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Created October 4, 2012 09:03
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Save michael-newton-15below/3832369 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Service stress testing with EasyNetQ and F#
// Learn more about F# at
open EasyNetQ
open EasyNetQ.Loggers
open FifteenBelow.WindowsServices.Messages
open FifteenBelow.WindowsServices
open FifteenBelow.Utilities.Configuration
open FifteenBelow.Configuration.AppConfig
let mutable logger = new ConsoleLogger()
logger.Debug <- false
logger.Info <- false
let bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost", logger)
let mutable auditReport1 = new AuditReport()
auditReport1.Message <- "Hello from F#"
auditReport1.LogLevel <- EnumTypes.log4netLevels.DEBUG
auditReport1.FunctionName <- "Tester1"
auditReport1.ReportCode <- 6501
auditReport1.Occurrence <- System.DateTime.UtcNow
auditReport1.SourceServer <- "MyMachine"
auditReport1.SourceApplication <- "TestHarness"
let mutable auditReport2 = new AuditReport()
auditReport2.Message <- "Oh noes, I'm F# pretending to have gone wrong!"
auditReport2.LogLevel <- EnumTypes.log4netLevels.ERROR
auditReport2.FunctionName <- "Tester2"
auditReport2.ReportCode <- 6500
auditReport2.Occurrence <- System.DateTime.UtcNow
auditReport2.SourceServer <- "MyMachine"
auditReport2.SourceApplication <- "TestHarness"
let mutable appInfo = new ApplicationInformation()
appInfo.ApplicationName <- "TestHarness"
appInfo.ApplicationShortName <- "Test"
appInfo.EmailFromAddress <- ""
appInfo.HeartbeatInterval <- 0
appInfo.ApplicationID <- -1
appInfo.ConfigConnectionString <- "Nope"
appInfo.TaskTimeToLive <- 20
let sendMessages taskName report count =
let mutable message = new CreateAuditReportMessage()
message.ApplicationStructure <- appInfo
message.AuditReportObject <- report
let rec sendMessage message i =
using (bus.OpenPublishChannel()) (fun publishChan -> publishChan.Publish message)
if i % 1000 = 0 then printf "%s" taskName
if i < count then
sendMessage message (i + 1)
sendMessage message 1
taskName + " complete"
let sendErrors taskName report count =
let mutable message = new CreateErrorReportMessage()
message.ApplicationStructure <- appInfo
message.AuditReportObject <- report
let rec sendMessage message i =
using (bus.OpenPublishChannel()) (fun publishChan -> publishChan.Publish message)
if i % 1000 = 0 then printf "%s" taskName
if i < count then
sendMessage message (i + 1)
sendMessage message 1
taskName + " complete"
let task1 = async { return sendMessages "1" auditReport1 10000 }
let task2 = async { return sendMessages "2" auditReport1 10000 }
let task3 = async { return sendErrors "3" auditReport2 10000 }
let task4 = async { return sendErrors "4" auditReport2 10000 }
let startTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow
Async.RunSynchronously (Async.Parallel [task1;task2;task3;task4]) |> printfn "%A"
let endTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow
printfn "Done, taking %A" (endTime - startTime)
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