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Created October 31, 2014 15:47
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// Copyright 2014 Xamarin Inc.
// For details, see LICENSE.txt.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace XamarinStudio.Unreal.Projects
namespace UnrealEngine.MainDomain
abstract class UnrealAgent : IDisposable
string gameRoot, engineRoot, agentFile;
bool disposed;
protected readonly object ConnectionCreationLock = new object();
UnrealAgentConnection connection;
protected UnrealAgent (string engineRoot, string gameRoot)
this.engineRoot = engineRoot;
this.gameRoot = gameRoot;
this.agentFile = Path.Combine (gameRoot, ".xamarin-ide");
public string GameRoot {
get { return gameRoot; }
public string EngineRoot {
get { return engineRoot; }
public string AgentFile {
get { return agentFile; }
protected bool IsDisposed {
get { return disposed; }
public bool IsConnected {
get { return connection != null; }
public Task Connect (CancellationToken token)
if (IsConnected)
return TaskFromResult ((object)null);
return new ConnectTask (this, StartTarget (), token).Task
//HACK: small delay before sending commands if launching the editor, or it can crash
.ContinueWith (t => {
t.Wait ();
if (t.IsCompleted)
Thread.Sleep (5000);
protected abstract Process StartTarget ();
class ConnectTask
TaskCompletionSource<object> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object> ();
readonly UnrealAgent agent;
readonly Process target;
public ConnectTask (UnrealAgent agent, Process target, CancellationToken token)
this.agent = agent; = target;
if (token.CanBeCanceled)
token.Register (OnCancelled);
agent.Connected += OnConnected;
agent.Disconnected += OnDisconnected;
target.Exited += OnProcessExited;
target.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
if (agent.IsConnected)
OnConnected ();
else if (target.HasExited)
OnDisconnected ();
public Task Task {
get { return tcs.Task; }
void OnProcessExited (object sender, EventArgs e)
if (target.ExitCode != 0 && tcs.TrySetException (new Exception ("Target exited unexpectedly")))
Dispose ();
void OnCancelled ()
if (tcs.TrySetCanceled ())
Dispose ();
void OnConnected ()
if (tcs.TrySetResult (null))
Dispose ();
void OnDisconnected ()
if (tcs.TrySetException (new Exception ("Unable to connect to target")))
Dispose ();
void Dispose ()
agent.Connected -= OnConnected;
agent.Disconnected -= OnDisconnected;
target.Exited -= OnProcessExited;
target.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
/// <summary>
/// Subclass should call this when a connection is starting.
/// </summary>
protected UnrealAgentConnection OnConnecting (TcpClient client)
lock (ConnectionCreationLock) {
if (connection != null)
connection.Dispose ();
connection = new UnrealAgentConnection (client, HandleCommandBase, HandleDisposed);
return connection;
/// <summary>
/// Subclass should call this to close the connection.
