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Created December 14, 2023 20:44
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Save mhutter/3d549530146fee7d614cb2eee99ec1b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. in less than 100 lines of Rust
use std::{future::Future, pin::Pin};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
type PinFuture<O> = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = O> + Send>>;
/// Run your application
pub fn run<M, S, T>(app: M)
M: MakeServer<T, S>,
S: Server,
.expect("Failed building the Runtime")
.block_on(async {
let listener = TcpListener::bind("")
.expect("bind port");
println!("Listening to http://{}", listener.local_addr().unwrap());
/// Trait for async functions that can "make" a new server
/// Implementations are provided for function items with zero up to TBD arguments that each must
/// implement [`Inject`].
pub trait MakeServer<T, S: Server>: Send + 'static {
/// The future calling this `MakeServer` returns
type Future: Future<Output = S> + Send + 'static;
/// Call the `MakeServer`, injecting all dependencies
fn into_server(self) -> Self::Future;
impl<F, S> MakeServer<((),), S> for F
F: FnOnce() -> S + Send + 'static,
S: Server + 'static,
type Future = PinFuture<S>;
fn into_server(self) -> Self::Future {
Box::pin(async move { self() })
impl<F, S, T0> MakeServer<(T0,), S> for F
F: FnOnce(T0) -> S + Send + 'static,
S: Server + 'static,
T0: Inject,
type Future = PinFuture<S>;
fn into_server(self) -> Self::Future {
Box::pin(async move { self(Inject::inject().await) })
/// Types that can be "conjured up" magically in the background, and then injected into
/// [`MakeServer`] functions.
pub trait Inject {
/// Create, by whatever means necessary, the desired type.
async fn inject() -> Self;
impl Inject for i32 {
async fn inject() -> Self {
/// The Server trait defines how to start an application
pub trait Server {
/// Start handling requests on the given TCP listener.
async fn start(self, listener: TcpListener);
#[cfg(feature = "axum")]
impl Server for axum::Router {
async fn start(self, listener: TcpListener) {
axum::serve(listener, self.into_make_service())
.expect("start server");
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