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Created February 1, 2016 21:23
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Function to build a spatial points data frame of end nodes using a spatial lines data frame - function is a modification of SpatialLinesMidPoints in the R maptools package.
SpatialLinesEndPoints = function(sldf){
Lns <- slot(sldf, "lines")
hash_lns <- sapply(Lns, function(x) length(slot(x, "Lines")))
N <- sum(hash_lns)
endpoints <- matrix(NA, ncol = 2, nrow = N)
Ind <- integer(length = N)
ii <- 1
for (i in 1:length(Lns)) {
Lnsi <- slot(Lns[[i]], "Lines")
for (j in 1:hash_lns[i]) {
Ind[ii] <- i
endpoints[ii, ] <- slot(Lnsi[[j]], "coords")[nrow(slot(Lnsi[[j]], "coords")),]
ii <- ii + 1
if (is(sldf, "SpatialLinesDataFrame")) {
df0 <- slot(sldf, "data")[Ind, ]
df <-, Ind))
else df <- data.frame(Ind = Ind)
spdf <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(endpoints, data = df, proj4string = CRS(proj4string(sldf)))
# use example assuming a spatial lines data frame called spldf loaded in session
endpoints = SpatialLinesEndPoints(spldf)
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