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# Lenguaje Ensamblador
## Apuntes del libro "Lenguaje Ensamblador Para Computadoras Basadas en Intel 5ed"
## Epilogo
En los primeros años de los programadores se usaba el assembler para programar las aplicaciones, esto por que se limitaba a
el hardware de aquellos dias, al momento que los procesadores fueron mas rapidos y con mayor capacidad en paralelo fue permitiendole
a el programador dejar la optmizacion por la funcionalidad del software se introdujeron lenguajes como FORTRAN, COBOL, C hasta llegar
a lenguajes de alto nivel como C++, Java, C#, GO.
nilforooshan /
Last active November 8, 2023 00:19
sh: chmod and permission


In a Unix/Linux operating systems, chmod is the command, which may change the access permissions to files and directories.
It works if the user has the right to change the file or directory permission.
When you use ll or ls -l for files, or ls -ld for directories, you will see access permissions as 10 characters before the name of the file or directory. The first character to the left is d for directories, and - for files.
To understand the file permission, consider the following table.

- rwx rwx rwx
user group other
nicolasrosa /
Last active February 14, 2022 02:42 — forked from morgangiraud/
NVIDIA, CUDA, CUDNN and Tensorflow Installation
# Script to reinstall manually nvidia drivers,cuda 9.0 and cudnn 7.1 on Ubuntu 16.04
# Remove anything linked to nvidia
sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia*
sudo apt-get autoremove
# Search for your driver
apt search nvidia
# Select one driver (the last one is a decent choice)
lucidfrontier45 / .hadoop_aliases
Created October 23, 2015 15:13
hadoop command aliases
alias hls='hdfs dfs -ls'
alias hlsr='hdfs dfs -lsr'
alias hdu='hdfs dfs -du'
alias hdus='hdfs dfs -dus'
alias hcount='hdfs dfs -count'
alias hmv='hdfs dfs -mv'
alias hcp='hdfs dfs -cp'
alias hrm='hdfs dfs -rm'
alias hrmr='hdfs dfs -rmr'
alias hexpunge='hdfs dfs -expunge'
mhitza / Makefile
Last active June 4, 2024 00:37
Programming Arduino Uno (ATmega386P) in assembly
%.hex: %.asm
avra -fI $<
rm *.eep.hex *.obj *.cof
all: $(patsubst %.asm,%.hex,$(wildcard *.asm))
upload: ${program}.hex
avrdude -c arduino -p m328p -P /dev/arduino-uno -b 115200 -U flash:w:$<
davialexandre /
Created October 5, 2012 22:49
Script bash gerador de CPF
for i in {10..2}
NUMERO=$((`cat /dev/urandom|od -N1 -An -i` % 9))
if [ $RESTO -lt 2 ]