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Last active March 21, 2023 13:40
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  • Save mhyee/06e250cdc30a560cdaaea09078cfd6f3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"Compile" code with the OpenAI Codex model
# Super simple "compiler" that uses OpenAI's Codex model.
# The Codex API was free before being discontinued on March 23, 2023.
# Usage:
# ./ input_file > out
# Requirements:
# - OpenAI API key (set the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY)
# - jq (
file=$(cat $1 | awk -v ORS='\\n' 1 | sed 's/"/\\"/g')
prompt="Turn this into x86 assembly:\n$file\nmain:"
echo -n "main:"
curl \
--silent \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \
-d \
\"model\": \"code-davinci-002\",
\"prompt\": \"$prompt\",
\"max_tokens\": 256,
\"temperature\": 0.2,
\"top_p\": 0.95,
\"n\": 1,
\"stop\": [\";\", \"/*\", \"\\\\#\"]
}" | jq -r '.choices[0].text'
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