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Created December 28, 2018 18:51
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"""Test of the scintillometry dedispersion routines on PSR B1937+21"""
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.format import open_memmap
import astropy.units as u
from baseband import guppi
from scintillometry.dispersion import Dedisperse
from scintillometry.functions import Square
from scintillometry.fourier import get_fft_maker
from scintillometry.integration import Stack
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
FFT = get_fft_maker('pyfftw', flags=['FFTW_ESTIMATE'], threads=4)
dm = 71.02227638 * u.pc /**3
# from polyco
f0 = (641.928224582360 + 2.78557046583437451/60.) * u.cycle / u.s
fh ='puppi_58245_B1937+21_0799.0010.raw')
frequency = (fh.header0['OBSFREQ']
- fh.header0['OBSBW'] / 2. # Down to bottom end
+ fh.header0['CHAN_BW'] / 2. # Up to center of channel 0
+ fh.header0['CHAN_BW'] * np.arange(4)) * u.MHz
def phase(t):
return ((t - square.start_time) * f0).to(u.cycle)
nbin = 64
dedisperse = Dedisperse(fh, dm, frequency=frequency, sideband=1, FFT=FFT)
square = Square(dedisperse)
stack = Stack(square, nbin, phase)
mm = open_memmap('stack.npy', 'w+', dtype='f4',
shape=(7000,) + stack.sample_shape)
lc = np.roll(mm, -nbin//3, axis=1)
plt.plot(np.arange(nbin)/nbin, lc.mean((0, 2, 3)))
ip = lc.mean((2, 3))[:, 46:53].sum(1)
mp = lc.mean((2, 3))[:, 12:19].sum(1)
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