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Created October 4, 2023 19:17
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Modular python wrapper for ILP solvers
import importlib
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Literal
class NoSolutionsError(Exception):
"""Raised if a model is infeasible."""
class SolverMeta(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def solve(time_limit, threads, log_path) -> None:
time_limit (int): Max time limit in seconds
threads (int): Max thread usage
log_path (str): Path to log file to write
raise NotImplementedError
class IlpSolverMeta(SolverMeta):
"""Meta class for ILP solvers. Child classes must implement all abstract classes"""
VALID_VARIABLE_TYPES = set(['b', 'c', 'i'])
def add_var(self, name: str, type: Literal['b', 'c', 'i'], lb: int=0, ub=None):
"""Adds variable to solver model. Calls self._add_var
name (str): Name of variable
type (str): One of ('c', 'b', 'i')
lb (int, optional): Lower bound of variable. Defaults to 0.
ub (_type_, optional): Upper bound of variable. Defaults to None which will result in being set to infinity
ValueError: If type is invalid
type = type.lower()
if type not in self.VALID_VARIABLE_TYPES:
raise ValueError(f'Variable type {type} not one of valid options: {str(self.VALID_VARIABLE_TYPES)}')
if ub is None:
ub = self.INF
return self._add_var(name, type, lb, ub)
def _add_var(self, name, type, lb, ub):
'''Private method to actually create the variant - to be implemented in child class'''
raise NotImplementedError
def solve(self, method: Literal['minimize', 'maximize'],
time_limit: int,
threads: int,
log_path: str) -> None:
"""Solve the model using self.objective as the objective function
method (Literal['minimize', 'maximize']): Maximize or minimize the objective functions
time_limit (int): Time limit in seconds
threads (int):
log_path (str): Path to save solver log if applicable
def add_constr(self, name: str, *args, **kwargs):
"""Add constraint. Args should include linear expression of variables.
name (str): Name of variable
raise NotImplementedError
def quicksum(self, expr: list):
"""Sum list of variables and coefficients and return linear expression.
expr (list): List of variables and coefficiants in form [var, -coef*var2,...]
raise NotImplementedError
def var_name(var):
"""Return variable name
var: Variable instance
raise NotImplementedError
def LinExpr(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return a linear expression instance
raise NotImplementedError
def get_value(self, var):
"""Return variable value
var: variable instance
raise NotImplementedError
class GurobiSolver(IlpSolverMeta):
def __init__(self, name):
self.gurobipy = importlib.import_module('gurobipy')
self.INF = self.gurobipy.GRB.INFINITY
getattr(self.gurobipy.GRB.status, v): v
for v in dir(self.gurobipy.GRB.status)
if v[:2] != '__'
self.model = self.gurobipy.Model(name)
def add_constr(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.model.addConstr(*args, **kwargs)
def addGenConstrAbs(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.model.addGenConstrAbs(*args, **kwargs)
def _add_var(self, name: str, type: str, lb: int=0, ub=None, *args, **kwargs):
if type == "b":
type = self.gurobipy.GRB.BINARY
elif type == "i":
type = self.gurobipy.GRB.INTEGER
type = self.gurobipy.GRB.CONTINUOUS
v = self.model.addVar(*args, vtype=type, lb=lb, ub=ub, name=name, **kwargs)
return v
def quicksum(self, expr):
return self.gurobipy.quicksum(expr)
def update(self):
def var_name(var):
return var.var_name
def LinExpr(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.gurobipy.LinExpr(*args, **kwargs)
def abssum(self, variables, coeffs=None):
total = 0
for i, v in enumerate(variables):
coeff = 1 if coeffs is None else coeffs[i]
absvar = self.add_var()
total += absvar * coeff
self.add_constr(absvar + v >= 0)
self.add_constr(absvar - v >= 0)
return total
def solve(self, objective=None, method='min', threads=6, time_limit=4000, log_path=None, MIPGap=None): # ret obj val
if objective is not None:
self.objective = objective
self.gurobipy.GRB.MINIMIZE if method == 'min' else self.gurobipy.GRB.MAXIMIZE
if time_limit: self.model.params.timeLimit = time_limit
self.model.params.threads = threads
# self.model.params.outputFlag = 1
self.model.params.LogToConsole = 1
if not log_path:
log_path = 'gurobi.log'
self.model.params.logFile = log_path
if MIPGap: self.model.params.MIPGap = MIPGap
status = self.GUROBI_STATUS[self.model.status]
if self.model.status == self.gurobipy.GRB.INFEASIBLE:
raise NoSolutionsError(status)
return status.lower(), self.model.objVal
# def solveAll(self, objective, var, method='min'):
# status, opt_value = self.solve(objective, method)
# solutions = [frozenset(a for a, y in var.items() if round(self.get_value(y)) > 0)]
# solutions += get_all_solutions(
# self, var, opt_value,
# candidates=solutions[0], iteration=0, mem=list()
# )
# solutions = [tuple(sorted(y for y in x)) for x in solutions]
# solutions = list(set(solutions))
# return status, opt_value, solutions
def get_value(self, var):
if var.vtype == self.gurobipy.GRB.BINARY:
return round(var.x) > 0
elif var.vtype == self.gurobipy.GRB.INTEGER:
return int(round(var.x))
return var.x
except AttributeError:
return var.getValue()
def changeUb(self, var, ub):
var.ub = ub
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