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Last active January 31, 2022 15:54
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(ns org.niskin.micha.update-in-matching
(:require [clojure.core.match :as match]))
;; misc helpers
(defn- cartesian-product
[[:a] [:b] [:c]]
[[ 1] [ 2] [ 3]])
;;=> [[:a 1] [:a 2] [:a 3]
[:b 1] [:b 2] [:b 3]
[:c 1] [:c 2] [:c 3]]
[left right]
(vec (for [x left y right] (into x y))))
(defn- paths
(paths {:a [{:b {:c 1}} {:b {:c 2} :d 100}]})
;;=> #{[] [:a] [:a 0] [:a 1] [:a 0 :b] [:a 1 :b] [:a 1 :d] [:a 0 :b :c] [:a 1 :b :c]}
(if (coll? coll)
(set (reduce-kv #(into %1 (into [[] [%2]] (cartesian-product [[%2]] (paths %3)))) [] coll))
(defn- matching-paths
{:a {:b {:c 100}}}
#(when (= % [:a :b]) :foo))
;;=> ([[:a :b] :foo])
[coll pred]
(keep #(when-let [v (pred %)] [% v]) (paths coll)))
(defn- update-in-matching*
{:a {:b {:c 100}}}
[#(when (= % [:a :b :c]) inc)])
;;=> {:a {:b {:c 101}}}
[coll preds]
(letfn [(reduce-preds
[xs pred]
(reduce reduce-paths xs (matching-paths xs pred)))
[xs [path f]]
(let [f (if (fn? f) f (constantly f))]
(if (seq path) (update-in xs path f) (f xs))))]
(reduce reduce-preds coll preds)))
(defmacro matcher
[:a _ :c] :OK1
[:a :x _] :OK2)
[:a :x :d])
;;=> :OK2
[& rules]
(let [rules (->> rules (partition 2) (mapcat #(update (vec %) 0 vector)))]
`(fn [x#] (match/match [x#] ~@rules :else nil))))
;; API
(defmacro update-in-matching
{:a {:b [{:c 100} {:c 200}]}}
[] #(assoc % :z 1)
[:z] inc
[:a :b _ _] 42
[:a :b 0 _] :foop)
;;=> {:a {:b [{:c :foop} {:c 42}]}, :z 2}
[coll & rules]
`(update-in-matching* ~coll [~@(map (fn [x] `(matcher ~@x)) (partition 2 rules))]))
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