class(dt.common.NamespaceProcs).GetNewsMediaName()
try {
w storyId
set sql =
"SELECT hr1.nativeFile, hr1.nativeFileTypeId, hr1.processedFile, hr1.processedFileTypeId, ft.filetypeid " _
"FROM dbo.ForeignDbLink fdbl, dbo.FileType ft, dbo.HighRes1 hr1 " _
"WHERE fdbl.foreignId = ? " _
"AND fdbl.foreignidfield = 'story.storyId' " _
"AND hr1.fileheaderid = fdbl.fileheaderId " _
"AND (" _
"hr1.nativeFileTypeId = ft.filetypeid OR hr1.processedFileTypeId = ft.filetypeid" _
") " _
"AND ft.extension = '.SWF'"
set rs = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("%DynamicQuery:SQL")
set sc = rs.Prepare(sql)
if ($$$ISOK(sc)) {
set sc = rs.Execute(storyId)
if ($$$ISOK(sc)) {
set counter = 0
while (rs.%Next()) {
set counter = counter + 1
set nativeFile = rs.%GetData(1)
set nativeFileTypeId = rs.%GetData(2)
set processedFile = rs.%GetData(3)
set processedFileTypeId = rs.%GetData(4)
set fileTypeId = rs.%GetData(5)
if (((processedFile '= 0) && (processedFileTypeId = fileTypeId)) || ((nativeFile '= 0) && (nativeFileTypeId = fileTypeId))) {
; Q: What is the difference between "processed" and "native" files?
; A: The native file is just that, the original native file. The processed file is a processed version of the file.
; Your code should use the processed file if it exists, as it will be the latest, and fall back to using the native
; file if the processed file doesn't exist. The native file should always exist (as long as everything was uploaded
; correctly), but the processed file will only be there if the image/media was updated.
; -- Scott Binns (thanks Scott!!!!)
if ((processedFile '= 0) && (processedFileTypeId = fileTypeId)) {
do return.SetAt(processedFile, counter)
} else {
do return.SetAt(nativeFile, counter)
znspace currentNS
} catch(e) {
if ($znspace '= currentNS) {
znspace currentNS
quit return
<script language="cache" method="goob" arguments='filename:%String=""' returntype="%String" procedureblock="1">
set return = ""
if ($length(filename)) {
; Inspired by: ##class(
set currentNS = $znspace
set adNS = ##class(dt.common.NamespaceProcs).GetAdsName()
set width = 0
set height = 0
try {
znspace adNS
do ##class(, .height, .width)
w width
w height
znspace currentNS
} catch(e) {
if ($znspace '= currentNS) {
zn currentNS
quit return
<csp:object name="gPublication" classname="dt.cms.schema.Publication" objid="7">
<csp:object name="gStory" classname="dt.cms.schema.CMSStory" objid="26203863">
<script language="cache" runat="server">
new embed, file
set embed = ##class(, "", "",, .sc, 0)
set file = ##class(csp.web.assets.methods.string).nab(embed, "data=""", """")
#(##class(csp.web.assets.methods.string).nab(embed, "width=""", """"))#, #(##class(csp.web.assets.methods.string).nab(embed, "height=""", """"))#
#[ new swfs set swfs = ..getSwf(gStory) ]#
<csp:loop counter="i" from="1" to="#(swfs.Count())#">
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mhulse commented May 5, 2011

Note: The "nab" CSP method can be found here.

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