/// </summary>
protected void CloseConnection ()
lock (ConnectionCreationLock) {
if (connection != null)
connection.Close ();
connection = null;
void HandleDisposed (UnrealAgentConnection c)
lock (ConnectionCreationLock) {
if (c == connection)
connection = null;
var evt = Disconnected;
if (evt == null)
try {
evt ();
} catch (Exception ex) {
UnrealAgentHelper.Error (ex, "Unhandled exception");
bool HandleCommandBase (string name, string[] args)
if (name == "Connected")
var e = Connected;
if (e != null) {
e ();
return true;
return HandleCommand (name, args);
protected abstract bool HandleCommand (string name, string[] args);
public virtual void Dispose ()
if (disposed)
lock (ConnectionCreationLock) {
if (disposed)
disposed = true;
Dispose (true);
GC.SuppressFinalize (this);
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
if (disposing && connection != null) {
connection.Close ();
connection = null;
Dispose (false);
public event Action Connected;
public event Action Disconnected;
bool SendSync (string name, params object[] args)
var c = connection;
if (c != null)
return c.Send(name, args);
return false;
protected Task<bool> Send (string name, params object[] args)
if (connection == null)
return TaskFromResult (false);
return LogExceptions (Task.Factory.StartNew (() => SendSync (name, args)));
protected Task<bool> ConnectAndSend (CancellationToken token, string name, params object[] args)
return ConnectAndSend (token, true, name, args);
/// <summary>
/// Sends a command to the remote process, launching it if necessary, and giving it focus.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Task that completes when the connection is established or fails, or the remote process exits.</returns>
/// <param name="token">Cancellation token.</param>
/// <param name="focus">Whether to focus the remote process.</param>
/// <param name="name">Command. May be null.</param>
/// <param name="args">Format arguments for the command.</param>
protected Task<bool> ConnectAndSend (CancellationToken token, bool focus, string name, params object[] args)
if (IsConnected) {
bool success = !focus || GiveFocusToRemoteProcess ();
if (name == null)
return TaskFromResult (success);
//don't try to reconnect on send failures since the reconnect would likely break too
//ignore the tiny race that could happen if the remote process quits during the send
return Send (name, args);
return LogExceptions (Connect (token).ContinueWith (t => {
t.Wait ();
if (name == null)
return true;
return SendSync (name, args);
static Task<T> TaskFromResult<T>(T result)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<T> ();
tcs.SetResult (result);
return tcs.Task;
//ensures exceptions are observed
static Task<T> LogExceptions<T> (Task<T> task)
task.ContinueWith (t => {
UnrealAgentHelper.Error (t.Exception.Flatten ().InnerException, "Error in task");
}, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted | TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);
return task;
bool GiveFocusToRemoteProcess ()
var c = connection;
if (c == null)
return false;
return GiveFocusToProcess (c.RemotePid);
public static bool GiveFocusToProcess (int pid)
if (UnrealAgentHelper.IsWindows)
return GiveFocusToRemoteWindowsProcess (pid);
if (UnrealAgentHelper.IsMac)
return GiveFocusToRemoteMacProcess (pid);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
static bool GiveFocusToRemoteWindowsProcess (int pid)
IntPtr handle;
if (GetMainWindowHandle (pid, out handle) && SetForegroundWindow (handle)) {
SetFocus (handle);
return true;
return false;
[DllImport ("user32.dll")]
[return: MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.Bool)]
static extern bool SetForegroundWindow (IntPtr hWnd);
[DllImport ("user32.dll")]
static extern IntPtr SetFocus (IntPtr hWnd);
//Process.MainWindowHandle doesn't work on Mono
static bool GetMainWindowHandle (int pid, out IntPtr handle)
var result = IntPtr.Zero;
EnumWindows ((hWnd, lParam) => {
uint winPid;
if (GetWindowThreadProcessId (hWnd, out winPid) != 0 && pid == winPid && IsWindowVisible (hWnd)) {
result = hWnd;
return false;
//return true means continue enumerating
return true;
}, IntPtr.Zero);
handle = result;
return result != IntPtr.Zero;
[DllImport ("user32.dll")]
[return: MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.Bool)]
static extern bool IsWindowVisible (IntPtr hWnd);
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
static extern bool EnumWindows (EnumWindowsProc lpEnumFunc, IntPtr lParam);
delegate bool EnumWindowsProc (IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr lParam);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out uint lpdwProcessId);
static bool GiveFocusToRemoteMacProcess (int pid)
var args = string.Format (
"-e \"tell application \\\"System Events\\\" to set frontmost of the first process whose unix id is {0} to true\"",
Process.Start (new ProcessStartInfo ("/usr/bin/osascript", args) { UseShellExecute = false });
return true;
// Copyright 2014 Xamarin Inc.
