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Forked from ydn/gist:389725
Created November 22, 2010 20:24
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Save mich-cook/710604 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Contextual search module that I checked in under ydn account. Forked so I have a pointer to it
// This block of code creates the YDN Rack module that supports searching within
// a set of docs. Previously, the only search functionality would scour the entire
// site for the terms entered. This module aims to provide contextual search
// within documentation so a user can more easily find something related to the
// docs currently being presented. We use a bunch of y! technology to do the heavy
// lifting and that's awesome that we just have to manufacture the glue.
// Depends on having YUI 3+ seed on the page ahead of it. eg:
// <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
// Assumes it's on a regular YDN page which will have a ydnRack id on it.
YUI.namespace(''); = (function() {
// the initial markup for the search box. Since the whole thing is JS,
// we don't want strange markup artifacts if there's no JS or whatever.
var boxInit = '<div id="ydn-search-module" class="fadeBox"><div class="hd"><p class="title">Search This Book</p></div>' +
'<div class="bd"><div id="ydn-search-module-inputs"><input id="search-input" accesskey="d">' +
'<button id="search-button">Search!</button></div><div id="ydn-search-module-results"></div></div></div>';
YUI().use('io', 'substitute', 'gallery-yql', 'event-key', function(Y) {
// This piece of code takes the search results that come back, sticks them
// into a JS object, and hammers that out into a markup UL on the page.
// YUI 3 modules used: node, substitute
// in: searchResults (object) the object that comes back from the
// XDR request to YQL.
// out: None. Sets the markup in the search module according to the conditions
// of the results set passed in. Nothing is returned.
var showSearchResults = function(searchResults) {
// container for the formatted results of the search
var resultsOutput = Y.Node.get('#ydn-search-module-results'),
// this is a template that's used to generate the LIs
// for each search result
liTemplate = "<li><a href=\"{url}\">{title}</a></li>",
// the string of markup that's stuck back into the rack
markup = '', i;
// show the results if we have them
if(searchResults && (searchResults.count != 0)) {
// start off the unordered list
markup = '<ul>';
// iterate over all the search results
// use the LI template from above to fill in the specific values
// and append it to the markup string
for (i = 0; i < searchResults.count; i+=1) {
markup += Y.Lang.substitute(liTemplate, searchResults.results.result[i]);
// close off the unordered list so it's ready to append to the DOM
markup += '</ul>';
} else {
// For whatever reason, there were no results. Message to user.
markup = "<p>No results returned.</p>";
// hook the markup on the DOM now that it's complete
resultsOutput.set("innerHTML", markup);
// This piece of code is called from the YQL request if there's an error.
// All it does is ignore the error and all the parameters passed in and
// sticks an error in the results container. Not much else important to
// say about these two lines of code.
// YUI 3 modules used: node
// in: None.
// out: None. Just sticks an error string in the results div.
// We don't really care what the error was - we always have the
// same string.
showError = function() {
// grab the results div
var resultsOutput = Y.Node.get('#ydn-search-module-results');
// stick the error in the results div
resultsOutput.set('innerHTML', '<p>There was an error fetching the search results.</p>');
// This does the XDR from yql using the yql gallery module. We just tell it
// what query to make and what to do with the results and call it a day.
// YUI 3 modules used: node, Lang.substitute, io
// in: None. We just grab the data from the page.
// out: None. Makes the XDR call and lets the callbacks handle
// things from there.
fetchData = function(e, truesearch) {
// this stops the bubbling and such. not necessarily useful here
// except that the shift+enter event will also fire the enter event
// without this.
// these four vars pretty much just generate path. They strip off the
// prefix that we use on alpha (/ydndrafts) and strip off and filename
// that might be in the URL. The result is the prod path.
var regex = /^\/ydndrafts/i, pathend = location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/'), path = location.pathname.slice(0,pathend +1).replace(regex,''),
// This was a requested feature.
// We test for the value passed in and the e.shiftKey
// property just to be thorough. Hitting return will give return
// filtered results. Shift-return will give developers
// complete results.
excluded = (truesearch || e.shiftKey)?'':' filetype:html',
// this gets the user input for the search
input = Y.get('#search-input'),
// make the YQL call. Use the path var from above and what the user has typed
// into the input box
yqlQuery = new Y.yql('select * from search.web where query="' + input.get("value") + ' path:' + path + excluded + '"');
// the function to be called when the query event (results returned) is fired
yqlQuery.on('query', showSearchResults);
// the function to be called if there's an error making the YQL call
yqlQuery.on('error', showError);
// This is called once the DOM has settled. It adds the initial module with
// the title and search box/button.
// YUI 3 modules used: node
// in: None.
// out: None. Adds the search box to the top of the YDN rack then attaches
// the search functionality onto the search button.
function init() {
// create the module with the search button and input field in the ydnRack
var rackGrid = Y.Node.get('#ydnRack');
// hook the functionality onto the button's click
Y.on('click', fetchData, "#search-button");
// handle shift-return for truesearch
Y.on('key', fetchData, '#search-input', 'down:13+shift', Y, true);
// handle return on the search box
Y.on('key', fetchData, '#search-input', 'down:13', Y, false);
// wait until the DOM stops wobbling before we start messing with it.
Y.on('domready', init);
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