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Last active November 21, 2019 16:57
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Installing ElementaryOS juno on Ryzen 3000 CPUs


Like /u/vikaskrr said, you could wait for eOS 5.1 which should drop soon(ish). If you're like me and hate waiting, you can follow what I did to get eOS working on my Ryzen 3900X that I use at work:

The general flow here is that Elementary is using old versions of standard linux packages and an old Linux kernel. This can cause newer devices to not work at all or have device incompatability. In my case, the old Linux kernel and old system daemon caused issues with my Ryzen 3000 chip. What we want to do is patch the Elementary OS ISO to use up to date packages and a brand spanking new linux kernel, all before we flash it onto a bootable media and try to install eOS. This can be done by effectively "logging into" the ISO and getting a terminal prompt for the ISO, performing your changes, and then rebuilding the ISO with your changes. Here we go!

If you have an existing Linux Distro installed on your system that can run apps made for Ubuntu, skip steps 1-3 and go right to 4.

  1. Get a bootable disk of Ubuntu 19.04. This has an up to date kernel and system daemon (which caused issues on the 3000 series Ryzen chips).

  2. Try to boot Ubuntu 19.04. If it boots, then the rest of the steps should help. If it doesn't boot, then we have bigger issues.

  3. Install Ubuntu 19.04

  4. Install Cubic (link here for instructions). This will let us chroot into the ISO and perform our changes

  5. Download Elementary OS's ISO to this Ubuntu partition

  6. Run Cubic and use it to enter into Elementary's ISO. The prompts are pretty self explanatory but feel free to reach out if this gets confusing

  7. When you receive the terminal prompt for the ISO, perform apt update && apt upgrade (I did this twice to be sure everything got upgraded).

  8. Ensure PPA support is enabled in your elementary ISO: apt install software-properties-common

  9. Install Ukuu inside of the elementary ISO (use the terminal you just did apt update && apt upgrade through), follow the instructions under the Ubuntu Install section of this

  10. Use the following command to install the latest Linux kernel inside your elementary ISO: ukuu --install-latest

  11. Now finish off the ISO by following Cubic's prompts again. This will rebuild the entire ISO with the updated packages and new kernel!

  12. When Cubic finishes, it will produce a new ISO. Use Etcher to burn it to a flash drive and try that out!

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions!

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