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Created June 21, 2013 19:31
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Filter testimonials_widget_content example
add_filter( 'testimonials_widget_content', array( &$this, 'truncate_content' ), 10, 4 );
public function truncate_content( $content, $widget_number, $source, $atts ) {
$char_limit = $atts['char_limit'];
$excerpt_read_more = $atts['excerpt_read_more'];
$force_read_more = $atts['force_read_more'];
$hide_read_more = $atts['hide_read_more'];
$nofollow_read_more = $atts['nofollow_read_more'];
$content_bare = strip_tags( $content );
if ( ! $force_read_more ) {
if ( $hide_read_more ) {
return $content;
} elseif ( ! $excerpt_read_more ) {
if ( empty( $char_limit ) || strlen( $content_bare ) <= $char_limit )
return $content;
if ( empty( $source['post_id'] ) )
return $content;
// regenerate content
$content = $source['testimonial_content'];
$content = Testimonials_Widget::format_content( $content, $widget_number, $atts );
if ( empty ( $source['testimonial_read_more_link'] ) ) {
$post_id = $source['post_id'];
$post_permalink = post_permalink( $post_id );
} else {
$post_permalink = $source['testimonial_read_more_link'];
$post_title = $source['testimonial_source'];
$close_quote = Testimonials_Widget::$tag_close_quote;
$content = preg_replace( '#' . $close_quote . '.*$#', '', $content );
$more_text = '';
if ( ! empty( $char_limit ) && strlen( $content_bare ) > $char_limit )
$more_text .= apply_filters( 'testimonials_widget_premium_more_ellipsis', __( '…', 'testimonials-widget-premium' ) );
$more_text .= $close_quote;
$more_text .= ' ';
$more_text .= '<a href="';
$more_text .= $post_permalink;
$more_text .= '"';
if ( $nofollow_read_more )
$more_text .= ' rel="nofollow"';
$more_text .= ' title="';
$more_text .= apply_filters( 'testimonials_widget_premium_link_title_text', __( 'Complete testimonial by ', 'testimonials-widget-premium' ) );
$more_text .= $post_title;
$more_text .= '" class="more-link">';
$more_text .= apply_filters( 'testimonials_widget_premium_more_text', __( 'Read more', 'testimonials-widget-premium' ) );
$more_text .= '</a>';
$content = Testimonials_Widget::testimonials_truncate( $content, $char_limit, $more_text, true );
$content = force_balance_tags( $content );
return $content;
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