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Last active October 2, 2019 11:31
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AWS SSM SSH ProxyCommand
#!/usr/bin/env sh
set -eu
######## Usage #################################################################
# #1 Install the AWS CLI
# #2 Install the Session Manager Plugin for the AWS CLI
# #3 Install ProxyCommand
# - Move this script to ~/.ssh/
# - Make it executable (chmod +x ~/.ssh/
# #4 Setup SSH Config
# - Add foolowing entry to your ~/.ssh/config
# host i-* mi-*
# ProxyCommand ~/.ssh/ %h %r %p
# #5 Ensure SSM Permissions fo Target Instance Profile
# #6 Ensure latest SSM Agent on Target Instance
# yum install -y & service amazon-ssm-agent restart
# #7 Open SSH Connection
# AWS_PROFILE='default' ssh ec2-user@i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Temporary add your public SSH key to authorized_keys on target instance
ssh_public_key="$(cat "${ssh_public_key_path}")"
echo "Temporary add your ssh key ${ssh_public_key_path} to authorized_keys on target instance ${ec2_instance_id}"
aws ssm send-command \
--instance-ids "${ec2_instance_id}" \
--document-name 'AWS-RunShellScript' \
--parameters commands="\"
[[ ! -d ~${ssh_user}/.ssh ]] && mkdir ~${ssh_user}/.ssh && chmod 700 ~${ssh_user}/.ssh && chown ${ssh_user}.${ssh_user} ~${ssh_user}/.ssh
cd ~${ssh_user}/.ssh || exit 1
grep -F '${ssh_public_key}' authorized_keys || echo '${ssh_public_key} ssm-session' >> authorized_keys
sleep ${ssh_public_key_timeout}
grep -v -F '${ssh_public_key}' authorized_keys > .tmp.authorized_keys
mv .tmp.authorized_keys authorized_keys
\"" \
--comment "grant ssh access for ${ssh_public_key_timeout} seconds"
# Start SSM SSH session
aws ssm start-session \
--target "${ec2_instance_id}" \
--document-name 'AWS-StartSSHSession' \
--parameters "portNumber=${ssh_port}"
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