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Last active July 26, 2016 00:57
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(ns hoplon.binding
(:refer-clojure :exclude [binding bound-fn])
(:require [clojure.core :as clj]
[cljs.analyzer :as a]
[cljs.compiler :as c]))
(defmethod a/error-message ::export
[warning-type info]
(str (:name info) " not declared ^:export"))
(defn- confirm-export [env var]
(when-not (:export var)
(clj/binding [a/*cljs-warnings* (assoc a/*cljs-warnings* ::export true)]
(a/warning ::export env var))))
(defmacro binding
"Like clojure.core/binding, but can be used with bound-fn. The bindings
should not be declared ^:dynamic, they must be declared ^:export instead."
[bindings & body]
(let [cljs-env (assoc &env :ns (a/get-namespace a/*cljs-ns*))
val-exprs (take-nth 2 (rest bindings))
cljs-vars (->> (take-nth 2 bindings)
(map (partial a/resolve-existing-var cljs-env)))
gensyms (take (count cljs-vars) (repeatedly gensym))
js-names (map (comp str c/munge :name) cljs-vars)]
(doseq [v cljs-vars] (confirm-export cljs-env v))
`(let [~@(interleave gensyms val-exprs)]
(hoplon.binding/push-thread-bindings ~(zipmap js-names gensyms))
(try ~@body (finally (hoplon.binding/pop-thread-bindings))))))
(defmacro bound-fn
"Creates a function, capturing the dynamic bindings in place. When the
function is applied the saved bindings are set before evaluating the body
and restored after. See clojure.core/bound-fn."
[args & body]
`(hoplon.binding/bound-fn* (fn [~@args] ~@body)))
(ns hoplon.binding
(:refer-clojure :exclude [binding])
(:require-macros [hoplon.binding :as b]))
(def ^:export tmp "Temporary variable for eval." nil)
(def thread-bindings "Stack of binding maps." (atom []))
(def global-bindings "Map of initial var bindings." (atom {}))
(defn push-thread-bindings
"Given a map with munged js variable names (as strings) for keys and the
binding values as values, sets the variables to their new values and adds
the binding map to the thread-bindings stack. If there are aren't yet any
bindings for a variable its current value is stored in the global-bindings
map so it can be restored later."
(let [current (apply merge @thread-bindings)]
(swap! thread-bindings conj binding-map)
(doseq [[k v] binding-map]
(when-not (contains? current k)
(swap! global-bindings assoc k (js* "eval(~{})" k)))
(set! hoplon.binding.tmp v)
(js* "eval(~{})" (str k " = hoplon.binding.tmp" )))))
(defn pop-thread-bindings
"Pops the topmost binding map from thread-bindings stack and restores the
variables to their previous saved states."
(let [popped (peek @thread-bindings)
current (apply merge (swap! thread-bindings pop))]
(doseq [k (keys popped)]
(set! hoplon.binding.tmp (get current k (get @global-bindings k)))
(js* "eval(~{})" (str k " = hoplon.binding.tmp" )))))
(defn bound-fn*
"Given a function f, returns a new function capturing the current bindings
in its closure. When the returned function is invoked the saved bindings
are pushed and set, f is applied to the arguments, and bindings are restored
to their previous values."
(let [binding-map (apply merge @thread-bindings)]
(fn [& args]
(push-thread-bindings binding-map)
(try (apply f args) (finally (pop-thread-bindings))))))
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micha commented Jul 26, 2016

Use case:

(binding [*state* (cell 100)]
      :click (bound-fn [_] (swap! *state* inc))
      (cell= (str *state* " clicks so far...")))))

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