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Last active July 2, 2020 23:37
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About me and my work

About Me

I have worked for Oregon State University as a Student Analyst / Programmer for two years now, while completing a B.S. in Computer Science. Most of my work is in a Java-like language called Apex, along with some front-end JavaScript. My work runs on the Salesforce platform used by the university. I also like to contribute to open-source projects from time to time.

Some of my favorite topics

  • Contributing to the elementaryOS project. This is my favorite linux distro and I want to help it grow. I contribute new features for some of the apps that ship with the distribution.

  • Systems Programming (kernels, bootloaders, Linux system-api). I love seeing how things are made, and the best way for me to do that is through investigating and trying to replicate how an operating system is made.

    • Checkout my os-adventures repo for more of what I mean by this.
  • I have explored developing apps for MacOS, and even created a small weather application that reaches out to a weather REST API. However I no longer own a Macbook.

  • Machine Learning. I spent about a year during my time as a student really diving into this topic, from the usual ML, Data Mining and AI course, to Linear Algebra (essentials and proofs)!

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