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Created November 21, 2016 02:50
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(ns workflow.form
[castra.core :as castra]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[ :as data]))
;; Form data manager ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defn- reset-vals!
[map-of-cells default]
(doseq [v (vals map-of-cells)]
(reset! v default)))
(defn- set-error-cells!
[promise {:keys [error state exception]}]
(.always promise #(let [e (ex-data %)]
(reset! exception (ex-message %))
(doseq [[k v] error]
(let [err (get e k)]
(reset! v (or err "")))))))
(defprotocol IFormMachine
(submit [this])
(validate [this])
(reset [this]))
(defrecord FormMachine
[data error action callback state exception loading diff dirty?]
(-deref [this]
(->> data (reduce (fn [xs [k v]] (assoc xs k @v)) {})))
(submit [this]
(swap! loading inc)
(-> (action @this)
(set-error-cells! this)
(.fail #(reset! state :error))
(.done #(callback this))
(.always #(swap! loading dec))))
(validate [this]
(when (#{:error :no-error} @state)
(binding [castra/*validate-only* true]
(-> (action @this)
(set-error-cells! this)
(.fail #(reset! state :error))
(.done #(reset! state :no-error))))))
(reset [this]
(with-let [_ this]
(reset! exception nil)
(reset! state :incomplete)
(reset-vals! data ::nil)
(reset-vals! error nil))))
(defn- form-data-cell
[k default current]
(let [store (cell ::nil)]
(cell= (let [v (get current k)]
(cond (not= ::nil store) store
(not (nil? v)) v
:else default))
(partial reset! store))))
(defn data-map
[schema current]
(reduce (fn [xs [k v]] (assoc xs k (form-data-cell k v current))) {} schema))
(defn- error-map
(reduce (fn [xs [k v]] (assoc xs k (cell nil))) {} schema))
(defn- prep-diff
(walk/prewalk #(when (not= % "") %) x))
(defn- diff-cell
[schema current data]
(->> (cons current (vals data))
(apply (formula (fn [curr & vs]
(let [ks (keys data)
new (prep-diff (zipmap ks vs))
old (prep-diff (select-keys curr ks))]
(when (seq old) (data/diff old new))))))))
(defn form-machine
[& {:keys [action schema current success]}]
(let [data (data-map schema current)
diff (diff-cell schema current data)
this {:data data
:error (error-map schema)
:action action
:callback (or success (fn [& _]))
:state (cell :incomplete)
:exception (cell nil)
:loading (cell 0)
:diff diff
:dirty? (cell= (not-every? nil? (take 2 diff)))}]
(with-let [this (map->FormMachine this)]
(add-watch current (gensym) #(reset this))
(add-watch diff (gensym) #(validate this)))))
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