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Forked from bsima/client.cljs
Last active September 29, 2015 19:12
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(ns bio.nebula.client
"State handler for all of the client-side stuff."
(:require-macros [javelin.core :refer [defc defc= cell=]]
[hoplon.core :refer [loop-tpl defelem]])
[javelin.core :as j :refer [cell]]
[castra.core :as c :refer [mkremote]]
[hoplon.core :as h]))
;; card component state
(defc state {})
(defc error nil)
(defc= error-message (when error (.-message error)))
(defc loading ["loading"])
(defc= needs-funding-cards (:needs-funding-cards state))
;; api functions for getting cards that need funding
(def get-state (mkremote 'bio.nebula.card/get-state state error loading))
(defn init []
(js/setInterval (get-state) 200))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; views ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defelem label [{:keys [color name]}]
(h/div :class (str "ui label " color) name))
(defelem card-model [{:kesy [card] :as attrs} children]
(cell-let [{:keys [name owner image labels url desc] :as ks} card]
(h/div :class "item"
(h/div :class "image"
(h/img :src image))
(h/div :class "content"
(h/div :class "header card-title" (h/text name))
(h/div :class "meta"
(h/span :class "owner card-owner" (cell= (:name owner)))
(loop-tpl :bindings [l labels]
(label :text l)))
(h/div :class "description" :text desc)
(h/div :class "extra"
(h/a :class "ui right floated basic button" :href url :target "_blank"
"View on Trello")
(h/button :class "ui right floated green button fund-me"
"Fund Me"))))))
(def cards-view
(h/div :class "ui segment"
(h/div :id "cards" :class "ui divided items"
(loop-tpl :bindings [card needs-funding-cards]
(card-model :card card)))))
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