// For details, see LICENSE.txt.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
//for ProcessArgumentBuilder only
using MonoDevelop.Core.Execution;
namespace XamarinStudio.Unreal.Projects
namespace UnrealEngine.MainDomain
class UnrealAgentConnection : IDisposable
const string protocolVersion = "1.0";
const string sendHandshake = "XAMARIN UNREAL AGENT " + protocolVersion + " CLIENT";
const string recvHandshake = "XAMARIN UNREAL AGENT " + protocolVersion + " SERVER";
const string sendHandshake = "XAMARIN UNREAL AGENT " + protocolVersion + " SERVER";
const string recvHandshake = "XAMARIN UNREAL AGENT " + protocolVersion + " CLIENT";
bool disposed;
TcpClient client;
TextWriter writer;
TextReader reader;
int remotePid;
readonly Func<string,string[],bool> commandHandler;
readonly Action<UnrealAgentConnection> disposedHandler;
public UnrealAgentConnection (
TcpClient client,
Func<string,string[],bool> commandHandler,
Action<UnrealAgentConnection> disposedHandler)
this.client = client;
this.commandHandler = commandHandler;
this.disposedHandler = disposedHandler;
public int RemotePid { get { return remotePid; } }
public void Run ()
try {
if (!Connect ())
try {
commandHandler ("Connected", null);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!disposed)
UnrealAgentHelper.Error (ex, "Error handling command Connected");
string line;
while ((line = Read ()) != null) {
string command;
string[] args;
ParseCommand (line, out command, out args);
//TODO: this should eventually be less verbose
UnrealAgentHelper.Log ("Command {0}", line);
if (command == "CLOSE"){
UnrealAgentHelper.Log ("Disconnecting.");
try {
if (commandHandler (command, args))
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!disposed)
UnrealAgentHelper.Error (ex, "Error handling command " + command);
UnrealAgentHelper.Error ("Unknown command " + command);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!disposed)
UnrealAgentHelper.Error (ex, "Unhandled error in agent thread");
} finally {
Dispose ();
bool Connect ()
var stream = client.GetStream ();
//don't wait forever on writes if other end is unresponsive
stream.WriteTimeout = 10000;
writer = new StreamWriter (stream, Encoding.UTF8);
reader = new StreamReader (stream, Encoding.UTF8);
var pid = Process.GetCurrentProcess ().Id;
if (!Write (sendHandshake + " " + pid))
return false;
var line = Read ();
if (line == null)
return false;
if (!line.StartsWith (recvHandshake, StringComparison.Ordinal)
|| !int.TryParse (line.Substring (recvHandshake.Length).Trim (), out remotePid))
UnrealAgentHelper.Error ("Bad handshake.");
return false;
UnrealAgentHelper.Log ("Handshake succeeded, connected to {0}", remotePid);
return true;
bool Write (string line)
var w = writer;
if (w == null)
return false;
try {
lock (w) {
w.WriteLine (line);
w.Flush ();
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!disposed) {
UnrealAgentHelper.Error (ex, "Unhandled error in agent");
Dispose ();
return false;
string Read ()
var r = reader;
if (r == null)
return null;
try {
return r.ReadLine ();
} catch {
if (disposed)
return null;
static void ParseCommand (string line, out string command, out string[] args)
int idx = line.IndexOf (' ');
if (idx < 0) {
command = line;
args = new string[0];
command = line.Substring (0, idx);
args = ProcessArgumentBuilder.Parse(line.Substring(idx + 1));
public bool Send (string name, params object[] args)
if (args.Length == 0)
return Write (name);
var pb = new ProcessArgumentBuilder ();
foreach (object o in args) {
pb.AddQuoted (o.ToString ());
return Write (pb.ToString ());
public void Close ()
UnrealAgentHelper.Log ("Disconnecting");
try {
Write ("CLOSE");
// Analysis disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause
} catch {
Dispose ();
public void Dispose ()
if (disposed)
disposed = true;
var w = writer;
if (w != null) {
writer = null;
w.Dispose ();
var r = reader;
if (r != null) {
reader = null;
r.Dispose ();
var c = client;
if (c != null) {
client = null;
try {
c.Close ();
} catch (Exception ex) {
UnrealAgentHelper.Error (ex, "Unhandled error closing connection");
disposedHandler (this);
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