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Created December 5, 2016 00:45
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(ns app.ui.login
(:require [ :as cks]
[app.rpc :as rpc]
[ui.form :as form]
[ui.button :as button]
[workflow.form :as workflow]
[ui.modal :as modal]
[ :as app]
[cemerick.url :refer [url]]))
(defn organization []
(.get "organization"))
(defn email []
(if-let [e (.get "email")]
(js/decodeURIComponent e)))
;; parse query params, set cookie, refresh
(defn login-cookies
[email organization]
(let [cookies (->> [[:email email] [:network organization]]
(filter second))]
(and (not-empty cookies) cookies)))
;; if there are login query params, put in in cookies and reload page
(let [q (:query (url (.-href js/location)))
cookies ( js/document)
kvs (->> ["email" "organization"]
(map (fn [k] [k (get q k)]))
(filter second))]
(when (not-empty kvs)
(doseq [[k v] kvs]
(.set cookies k v))
(aset js/location "href" "/")))
(def schema
{:network (organization)
:email (email)
:password nil})
(defn logged-in
(fn [form-machine]
(.set "organization" @(:network (:data form-machine)))
(workflow/reset form-machine)
(reset! current-login (assoc schema :network (organization)))))
(defelem index
[attr kids]
(let [current-login (cell {:network (organization)
:email (email)
:password nil})
forgot (cell false)
!forgot (cell= (not forgot))
titles {true "Recover Password" false "Log In"}
link-text (cell= (if forgot "Cancel" "I forgot my password"))]
(form/with-form [{:keys [data error state exception loading] :as form-machine}
:current current-login
:action #((if @forgot rpc/forgot rpc/login) %)
:schema schema
:success (logged-in current-login))]
:size :md
(span :text (cell= (titles forgot)))))
:submit #(workflow/submit form-machine)
(form/with-field :network
(label "Organization")
:focus-select !forgot)
(form/with-field :email
(label "Email Address")
(form/text-input :focus-select forgot)
(form/with-field :password
:toggle !forgot
(label "Password")
:class "text-left"
(form/submit-primary "Submit")
:click #(swap! forgot not)
:text (cell= (titles (not forgot))))))))))
attr kids))
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