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Last active May 6, 2016 19:32
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(page "index.html")
(defc db (sorted-map))
(defn append-item! [txt] (swap! db assoc (gensym) txt))
(defn edit-item! [id txt] (swap! db assoc id txt))
(defn delete-item! [id] (swap! db dissoc id))
(cell= (println (pr-str db)))
(defmethod do! :value2
[elem k [v]]
(let [$e (js/jQuery elem)]
(when-not (.data $e "hoplon-value")
(when (cell? v)
(.data $e "hoplon-value" true)
(.on $e "keyup" #(with-timeout 0 (.val $e @v)))
(do-watch v #(.val $e %2))))))
(h3 "Item database")
(textarea :cols "80" :rows "10" :disabled "true" (cell= (pr-str db)))
(h3 "Add an item")
(let [new-item (cell "")]
:submit #(dosync
(append-item! @new-item)
(reset! new-item ""))
:value new-item
:type "text"
:keyup #(reset! new-item @%))
(button "Add"))))
(h3 "See and edit items")
:bindings [[id txt] db]
:value2 [txt]
:keyup #(if (empty? @%)
(delete-item! @id)
(edit-item! @id @%)))))))))
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