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Forked from ksonda/usgs_sta_mainstem.R
Created December 6, 2022 20:07
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# read identifiers for Colorado River and Colorado River (TX) into simple features
colorado_river <- sf::read_sf("")
colorado_river_tx <- sf::read_sf("")
## Function that constructs query to retrive the latest discharge observation from the USGS
## SensorThings API endpoint for a given geoconnex mainstem uri
latest_obs_by_mainstem <- function(mainstem_uri){
url <- paste0(
"", #USGS SensorThings API Endpoint
"Locations?$filter=properties/mainstemURL%20eq%20%27", # Filter locations by mainstem URI
mainstem_uri, #pipe in desired URI from function parameter
"%27&$expand=Things($select=id)", #Get the gage at the location
"/Datastreams($filter=properties/ParameterCode%20eq%20%2700060%27;$select=description)", #get discharge data
"/Observations($top=1;$select=result,phenomenonTime;$orderBy=phenomenonTime%20desc)", #get the most recent reading
"&$resultFormat=GeoJSON" #return as GeoJSON
result <- sf::read_sf(url)
result$discharge_cfs <- as.numeric(result$`Things/0/Datastreams/0/Observations/0/result`)
result <- result[which(!$discharge_cfs)),]
## map the two rivers
m <- mapview(colorado_river,color="purple") + mapview(colorado_river_tx,color="orange")
## add Colorado River discharges
CR <- latest_obs_by_mainstem("")
m <- m + mapview(CR,zcol='discharge_cfs',"latest discharge on Colorado River")
## add Colorado River (TX) discharges
CR_TX <- latest_obs_by_mainstem("")
m <- m + mapview(CR_TX,zcol='discharge_cfs',"latest discharge on Colorado River (TX)")
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