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Created September 3, 2011 01:12
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Ellipsis mediante JavaScript
var ellipsisId= 'ellipsis_test_element';
var ellipsisElement= null;
function insertEllipsisElement(){
if( !ellipsisElement){
ellipsisElement= document.createElement( 'div'); ellipsisId;
document.body.appendChild( ellipsisElement);
function substring( text, i, f){
return text.substr( i, f);
this.autoEllipseText=function(element, text, width)
var inSpan= document.createElement( 'span'); "ellipsisSpan";
inSpan.className= element.className;"nowrap";"hidden";
var returnText= text;
ellipsisElement.appendChild( inSpan);
inSpan.innerHTML = text;
if(inSpan.offsetWidth > width)
var i = 0;
inSpan.innerHTML = '';
returnText= binarySearch( inSpan, text, width);
// returnText= bruteForceSearch( inSpan, text, width);
ellipsisElement.removeChild( inSpan);
return returnText;
function bruteForceSearch( inSpan, text, width){
// Version of the algorithm with brute force search
var i= 0;
while( inSpan.offsetWidth < (width) && i < text.length)
inSpan.innerHTML = text.substr(0,i) + '&hellip;';
return text.substr( 0, i-1) + '&hellip';
function binarySearch( inSpan, text, width){
var left= 0;
var right= text.length;
var c= right;
// Version of the algorithm with binary search
while ((c = Math.floor((right + left) / 2)) > left) {
inSpan.innerHTML = text.substr(0, c) + '&hellip;';
if ( inSpan.offsetWidth > width) right = c;
else left = c;
return text.substr( 0, c) + '&hellip';
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