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Created December 10, 2015 12:08
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example using reselect
/// <reference path="../../typings/tsd.d.ts" />
import * as React from 'react';
import {Component, PropTypes} from 'react';
import {connect} from 'react-redux';
import {bindActionCreators} from 'redux';
import {createSelector} from 'reselect';
import * as ReactPureRenderMixin from 'react-addons-pure-render-mixin';
import * as Immutable from 'immutable';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
// actions
import {push} from '../actions/router';
import {toggleFlowManagerView} from '../actions/ui';
// material-ui components
import {AppBar, IconButton, LeftNav, ToolbarGroup} from 'material-ui';
// material icons
let ActionViewList = require('react-material-icons/icons/action/view-list');
let ActionViewModule = require('react-material-icons/icons/action/view-module');
let NavigationMenuIcon = require('react-material-icons/icons/navigation/menu');
export class Viewport extends Component<any, any> {
static mixins = [ReactPureRenderMixin];
refs: {
onLeftNavChange() {
let {push} = this.props.actions;
onToggleViewClick() {
let {toggleFlowManagerView} = this.props.actions;
onMenuButtonClick() {
getStyles() {
return {
root: {
appBar: {
root: {
transition: "top 300ms",
position: "fixed",
zIndex: 10,
top: "0px",
left: "0px",
width: "100%"
fullView: {
transition: "opacity 300ms",
textAlign: "center",
opacity: 1,
top: "0px"
compactView: {
root: {
position: "absolute",
zIndex: 10,
top: "8px",
left: "8px"
logo: {
display: "inline-block",
position: "relative",
height: "24px",
top: "4px"
childCt: {
transition: "padding-top 300ms",
paddingTop: "64px"
leftNav: {
zIndex: 100
renderAppBar() {
let {appBarViewMode, flowManagerViewMode} = this.props;
let logo = "/themes/default/images/logo-light.png";
let styles = this.getStyles();
let onMenuButtonClick = this.onMenuButtonClick.bind(this);
let onToggleViewClick = this.onToggleViewClick.bind(this);
// animate to compact view
if (appBarViewMode === 'compact') {
logo = "/themes/default/images/logo-dark.png";
// reduce appbar width for compact mode
styles.appBar.root.width = "166px";
// fadeout and hide the full appbar
styles.appBar.fullView.transition = "opacity 300ms, top 0ms 300ms"; = "-64px";
styles.appBar.fullView.opacity = 0;
else if (appBarViewMode === 'hidden') { = "-64px";
let btnColor = (appBarViewMode === 'compact')
? "black"
: "white";
let iconElementLeft = (
<IconButton onClick={onMenuButtonClick}>
<NavigationMenuIcon color={btnColor} />
let viewModeIcon = (flowManagerViewMode === 'list')
? <ActionViewModule color={btnColor}/>
: <ActionViewList color={btnColor} />;
let iconElementRight = (
<IconButton onClick={onToggleViewClick}>
return (
<div style={styles.appBar.root}>
<AppBar ref="appBar" style={styles.appBar.fullView} iconElementRight={iconElementRight}/>,
<div style={styles.appBar.compactView.root}>
<img style={styles.appBar.compactView.logo} src={logo} />
render() {
let {appBarViewMode, leftNavMenuItems} = this.props;
let styles = this.getStyles();
leftNavMenuItems = leftNavMenuItems.toJS();
if (appBarViewMode !== "full") {
styles.childCt.paddingTop = "0px";
let onLeftNavChange = this.onLeftNavChange.bind(this);
console.log('render viewport');
return (
<div style={styles.root}>
<LeftNav style={styles.leftNav} ref="leftNav" docked={false} menuItems={leftNavMenuItems}
onChange={onLeftNavChange} />
<div style={styles.childCt}>
// map state to props using a selector
export const selector = createSelector(
state => state.getIn(['ui', 'appBar', 'viewMode']),
state => state.getIn(['ui', 'flowManager', 'viewMode']),
state => state.getIn(['ui', 'leftNav', 'menuItems'])
(appBarViewMode, flowManagerViewMode, leftNavMenuItems) => {
return {
// map and bind dispatchable actions to props
export const actions = (dispatch, props) => {
return {
actions: bindActionCreators(
// connect component to redux store
export default connect(selector, actions)(Viewport);
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